
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


FOXNews asks, “Is it unethical to celebrate Zarqawi’s death?”

A: No, Shep, it’s not. 

Now, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to finish putting up the bunting and getting the 6’ sub ready for the party.  Which, I decided to go with ham.  Because I so enjoy the irony.


(via Allah)

71 Replies to “FOXNews asks, “Is it unethical to celebrate Zarqawi’s death?””

  1. ShedMySkin says:

    I celebrated last night when I heard. Best night at work I’d had in a while….score one for us.

  2. Good Lt. says:

    Pizza Tonight! Woohoo! surprised

  3. Allah says:

    Can’t pin that one on Shep.  It was aired during DaySide with Mike Jerrick and the cripplingly, scorchingly, blindingly hot Juliet Huddy.

  4. cathyf says:

    Don’t forget a bowl of 72 raisins on the buffet!

  5. Mikey NTH says:

    Is it okay to make up words in celebration?

    Like “Zarqawi got a zar-powwie?”

    I’m askin’ first.

    Hey!  Do you think they’ll get him a part in Frank J’s “Dead Iraqi Puppet Theater” alongside Uday and Qusay?

  6. SarahW says:

    Bacon crumbles in the spinach salad tonight!

  7. Matt Esq. says:

    I will certainly be lifting a pint or three this evening to our military and the Iraqi government, for finally sending this asshole to his “reward”.

  8. BoZ says:

    (Slaps Shep with the corpse.)

  9. Big E says:

    FOXNews asks, “Is it unethical to celebrate Zarqawi’s death?”

    Oh shit, better put these pants back on, get all this blow off the table and get rid of these hookers.

    A: No, Shep, it’s not.

    Not so fast, honey….

  10. EFG says:

    Dear Dr. Goldstein.

    First, let me say that I enjoy your blog very much.  You are a very well educated person and I have attempted to read some of your posts on something called “intensionalism.” (sic?) To be honest, they almost always went right over my head, although I think I have some of the basics down.  However, that is the nature of a high school diploma.  On the plus side, there is an immediate entry into the job market.  On the negative side, certain intellectual arguments are, “out of reach”, shall we say.

    Nonetheless, this same question about Zarqawi’s death was brought up on a HotAir thread and I attempted to answer it there.  Since I am a lazy man, I will not attempt to re-create the wheel, and with your permission, I shall merely cut and paste my post from HotAir here at your blog.  If this violates any blogosphere etiquette, I apologize.  I mean no disrespect.


    Hmmmm, I’ll take a quick stab at trying to answer the Fox News question.

    Now most of the time this question comes up, some Moonbat is trying to score some cheap point. “What, you support the war in Iraq? WHAT SORT OF CHRISTIAN ARE YOU!!!!????”

    Sorry moonbats, supporting the war on terror does not mean taking unholy glee in every death that occurs. But unfortunately, war means killing. It can’t be avoided. So we try to make sure that when we go to war, it is for a cause that is worthy of the sacrifices. But let me try to address the Christian theology aspect.

    Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s

    (Matthew 22:15-22 NKJV)

    The response of Jesus when his enemies tried to trap him by asking whether it was right for the Jews, whose nation had been taken over by the Roman Empire, to pay tribute to the Roman emperor. He took a Roman coin that would be used to pay the tribute and asked whose picture was on it; his questioners answered, “Caesar’s.” The reply of Jesus implied that in using Roman coins, the Jews accepted the rule of the Romans, and so the Roman government had the right to tax them, as long as the Jews were not compromising their religious duties. Jesus’ more general point was, “Give to worldly authorities the things that belong to them, and to God what belongs to God.”

    Basically, I take this as meaning that in a theological sense, even though the Christianity comes down strongly against killing, it also recognizes that we do live in the real world, not God’s Kingdom, and that unfortunately, sometimes we have to do things like this to survive.

    So although we do not celebrate the death of Zarqawi as being a spiritual triumph, or celebrate it as a Christian or holy thing, we can celebrate it in a non-theological way, as something that brings justice and peace to the land.

    So in conclusion, do I celebrate Zarqawi’s death as a Christian? No, I do not. However, as an American, and as a moral being, I celebrate his death as making life safer for Iraqis and American in Iraq.

