
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


the “‘a moment of existential crisis’ post” post (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)

…say, is this thing even on…?

54 Replies to “the “‘a moment of existential crisis’ post” post (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)”

  1. a4g says:

    Ceci n’est pas une poste.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    “This is not a post office?”

    Man, my French is lousy.

  3. Bill D. Cat says:


  4. Rusty says:

    Aw. Shit. Not again.

  5. Minion says:

    We await your bidding, Master.

  6. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Go forth and help consolidate the right side of the blogosphere down into about 8 key sites and bunch of fairly useless satellite sites all vying for attention.

    Those are my wishes.  And I’ll even spot you 5, if you need me to.

  7. Joe says:

    I guess that’s a yes. This thing is on.




    That’s it, then? I came all the way over here just for that? Some crisis you got here, pal. Next time just check the damn switch, OK?

    Freakin’ over-reactionary reich-wingnut wasting my time again

  8. Bill D. Cat says:

    …. his name was Abby something master …..

  9. a4g says:


    My moment of existential crisis was that final e*.

  10. Dan Collins says:

    Who’s the firecrotch now, bitches?!

  11. TODD says:


    Surrealists give me a headache….

  12. Carin says:

    Go forth and help consolidate the right side of the blogosphere down into about 8 key sites and bunch of fairly useless satellite sites all vying for attention

    Tonight? “24” is on.

  13. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Man, even my minions are forming a union.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    United Blogminions 244 Rally

    What do we want?


    When do we want it?


    TW: present31.  Seemed like more than that.

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    That’s because Michael Moore was there raiding the cold cuts.

  16. Dan Collins says:

    Ewww.  Cannibalism.

  17. B. Badinov says:

    Look for the union label For free ID card and Minimum Basic Agreement.

  18. wishbone says:

    Cool!!!  Cannibalism.

  19. JHoward says:

    Man, my French is lousy.

    My English is lousy but my French are lousy too.

  20. Dan Collins says:

    Your French ought to bathe more often.

  21. Major John says:

    But I want to be more than a “minion”! C’mon, at least make me a “toady” or a “stooge”…Yes, stooge.  Has a nice ring to it.

  22. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Heya, MJ.

    Where you been?

  23. wishbone says:

    In honor of Major John’s wishes–Excerpts from my inverse ranked ordered list of things I’d rather be called “stooge” than:

    47.  Front page poster on The Daily Kos

    48.  Fred Barnes

    49.  Oakland Raiders Head Coach

    50.  Hollywood Activist

    111. Robert Novak’s colon

    112. Robert Novak

    113. Retardo Montlaban poetry

    114. That guy who played Mr. Belvedere on “Mr. Belvedere”

    290. Whoever introduced Jane Fonda last weekend

    291. Jane Fonda

    292. Ned Lamont

    292. “Buffy”

  24. Bill D. Cat says:

    Minion is pretty lame …… lackey , howevever , I’m sure we can all live with….. well me anyway .

  25. Dan Collins says:

    I’m a serviceable villain.

  26. Rusty says:

    I got dibs on ‘henchman’!

  27. Bill D. Cat says:

    Damn ….henchman’ …..get him the Billy Jack Hat , he wins .

  28. wishbone says:

    Henchman may seem to be great at first glance, but remember–Batman ALWAYS beats the crap out of them and they ALWAYS get blown up driving a monorail inside a secret hideout in Bond flicks.  And the hard hats never help.

    So–no thanks.  I’ll stay with “stooge.”

  29. furriskey says:

    I wanted to be a henchman because I’ve always wanted to know what motivates them. But as that’s gone, I would like to be a Cat’s Paw, please.

  30. furriskey says:

    Or a running dog

  31. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    How about running dog?  I could use the exercise.

  32. Bill D. Cat says:

    That’s why henchmen are gold , team players .

  33. furriskey says:

    or satrap…

  34. feh, everyone knows Jeff has myrmidons.

  35. ha ha, found the link. sorry, I too hasty there.

  36. ahem says:

    feh, everyone knows Jeff has myrmidons.

    I thought he shaved them off.

  37. McGehee says:

    I’m trying to work my way up to mastermind, but first I need a promotion to apprenticemind.

  38. mojo says:

    No, it’s not.

    SB: doubt51

  39. Meg Q says:

    Major John – gotten any Tim Hortons from the Canadians?

    Mmmmm . . . donuts.

    Donuts and pie.

    Maybe we could work something out. For minion scale.

  40. lee says:

    I always wanted to be one of a Band of Merry Men.

    Especially after seeing “Men in Tights”.

    Alas, Kevin Costner ruined all that.

    I guess “minion” is OK…

  41. Meg Q says:

    I always wanted to be one of a Band of Merry Men.

    From Men in Tights:

    Robin: I am Robin Hood, and these are my Merry Men!

    Rabbi: Faygeles?

    Robin: No, no. We’re straight. Just merry!

  42. me says:

    Here’s my contribution to the hit counter.

    I’m am not a minion. Minions get paid, right?

  43. mojo says:

    Nah. Minions tend to do too much groveling. All that “Yes, my Lord” and “Gosh, what a great idea, your Evilness” and the like. Bad for the knees.

    Henchmen. Maybe a Syncophant or two, just to mix it up a little. No Minions.

    And no goddamned capes.

  44. AkRonin says:

    Kinda prefer Jabberwock, myself.

    For some reason or other, a4g’s comment about that final ‘e’ thing really brought to mind that poem by Lewis Carroll.

    Leaving aside, for the moment, the existential qualities of René Magritte’s painting, one is (well, me anyway) instantly reminded of Douglas Hofstadter’s work, ‘Mathamatical Themas’ and all the varied and sundry ‘self-aware’ sentences therein.

    ‘I am not a sentence.’ and ‘I a not really here.’ and ‘Nobody is now, nor ever has, typed me.’

    If a Jabberwock doesn’t comment, does he really count toward Jeff’s “hit” count?

    Dammit! I told them NO mushrooms on the pizza tonight…

  45. Pablo says:

    I’ll take “enforcer”. I’d go with brownshirt, but brown really doesn’t compliment my eyes.

  46. slackjawedyokel says:

    Has “churl” or “varlet” been taken?  I was always partial to being a varlet.  Kinda Anglo-Saxon-Ivanhoey sounding.

    And you get to wear the cool brass dog collar.

  47. Carin says:

    Oh, I want to be a sycophant.  Has that special ring.

    And, may I say that Jeff’s writing has been particularly brilliant as of late.

    (how’d I do?)

  48. ahem says:

    Oh, I want to be a sycophant.

    Why would you want to be an crazed elephant? Just asking.

  49. Minion says:

    Go forth and help consolidate the right side of the blogosphere down into about 8 key sites and bunch of fairly useless satellite sites all vying for attention.


    What’s next?

  50. Phil Smith says:


  51. McGehee says:

    I was always partial to being a varlet.

    You want to press pants and park cars?

  52. The Lost Dog says:


    Now there’s an ambition.

  53. Bobonthebellbuoy says:

    Back to the original question:

    Flashing green thing = on

    Flashing red thing = two minutes to reach minimum safe distance.

    Is sidekick too sappy?

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