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November 2024


Screw ‘Em: The Children [Dan Collins]

101 103 Of Our Children Died In Iraq This Month”

Headline at Kos.

Unrelated: Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl . . .

Bleg: Does anyone have the link to that site that covers Sharia fashion trends?  Thanks.

Timing Questioning Opportunity: Wages, benefits up at 2-year best pace

Joe Malchow: Kofi Annan Releases Long-Sought Financial Disclosure Forms… To Secret U.N. Committee He Just Made Up

19 Replies to “Screw ‘Em: The Children [Dan Collins]”

  1. ahem says:

    Bin Laden really knows his audience.

  2. B Moe says:

    For those who are offended by referring to the military as children, remember that every soldier, airman and Marine has a parent.

    Sometimes the line between clever and stupid really isn’t all that fine.

  3. mgroves says:

    Sounds like the same old same old coming from that end of the spectrum:  Blaming Bush, but still offering no alternative (except maybe an implied cut-and-run).

  4. Scrapiron says:

    101 Americans killed by terrorists to help their frinds and supporters in the democ’ratic party get elected. This makes 2,000 + that have been killed directly by and to support the cut and run democrats. Democrat win = Terrorists win.

  5. Karl says:

    If Sen. Kerry is going to suggest our troops are lazy and uneducated, some Kos infantilizing them as “children” seems almost complimentary by contrast.

  6. Dan Collins says:


    So, it’s screw the poor moronic brave child killbots, and bring them home, pretty much?

  7. paul ilc says:

    From the British angle, I wince every time US/UK casualties are announced. Sure, jointly, we screwed up significantly; but what is the alternative now? If you can, lighten my darkness.

  8. Dan Collins says:


    What was the alternative to Thermopylae?

  9. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    For those who are offended by referring to the military as children, remember that every soldier, airman and Marine has a parent.

    so Markos wouldn’t mind if, say, every blogger right of Instapundit refered to him as “child-like”?

  10. Big Bang hunter says:

    – Cut to 15 years from now. In an alternate universe, the Maxocrats have screemed, lied, conjoled, stolen, pandered, bought, and in the “end justifies the means” manner we all know and love, managed to crawl, and scratch their way into office. A decade and a hlaf of democratic isolationism, steady reduction in America’s military capibility, and a full flight “cut and run” policy in the ME, coupled with a staunch adherence to abject understanding of cultural differences, and protection of Islamic Jihadists “Constitutional” rights, topped off by a free and open borders stance, the headline reads:

    “101,000 of our children die in nuclear bomb attack on Manhattan – Millions more injured”

    – AP Wire service – 10/29/21 – White House spokesman, in a hurried news conference this morning, expressed deep sorrow at the loss of so many of our citizen’s, in the recent uncalled for attack in New York. President Hillery Clinton was said to be in seclusion, but is expected to follow through with her planned address before the United nations full assembly, scheduled for late tomorrow.

    – Speaking from the Capital, Defense Secretary J. Kerry had these comments concerning the tradgedy:

    – “These sorts of breakdowns in negotiated Peace between the Grand Islamic Iranian Union, and America, are not unsual, in the course of serious dialog. We feel confident that the Muslim leaders will come back to the table, and meet with us in a good faith showing of Mutual and benefitial universal tolorance and understanding. At momments like this we in the West need, more than ever, to be sensitive to the cultural differences that seperate our two sides, and work even harder to show forebearence, and patience.”

    – Kerry is slated to meet with Usama Bin Laden, Pro-tem Grand Imam and President of the GIIU, to discuss possible US surrender terms.

    – Aged and Venerable Senator T. Kennedy, suffering from terminal sclorosis of the liver, was contacted and issued this statement from his hospital bed in Bethasda Md. Naval Medical center:

    – “These disasters are a direct result of the two terms of inept lack of Leadership during the Bush years. All american’s join me in condemning the Lying Neocons that got us in the situation in the first place.”

