
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Help Wanted (UPDATED with video)

What follows is an excerpt from a June 18 transcript of “Meet the Press,” featuring a Tim Russert interview with Rep John Murtha (D-PA) that I’m hoping somebody will please translate for me.  Because I’m afraid I don’t speak Murtha—which I’d previously assumed was a variant of English, but after reading the transcript, I’m no longer sure about even that much:

MR. RUSSERT: You say redeploy. Again, Mr. Rove challenges that comment.

Let’s listen and give you again a chance to respond to the White House.

(Videotape, Monday):

MR. ROVE: Congressman Murtha said, “Let’s redeploy them immediately to another country in the Middle East. Let’s get out of Iraq and go to another country.” My question is, what country would take us? What country would say after the United States cut and run from Iraq, what country in the Middle East would say, “Yeah. Paint a big target on our back and then you’ll cut and run on us.” What country would say that? What country would accept our troops?

(End videotape)

MR. RUSSERT: What’s your response?

REP. MURTHA: There’s many countries understand the importance of stability in the Middle East. This is an international problem. We, we use 20 million barrels of oil a day. China’s the second largest user. All these countries understand you need stability for the energy supply that’s available in the Middle East. So there’s many, many countries.


REP. MURTHA: Kuwait’s one that will take us. Qatar, we already have bases in Qatar. So Bahrain. All those countries are willing to take the United States. Now, Saudi Arabia won’t because they wanted us out of there in the first place. So—and we don’t have to be right there. We can go to Okinawa. We, we don’t have—we can redeploy there almost instantly. So that’s not—that’s, that’s a fallacy. That, that’s just a statement to rial up people to support a failed policy wrapped in illusion.

MR. RUSSERT: But it’d be tough to have a timely response from Okinawa.

REP. MURTHA: Well, it—you know, they—when I say Okinawa, I, I’m saying troops in Okinawa. When I say a timely response, you know, our fighters can fly from Okinawa very quickly. And—and—when they don’t know we’re coming. There’s no question about it. And, and where those airplanes won’t—came from I can’t tell you, but, but I’ll tell you one thing, it doesn’t take very long for them to get in with cruise missiles or with, with fighter aircraft or, or attack aircraft, it doesn’t take any time at all. So we, we have done—this one particular operation, to say that that couldn’t have done, done—it was done from the outside, for heaven’s sakes.

Okinawa?  Okinawa?

That’s, like, in Japan, isn’t it? 

Which makes me wonder if, in speaking of quick strike troops redeployed outside of Iraq, Murtha isn’t overhyping to ability of the military just a bit.  Or perhaps it’s just the laws of physics he’s overhyping.  And he’s doing so, ironically, because the military is in his estimation unable to fight well enough when they are able to confront the enemy directly

All of which seems rather bizarre to me.

Likewise, Murtha spends a lot of time noting that operations against Zarqawi (who, incidentally, he claims we “built up”—though Nick Berg’s head might tell a different tale) and other successful operations were performed “from the outside”—proof that we can pull troops from inside Iraq and still help the Iraqis control the country. 

Of course, by “outside,” Murtha seems to mean something like, “from the air”—his argument being that because we bombed Zarqawi’s safe house from the sky rather than bumrushing it with ground troops, we can effectively fight the insurgency from bases outside the country without fear of the insurgents taking any strongholds.

Except for the strongholds that already have.

So the question becomes one of military judgment.  And I’m still not clear what it is that makes Murtha’s military strategy (which is based around the idea that Iraq is embroiled in a civil war) more sound than that of the Generals and the DoD, who one suspects (indeed, who one hopes) are much better informed and more intricately involved with the operations than is Murtha himself—who, let’s remember, seems to find a quick strike force from Japan a viable alternative to working closely inside Iraq with Iraqi forces whom we are training even as we fight alongside them, and who are providing us with more and more intelligence, leading to somewhere in the neighborhood of 450-460 raids since Zarqawi’s death.

But as I say, I don’t seem able to speak “Murtha.” So if someone would please explain his thinking to me, I’d be much obliged.  Because frankly?  I hate being out of the loop.

(h/t Tom, via email)


update:  More from Froggy, writing at Blackfive.


update 2:  Video available at Expose The Left


update 3Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds both have excellent roundups.

100 Replies to “Help Wanted (UPDATED with video)”

  1. nikkolai says:

    Mr. Murtha’s logic boggles the mind. Appears BDS strikes again. When is this clown up for re-election?

