Those planning to attend the Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash v. 3.0 this Friday, please alert Zombyboy. He’s offering everyone who RSVPs in advance a set of custom-designed mud flaps.
Rumor has it my Zombyboy custom-designed mud flaps show a piping hot bowl of soup. Which is perfect, because I just loooooove soup!
RSVP today!
update: Talk Left’s Jeralyn Merritt chimes in: “Lynndie England is clearly the victim of a culture of entrenched, distaff oppression, a pawn to the powerbrokers, to the invisible hand of a Rumsfeldian military-industrial juntaphitum, and I intend to show that Ms England — wait, is that, a pearl onion floating in my gin? What, do you not know how to make a mar-freaking-tini, Margarite? Vamoos! Or I’ll find another Costa Rican bitch who knows an olive from an onion and wants to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, even if that means living in the crawlspace above my dog’s sweater closet…”
Yeah, but will there be a guest appearance by the hottie mooning everyone in the ad?
Also, maybe you could get whichever Bee Gee that is pictured at the bottom of your page to do a little concert too.
That’s Maurice. He’s dead.
Hmm..Better hire a medium then.
Is this where I point out the uncanny resemblance to Serpico for the home audience? Unless, of course, you weren’t actually dressed up like Pacino when that picture was taken, but if that’s the case you should probably use the Serpico story ‘cause gosh darn it’s a good’un.
Piping hot bowl of grits, you fool.
Thanks for ruining the surprise.
Damn it, yet one more good reason to return to Denver for a visit.
If I come back, will somebody throw me a drunken brawl? With mudflaps?
You show up and I’ll club Andy from WorldWideRant with a rolled up Steve Green.
Hahahahahahahaha-wish I could be there to see that….
Jeff, you big tease, you.
Ah, darn it! I just saw that Mrs. Protein Wisdom is gonna be there! Satchel is such a gorgeous kid, I would have loved to see the other half of his genetics dispenser…