…and was alerted to the fact that Dr Frisch, who yesterday evening emailed me and asked me to take down a commenter’s link to an Arizona newspaper article that featured her photo, has shown her appreciation by posting a picture of me as “Count Cockula.”
Our email exchange from last evening:
Hi Jeff.
You allowed someone to post a picture of me at home. Given the many, many threats I have received from your fans, this is not acceptable. I perceive it as a physical threat.
Please delete the link to the picture.
My first reply:
I haven’t “allowed” anything. People post. If you haven’t noticed, in the last three threads I’ve gotten over 700 comments. Plus my site has been undergoing DoS attacks.
The comments have links. Send me the URL of the link where your picture is referenced and I’ll break the link.
Frisch’s next email:
Link to Arizona Daily Star picture:
http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/preps/11198.phpLink to comment on your blog where it is:
https://www.proteinwisdom.com/index.php/weblog/entry/20645/#181693Thanks a lot.
My response:
The link is disabled. But you can’t expect people not to link to things that appeared in the newspaper. Presumably, you gave them permission to print the photo.
So, to recap. 1) Crazy lady asks me for a favor. 2) I grant said favor. 3) Her response is to post an insulting photo of me.
All part of her way of “de-escalating” the situation, evidently.
Quite a piece of work, this woman is.
It was the right thing to do; you know it, I know it, reasoning people know it, but any tyrant would perceive this as appeasement inviting escalation.
Dude, mic check, testing, testing, actus is a jackass, testing…
This is the second time your attacker has asked for your protection.
Just odd.
So, it is a good photo…but doodoo brown really doesn’t fit in with the whole COCK theme. Or does it?
I might be in the minority here but in my opinion that an honest person’s integrity is their prized possession and should be defended with gusto….so..sic ‘em all.
If I can help in any way, let me know.
– Testing….testing…. actus has no testicles…. test 1-2-3-4 …. sound check….
Give her a break guys, how would you feel if you were a dead ringer for Billie Jean King?
I’ve missed your site, Jeff. What a nightmare.
I have to confess I did (guiltily) giggle at the caption she made up, though.
TW: Life’s too short to fret about moonbats.
Well I guess we won’t have to worry about Deb having to miss school to attend the Miss Universe pageant.
Hey – wonder if that’s her little daughter in the picture?
Perhaps I should discuss how “hot” she is … make some sexual references about her … talk about the child’s “orifices” (Yes – she said that) and wish for the child’s death?
After all – that’s what Frisch calls “debating” right?
Check out the latest in Blissfully Unaware Online Moonbattery, as Psycho-Stalker Deb ”French Kissin’ Kidz, Yo!” Frisch actually manages to screw up her own planned interview!!!
A guy from Fox News named Richard Carbery emailed me on Saturday asking me if I’d be willing to be interviewed on Monday. I said yes, but then, I talked to people who actually watch Fox News and they strongly advised me against being interviewed on Fox, on account of they bully moonbat guests like me. Here’s the correspondence so far. Any advice on how to reply to Mr. Carbery would be appreciated.
Ms. Frisch,
Are you available for a phone interview on Monday. We will discuss what you’ve stipulated to have written, the blogosphere etc. I need a reply either way.
Dear Richard,
Of course. Any time Monday is fine with me. I was interviewed by Richard Harris on NPR when I worked for the National Science Foundation. I’ll try to find the interview and send it to you, because I know you are really into fair and balanced reporting and the more information the better!
Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.
Thanks. I’ll be in touch with you on Monday morning. Considering my request was for Monday, I wouldn’t have the time or need to entertain your NPR experience but I appreciate the offer. Let’s pencil in 710P EST via phone with John Gibson. Where can I reach you?
I’m not sure where I’ll be. You can give me your phone number or else I can email you when I decide where I’ll be.
Could you tell me a little about the format of the show. I assume you’ll be interviewing Jeff also. Will he be interviewed by phone also? How do you plan to put it together for the show. I don’t watch Fox News so I don’t have an image of what the segment will look like, how long it will be, what will be the visual since all you’ll have is my audio, etc.
This is for national radio. I didn’t plan to have Jeff on. Just you and the host. So, it can be done by phone. This all pending the host’s approval, he’s back in town tomorrow and I haven’t even run it by him.