  2. LagunaDave says:

    Murtha makes Thersites look lucid by comparison.

  3. Blackfive has a good illustration of why Murtha’s full of shit.

  4. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    Maybe if jeff cock slapped some sense into him Murtha would understand that Amnesty for US Troop Killers is our best chance at victory in Iraq.

  5. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    That a former field-grade Marine could deliberately spout such absolute crap is proof of Murtha’s absolute contempt for his interviewer and his audience…

  6. wishbone says:

    Note to Dems:

    Exhibit A of why, though many of us have “issues” with Dubya, we don’t trust your guys with a burnt out match much less national freakin’ security.


    P.S.:  I’m glad he can read the minds of the Kuwaitis, Bahrainis, and Qataris.  Take out a map, Congressman–note that Bahrain is thisbig and is an ISLAND, which would require lift and Qatar borders only Saudi Arabia and the UAE.  That leaves Kuwait, where the Marines and 7th Cav went charging in from in the first place and in Patton’s words, “We shouldn’t pay for the same real estate twice.”

    P.P.S.:  Remember when the joke about Bush was “Strategery”?  Dear God…

  7. Mark says:

    I thought the translation was pretty simple:

    CUT.RUN.NOW. Consequences be damned.

    But I thought he was rambling on about that this morning, not June 11th (although he’s been a “rambling man” for 7 months now, so I suppose the 11th is most likely accurate too).

  8. Mark says:

    Okinawa is not gonna work – hell, they seem to not want the marines that are there today.

    I’m thinking Mexico! Plenty of space on the border!  Heh.

  9. Darleen says:

    Um, can someone take Murtha aside and let him know that Capt Kirk and transporters were, like, fiction?

    Murtha is channeling Grandpa Simpson more every day.

  10. Ric Locke says:

    Darleen, I visit Johnstown and environs, Murtha’s district, about once a year. My contacts there are mostly Republicans with a few Zell Miller Democrats mixed in, but the area itself is solidly Rust Belt and decaying Union. It is also (heh!) one of the HQs for the Pennsylvania Guard. The last time I was there was before Murtha decided to out-Kos Kos, and the folks I talk to said that between pork, incumbency, and the unions Murtha was near-unassailable.

    I wonder. He’s also passed well into advanced Edifice Complex (getting all kinds of things named after him) and his Republican challenger is a hot chick grin who plays well with the troops.

    Taking Murtha aside and explaining anything, including the laws of gravity and/or the general direction of sunrise, is as pointless as asking Zuniga to be polite. Rather than making the attempt, it would be well to send Diana a few bucks for campaign posters. If you have the time and the inclination, and especially if you know anybody in the vicinity, a little canvassing couldn’t hurt. The best thing to do about Murtha is defeat him at the polls, and I don’t think it’s as impossible as it looks.



  11. SteveG says:

    I think he must of hit his head on a cabinet door in the kitchen or something.

    Maybe he said Okinawa but meant Turkey… ooops the Turks are pretty much not into that…. ummm Jordan… yeah they’d risk it… ummmm we could invade Iran and Syria setting up bases there, Somalia too ummmmm wait… precision airstrikes from Diego Garcia, Okinawa and Kansas except for all the civilian casualties and slow response time…. ummmm why hasn’t Bush set up any bases in Uruguay… we could go from there.

    Maybe the French will let us use Djibouti

    That is the Democrats strategy?

    That really puts the global in the GBOT you gotta hand them that.

  12. Beto Ochoa says:

    Democrat logic does not extend beyond the slogan.

  13. Sticky B says:

    If you have no knowledge of history, nor sense of geopolitics, and very damned little interest in macro-economics, it makes perfectly good sense.

  14. Ric Locke says:

    BTW: <a href=””>Diana Irey</i> web site. You thought I was kidding about the “hot chick” bit, didn’t you? grin



  15. Scott Free says:

    Wow, that’s some genuine politico-military gibberish Murtha is spouting!  And he’s a “Hawk”?  More like a deep cover Rove agent, methinks.

    As to helping you with the translations, it seems that in Moonbateese, “victory” means “defeat” and vice versa.

    I sense a new meme growing on the left; one of the hippies at my local pub, despondent at the recent spate of good news coming out of Iraq, was saying that even if the United States prevails, we have still suffered a MORAL defeat, so Murth and Co. would still be right…even if they are wrong. 