    Just my two cents. Remember, I am not a theologian, so if there are any glaring flaws in this, please be merciful… wink

    End Quote

    Very respectfully,


  11. Patricia says:

    Lots of US flags out in my neighborhood today.  grin

    Congratulations and much love to our troops and to the Iraqis who helped end Z’s pathetic existence.

  12. Tom says:

    I’ll bring the slaw! LOL

  13. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    I definitely let out a Nelson Muntzian “HA-ha!” when I heard the news this a.m.

    “Celebration,” however, isn’t the word I’d use.  Now, Shep tripping and falling face first into a pool of fecal-laden mud during his New Orleans hissyfit?

    THAT’S worthy of a celebration.

  14. Paul says:

    Hey Zarqawi!! How does Beezlebub’s dick taste? big surprise

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I was pinning it on Shep in spirit, Allah.

  16. Jeff Goldstein says:

    EFG —

    I’m not a Dr (though I play one when I debate community college professors), and I’m also not a theologian.

    But none of that matters. Bring a bag of Ruffles and some onion dip and come join the party!

  17. shank says:

    Hey Zarqawi!! How does Beezlebub’s dick taste?

    Probably like RAISINS.

    Hahahahaha, holy shit.  I couldn’t resist.

  18. Inspector Callahan says:

    cripplingly, scorchingly, blindingly hot Juliet Huddy

    Amen, brother.  (Or is it PBUY?)

    TV (Harry)

    tw:  woman.  Yup.

  19. Today’s the end of the week for my diet. I’ve been relatively good this week, and have a whole lot saved up.

    It’s all going. I’m going to feast—a big ol’burrito (pork based, preferably), chips, a beer, and maybe some cake or something.

    Nothing unethical about enjoying the death of a mass murderer. Zarqawi won’t be slitting any more throats, and if that doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then you’ve got problems.

  20. Rob B. says:

    Zarqawi dead. Check.

    Payday. Check.

    Drilled a great well today. Check.

    Mav’s and Heat, game one. Check.

    Yeah, it’s a good day.

  21. Dave S. says:

    You could even pick up some extra ‘Heinz’ packets and pretend it’s the blood of a martyr.

    If you don’t want to put them on the sandwich, just stomp on them and yell ‘BOOM’!!!  GOT ‘IM!!!

  22. Big E says:

    You could even pick up some extra ‘Heinz’ packets and pretend it’s the blood of a martyr.

    If you don’t want to put them on the sandwich, just stomp on them and yell ‘BOOM’!!!  GOT ‘IM!!!

    thanks Dave S. I just completely ruined by carpeting mad

  23. kelly says:

    Today is a damn fine day, folks. Damn fine.

    Might have to break out a bottle of fine American wine from my stash. Hell, maybe two.

    Here’s to killin’ scum who just needed killin’.

    TW: good. No shit!

  24. Rich in Martigues says:

    Juliet Huddy…

    Whish she had kept teh short hair.  God that is some nice uh…. anchor.

    Did someone die or something?

  25. Stormy70 says:

    I love the smell of roasting terrorist scum in the morning – Satan

  26. 6Gun says:

    Looking out over the Sierras at 6am this morning, something just felt right.  Powered up the PC and knew it was.

    60 degrees, breezy, clear air, bracing.  And then this.

    Doing a little creative drafting right now, to the sounds of some excellent space music.

    Ah, it is indeed a good day.

    tw: Changes.

  27. Dr. Weevil says:

    How’s about EFG just bring the Ruffles and someone who’s in Chicago can bring ‘the dip’—of course, you’ll have to drag him away from the podium at the YearlyKos shindig.

  28. alppuccino says:

    I submit for your approval my main course offering for the Zarq Death party.

    2 pounds spaghetti in red sauce.

    2 meatballs

    4 red peppers cut into chunks that resemble guts

    3 cups guacamole

    1 large old-fashioned baby doll

    Paint Zarqawi stubble on face of baby doll and make eyes look surprised.  Cut slit in doll from sternum to pubis and spread open to fit serving bowl.  Fill bowl with spaghetti making sure that some of the pasta and sauce spills out from both sides of the dolls thorax.  Sprinkle gut like chunks of red pepper over the noodles.  Place meatballs anywhere in the room. 

