My reaction: I think the Bush administration regained a bit of control over the Iraq narrative — at least in the eyes of those who saw the speech (which, sadly, wasn’t broadcast on the major network news channels).
The Daily Kos readers’ reaction: Smirky McChimpyburton can’t even pronounce Abu Ghraib, the stupid lying smirky shrub! First nuc-ular, now Abu Ghraib! Yodelyodelyodelyodelgleeeee! Shrub shrub shrub shrub shrub shrubby McShrubshrub shrub.
See also: Atrios, readers of
update: here’s another view.
Great, just great.
Best Atrios’ reader comment:
“At least Saddam had things under control”…
That’s the beauty of industrial plastic shredders: efficiency.
At least Saddam made the Weapons of Mass Destruction run on time.
Don’t despair, France will make everything all right in the end. Yay France!