    I couldn’t hear the rest of his explanation on account that his head was suddenly sucked up his rectum, but I think he said something about the MORAL victory of the Dems in California…

  16. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Jesus.  Murtha has certainly lost it.  Okinawa?  Out for obvious reasons.  Wishbone hit the nail with regards to Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain, terrain and diplomatic wise.  There are also significant logistical issues that get blown off by Murtha in his rush to cut&run.  And, oh yeah, why take the same ground twice?  Any Marine ought to know the answer to that one.

    But even with all that, Rove remains light years ahead of Murtha on the primary reason.  Abandon Iraq, and we might as well shut down all our military bases across the world.

    Which, come to think of it, would mightily please Murtha and the other elite members of the Democratic Circle Jerk, errrrmmmmmm, National Committee.

    I have to wonder if Murtha is receiving massive injections of formaldehyde daily in order prevent decomposition of his flesh, ‘cuz he is certainly acting a long standing member of the Living Dead.

  17. Meg Q says:

    Here’s a slightly more pro-US article on the Okinawa pullout/reorg, but, yeah, moving more American servicemen there is definitely no-go—and you’d think a friggin’ Jarhead would know that! What, is Rep. Murtha not even reading his copy of Leatherneck, for pete’s sake? Hell, why don’t we just move ‘em to Guam? Or Diego Garcia? Jeez, now I know why my grandfather (who never got above colonel) was so bitter about the big brass . . .

  18. Ric Locke says:

    Aaaaaaaargh! PIMF! PIMF! PIMF!

    Diana Irey



    TW: for the cause.

  19. ahem says:

    I find it impossible to believe Murtha was ever in the service. Clearly, he’;s been at the kool-aid.

    What he’s suggesting would be the death of our military and put us firmly in the position of a second-class nation, a positon from which we might never recover.

    I’m with Rove.

  20. Big E says:

    Chris Matthews put John Podesta and Justin something or other Democratic strategist through the ringer on Fox News Sunday this morning.

    The best shot?  When he asked Podesta how it would look to the world, to Iraq and to our enemies if we left immediately as he seems to endorse.  Podesta looked like he was gonna shit his pants.  Then he recovered himself and went into some long anti-bush screed leaving the question, of course, unanswered.  Also he hammered them on the new Democratic platform not having any reference to Iraq.  Frankly, it was a little unseemly, even to me, how much Chris seemed to be enjoying himself.

  21. BumperStickerist says:

    at the moment I’ll cut Murtha some slack and say that he was analogizing US troop deployments in Okinawa as supporting the deployment in Korea.

    He just had a senior moment and forgot to, you know, say all that analogizing stuff.

    I’m all for US Troops redeploying out of Iraq on one condition – they play ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ from the helicopters if they have to do a fast strike into Mosul to support the Iraqi security forces.

    I, for one, am willing to give Murtha a mulligan on this one.

    provided the Scorpions provide the soundtrack to future US missions in Iraq.


  22. Mark says:

    Ric, Yes she is a hot chick, but not (IMHO) in such a way as to be threatening to other women, so I hope she’s using her photo heavily in her campaign.

  23. Meg Q says:

    Hmm, I see from elsewhere that Murtha never made above col either (for some reason I’d thought he’d made general . . . don’t know that much about him). That makes me feel somewhat better. Although seems he would have fit right in at the Pentagon . . .

    tw: little How little he knows . . .

  24. Sean M. says:

    We can go to Okinawa. We, we don’t have—we can redeploy there almost instantly.

    Are we absolutely sure that Murtha served in the Marine Corps?  Sounds more like Starfleet to me.

  25. alppuccino says:

    I got this one.

    My grandma, godblesser, speaks fluent Murthese.  But around her we call it Alzheimer’s.  Tough to watch, but it’s a part of life.

    I keep seeing the video of Murtha drinking the bottle of water and he just looks like he should have a note pinned to his lapel lest he should wind up doing 25 laps in a WalMart parking lot.

    Hey Mr. Murtha, no gowns in the dining hall.  Put some pants on or skip dinner tonight.  Thanks.

  26. TomB says:

    Murtha is only a “hawk” in the sense that all the pork he brings into the district is defense-related (a function of his comittee seats), and he never misses a chance to vote for an increase in defense spending.

    So he’ll always vote to increase funding for the military, but God forbid we ever do anthing with it.

  27. Major John says:

    Meg Q beat me to it.  Maybe a big brain defense guy like Rep. Murtha might have noticed that we just made an agreement with the Japanese to LESSEN our numbers at Okinawa.

    By God’s Teeth! Did no one call him on that right away?


