
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2025


protein wisdom: the premium Bloody Mary


  • 6 oz. good-quality tomato juice
  • 2 oz. Absolut Peppar vodka
  • 1 oz. beef stock
  • 1/2 oz. clam juice
  • 1/4 oz. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 oz. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp grated horseradish
  • 1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
  • 1/4 tsp celery seed (ground)
  • 1/4 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Old Bay seasoning


Combine all ingredients and shake for 1 minute. Serve over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge, a stalk of celery, and a pinch of celery seed floated on top. You may also wish to rim the glass with rock salt or Old Bay. Variant: replace all but the vodka with a young female campaign staffer, a car, a bridge, and a lake. Fill car with staffer, then drop car from bridge into lake. Leave overnight. Name it what you will.

21 Replies to “protein wisdom: the premium Bloody Mary”

  1. Beck says:

    The best Bloody Mary I’ve had comes from a place called Rajun Cajun.  They let the vodka soak with 7 dif. types of vegetables (various peppers mostly) for 3 days.  From there, add all the “standard” ingredients, plus a spoonful of juice from the jalapeno jar.  Some lemon juice, some lime juice, then serve not with celery but with a couple long pickled green beans.

  2. Jeff G says:

    That sounds good too.

  3. David Gillies says:

    Dude, clam juice? That’s a Caesar.

    I prefer Bloody Marias – replace the vodka with tequila (Joe Crow will do). And lime instead of lemon juice. And celery salt instead (lots of it). But it’s all good.

    P.S. I remember P. J. O’Rourke (PBUH) talking about a drink called a Chickenshot. It was like a Bullshot but instead of beef bouillon you used Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

  4. Chrees says:

    Sorry… I’ll finish up the bottle of wine I opened last night. If it ain’t straight out of a bottle (OK, I’ll concede over ice–at times), I don’t want it. But then I’m not into nuance anymore…

  5. Chrees says:

    Oh, and with your last comment, I don’t know what the drink is called, but if they went on tour they could bill themselves Big Head Ted and the Munster…

  6. sonofnixon says:

    Nothing like a Bloody Mary in the Morning…finding a good celery salt…and rimming the glass with that shit REALLY puts it over the top

    As for old Teddie….dude, even if he was convicted of that death….hey, he’d be out of prison by now!  (for those that can’t tell, that last sentence was dripping wet (pun intended) in sarcasm)

  7. Maybe Ted would be out of jail by now, but we would have been spared the glorious years of the Lyin’ of the Senate.

  8. Silicon Valley Jim says:

    I was always disappointed that Teddy and Sen. Eagleton never teamed up as a Presidential ticket.  The campaign slogan could have been “waterproof and shockproof”.

  9. David Gillies says:

    Hot damn, this Bloody Maria I’m slurpin’ while surfin’ is tasty! Thanks for the inspiration, Jeff! I normally steer clear of tequila on a weekday, but this prompted me to stop at the supermarket and get a fresh bottle of Cuervo Gold (weirdly, Hey Nineteen by Steely Dan just came on, although the fine Colombian’s never really been my bag).

  10. Jeff G says:

    Careful with that stuff. I don’t remember the second half of the Blogger party thanks to that mysterious libation.

    Do a search here and I’m sure you’ll find similar tales of woe, too.  I went through a mescal phase a while back…

  11. Kathy says:

    David: I stopped taking P.J. O’Rourke’s advice on adult beverages when he recalled that one evening, at his frat house, they’d run out of booze. Someone had some homemade alcohol available and they drank that instead.

    The next morning, he woke up and all he could see was white.  Peej, understandably, freaked out.  Oh, My God, I drank moonshine and I’ve gone blind! Then he realized he’d passed out under the toilet and had been gazing up at the bottom of the bowl.

    The only way I would get drunk with him is if I had my own bottle and he never touched it.

  12. matthew says:

    Try a shot of dry sherry in the BM. Tastebuds in heaven, liver in hell.

  13. Sandcrab says:

    Substitute buttermilk for the tomato juice and it makes a perfect Albino Mary.  I’m still trying to figure out what to call it if I can get away with putting crumbled up cornbread in the glass before pouring the buttermilk in, then downing the whole thing with the help of a teaspoon.

  14. El Jefe says:

    With the beef stock isn’t it a Bloody Bull?

  15. Jeff G says:

    I think the names change regionally.  Bloody Bulls are usually equal parts tomato juice and beef stock.  A bull shot is beef stock and no tomato.  Flavoring the mix with a bit of beef stock and clam juice doesn’t change the drink’s essense—the protein wisdom premium Bloody Mary.  Or, if it’s the variant you’re interested in, the Ted Kennedy premium Bloody Mary (Jo Kopechne).

  16. Nice recipe–your Maryland roots are showing with the Old Bay part, tho.

    Mrs. S is the Bloody Mary drinker in the house, and I’ll let you know what she thinks of it when I fix it for her.




  17. Robin Roberts says:

    Whenever I come home with a new bloody mary recipe, my wife searches all my pockets and the glovebox in the truck.

  18. Beck says:

    I’m reminded of a shot I discovered in College Station, TX at an establishment known as the Dry Bean.

    The Mule Stomper:

    In a shot glass, start with as much tobasco as you can stand, then add a quarter shot or so of worchestershire sauce.  Fill it most of the way from there with tequila, and top it with a thin layer of 151.

    It’s the ultimate hair-of-the-dog shot.  Wake’s you up, leaves you clear headed, and paves the way for renewed libations consumption.  Plus, it leaves a lovely aftertaste of steak sauce.  Be sure a glass of ice water is ready at hand.

  19. John Cole says:

    Instead of buying tomato juice and clam juice, hust buy Clamato.

  20. Jay Reding says:

    I keep a bottle of Svedka with a few peppers in it just for Bloody Marys. Hot-pepper infused vodka is a sight to behold, let me tell you. It also makes an excellent Bloody Mary.

    The splash of dry sherry idea is exceptionally good. It’s an old piece of bartender arcana I picked up, and it’s some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten. It really does work…

    That and I cannot sing the praises of Svedka vodka enough. It’s quite inexpensive, but it’s second only to Grey Goose in quality. It beats Absolute hands-down, and my local liquor store sells it for $20 for a 1.5 liter bottle. (I know, that’s insanely cheap, but its quality is in a league far beyond what its price would suggest.)

  21. Jeff G says:

    Must try that Jay—though I’m increasingly unable to recover from hard liquor. 

    John – heretic!

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