    Take dolls legs and spread them.  Pour guacamole into the back of the shorts of the doll making sure it oozes out of both pant-legs.

    Serve hot.

  29. Richard R says:

    Tonight I will raise a toast to Mr. Z’s untimely passing, and arrival in Hell.  What would the most ironic alcoholic beveridge be for that purpose?

  30. Boss429 says:

    I bet the buzzards near a farm house a few miles outside Bakubah are having a feast

  31. tim maguire says:

    Ok, in case anybody was wondering why the Republicans will still be in power no matter what after the next elections:

    “This is just to cover Bush’s [rear] so he doesn’t have to answer” for Iraqi civilians being killed by the U.S. military and his own sagging poll numbers, said Rep. Pete Stark, California Democrat.

    tw: points

  32. Tom vG says:


  33. Wickedpinto says:

    Thats gotta be tough for shep.  Being stuck in the ethical dilemma.

    Can you image what the guys at CNN are going through?  The painful rein of journalistic ethics must be tearing Eason Jordan apart.  Amenpour, poor poor girl.

    You gotta give it to em.

  34. Mralibu says:

    Q: FOXNews asks, “Is it unethical to celebrate Zarqawi’s death?”

    A: No, Shep, it’s not.

    Preach it, brother!

    “…when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.” (Proverbs 11:10)

  35. Now, celebrating the death of a brave Hamas terrorism poobah, by those eeeevil Jooos, that would be unethical!

  36. ahem says:

    Hell no. When in Iraq….

  37. Carin says:

    What would the most ironic alcoholic beveridge be for that purpose?

    Oh, now this is a challenge -former bartender. I used to make a drink in Detroit called a “Blue Mother -Fu#r;”.  Zarqawi should be blue about now …




    Blue Curacao

    Sour mix and Sprit as mixer.

    shake, garnish with lemon.

  38. Wickedpinto says:

    “…when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.” (Proverbs 11:10)

    Posted by Mralibu

    Hey NOW!!!

  39. Monica says:

    All day I’ve been singing…..

    “Ding dong the terrorist is dead…”

    Yippee the Iraqis!!!!!

  40. JR says:

    The Zarkman wanted martyrdom. Our outstanding military forces granted him his highest wish. Shouldn’t FOX, NPR, et al be, ya know, like throwin’ some serious props their way for all the nuanced cultural sensitivity and shit?

  41. JD says:

    In light of the events of the last 24 hours, we should all gather around the television, watch the basketball game specifically for shots of the cheerleaders, and gorge ourselves on nice, crisp bacon rinds, followed by a juicy pork loin marinated in pomegranite and balsamic vinegar, spiced to taste with non-halal pepper.

    After the game, start firing pistols into the air with wild abandon.

    And yes, that will make it seem like Detroit is in the NBA Finals instead of Miami, but the point still holds.

  42. gahrie says:

    What would the most ironic alcoholic beveridge be for that purpose?

    I vote Grape flavored Maddog 20/20. (It’s kosher after all….)

  43. Toby Petzold says:

    Michael Berg is a stupid, immoral fuck.

  44. McGehee says:

    Tonight I will raise a toast to Mr. Z’s untimely passing…

    Are you questioning the timing!?  wink

  45. cosmik1 says:

    The only bad thing about finally nailing his ass?  No more hilarious Iowahawk Guest Commentaries from Zarkman like:

  46. N. O'Brain says:

    by alppuccino


  47. mike says:

    Maybe it is unethical.

    In that case, I’ve decided to join the Culture of Corruptionâ„¢

  48. N. O'Brain says:

    Oh, and….


    Sorry, I’ll be quiet now.

  49. cynn says:

    I am a longtime lurker and a “lefty” to boot.  And although I buy into some of the crazy lefty canon, I just want to say that I am proud and not surprised that our superior military force did what it was intended to do.  Way. To. Go.

  50. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Actually, I DID buy bunting for tomorrow’s countermarch…

    But I have a very important moral and ethical question about all this that I do need some expert help with.

    So I do the big guy’s cabbage pitch victory dance or the big guy’s running man victory dance?