  28. Rusty says:

    Proof positive that nobody is behind the wheel of the democratic clown car. Damn that’s some funny stuff. November is going to be a riot. All those goofy democlowns jumping out of the little car. propeller hats turning, big red noses going beep-beep-beep.

    And the best part? They’re absolutely serious. It just keeps getting better and better.

  29. LagunaDave says:

    his Republican challenger is a hot chick

    She is certainly not “a hot chick.” She is a freaking uber-goddess!

    I think it’d be cool if she did a variation on the Ned Lamont/Kos TV commercial, only instead of a home invasion by the Star Wars cantina scene extras led by the flaming fairy prince, she could have a squad of jarheads in battle fatigues showing up to volunteer for her campaign…

  30. Pablo says:

    Mark sez:

    Ric, Yes she is a hot chick, but not (IMHO) in such a way as to be threatening to other women, so I hope she’s using her photo heavily in her campaign.

    She would be a major upgrade in all sorts of ways.

    Vets for Irey

    Feel the love.

  31. Scott Free says:

    Proof positive that nobody is behind the wheel of the democratic clown car. Damn that’s some funny stuff. November is going to be a riot. All those goofy democlowns jumping out of the little car. propeller hats turning, big red noses going beep-beep-beep.

    And the best part? They’re absolutely serious. It just keeps getting better and better.

    Voltaire must be, like, sooo jealous.

  32. MayBee says:

    Bahrain and Qatar would take us because we’ve treated Dubai so well in exchange for their help.

  33. Sean M. says:

    Voltaire must be, like, sooo jealous.

    Nah.  He spends most of his time being dead.

  34. Pablo says:

    Michelle has must see video of Murtha and Rick Moran taking a well executed smackdown at a town hall meeting from a vet just back from Afghanistan.

    The last line, Moran’s one line response says all you need to know.

  35. Jeff Goldstein says:

    OT, but I wonder what Major John thinks about Frank Rich’s assertion that we are now “losing the war in Afghanistan.”

  36. wishbone says:

    Umm, Jeff…

    The Left has thought we were losing ANYWHERE there might be, you know…fighting, since the Tet Offensive.

    Does anyone else remember when the air campaign in Gulf I was “taking too long”?

  37. B Moe says:

    I’m trying to figure out what to think of Frank Rich’s assertion that either stay the course or cut and run is a false choice.  Maybe he has a metaphysical compromise worked, something Murtha can use to fly those bombing runs out of Okinawa.  Probably part of that secret plan Kerry has when he gets elected.

  38. Rick Ballard says:

    The RNCC won’t target Murtha, although they will help Irey a bit. It would be interesting to see if the correct side (that would be the right side) could put on a demonstration that it is possible – contrary to proof provided to date by the Kossack – for an internet campaign to make a material difference.

    PA-12 is gerrymandered over eight rather small counties and it would be a rather difficult but not impossible task.

  39. 6Gun says:

    Murtha being nuts means, natcherly, that over in the ‘Bat-o-sphere, Puffin’stuffednose has Murtha just dismembering Rove. 

    Hose down the walls; there’s blood everywhere:

    I had to rewind it just to see this again: “He’s sitting in his air conditioned office with his big, fat backside, saying, ‘Stay the course.’”I mean, did Murtha stick it to them or what? Boom! They have no plan. Boom! It’s lipservice from Washington. Boom! History will prove them wrong. Boom! Karl Rove has a big, fat ass. It almost makes you weep.

    Yeah, he stuck it to him, Rachel, you flaming idiot.  Let’s fucking weep. 

    The Appearances Party really does run on fumes.

  40. Richard says:

    Going way off topic here, but I just dropped by Eject!, Eject!, Eject! and there’s an actual new post up there.  Whoever had June 18th in the pool, remember to collect your winnings…

  41. Any X-File character who can get funky with Scully says:

    Hey, listen, Murtha is right, man! If that warmongering bitch Sydney Bristow can move an entire CIA strike team anywhere in the world in one hour, why can’t the DAMN PRESIDENT move a Marine Division, instantly?

    Unless, like that fricken Chimpy McHitlerburton really HAS wrecked the military like that guy from MoveOn told me…

  42. Darleen says:


    Just got back and took a look at Rey’s site

    Yes… I agree with the “hot chick” designation. Some how I think the greytones wallpaper background of her is very reminiscent of Lindsay Wagner back in the day of Bionic Woman.

    And all us girls wanted to be Jaime Sommers!