I talked to a reporter from the Arizona Daily Star today and they are going to have a story tomorrow. Jeff and I have resolved our differences and both want to de-escalate the situation. So I am going to pass on the offer to be interviewed by Fox News.
I’ll ask Jeff if he can verify your claim. Regardless, we will be discussing this story, not only in Arizona but nationally. Considering you agreed to come on, I would ask that you reconsider.
Why don’t you ask the host to email me with a rough idea of what he wants to talk about and I’ll think about it.
We don’t do that. We want to discuss the story about your interactions with Jeff and the “tone” in the blogosphere. I emailed Jeff, with whom I’ve never corresponded to before and he claims that (your claim) that you’ve put this behind you, is false. I don’t know if this is a pattern with you but you agreed to come on, now you’re obfuscating coming on and perhaps misrepresenting the situation. If you want to “de-escalate” why not hop on the phone with the host for five minutes and participate.
This guy sure knowz how to sweet talk a moonbat!
Can you even begin to imagine the long-term eco-biological ramifications, should this doddering, delusional… thing and actus ever get together and… y’know… get BUSY—?!?
Hang tough, Jeff. It seems birds of a feather flock together.
By the way – is it just wrong of me that I’m STILL cracking up that Frisch looks EXACTLY like I would have pictured her?
It’s like they were casting the lead role for “Unhinged Lunatic Leftie Goes Wild,” walked into a studio … and she strolled into the audition. The director announces: “We’re looking for the absolute stereotype of a vaguely insane, out-of-touch, sexually ambigious, knee-jerk liberal …”
Then he saw Deb – his eyes grew wide – and he shrieked: “She’s perfect. Just PERFECT!”
Just. Too. Funny.
Professor Blather
No, you should not. Not even in jest. Talking trash about children seems to be Deb’s way, but it is not ours.
Very respectfully,
So I’m jerking my hairy bean bag all over this chick’s…oh shit, is this thing on?
Hey, so how’s about World Cuppy Thing? Wasn’t that shoot-out at the end, like, the most awesomest ever?
I mean, it was like I was on AYSO (Orange Crush, bizitches) again, playing a little fuzball. I think the last time I was so excited about a game was fifteen seconds before watching the Massengil commercials on Lifetime before switching the channel to ESPN.
But that’s just me.
Frisching an iVerb? Done.
Professor Blather
Although your description of how she looks is spot on.
“Perhaps I should discuss how “hot†she is … make some sexual references about her … talk about the child’s “orifices†(Yes – she said that) and wish for the child’s death?”
Not even in jest, brother.
– Translation: “If you think I’ll just sit there and be asked to affirm that I posted those vile messages on Jeffs blog, to the entire FOX viewing audience, you have to be as loopy as I am.”
Regarding that Counterpunch article, Dr. Frisch’s belief that “Boring = Nazi” suggests that her reading of Hannah Arendt is about one millimeter deep.
It is also strange that she writes, “Social psychologists, philsophers and sociologists should be defending Churchill for his brilliant, but veiled reference to Arendt, Milgram and Zimbardo.”
I don’t know why anyone deserves such broad acclaim for making veiled references to anything, let alone to a bunch of people they’ve never even read.
But if such praise is warranted, I must defend Dr. Frisch’s veiled reference to the fact that Al Gore is a Nazi.
I have to confess that I was shocked when I saw the newspaper photograph. It looks like a domestic situation, so the little girl in the photograph is either hers, or a child she cares for. Yet she was able to write all those filthy comments about your son.
Having made the Count Cockula remark, she’s now closed her site to remarks about this whole episode. That says as much about her as anything else in the last few days.
What a pussy.
As it were.
I have been saying that I think it’s best to just unplug this woman and move on. Effing dangerous.
Issues of integrity and protecting one’s own are fine, but, there’s also such a thing as shooting fish in a barrel. It’s just not worth it.
Without all of the salad dressing, however, I do think she was essentially right about Ward Churchill. I think he wanted to say that the employees at the WTC were just no name functionaries in the USA military-industrial complex blah blah and chose to use Arendt’s “banality of evil” idea.
I don’t endorse the idea (needless to say), but it’s a very common idea that everyone is responsible for everyone else, and everything, and so on and so forth. Both the left and the right do it.