  51. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    The only bad thing about finally nailing his ass?  No more hilarious Iowahawk Guest Commentaries from Zarkman…

    Hey, come on.  L. Ron Hubbard wrote three hundred novels and a John Travolta movie after HE died…

  52. ThomasD says:

    What would the most ironic alcoholic beveridge be for that purpose?

    Ironic, I don’t know.  But I do know that a very popular beverage in Iraq is Arak, very similar to what the Greeks call Ouzo but made from fermented date juice.  Anise flavored, clear, strong liquor, but gets cloudy when chilled.  It’s not for the faint of heart, Iraqis usually serve it with snacks but when the men get going then it’s straight shots and cancel tomorrow’s plans.  Pour, enjoy, repeat as necessary.

  53. Matthew O. says:

    I say: Piss Be Upon Him.

    and the prophet who proceeded him into Hell.

  54. JPS says:

    cynn, if it’s not too corny I’d like to say thanks for putting me in an even better mood.  We can agree to disagree on just about whatever else.  Cheers.

  55. Sean M. says:

    Those pork chops we just had for dinner tasted even better than usual.

  56. Dan Kauffman says:

    What, you support the war in Iraq? WHAT SORT OF CHRISTIAN ARE YOU!!!!????”

    Answer. I am not. I am part Cherokee, I am a PAGAN.

    Works real good on Illegal Immigration issues too

    cool smirk

    How can you have that attitude, YOUR ancestors were Immigrants TOO!

    Not all of them, some walked accross the Berring Landbridge at the end of the last Ice Age to get here, I am fairly sure they might be a tad sanguine on Open Borders.

  57. Oscar Jr. says:


    I hope that you already know how perfectly appropriate your recommendation is for tonight.

    I really wish I had some with which to celebrate.

  58. LagunaDave says:

    …getting the 6’ sub ready for the party.  Which, I decided to go with ham.  Because I so enjoy the irony.

    And for dessert, how about a special batch of paste souffle’!

  59. Rob B. says:

    Mavs win! Now if we could just get two f-16’s to bomb Cuban’s house….

  60. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Zarqawi: A Eulogy

  61. adamthemad says:


    We’d gladly trade a 1000 Pat Robertsons for 12 of you. Good to see a serious lefty and start cloning already!


    Yea, I hit his site last night hoping for a post that cuts off mid-sentence or something, but I’m sure da’ iHawk gots these mad HaXor sK][llz so he’s gonna hack Hell’s ISP and see what pop-up.


    I believe that’s actually pronounced ”BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA BOOOOOM!

  62. mojo says:

    Well, I question the timing.

    Just as Rove is due to be indicted.

    Yup. Any millisecond now…

    SB: looked

    dead to me

  63. Matt Esq. says:

    Pagan ? I thought all supporters of the Iraq war were bible thumping jew lovers. 


  64. Matt Esq. says:

    Ripped from IowaHawk

    “”Dear Mr. and Mrs. Al-Zarqawi

    Please find enclosed a Ziploc bag containing the remains of your martyr Abu Musab. Though he is now frollicking in Paradise, his comrades and I will always remember him for his playful goat buggering and his tremendous singing voice(used many times while goat buggering). Thanks to his holy sacrifice, we are one step closer to establishing the global caliphate.

    Death to the Infidel.

    Yours in Sharia,

    Osama Bin Laden

  65. Phil Smith says:

    39 follow-on raids last night.

    That network is penetrated.

    TW:  done.  Them muhfugga’s are done.

  66. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Kinda reminds me of another great moment in lefty icon history:

    Che: Workers of Bolivia! I am here to free you from your foreign oppressors!

    Peasant:  But you’re foreign.

    Che:  Shut up, running dog! — hey, what…?

    Bolivian Army (and, er, friends): BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG

  67. Lonely Federalist says:

    Unethical?  Possibly.

    Regardless, I partied like it was 1099!

  68. Major John says:

    What would the most ironic alcoholic beveridge be for that purpose?


  69. ThomasD says:


    I hope that you already know how perfectly appropriate your recommendation is for tonight.

    I really wish I had some with which to celebrate.

    No, I did not know the finer details.  My familiarity with Arak dates to my ex-wife, a child of Iraqis who immigrated back in the late 50s.  We separated in ‘94 so my supply has long since dried up.

    Yes, it would be all the more fitting.

Comments are closed.