  43. Darleen says:

    whoops… Rey = Irey

  44. Dan Kauffman says:

    When I say a timely response, you know, our fighters can fly from Okinawa very quickly.

    Has this idiot ever heard of logistics? Oh great we can fly very quickly from Okinawa and then leave the troops we drop high and dry.

    We need MORE statements from this guy so the American public can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Security of the Nation can NOT be trusted in the hands of his Party.

  45. I was born and raised in Johnstown and I still have many friends in the area, all constituents of Murtha’s. They’ve liked him, but when presented with some of his outlandish remarks and asked if they would vote for someone who said “that,” their answer is a resounding no! At The Squiggler, I have been calling for Murtha’s removal for months. Jeff, the translation reads like this: JACK MURTHA IS A SENILE OLD MAN. VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE ASAP. SUPPORT Diana Irey

  46. Terry Ott says:

    Richard, you’re NOT going “way off topic” as you said. Anytime the topic is Murtha and you use the word “eject” (let alone 3 times), you are very much ON topic.

  47. Sortelli says:

    Maybe he was pitching to that demographic that can’t find Iraq, let alone Okinawa, on a map?

    You know, the “reality-based” voters.


  48. Does anyone else remember when the air campaign in Gulf I was “taking too long”?

    I remember when we were warned that Saddam had the 4th biggest Army in the World so we should think twice about taking him on. AND, I remember how we were all supposed to quake at the idea of the “Mother of all Battles.” AND I remember how foolish the media looked when those fierce Iraqi fighters started surrendering to unarmed reporters in the middle of the desert.  rolleyes

  49. Slartibartfast says:

    Which is good, because in Okinawa, Miyagi-san can teach the troops the Crane technique, Drum technique and all manner of other ass-kicking aspects of Okinawan karate.

  50. wishbone says:

    Pat Morita is dead, Alarti, God rest him.

    And he’d STILL make more sense than Murtha…

  51. mojo says:

    “No thanks. I don’t like to pay for the same real estate twice.”

    — Gen. George S. Patton

    SB: army


  52. wishbone says:

    Slarti…that is.

    In my best Foghorn Leghorn…

  53. David Block says:

    Murtha was a Marine? I thought that they were taught geography better than that. That must mean that today’s HS graduate can’t find his butt with both hands and a map. (Not quite true, my kids would do better than Murtha.)

    One of my dad’s cousins was a Marine. Lance Corporal Harlon Block (RIP), Iwo Jima flag raiser. I think that would make us second cousins. Cousin Harlon is spinning in his grave right now.

    This guy is an embarassment to the Marines.

  54. Toog says:

    The Murtha brand of cut-and-run cowardice is rare even among Democrats in congress. 

    93-6 voted to keep troops in Iraq in the Senate, and a similar margin in the House.  Murtha has no weight even in his own party.

  55. Master Tang says:

    Indeed, Slart, the Crane Technique!

    There is no defense!

  56. Wickedpinto says:

    I was thinking about how the Left thinks that everyone in the military are morons, who joined for college money, though they are too mentaly deficient to enter a university, or to get away from their abusive gang banger neightborhoods, or some other load of shit.

    Then I realized that This guy, is the guy the Left uses to represent the Lefts military policy.

    And, and where those airplanes won’t—came from I can’t tell you, but, but I’ll tell you one thing,

    No jag, you’ve said enough.

  57. Wickedpinto says:


    Murtha is prolly just a psyop built up by chimpy mchitlerburton to convince the American public that Murtha is a lunatic, so that the morons on the right wil vote for him again.

  58. Slartibartfast says:

    All righty, then.

    Now, for what Murtha actually said about Okinawa:

    Well, it…uh…our fighters can fly from Okinawa rather quickly…it doesn’t take any time at all.

    Oh, groovy.  Over five thousand miles in no time!  Without refueling!  Yay!

    We must have better fighters and ground attack aircraft than I’d thought.

    Meanwhile, back in our galaxy, an F-15E would have to refuel three or four times to bring a full load of ordnance to Iraq from Okinawa.  Not to mention, fly over several thousand miles of the People’s Republic of China, as if that’s ever going to happen.

  59. Any X-File character who can get funky with Scully says:

    BMoe — Well, remember, Frank Rich was a thittuh critic.  I’ll bet he has this plan where we close in Iraq but put a road company out to bring a smaller version of the war to other countries around the world…

  60. Slartibartfast says:

    On second thought, given that the guy has approximately the same chance of actually completing a sentence as Mike Ditka (~15%), I think he should be required to put his opinions in writing.