Really: It’s like: “A-ha! Notice how cleverly I left you with no rational recourse but to assume that I am—in actual point of fact—a pathetic and inept lying sack! Feel like begging for mercy yet, Mr. Big-Deal News-Type Person? Huh? Huh? DO ya? HUH?!? MWAH-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaa—!!!”
Yeah, save that shit, Prof.
Partially because We are better than They;
Chiefly, because she is an insane person and either gets off on that sort of talk, or could be provoked into an assault on the child herself – for which, moreover, Jeff would no doubt be blamed.
I don’t even want her burned alive. I just say that she must be kept away from children, patients, or students of any age, for the good of all. Let her dig ditches – surely anything men can do, she can do better – or scrub floors or something. Just no psych, teaching, or custody of/exposure to children.
Also, as I tried to post earlier, make sure the board is auditable, so that your kind and generous removal of her pic can’t be conflated with her wacky notion that you added in the bit about Frenching.
This manipulative biz doesn’t surprise me. Its all about the illusion of control: controlling the dialogue (there is no debate just insults to get a reaction), controlling the authority figures (Blackfive do this, Ace do this, Protein Wisdom do this, Fox do this), controlling the narrative (I didn’t say that, I’m the victim).
Has anyone toted up the numbers wrt Dos attacks on leftoid, conservative and libertarian sites? My reading is somewhat one-sided so I don’t know if anyone but leftoids indulges in this kind of ‘debate’.
Deb says:
That’s rich ain’t it?
Posting a link to a newspaper story = physical threat.
But in Dep’s world where she sits down to her computer and types:
and then characterizes that as “debate”, it all makes sense.
Just pointing out: people who make the kinds of comments attributed to a person posting here involving children, and who are raising children, are inviting attention from all sorts of agencies designed to protect children. verbum sap.
Maybe she just likes Oregon better.
My favorite part in the exchange—SMACK! Dense and narcissistic!
Heh, how ironic that she asks you to take it down and only draws more attention to it. She does look about how I expected tho.
Look at the upside of this.
Deb is going to be looking for work again.
You KNOW she doesn’t have the common sense or self-discipline not to talk about it online.
We get to e-mail a whole new Deb employer!
If that damn armadillo won’t dance, how’s about getting ole dancing deb to do some more of that michael “i’m not a pedophile” jackson moonwalking she’s been hoofing out the last several days.
On the moon.
The dark side.
Notice the pic she has of Jeff on her website? Wonder if General Mills has given permission for her to use their logo?
Just sayin’………..
Did she mean this extra-large picture of her and her “mate”?
I want to know where the dog ‘fits’ in.
TW Walk towards the light.
– Did I capture the tone and pace with that one Verc…. *snort*
Deb Frisch claims that she has received “many, many threats” from “your fans.” Has she ever published or quoted a single one? I’d sure be curious if she received anything but well deserved expressions of disgust and outrage.
Man, this woman is completely fucked in the head.
Glenn-Close-in-Fatal-Attraction fucked in the head.
Hey! Shouldn’t we have hats, or Teeshirts?
Great blog. Love ya.
As a newly minted slightly right-wing PhD going to take a new job as an assistant professor soon, all of this has been an education on how academics SHOULD NOT behave.
I strongly believe this post of hers needs a front page post from you.
She was willing to make a spurious allegation of sexual discrimination because she was denied tenure. SHE ADMITS IT !!!!!!!
For those just tuning in:
1. Meet Deb Frisch, reprising the role of Ernest T. Bass in “The Andy Griffith Show.”–She’s a nut.
2. Libs don’t like Fox News or, disturbingly, know nothing about Fox News or, interestingly, have no idea that many of us here, including our intrepid host, look askance at Fox News.
3. Role models to whom to aspire in academia: Ward Churchill. Really. Although this tendency may only apply to the untenured and adjunct among them.
4. Man, can Jeff set off these bozos. If not for the very unfortunate involvement of Satch and Mrs. Goldstein, this is really fun.
Apparently this woman has quite the track record with employers. When she was employed at one university she tossed the sexual discrimination/harassment card to keep her job. At UofA she has now resigned before she got fired for her cyberstalking of Jeff.
Acedemia is a small gated community. I doubt she will be able to get another job at a University again. Why? Because even they understand that a person like her does nothing but create bad publicity and courts lawsuits.
