
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Just when you thought Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t get more stupid…

…She takes that next step toward full-blown dementia, her BDS burning so hotly it could melt steel.  That is, if steel could be melted by something very hot.  Which we know is impossible.

Anyway, apparently not content with being a mere Truther, Rosie used her extra large stool on ABC’s “The View” Tuesday to raise the inference that Bush was quite happy to see all them black folk die during Katrina.  Said O’Donnell:

It was interesting to note that President Bush was flying to Virginia Tech today and took him a week to get to … Katrina to visit the victims […] You can’t pretend that it’s the same. How many people died in Katrina?

Never mind that Katrina put much of New Orleans under water—making the areas hardest hit inaccessible even to rescue workers. 

And never mind that, had Bush tried to fly into New Orleans or Mississippi immediately after the hurricane hit, his security, as President, would require resources that would necessarily drawn away from the rescue effort—meaning people like O’Donnell would have criticized him for grandstanding at the expense of all those young black children who were being raped and eaten in the Super Dome.

Lookit:  ABC has every right to keep her.  Still, it is clear that Rosie O’Donell—if given a consistent audience —will be cited historically as having been singularly responsible for the civic idiocy of millions of liberal women between the ages of 30 and 55.

And that’s no small feat when you’re sitting around the same table as Joy Behar.

(h/t happyfeet)

55 Replies to “Just when you thought Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t get more stupid…”

  1. Carin says:

    As a woman between the ages of 30 and 55, I am proud to announce that the only time I’ve ever watched “The View” was when I was recovering in the hospital. And even then, on heavy drugs, I couldn’t stand it. My hospital room-mate was having crap (literally) pumped out of her intestines, through her nose, and equivalency was uncanny.

  2. Sticky B says:

    The absolute worst job I’ve ever had still beat the shit out of having to watch TV during the daytime.

    TW: private99 Missed it by a digit.

  3. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    Wonder how many of the trained seals in the audience clapped at that one?

    The National Guard arrived at the Katrina site in 3 days (2 days faster than when Homestead, FL was hit). Wonder when Rosie expects the National Guard to arrive in Roanoke?

  4. BJTexs says:

    Still, it is clear that Rosie O’Donell—if given a consistent audience —will be cited historically as having been singularly responsible for the civic idiocy of millions of liberal women between the ages of 30 and 55.

    Heh! This echoes the sentiments of my 25 year old daughter, Communications graduate and political moderate, who thought that the View treated women like idiot children before Dr. O’Donnell showed up to further lower the IQ score.

    I submit that her burning BDS brought down the towers in their white hot catastrophic transdimensional steel melting truthiness.

    Why, Rosie, why?

    Does lard butt own a secret power ring or magic crystal? How else are we to explain the stunning lack of outrage for these endless streams of delusional inanities?

  5. Salt Lick says:

    I work at Virginia Tech and “it” just happened to me in a conversation with a colleague:

    Me: “Is that more news on the shooting you’re listening to?”

    Colleague: “Yeah, I really feel sorry for that kid that shot everyone. He must have been mentally ill.”

    Me: “Well, I feel sorry for the kids he shot and I’m annoyed nobody is calling him evil.”

    Colleague: “He was confused and mixed up. You can’t judge him.”

    Me: “Yes, I judge shooting 32 innocent kids in a classroom like fish in a barrel as evil. That kid was self-centered and evil.”


    Me: Mike, you can’t compare the two things, it’s–”


    It didn’t get any better.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    My hospital room-mate was having crap (literally) pumped out of her intestines, through her nose, and equivalency was uncanny.

    Wait.  I thought yesterday we’d determined that she’s a douchebag.

  7. semanticleo says:

    When Bush speaks, his numbers to down….further

    if you can grasp that.  Give him a break, Rosie.

    This may be his only chance to curry some synmpathy

    for himself.  You know, show the softer side of Bush. 

    And as for you Goldstein, ease up on the woman, or we’ll have to force feed Coulter so she’ll be around until 2009.

  8. BJTexs says:


    Ann Coulter has more brain cells imbedded in the handle of her Glock 9mm than Rosie has in toto on her best day.