    – House Majority leader N.Pelosi was unavailable for comment, her office closed for a fourth round of redecoration…..

    – In other news…. France has moved closer to an Islamic federation, electing an Islamic Mullah as Vice Pesident of their new parlimentry structure…

    – Sidema Pearlman, titular Leader of the now defunct Israli nation, has complained again to the International Red Cross, citing deplorable conditions in the “re-education camps” along the Suez canal. The UN Secretary, Momar Kadaffi II promises to “look into” the claims of inhuman treatment and torture, rumored to be rampant in the gulags of the Sihara, ever since the completion of movement of all Jewish citizens to these encampments 6 years ago. al Pakidar Ahunda, spokesman for Humas, has said the claims are unfounded, and a clear attempt to bias public opinion against the humane leadership in Palistine.

    – Mexican President Parish Eday, and head of the El Marxiso de Mexican party, has announced an expansion of the “Citizens right to free travel” program, insuring an even higher rate of misgration to what he refers to as the “Norte de Mexicano states”. He has made it clear that the Mexican government expects the process of annexation of the Southern-most tier of 6 border states to proceed without delay. America officials have not made comment since aggreeing in principle to the Mexican leaders demands…..

    – And so it goes……

  11. BJTexs says:

    <kerry>” Hello? Vietnam Vet John F. Kerry, 3 purple hearts in the closet.”

    <dean> “John, it’s Howard and stuff it about the medals.”

    <kerry> “Howard, What’s your problem…”

    <dean> “You, that’s my problem. YEEARGH!”

    <kerry> “It’s those Rethuglican nutjobs…”

    <dean> “Can it, Herman. Save it for those syncophants from Massa-lose-chetts. We finally have these goons right

    where we want them, the opportunity to really step on their throats and you’ve got to go all poly-psycho on me!”

    <kerry> “Now, calm down, Howard…”

    <dean> “YEARGH²! Alright, I’m OK. Listen, I have a message from the re-election committee.

    Are you listening Frankenberry?”

    <kerry> “I’m not going to be insulted like…”

    <dean> “Geez, the only guy I know who listens with his mouth open. Now. here’s the message…..



    <kerry> “ “

    <dean> “Ha! Who says only God can perform a miracle!” <click>

    <kerry> “ Howard….HOWARD!….”

  12. Sigivald says:

    19 year old and older (can’t enlist before 18, practically speaking if at all, and training’s going to take a year or so) young men are now “children”, eh?

    Well, except when they’re voting for Democrats. Only adults get to do that, so that’s cool – they can not be “children” when they’re doing that.

    Yeah, they’re all somebody’s child (though some of them are also parents)… but So what?

    Referring to them as “children” is cheap emotionalism and an attempt to infantilise, especially since Kos (in the sense of the site, whether or not Kos himself wrote any given headline) doesn’t uniformly refer to all people as “children”, even though they all have parents.

  13. Big Bang hunter says:

    – Jeeezz…. someone with Ed rights, go in there and insert a line break….We got whale-width page rendition going on again….

  14. Karl says:

    Usually, the page-width problem comes from pictures.  There isn’t one in this post, so I’m not sure where it’s coming from.  And the guest-bloggers can’t edit comments, btw.

  15. Big Bang hunter says:

    Karl – It’s my guess its the unbroken “ShutUp” line above. Not sure.

  16. BJTexs says:

    **crap** Did break the site?

    Oops, now it’s working. I won’t do that again.

    You think comedy is pretty?

  17. ahem says:

    You think comedy is pretty?

    No, but it’s very dangerous.

  18. Unbroken text strings (exclamatories, long HTML links, etc.) will hose the formatting every time.  That, and large images.

    Thankfully, no children were hurt in the making of this thread.  And no hobos…

    tw: merely48.  Dammit, I’m younger than that!

  19. BJTexs says:

    My apologies to the entire blog. I was an idiot, but I’m better now…

    “She turned me into a newt!”

    “A Newt?”

    “Well….I got better!”

Comments are closed.