    Because this shit is rambling, even by the standards of a guy as obviously confused as Murtha seems to be.

  61. wishbone says:

    There’s many countries understand the importance of stability in the Middle East. This is an international problem. We, we use 20 million barrels of oil a day. China’s the second largest user. All these countries understand you need stability for the energy supply that’s available in the Middle East. So there’s many, many countries.

    Is it just me, or did he call for Chinese troops to help or for basing US forces in China, or does he even know that Japan is the second-largest importer of oil?  And if so, maybe we have an explanation for the Okinawa comment.

    ………whew……..just channeling John Podesta for a moment there….need a shower….

  62. OHNOES says:

    You thought I was kidding about the “hot chick” bit, didn’t you?

    Nope. Was just waiting for the link. wink

    I don’t like to feel like what a senior head government dude is saying. Normally, when I felt that way (Back in my liberal pissant days), it preceded a whack with a clue-bat and an intense feeling of shame. As such, my first reaction is to think that there has to be a reason for this nonsense.

    But, honestly, at this point, the reason is BDS. I can feel confident in that.

  63. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Fat Jack proves once again that the Demo-rats

    are to national security as Andrea Yates is to

    motherhood. Truman, JFK, and “Scoop” Jackson must be spinning like whirling dervishes at what’s become of the party they once proudly joined.

  64. Darleen says:

    Can we now call Murtha and his supporters part of the Surrender-Based Community?

  65. MayBee says:

    Wishbone- I was just wondering the same thing about his China comment.  China may appreciate stability to get oil, but I don’t think they much care where that ‘stability’ comes from. They certainly aren’t going to be troubled if some horrific human-rights violating terrorist regime takes over Iraq, as long as they are willing to let the oil flow to China.  And as long as said regime never calls Taiwan a sovereign nation.

  66. jimmy's attack rabbit says:

    Murtha’s performance was such a miserable failure it can only mean he’s going to re-launch his campaign to be Majority Leader.

  67. Sortelli says:

    Seriously, where’s our local contrarians to talk about how we misrepresent Murtha’s position of “immediate redeployment?”

    TW:  French. Maybe we can just agree to characterize his position as “French?”

  68. Patricia says:

    Well, sure, the Okinawa thing doesn’t seem reasonable unless you understand they will be flying spaceships at the speed of light!

  69. Toby Petzold says:

    I don’t go in for calling Murtha a coward, but he’s certainly a dumbass. At least these days.

    Assuming the Democrats retake the House, I think the best thing that could ever happen to pro-war America is to see him and Steny Hoyer battle it out for Majority Leader.

    You know: to [heighten the contradictions].

    Murtha’s moral authority is largely a Big Media creation intended to help the Dhimmicratic Party. In that respect, he’s just like John Kerry or Mother Sheehan or Kristin Breitweiser: a propagandist whose experience is intended to trump any logic that contradicts the anti-war line. It’s extraordinarily cynical of them both —and I am sick of it.

    The purpose of our presence in Iraq is to be in Iraq. That’s why these stupid hippies can shuck their puds all day long about missing WMDs and Nigerien yellowcake and McHitlerburton and whatever else: we went there to fix the problem of Saddamite Iraq and to be around to fix other problems in the region. We went there to invite the jihadists from all over the world to come and take their best shot at us on Arab soil. Guess what. It’s working.

    Murtha’s constant calls for redeployment are incoherent crap. Our fighting men and women are exactly where they are supposed to be: sacrificing their own lives and safety so that the rest of us can live normal lives here at home. The least we can do is acknowledge that and give them our greatest respect.

  70. Scott Free says:

    Murtha was a Marine?

    Yeah, but he was obviously more of a “Hudson” than a “Hicks.”

  71. Sir Robin, Democrat Stragegist says:

    Our New Slogan!

    “Perhaps we could confuse them if we ran away more?…”

  72. Toby Petzold says:

    Jesus! Is that an Aliens reference?! Ha, ha.

    Secure that shit, Hudson!”

    Ha, ha.

  73. LagunaDave says:

    Murtha’s verbal diarrhea over Haditha could be the wildcard for Irey.  Jack-ass got a long way “in front of the news cycle”, and the evidence for a so-called “execution style” massacre is looking thinner all the time.

    From scanning the transcript linked, it appears he had nothing to say about Haditha, and more surprisingly, wasn’t even asked.  The beginning of the row-back?