    The first time in history that fire melted steel. The utter, incarnate stupidity of that statement alone should have ended the debate.

    Pick someone less retarded to defend, like Cindy Sheehan … oops! Never mind!

  9. Kirk says:

    And that’s no small feat when you’re sitting around the same table as Joy Behar.

    Ya, well, she isn’t adding small feet to the table either.

  10. furriskey says:

    Rosie used her extra large stool on ABC’s “The View”

    having crap (literally) pumped out of her intestines, through her nose


    No more, please, I beg you.

  11. Mikey NTH says:

    What would have been the chances of the Nineteenth Amendment being ratified if “The View” had been around one hundred years ago?

  12. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    What would have been the chances of the Nineteenth Amendment being ratified if “The View” had been around one hundred years ago?

    Should be part of every Pre-Nuptial from now on:

    Man: Do you or have you ever watched ‘The View”

    Woman: Why yes I do, why do you ask?

    Man: Okay, we’re done here.

  13. Another Bob says:

    Assuming someone in the audience has an IQ above room temperature and is moderately well-informed (yeah OK, it is a hypothetical), I wonder what would happen if that someone simply stood up and started shouting corrections at Rosie mid-spew?

    Unfortunately, my guess is that person would be forcibly removed from the studio and possibly arrested as a threat to Ms. O’Donnell’s safety.

    Sad, really, that such museum-grade idiots ($1 to Bill Whittle) are allowed this sort of platform.

  14. nikkolai says:

    “When Bush speaks, his numbers go down…further.”

    How does that explain the Congressional numbers being 10 points LOWER than Bush’s?

  15. seawitch says:

    After Katrina, it took 2-3 days to have the runways in shape at Gulfport/Biloxi International Airport.  Only daytime landings were allowed as there was still no power anywhere.  If Bush had come to Mississippi within 2-3 days after Katrina, the security would have taken away resources to rescue people, clear roads, establish any kind of communications(cell phones and land lines were not working anywhere), security that was needed everywhere to prevent looting(Mississppi looters were thrown in jail and later sentenced), police and fire departments were having to dig themselves out from the debris. 

    It was enough for me in Mississippi that he hadn’t forgotten about me and my neighbors in Gulfport, Biloxi, and other coastal cities.

    It may sound corny, but his voice heard on my battery powered radio was one of hope.  We were not forgotten and my fellow Americans knew the plight we were in.

  16. BJTexs says:

    Another Bob:

    Money quote from that Whittle post that had me whirling in my chair howling:

    “This is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel,” she said. This is a statement of such pristine and perfect idiocy that it surely must be emblazoned in stone across the entrance to the Physics Imbecile wing of the Moron Museum of Natural History.


    Should be part of every Pre-Nuptial from now on:

    (waves hand) SECOND!

  17. mojo says:

    Just when you thought Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t get more stupid…


  18. Just Passing Through says:

    My wife watches the View – although I think (hope) it’s when nothing else interests her at the moment. I was passing through the room once and made a comment along the lines of ‘How can you watch a show that assumes everyone watching it must be stupid.’

    Bad move on my part. Especially given the painful lesson learned after making a similar comment about Dr Phil.

  19. BJTexs says:


    I count myself blessed in that my wife thinks it’s the dumbest show on TV.

    Domestic tranquility reigns until I attempt turn on “Futureweapons.”

  20. Rob B. says:

    I love that Rosie has already tried to pull out the gun control stick and has suggested eliminating the second ammendment. Mind you, her own body guard applied for a gun permit so as to provide her protection.* “Do as I say, not as I do,” much?

    So you can trample on constitutional rights at will, Rosie? She didn’t seem to think so on the anti-terror banking stuff or the phone traces. Suddenly it was civil rights defender Rosie with kung fu action kick hammering GWB for not observing every jot and tittle of her percieved understanding of the “according to Hoyle” rights.

    I wonder how cavalier she’d be with adding a “marriage ammendment.” Suddenly the Constitution becomes “an immutable standard that shouldn’t be messed with” again.

    It would seem that Rosie really believes that the Constitution is a living document but it should come with her own selectively permiable membrane.