So it is not surprising that she is hoping for the official LLL “sainthood” status such as momma moonbat has. That way she can live off the money of the rich of the LLL like the owners of Ben & Jerrys, Hollywood and record industry types, etc. Unfortunately for her I doubt they will touch her with a 10 foot pole because all she would do is be an embarrassment for them.
So, Dr. Frisch, I hope you enjoy working at Starbucks. I think they are about the only ones that would hire you. I suggest you purchase some sensible shoes because you will be on your feet alot.
She is a poster child for what is wrong with academia as a whole-from grade school to university. It is time to get rid of tenure and break up the teachers unions.
1. Bullshit if “Professor Blather” isn’t another sockpuppet. But if it isn’t, it’s still a fuckwad.
2. Personally, I think “Count Cockula” is funny. Beats the shit out of “Pasty”. In fact, from now on, I wish to be called “The Duke of Dong”.
3. Not really.
4. Although, “The Prince of Prick” does kinda ring, don’t it?
5. Ha!! Cock—Ring!!
6. Learn how to post links, anon.
Stogie – “Attribution, links, sources – all tools of the riechwingers to stifle free speech.”
– Laika, the Space Dog – beaming truthiness to tin-hats since 1957”
Stop your bitchin’ – you know what I would do to get a cool nick-name like “Count Cockula”….
Joe E O
Hmmph. We are more properly referred to as minions.
Piece of work? I was thinking more along the lines of piece of shit.
Your mileage may vary.
Deb has that whole Gloria Allred/Hillary routine down pat:
Deb: “Let’s rumble! Put up yer dukes! I am woman, hear me roar! Wingnut! You suck! I’m smarter, faster, and stronger than you! If your kid died, I’d laugh ‘cause you’re not human!”
Any male: [stands up] “Okay, sis, let’s get it on.”
Deb: [collapses on floor] “Stop! I’m just a girl! (Sob.) I feel threatened! How could you do this to a womyn? I’m telling!”
the dog’s cuter. One wonders what Deb would say were we to speak vilely of her canine friend, who she apparently raised for a good cause and presumably loved? Shades of Peter Singer, the animal surely has more value than the child.
BBH, I’m leaning on Actus’ Twin: the Lampost and Phil Smith for this thread’s winners so far: the one for the innovative name and the other for the densest concentration of cock allusions this side of a high school gym stall door. We must redouble out efforts, I’m afraid.
Phil Smith:
I agree about Prof Blather possibly being a sockpuppet or troll trying to supply material to which Deb could then point in order to divert attention from her own insane postings.
So, to recap. 1) Crazy lady asks me for a favor. 2) I grant said favor. 3) Her response is to post an insulting photo of me.
Damn banana(ungh) just won’t (ungh) come out of that damn jar(ungh).
Prof Blather also made my skin crawl.
Was that you Frisch?
Sounds like you’re building quite a case, Jeff. Should be a slam-dunk.
TW: truth. Cuz that’s what it’s all about.
Official PW cockrings are available in the gift shop.
your fans
Hmmph. We are more properly referred to as minions.
Minyans? Oy….
SB: short
but sweet
That’s the best yet. Thank you.
TW: seen, as in Frisch is far better read than seen.
Mr Goldstien,
Deb Frisch’s commments about your son are BEYOND HORRID. I Blogged here on my website about her and MORE: http://www.myspace.com/mariognitrini111
Mr Bath Bear, Children, The OJ Simpson Case, Anthony Pellicano (view more)
Some of the people you correspond with don’t like me at all. I hope that they will put their feelings aside about me and Expose this Mr. Bath Bear situation. You can lead Mr. Goldstien. A LOT of Innocent children were exposed to this toy, and maybe even some died from ingesting toxic Poison. Would You like to help Mr. Goldstien?
And by the way, You’ve handled your situation with Deb Frisch with GREAT INTEGRITY, and MORE.
The OJ Simpson Case
So, like did OJ use Mr Bath Bear to do evil?
Toxic poison should be banned. Regular poison is ok though.
Try “Mister Bath Armadillo” now with non-toxic poison.
I always thought I was eating Count Chocula. What the fuck was the milk?
But I do have to wonder what gives with sexualizing a kids’ cereal. That sounds so, you know, Debish.
Whoah, Jeff, you’re REALLY attracting the nutjobs now.