    If the Marines are innocent, as I hope they are, and exonerated, as I hope they will be if they are innocent, Murtha’s loathsome attack on them is going to be pretty hard to defend when it appears over and over in Irey’s (and probably Swiftboat-like veterans groups&#8217wink ads.

  74. dorkafork says:

    Of course, by “outside,” Murtha seems to mean something like, “from the air”—his argument being that because we bombed Zarqawi’s safe house from the sky rather than bumrushing it with ground troops, we can effectively fight the insurgency from bases outside the country without fear of the insurgents taking any strongholds.

    Just for the record, in case anyone was curious, “For the past year, most F-16Cs flying over Iraq have been staged out of Balad…” So when Murtha said “What happened with Zarqawi could have been done from the outside… was done from the outside.  Our planes went in from the outside.”

    Well, sure, if you consider 50 miles north of Baghdad “from the outside.” Then again, maybe they flew in from Okinawa.  You never know.

  75. LagunaDave says:

    Needed to check Google Earth before posting this, but:

    Baghdad – Okinawa:  4900 miles, most of it over China and Iran, which we would have to fight our way through.  Avoiding China and Iran, but assuming we are allowed to fly over Thailand and India makes it “only” 6600 miles.

    Baghdad – Maine: 5500 miles, all of it, except for a tiny corner of Syria, over countries that are at least nominally allied with us…

    So Murtha’s redeployed “Rapid Reaction Force” would certainly get there faster from Maine…

  76. LagunaDave says:

    They GOP majority in the House should hold a hearing and ask each of the Joint Chiefs to testify about the feasibility of Murtha’s “Rapid Deployment from Okinawa” strategy.  That would be priceless.

    tw: likely, as in “not very”…

  77. Neil S says:

    So what does it mean that 70 some odd comments into the thread not a one of the usual suspects has shown up to spread fertilizer?  Actus, Professor…please help us to understand the brilliance of Rep. Murtha’s plan.

  78. Synova says:

    OMG, Darleen!!!

    Your comment about Grandpa Simpson got linked by Instapundit!

    (Personally, my favorite comment would be the one about the Bionic Woman.  grin )

  79. Bruce says:

    Murtha says this about Karl Rove:

    This guy’s sitting back there criticizing–political criticism, getting paid by the public taxpayer, and he’s saying to us

    Back there?

    Implying “back there” isn’t the front line.

    Didn’t that moron Murtha notice that Washington and New York are the front line as well as Iraq.

    I know the MSM stopped showing the footage from 9/11, but I’m pretty sure it happened. And I know the MSM prefers to show pictures of some guy with panties on his head rather than rile up the people by showing footage of people jumping off the tower.

    But man, 9/11 happened. And Iraq isn’t the only front line!

    Alzheimers or treason bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia or George Soros. Not much of a choice to explain it.

  80. If the Vets will get behind her and everyone who reads this blog and all the others posting on this subject would donate $10 to her campaign, Diana Irey would not only have the money to fight Murtha, but she’d get the media coverage she needs for the PA 12th, especially the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat. Watch her video, available <a href=”″>HERE. She quotes at one point:

    “Congressmen who wilfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”

  81. McGehee says:

    Of course Okinawa would work, if they just install one of them Stargates like they developed at Area 51.


  82. Sean M. says:

    That’s the stupidest theory I’ve read in a long time, McGehee.  I mean, everybody who’s ever watched the X-Files knows they’ll be flying hypersonic reverse-engineered UFOs from the Roswell incident.

    “Stargates” indeed!

  83. Sortelli says:

    C’mon, where’s the trolls to tell us that Murtha has a plan?  A plan that will get us into Okinawa??

  84. Meg Q says:

    The leftys must have been so delighted with Rep. Murtha’s terrific zinger (as noted on HuffPo) that they’re off celebrating tonight! I mean, ding, dong, the Chimp is dead, right? The war ends tomorrow!!! How can the evil warmongers withstand an assault like that?

    Re: F-16s most likely out of Balad – Well, I doubt that. Because Murtha has access to highly sensitive information, and I hardly think he’d go on national television and say something that would make him look like a complete idiot, especially to the “military-based community”.

    Right? I mean, right?

  85. PMain says:

    Sorry guys, Murtha knows exactly what he is doing. Remember he is trying to be the next Democratic Speaker of the House & is trying to out crazy Nancy Pelosi, as if anyone other than Boxer could. His statements weren’t for the general public, nor for rational people, they were for fellow Democrats & the Kos kidz to garner support for his bid. The most important message he delivered was removal of the troops, doesn’t matter where as long as it is away from success in Iraq. Too bad Pelosi has him beat… but the bong resin count is just a tad bit higher in No. Cal then Penn.