    TW ~ Of course, The framers said that Rosie is dead wrong44

    * ~ (Nifty Linkage included under a grant from the Public Broadcasting corporation and funding provide by viewers like you!)

  21. The_Real_JeffS says:

    If Rosie was a older, white heterosexual male (like, say, Imus), (s)he’d have been fired long ago.  Oh, and forcibly clapped into a mental institution.

    Gotta love them PC based ratings, eh?  Maybe we can all chip in for Rosie’s sex change.

    TW:  audience78.  That’s the average IQ of the live audience for The View.

  22. jwest says:

    In defense of Rosie, she does exhibit a degree of intelligence far above that of normal democrats.

    So, if you are grading leftists on a curve, she’s right up there with Cindy Sheehan.

  23. BJTexs says:


    Please reconcile the following:

    In defense of Rosie, she does exhibit a degree of intelligence far above that of normal democrats.

    …the first time in history that fire melted steel.

    I love to insult Democrats but … yeesh!

    So, if you are grading leftists on a curve, she’s right up there with Cindy Sheehan.

    Now yer talkin’ insults, babee!!

  24. BJTexs says:

    It would seem that Rosie really believes that the Constitution is a living document but it should come with her own selectively permiable membrane.

    Sounds like the basis of a Democratic Presidential campaign slogan.

    Democrats and The Constitution : Molding the living through our Selectively Permeable Truthy Membrane.

    “…and then their heads exploded…”

  25. N. O'Brain says:

    Posted by semanticleo | permalink

    on 04/18 at 09:57 AM

    I’d respect someone who calls himself semanticleo, if said semanticleo knew how to fucking spell.

    What was the phrase?

    Oh, yeah.

    Museum grade stupidity.

  26. Aldo says:

    I feel a little guilty adding yet another Whittle quote on JG’s blog, but this stuff is harder to pass up than a Hostess fruit pie:

    “We’re just asking questions” was the official, voice-over disclaimer. You hear that too from the 9/11 Truth crowd when confronted with the lunacy of their claims. We’re just asking questions…

    Well, in that vein I’d like to ask some questions myself. Is Michael Moore a serial pedophile? I’m just asking, and I’m sure a lot of my readers would just like to have some questions answered. I heard that Rosie O’Donnell ate a baby at a Satanic Ritual once – is that true? Can you please provide the evidence that this did not in fact happen? Thanks. Who has murdered more hookers: Bill Maher or Charlie Sheen? Come on, you can’t tell me there’s no smoke there. I just want a possible explanation…

    So that’s what it has come to now. We deserve better.

    God damn it, we do.

    answer44 the man’s question, Rosie!

  27. J. Peden says:

    Perhaps one rule of thumb – wait, let me check it against my wife-beating stick – is that the disease afflicting Faux Liberals is progressive.

  28. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Here’s a debunking of the Titanic sinking that I’m sure Rosie would endorse:

  29. J. Peden says:

    “We’re just asking questions.”

    Right. Then when we get all the answers, we nevertheless still know that “something did happen” that night at the Duke Lacrosse Team party, and that “that something was wrong.” Right.  [Juliett Malvaux, durhamwonderland.blogspot]

    “Mama come here quick, and bring me that lickin’ stick.” [James Brown]

  30. happyfeet says:

    clinton took 4 days

    2 get 2 oklahoma city

    how many died there?

    how many children?

    come on people

    u have 2 c

    i know u can

  31. BJTexs says:


    Dude, you’re scarin’ me now…

  32. mishu says:

    Based on Jeff’s post above, she must get this crap fed to her directly from media matters.

  33. Sigivald says:

    N. O’Brain: Maybe, but “Semantikles, Ancient Greek Hero” is even better, isn’t it?

  34. Rightwingsparkle says:

    I can’t stand it.

    Someone. Make. Her. Shut. Up.

  35. Major John says:

    Hey, c’mon…Rosie is right!  I had orders to shoot everyone I saw, on sight!!  No, really!!!11!

    Did she ever, you know, talk to any of us who were in New Orleans for all the fun?


  36. alppuccino says:

    I only wish there had been a gutted Rosie hanging in every classroom.  With her bullet stopping fat layer, and impervious skull, one of those students could have slipped her on and rushed the psycho.