Mario, huh, Mr Bath Bear? I dunno…
Not really understanding the academic Good Ol’ Boy network, I’m wondering if Doktor Deb might get hired by a community college somewhere…..or maybe a high school.
This gives me nightmares.
OJ is Mr. Bath Bear.
– I think Debish is enjoyed best with a cup of crow…
2nd actus twin entry:
“Could be you guys just weren’t aware of her fear of cow bells.”
According to the MyHeritage Facial Recognition Program we played with a while ago, Professor F. is a good match for Christopher Lambert.
The cowbells! The cowbells!
That would be a bare minimum of minions.
Good heavens!
I didn’t know Deb was a velcro-bumper!
I’ve read your site from time to time, usually as a result of reading Instapundit first – but now your at the same level of interest (for me).
I have to say what happened over this past weekend really bothers me. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
I hope you don’t make the mistake thinking that this could simply just ‘go away’ or diminish over time.
If this so-called psickologist starts again – I pray you take the effort (with all these site texts) to find out from a lawyer if something can be done about this.
I wish I was a lawyer. I’d offer to help at no charge.
– I like Oregon too, but I can think of less stressfull ways to move there.
TW: In a Galaxy far, far away, theres a Zorn Gargoyle who’s weeping…..
Good grief. Here will be the interview (reader’s digest version)
“Jeff let his commenters talk nasty about me so I decided to show them what it looks like to be so disgusting and sick in his comments. I admit I went too far, but it was for a greater cause. To show those wingnuts what it’s like to be picked on in such a vulgar manner. It was all kind of an experiment as it were.
That will show them..Yeah.
Fraulein Frisch seems to have found her niche in the lefty ecosphere at last. Between Maryscott and Nitrini111 she seems to be the moonbat they all will all reject to establish their own compassion cred. I can’t wait for Kos Bialystok to come out with, “sure, I pissed away, er, most of your money on guaranteed losers, you gullible twits, but at least I’m no Debbie Frisch…
Isn’t that blackmail?
Please tell me I am the first person to use this phrase:
It’s because of the:
Someone had to say it…
You must have read somewhere about Bill Wasz, myself, and Joseph Bosco conversing many times. If you want, you can ask me questions on either of my two website’s about The OJ Simpson Case.
But The Mr. Bath Bear Situation and Mr Goldstien’s situation is Extremly serious.
Mr Goldstein handled this Deb Frisch situation with “Remarkable Honor.” She threatened his son. She is a real “DISPICABLE WOMAN” (if she’s really a woman). She is a “NUETERHEAD (AT BEST).”
My next door neighboor said my eyes are too close together. People say things that aren’t nice all the time. I wonder if I’d really like Oregon.
TW: The vast field of minnions frantically wave the little white flags….
The Children who ingested The Mr Bath Bear Toy may be infected for life with what into the product, and their children could be affected also. Some children may have died. It’s NO JOKE. Maybe you can help some children here in The United States that have been affected physically by this product by exposing it over The Internet instead of making snide OJ Simpson Comment’s.
The OJ Simpson Case
Do I get a picture, for $.80 a day?
Do you know Sally Struthers?
NOT FUNNY, Well, Kind of.
How about Exposing The Mr. Bath Bear Toy on The Internet with me? You may help save someone’s life, and MORE.
The OJ Simpson Case
Notice the post two entries down from pirated Cockula:
“I don’t understand why Jeff didn’t just delete the post that made disgusting allusions to his two year old. I don’t understand why he calls attention to horrible things people say about his son on his blog, instead of deleting them.”
This is truly disturbing.
1. She is trying to blame Jeff for her demented outbursts.
2. She here minimizes her outbursts into a single post.
3. She makes it sound like “people,” rather than only herself, are directing psychopathic rage toward Jeff’s loved ones.
4. She wants to be the victim here because the target of her sick rage didn’t hide the openly-attributed statements she made in a public forum.
5. This is one paragraph out of many, each of which possesses its own je ne sais quoi of illness.
My blog is only for exposing myself.
That didn’t come out right.
Holy smoke!
I have just concluded a detailed analysis of the photographic image accompanying the homo bennies article. According to my calculations, Deb’s eyes are focused directly on the epicenter of the other woman’s anus. Apparently such an obsession is not limited to gerbil punchers.
