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January 2025


Perfect Day for a Platypus-man Fish

Comedian Richard Jeni dies from a gunshot wound to the face.  Suicide seems likely, though it’s always possible, I suppose, that OJ was over for a visit and didn’t like the dip. 

Jeni was 49.

14 Replies to “Perfect Day for a Platypus-man Fish”

  1. Harry Bergeron says:

    Or Phil Spector was showing off his pistol.

  2. a4g says:

    Or Dick Cheney was still after that damn elusive quail.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    I dunno.  I don’t think it’s that funny.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    This, on the other hand, is funny.  I bet he’ll be recalled in El Salvador, too.

  5. apotheosis says:

    Unfortunate.  I always loved his routines; while not exactly cerebral comedy, he was generally pretty good at what he did.

  6. That is as good a headline as any.

  7. Idly Awed says:

    In the late ‘80s I caught Jeni at a club in Chicago.  The guy had me laughing so hard I nearly choked on my tongue.

    His wise-ass New Yorker delivery was just as funny as his content, perhaps even more so.

    At any rate, I’ll miss him.


  8. McGehee says:

    He used to MC a stand-up show on, I believe, Comedy Central. I used to watch it pretty regularly.

    <zips over to IMDb to get particulars>

    Here it is.

  9. ed says:


    Man that last photo of him was terrible.

    It’s a real shame too.  I caught his act on an HBO special while in Chicago bored out of my mind and trying to sleep.  He made me laugh so hard about the guy sitting next to him in an airplane that I didn’t have much trouble after that getting some sleep.

    Man this sucks.

  10. Spiny Norman says:

    His wise-ass New Yorker delivery was just as funny as his content, perhaps even more so.

    Absolutely. His delivery was always spot on. None better.

    RIP Richard.

    Jeni reminded me of a younger, slightly angrier Buddy Hackett, whose wise-cracks had Johnny Carson quite literally falling off his chair.

    Don’t listen to the sheep, they’re all liars!

  11. ahem says:

    People forget that comedians are usually more serious people than the rest of us. It’s very sad.

  12. He's Not My Neocon! says:

    Sure, Jeni was funny, but you know what’s really funny? When Dick Halliburton shoots Joe Wilson in the face because Valerie Plame was about to tell the world about that liar Bush, who put out a hit on Natalie Maines, who is now dead but been replaced by a doppleganger all in the name of OIL!

    Is the surge working? Of course not, and you’ll never hear that on Fauxxxx News, but you will hear Roger Ailes calling Obama the N word during the 2-Minute Hate. Speaking of Hate, the rest of the world hates us for Gitmo. Why can’t you neocons see that socialized medicine is good for everyone? No, keep flushing Korans down the toilet and denying Terry Schiavo her 72 virgins, you prudes!

    No, of course not, you’d rather call good old Southern Lawyers faggots instead of catching Osama and giving Noam Chomsky a cabinet position. H. Belafonte is right: Condi is as black as Shields and Yarnell.

    Jeni is dead, and I predict Rove is frog-marched out of the White House, with naked pictures of Sanchez in his back pocket.

    Look how vigorous the Dems first 100 hours have been, yet Cheney hides in a bunker built with the blood of dead New Orleans children in Concourse B SuperDome meat lockers.

    FOR OIL!

  13. McGehee says:

    Nice parody, but Jeni would have done it funnier.

  14. Even Alphie would have done it funnier.

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