    ….easy to say now…….

  37. Dirk Diggler says:

    Rosie is dumb as a stump…….

    my apologies to any stumps I may have offended


  38. ThomasD says:

    I’d just like to add that the words ‘Rosie’ and ‘extra large stool’ should not appear together in a sentence.  First, they are redundant, and second, that’s just gross.

  39. Rob B. says:

    But Major, we all know that you guys are just there because you can’t get jobs and educations without becoming one of GW’s jackboot thugs. Rosie, doesn’t want to hold her educational and financial superiorty over you. It would be bad form.

    (BTW, When you go to slap her with your degree’s I can hold the other ones while you tag her with the first two. )

  40. Cybrludite says:

    Major John,

    Thanks for not shooting me while I was there. I work at the hospital that stayed open without any flooding, cannibalism, or euthenasia. And by no cannibalism, I mean very little. I was on Team “B” for my department, and was back in town the Monday following the storm. If I should ever meet you in an establishment that serves fermented and/or distilled beverages, your money will be no good that night.

  41. Stump says:

    Rosie is dumb as a stump…….

    Oh, it’s ON now Dirk!

  42. Sean M. says:

    George Bush doesn’t care about fat people.

  43. Sticky B says:

    It would seem that Rosie really believes that the Constitution is a living document but it should come with her own selectively permiable membrane.

    I strongly suspect that Rosie has never in her life stopped to consider what the Constitution has to do with the price of tea in China or any other issue. It’s just an irrelevant piece of dusty old paper written by a bunch of irrrelevant dead white men to her. What’s right is what she says is right and what’s wrong is what she says is wrong and run along now and don’t be contrary. Which makes her a typical elitist lefty.

  44. MikeD says:

    From 1942-45 we had “Rosie the riveter” and the “Greatest Generation”.

    Today we have “Rosie the disgusting half-wit” and the “Democratic Party”.

    Tell me again how bright the future.

    I think we’re fucked!

  45. McGehee says:

    Just when you thought Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t get more stupid…

    Oh please. Never underestimate the potentially infinite degree of stupidity of which moonbats like her are capable.

    They can’t even plead insanity, because it’s their stupidity that makes them irrational.

  46. MikeD says:

    And don’t get me started on Joy Behar.

    Being able to work from home is a blessing.  The sound of the TV in the next room, not so much.

    Jeff, your last two sentences in the post summarize the entire situation perfectly. What absolute garbage that program represents.

  47. SweepTheLegJohnny says:

    Just when you thought Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t get more stupid…

    I would never think that…….ever.  It/she/he is just getting warmed up.  The closer we get to election time the more stupid she will become.

  48. Major John says:


    I’ll take ya up on that (don’t worry, I’ve become much more of a lightweight lately – a couple of distilled beverages and I’m done!)

    So, very little cannibalism might have just been a nibble or two, yes?

    Rob B, please do not mention Rosie and her holding something over me in the same sentence.  I may never sleep again…

  49. wishbone says:

    I may never sleep again…


    I picked a bad week to quit doing speed.

  50. Cybrludite says:

    Major John,

    Well, the hospital was only feeding us something like 900 calories a day by my back of the envelope calculations. I’m not sure what those not paranoid prepared enough to bring their own stash of canned goodies or MREs did.

  51. Cybrludite says:

    But, yeah we were real glad to have the 82nd Airborne around to provide security. Especially since I wasn’t allowed to bring any of my guns with me. (My boss admitted to having his PPK with him, though.) I have to say it felt odd after a week of being armed to the teeth against the possibility of loothing or rioting to go where things were the most unglued with nothing heavier than a pocketknife.

  52. TheGeezer says:

    ‘Rosie’ and ‘extra large stool’

    What other sort of stool could be associated with her?  In either sense? 

    Egad, colonoscopy boggles the mind…

  53. Sue says:

    WELL SAID!!!!!

  54. Alex72 says:

    Look, I’m clearly never going to be able to settle on anything for this. ,

  55. Boy68 says:

    Every community is different and every school partnership needs to find its own vision and path forward. ,

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