Furthermore, I happen to be an expert in CFI, cannine facial interpretation (it’s a gift). The mutt on the right is clearly wondering if Deb is gonna cram that bottle up mommy-red-pant’s dook chute the and flea-bag on the left is hoping she will!
What does tell ya, huh?
You Say:
“My blog is only for exposing myself.”
Maybe you can put the picture of Mr. Bath Bear on your website next to a picture of you (UGH>>LOL), and then people can see…………..I guess that’s one way of exposing The Mr. Bath Bear Situation. Not what I had in mind, But………….whatever works (UGH)………….
The OJ Simpson Case
Ya know what? I’m gonna caption that.
That you’re an idiot.
Nice try, though.
I once saw a turkey baster on th side of the road.
Shriveled from the outside, I imagined it was some victim of a cruel meth experiment. After seeing that photo…I just don’t know.
Nice malamute, though.
The disturbing thing is not that a newspaper published her pic, but that there is a very young child in the photo.
Given all the scenerios Ms. Frisch publicly shares that revolve around child sexual abuse & murder, one has to wonder if her (former?) employer has contacted local Child Protective Services to get them up speed on the situation.
I would hope family or friends would see fit to convene an intervention to convince Ms.Frisch to seek effective treatment. While she is not a victim in this, she very clearly has serious “issues”.
Alright, I’ll wrap this up with something I found funny about this whole thing that nobody else seems to have mentioned (although I didn’t read every comment completely through). Regardless, it is still worth mentionion even if it is for the second (or third) time. Batty Proffisch only emailed Jeff in order to have him remove a link to the article which was on the comment board. He kindly asked for her to supply him with the specific comment with the link so that he could break it. In reply, she sent him the link to the comment board plus the link to the actual article she didn’t want linked! Jeff broke the link on the comment board (as was her wish) but left the link she sent to him open for all. Long story short, did you hit the link on the comment board before Jeff disabled it or did you hit the link after she gave it to Jeff? Most likely it’s the latter which makes that funny people….either that or I forgot to take my meds again. I’ll check again tomorrow just to make sure.
Can safely say her and a “10 foot pole” have never been within proximity of each other.
gasp a cock joke.
And of course, the article in the paper is about how she is seeking yet more handouts.
And get a load of those cabinets!! How hideous and uninviting…it looks like those dogs took a crap on them.
I followed the link only to find out that Frisch is a lesbian, which, according to Seinfeld, not that there is anything wrong with that unless you also consider the recommendation to sexually molestat a child, followed by a murder of the family, which may have nothing to do with the fact that she is a lesbian.
There must be something going on here with you conservatives and college types of the lesbian persuasion. First, Michelle Malkin drives Denice Denton, Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz, to commit suicide. Now you have pushed Frisch over the edge with your honey-pot enticements to act a fool on your site. What’s going on here? Is it a summertime heat issue that is only affect gay women? Or is it bigger than that?
Just an opinion I know:
From watching this on the side, the behavior of Frisch reminds me alot of my ex-wife.
Who is most likely Bi-polar, and/or has Borderline Personality Disorder. My ex-wife is capable of being absolutey awesome one moment, the pillar of what is charming and polite, to raving psycho for a reason that no body else sees. She is smart, funny, charming, and great. And, nuts. She can win just about any debate, or so she thinks, because she brings up connections that are not even there, and justifies her actions based on that.
This is a common problem, and her behavior seems exactly in line with it. That my wife pursued similar lines of employment (the psych field) is even a bit more spooky.
I saw a post by a former student that commented on her behavoir (mind you, in 2000) about smart, polite conversations, yet contrasted so wildly with these actions, it does bring back exactly what I dealt with for years.
Dr. Frisch, if you are reading this, I suspect it is likely that you are Bi-polar, and/or have borderline personality disorder. And I think if you haven’t been treated for this, then you need to see if it is something you are dealing with.
Since it has cost you a job.
Mr. Chairman, I have a pH 7 (± 0.5), a MA, a PA, and 3 DUIs.
I suspect you’re just jealous of my skills.
croakernorge  obviously unrequited sexual obsession. Malkin’s a cutue and I think one of Frisch’s voices may be straight.
And of course ‘cutue’ is ‘cutie’ in Tagalog… everybody with any multicultural sensibility knows that…
Jeff…..just to be clear, this is the link she’s referring to?…
…still not sure….this link to a newspaper story?
This one?