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November 2024


A World Without America [Pablo]

This place could use a little love. From the blokes at 18 Doughty Street

This Yankee thanks you, lads. 

24 Replies to “A World Without America [Pablo]”

  1. Alan says:

    My eyes started to well up a little from that.

    OT: DtP prompted me for the 23.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    And thanks again for the bitchin’ language, dudes.  English rocks!

  3. lee says:

    well…that ought to drive the trolls around the bend.

  4. Darleen says:

    Listening to Dennis Prager today one of his callers was an Englishman who listens to him on the internet. He was lamenting the fact that in England, as well as most of Western Euro, anti-Americanism is so entrenched and so dominant on the government-controlled airways, that he likened listening to Prager and other conservative talkshow hosts was like listening covertly to broadcasts from outside an occupied country.

    Nice to know the lad is not alone.

  5. cranky-d says:

    well…that ought to drive the trolls around the bend.

    We could have a contest to pre-empt any of their own “A world without America” diatribes with our own versions of what we think they’ll come up with.

    Or not.  These ideas just kind of come to me unfiltered.

  6. lee says:

    OK, I’ll play.

    you consider a world with Israel a contribution?!

  7. yeah, I’d sure hate a world without global warming.

    give me a while, maybe a couple drinks…..

  8. oh, and I forgot the mention… the bra!?  we RAWK!!!!

  9. Pablo says:

    America did inflict Jon Carry on us. And Paris Hilton, who, in her defense, has the two boobs instead of just being the one.

  10. cranky-d says:

    A world without America is:

    A world without a cowboy gun culture.

    A world without racism.

    A world without religious intolerance.

    And of course,

    A world without Chimpy McHaliburton!!

  11. Nate says:

    I’m surprised we managed to find the time to accomplish all of that. You know, what with our preoccupation with crushing the proletariat with our evil, Zionist capitalism and whatnot.

    And exploiting brown people.

    At least we’re industrious, I guess.

  12. wishbone says:

    A world without racism.

    A world without religious intolerance.

    These, of course, are just funny.

    I offer up:

    A world without Kevin Costner movies.  But then they would be right.

  13. Spiny Norman says:


    well…that ought to drive the trolls around the bend.

    Oh, it has, it most definitely has. Check out the infantile comments at YouTube. Some of the more recent ones are a definite improvement, but geeze, what bunch of childish twits.

  14. Mal says:


    Actually, in England, that would be spelled: T, W, A, T, S.

    You’re welcome!

  15. burrhog says:

    I think Gerald Vanderleun was on to something when he suggested we take a year off from the world.

    I would love to see Condi Rice go on a European tour informing the leaders that the US will require binding referendums be held on whether each country wants the US to be part of its “world”. Those countries that vote us off the island will be completely free of US interference, trade, support, defense…etc.  There will be absolutely no commerce, immigration, direct or indirect communication allowed with these countries. None.

    The only way to reverse such a decision would be for these “superior” countries to hold another referendum and if, and only if, the population agrees by a 90% majority, and the US population agrees by a 90% majority, they can resume normal relations.

    If countries refuse to be “bullied” into holding a referendum we’ll take that as a fuck-off vote and severe ties.

    This just takes “with us/against us” up a notch.  It’s completely fair. Let them decide.

  16. Slartibartfast says:

    Yeah, but…denim jeans?

  17. Rob B. says:

    We gave the the wrinkle free khaki but no no everyone talks about denim. And the speedo… for the love of god, where would fat eruos be without the speedo?

  18. cranky-d says:

    We cannot get 90% of the country to agree on anything.  So, the idea above would effectively isolate us from the world.

  19. furriskey says:

    I thought the Speedo was Australian.

  20. Slartibartfast says:

    I’ve worn a Speedo.  Within the last decade, even.  I couldn’t afford those fawncy long trunks and even full body suits that the rest of the swimmers were wearing.

  21. burrhog says:


    If we wanted to be pussies about it we could say a two-thirds majority decides.

    My point is that saving the world is a thankless job. Countries need to show a little love or maybe we should quit stocking the refrigerator and leave the door open for all the real bastards to move in and take over.

    The US is taken for granted on so many levels.

  22. eLarson says:

    We could have a contest to pre-empt any of their own “A world without America” diatribes with our own versions of what we think they’ll come up with.

    Yeah, but, don’t they all just LOVE the Grand Canyon?  So, you see, they don’t hate America… just Americans.

  23. Pablo says:

    Does it mean that I am unpatriotic if I think this video is absolutely retarded?  I also hated “God Bless the USA.” The first time I heard that awful song I was serving in the U.S.A.F. and I could only wonder why old Lee never bothered with the military or some other form of national service.  If nothing else, my military service has allowed me to resist silly jingoism and recognize the phony swagger of those whose patriotism seems only symbolic.

    As an American living in Europe I can’t say that I have seen this rampant anti-Americanism in Europe that some of your readers have mentioned.  I have seen a lot of vulgar anti-French rhetoric in the States, even on TV commercials.  If I found similarly offensive commercials about Americans I would be pissed.  How many times have the French been mocked here at PW?  Remember, these people are our allies and share our values, whether you think that or not. 

    America doesn’t need this sort of heavy-handed, silly propaganda.  I witness our pop cultural hegemony every day in European cities.  Keep this trash; send me the new season of Entourage.

  24. Swen Swenson says:

    Paris Hilton has boobies? Who’d a thunk it.

    A world without a cowboy gun culture.

    Hey! I really resemble that remark!

    And the speedo… for the love of god, where would fat eruos be without the speedo?

    Those are thongs, and Thanks! I’ve spent 15 years trying to get the memories of the European beaches out of my head. My eyes! My eyes!

    TW: speak45. Why yes, I do. (Is that thing psychic or what?)

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