  86. maor says:

    “Yeah. Paint a big target on our back and then you’ll cut and run on us.” What country would say that? What country would accept our troops?


    The US can’t make it any more of a target, and there are plenty of terrorists there for the US to kill.

    It would completely destroy all attempts to get the Arabs to hate the US a little less, but it would be kind of cool to see the whole world go nuts.

    TW: england

  87. LagunaDave says:

    If the Vets will get behind her and everyone who reads this blog and all the others posting on this subject would donate $10 to her campaign, Diana Irey would not only have the money to fight Murtha, but she’d get the media coverage she needs for the PA 12th

    I hereby nominate Diana Irey for membership in The Loyal Order of the Armadillo, with all the rights and privileges pursuant thereto…

    I’m not a vet (or an armadillo) but I’ll be shooting her a C-note every month from now until election day.

    Irey is impressive on the video; a tough lady with brains and class.  Murtha is bought and paid for by lobbyists, and will no doubt attract plenty of cash from the capitulationist left.  It will be tough fight to win, but it must be fought.

  88. Sortelli says:

    The leftys must have been so delighted with Rep. Murtha’s terrific zinger (as noted on HuffPo) that they’re off celebrating tonight!

    I understand that this has been another great Moral Victory for them. 

    Plus he called Karl Rove fat.  Tee hee!  True comedy up there with the great genius of Stephen Colbert.

  89. Beto Ochoa says:

    And Murtha is not fat as well?

  90. tomaig says:

    Over the horizon, over the Himalayas, whatever.

  91. jdm says:

    Has Murtha’s district been considered to be “in-play”? Wouldn’t that be interesting if it wasn’t until recently? In a cycle where the Dems are going to take it all back?

    And David Block? Your dad’s (first) cousin would be your first cousin, once removed.

  92. JeanneB says:

    More questions about Murtha’s “Okinawa strategy”:

    If, as he demands, there are no American troops conducting raids in Iraq, is he advocating that U.S. bombers will strike targets based on orders from Iraqi commanders? 

    If, as he asserts, there’s a civil war going on, shouldn’t he be concerned that American airstrikes might be directed at political enemies?

    If no troops are in Iraq, who will do BDA—especially to defend against false claims of collateral damage from the enemy?  Does Murtha believe the enemy would promote such propaganda to a willing media?

    Of course, Murtha won’t answer such questions.  He’ll just keep asserting that he’s “hearing from the military brass”, “talking to the soldiers (who don’t even understand their mission)”, and of course there are all those “people” who come up to him everywhere he goes to tell him he’s right!

  93. schoolmarm says:

    Y’all are just missing the brilliance of Murtha’s Okinawa strategy. See we would totally be taking those Jihidies by surprise because they wouldn’t be expecting the U.S. from that direction. wink

    What I am going to do?  I do not have any moonbat trolls to spank on this thread. I’m worried about business.

  94. Any X-File character who can get funky with Scully says:

    The leftys must have been so delighted with Rep. Murtha’s terrific zinger (as noted on HuffPo) that they’re off celebrating tonight!

    The Democrats have just realized that their new Great Round Hope of a military expert, “Murky” Murtha, has joined the ranks of “Cambodia” Kerry, “Sticky Fingers” Zinni, “Hats” Shinseki and Wesley “Polish Firing Squad” Clark as an example of their entire party’s complete uselessness on national defense.  That’s why we’re not hearing from them.

  95. ahem says:

    pman is right, of course. It’s all a clumsy attempt to wangle Reid’s job. So, not only is Murtha a fool, he’s a grasping, unscrupulous fool.

    As for the mysterious absence of the nutbags; I’m hoping Jeff finally decided to flip the switch.

    tw: leave. Yes!

  96. nobody important says:

    I got it!  I know where we can redeploy.

    Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high…

    Come to think of it, Murtha does look like the Great and Powerful Oz.

  97. Noah D says:


    From which the planes go sweeping ‘round the world…

  98. Robin Goodfellow says:

    It is bad when you can’t muster even the coherency and lucidity of Anna Nicole Smith.  It is unforgiveable when you can’t do so on the subject of national security.

  99. megapotamus says:

    If you aspire to fluency in Murthese first study Kerrylogue.

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