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November 2024


You Will Respect My Authori-TAH! [Dan Collins]

Resisting sodomization with a stick.  Not that it’s Abu-Ghraib-like, or anything.  I mean, brown-on-brown violence is just de rigueur.

An Egyptian man filmed being sexually assaulted in jail by police officers, has himself been imprisoned on a charge related to the same incident.

Imad Kabir was jailed for three months for “resisting authority”, a sentence that has shocked his defence lawyers.

Last year, Mr Kabir was seen in widely circulated footage writhing in agony as he was being sodomised with a stick.

His lawyer says the alleged assault came after he intervened in a dispute between a policeman and his cousin.

Is it on YouTube?

Cross necklace health and safety hazard:

A schoolgirl has been barred from wearing a crucifix necklace in class.

Samantha Devine, a 13-year-old Roman Catholic, was told by teachers in Gillingham, that it breached health and safety rules, the Daily Mail reported Saturday.

Her family reportedly says it will fight the decision and has accused the school of discriminating against Christians because Sikh and Muslim pupils can wear religious symbols.

The case echoes that of British Airways employee Nadia Eweida, who was suspended in October for failing to remove her necklace or hide it under clothing in accordance with company policy.

The girl has pledged to keep wearing the cross when school restarts next week after the Christmas holiday.

“I am proud of my religion and it is my right to wear a cross around my neck.

“I can’t understand why the school thinks a tiny crucifix on a thin silver necklace is a health and safety hazard,” she told the Mail.

Obviously, this constitutes barbaric treatment of little metal Saviors.

Commenter Alphie chimes in with this breaking news: ”Churchgoing Christian” Commits Evil Decapitation

A taste of Alpie’s philosophical stylings can be had here:

What kind of philosophy

…allows people to believe:

It’s okay to falsely accuse an entire country, try it and convict it.

But causes the same people to get up in arms when three college boys are (possibly) falsely accused of sexual assault?

Is it really just garden-variety racism?

To be fair, he asks some good questions.  Check it out and be the third to comment.

20 Replies to “You Will Respect My Authori-TAH! [Dan Collins]”

  1. MinorRipper says:

    yeah I can’t find this on youtube either, anyone seen it??

  2. SPQR says:

    Lemme guess, Denver PD has been doing exchange tours with Egypt again?

  3. alphie says:

    In other Christian ‘n’ Kid news:

    “They went to church every Sunday. They just seemed like a very happy, normal couple…”

  4. JorgXMcKie says:

    What kind of idiot believes that asking pointless questions based on half-truths is worth doing?

    I’m up in arms against no country, only those who seek to advance their political agenda by violence and their supporters.  (Including, of course, useful idiots who spew nonsense designed to derail the pursuit and elimination of same.)

    I have, for many years been ‘up in arms’ over wrongful prosecutions of a great many innocent accused, as well as being ‘up in arms’ over such idiocy as trying to claim the obviously guilty (such as Mumia) are innocent.

    I guess I’m just an anti-idiotarian.  alpie would appear to fit in the category of idiotarian.

  5. guinsPen says:


    1A. Yes.

    1B. No, we work mighty hard on our special brand of racism.

    2.What kind of philosophy…

    …allows people to believe:

    It’s okay to falsely accuse an entire country, try it and convict it of falsely accusing an entire country, trying it and convicting it.


    (Not necessarily in that order.)

  6. oh, I see someone is making the rounds. were we not getting enough attention from Jules Crittenden?

  7. Sean M. says:

    Go back to the link to Alphie’s post and check out his comment (if you hurry, you can still add the third). 

    Looks like someone’s still hoping for a Merry Fitzmas.

  8. SDN says:

    Yeah, alphie, it’s just like the Muslims. Just think, if this had happened in a Muslim country the cop could have called it the most horrific thing he’d seen in 13 minutes vs 13 years.

  9. Darleen says:


    when the community starts naming streets over the perp instead of trying him for murder, you might have a point (other than the one on top of your head)

  10. Pablo says:

    “They went to church every Sunday. They just seemed like a very happy, normal couple…”

    I’ll bet that son of a bitch went to work every day too. Don’t trust people with jobs, Alphie.

  11. OHNOES says:


    Wait, he’s Christian, not Muslim?


  12. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Bet the bastard was either breast fed or bottle fed, too.


  13. Baby Jesus says:

    I never wore one of those things.  But if you are into wearing one, who am I to stop you?

  14. “I can’t understand why the school thinks a tiny crucifix on a thin silver necklace is a health and safety hazard,” she told the Mail.

    Having the, ah, diversity blow you up or behead you in retaliation for said crucifix is a health and safety hazard, IYAM.

  15. Patrick Chester says:

    Huh. Since when do countries get trials?

  16. BJTexs says:

    At first I feel bad that I’m unable to take alphie seriously due to the image of Micheal Caine in an ascot and polyester shirt.

    Then I went to his site and realized that I shouldn’t beat myself up.

  17. BJTexs says:

    Feel – no!

    felt – yes!

  18. Pablo says:

    Baby Jesus,

    I never wore one of those things.  But if you are into wearing one, who am I to stop you?

    I think it was Bill Hicks who said wearing a cross was a lot like wearing a rifle pendant in memory of JFK.

    And then God gave him pancreatic cancer, so there’s that too.

  19. At first I feel bad that I’m unable to take alphie seriously due to the image of Micheal Caine in an ascot and polyester shirt.

    LOL, I was just thinking I need to rework the song.

    What’s it all about, alphieeeeeeeee?

  20. BJTexs says:

    What’s it all about, alphieeeeeeeee?

    Answer: It’a all about Iraq, nasty neo-cons and CRAAAAAZY CHRISTIANS!

    I think that alphie is channeling Aaron Sorkin …

    or … a certain retrograde simian who shall remain nameless…

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