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October 2024


“Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?”

From CBS News, “Neighbor Of Slain Qaeda Leader Alleges U.S. Troops Beat Man With Beard”:

An Iraqi man who was one of the first people on the scene of the U.S. airstrike targeting Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said he saw American troops beating a man who had a beard like the al Qaeda leader.

The witness, who lives near the house where al-Zarqawi spent his last days, said he saw the man lying on the ground near an irrigation canal. He was badly wounded but still alive, the man told Associated Press Television News.

U.S. troops arriving on the scene wrapped the man’s head in an Arab robe and began beating him, said the local man, who refused to give his name or show his face to the camera. His account could not be independently verified.

The U.S. military made no mention of any physical contact between U.S. troops and al-Zarqawi other than an attempt to provide him with medical attention.

Al-Zarqawi died shortly after the U.S. military obliterated his hideout northwest of Baghdad Wednesday with two 500-pound bombs. The bombs tore a huge crater in the date palm forest where the house was nestled outside the town of Baqouba.

Well, such heinous ecological devastation aside (how many children will starve for the arrogance of our military juggernaut, who presumed to tear apart the lush nest of date palms that hold together the Baqouba ecosystem?  How many new terrorists have we created with our callous rape of Mother Earth and her date-rich benevolence?), what CBS News and Associated Press Television News don’t tell you is that another local man—who also refused to give his name or show his face on camera (or even provide proof of his existence outside of the mind of those who might use his testimony to some peculiar propaganda effect)—disputed the first gentleman’s story, calling it “a questionable recollection of events,” and noting that, if anything, “the US troops who arrived on the scene showed remarkable humanity” in dealing with Mr Zarqawi, with one US serviceman purportedly kneeling beside the mortally wounded terror leader “to apply a soothing poultice made with palm fronds and an herbal paste much favored by the locals” while comforting him “with a stirring version of the Eagles’ ‘Desperado’ in a rich, throaty Alabama twang.”

Me, I’m not sure who to believe here.  Though if the Shroud of Baqouba shows up on eBay anytime soon, I’m going to have to give the nod to CBS and APTV. 

—But only if it comes with a certificate of authenticity.  I already fell for this kind of thing once when I purchased a chemical weapon shell we used on the children of Fallujah, only to find out later it was an empty canister of whipped topping with the label removed, and I was out $347.77.

Is nothing sacred?

(h/t Allah)

55 Replies to ““Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?””

  1. TerryH says:

    As per CBS standards for truthiness this could be true.

  2. Tim P says:

    Sounds like there is ‘enough evidence to support suspicions.’ Isn’t that all that’s needed these days?

  3. Why did it take so long to cook up a conspiracy?

  4. FedEx has a large package wrapped in date palm leaves waiting for JG.

  5. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    I hope this accusation gets play.  I want to see who it upsets…

  6. Spiny Norman says:

    U.S. troops arriving on the scene wrapped the man’s head in an Arab robe and began beating him, said the local man, who refused to give his name or show his face to the camera.

    Or, as is far more likely, Army medics attached a (white) cervical collar and performed CPR, beginning with a chest thump.

    His account could not be independently verified.

    No kidding.

  7. …refused to give his name…

    Yet the WaPo has it:

    Ahmed Mohammed, a local resident who said he rushed to the scene shortly after the bombs struck at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, said on Friday that he and others helped pull a bearded man he now believes was Zarqawi from the rubble.

    When U.S. forces arrived, they took the man aside, Mohammed said, and kept asking him his name. When he did not respond, the soldiers kicked him and hit him, Mohammed said, until his nose began to bleed.

    The writing here is rather ambiguous as to whether it was the rubbly bearded man or Ahmed Mohammed himself who was taken aside, kicked, and hit.  But presumably they mean the man pulled from the rubble.

  8. Matt, Esq. says:

    *“Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?”*

    “I hope so”

  9. Morely Safer says:

    Well, you knew this was coming…

  10. I recall during my undergrad/grad school days that at both institutions of higher learning (large Big Ten schools), our take on life was that if you were too slow and dimwitted to hack any other major, you either went into Hotel and Restaurant Management or you went into Telecomm/Journalism.

    Years have passed and I’d admit we were a tad harsh on the Hotel and Restaurant Management folks.  OTOH, after watching what passes for thought by reporters, we were far too kind to the journalists.

    Sorry ***holes should be locked up for everyone’s safety.

    tw: That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

  11. Morely Safer says:

    In any event, they whouldn’t have beaten him with a beard, would they? They would have beaten him with bag full of marbles…At least, I would have.

    tw: look. Look, it’s another CBS lie.

  12. David Block says:

    Whoever this upsets tremendously is a person whom I would rather not speak to. After seeing him sawing off heads, a beating is the least that should be done.

  13. Matt30 says:

    They wrapped his head in an Arab robe?  Well, I don’t suppose any of them had a crown of thorns available. 

    Thank God though, after the U.S. reigns devastation all around them, there are always brave witnesses standing around to tell the story.  I do wonder though, if the WashPo has a random Muslim name generator.  I can almost imagine them giggling as they decide “let’s call this one ‘Ahmed Mohammed,’we used ‘Mohammed Ahmed’ last time.”

  14. JWebb says:

    Another account from the same guy ( says Zarqawi wasn’t laying on ground when found, but actually pulled from the back of an ambulance by US troops and THEN beaten. It’s time to put Duke Lacrosse prosecutor Niphong on the case. . .

  15. rickinstl says:

    What exactly is the problem with giving that POS a good booting?

    Hell, I’d love to give him a kick or two.

    “however”, I’d have to buy new boots afterward.

  16. Mau Mau says:

    So US Troops decide to contravene standing orders to capture Zarqawi and instead beat him to death? – does that sound plausible? They forego all of the intelligence he could provide, ignore orders which had likely been restated 15 minutes prior, risk court marshall, all for the fun of wrapping his head in a bathrobe and beating him up.

  17. Journalist says:


  18. Big E says:

    Is nothing sacred?

    Of course some things are sacred:

    The media’s right to report top secret material that hurts the countries ability to fight terrorists is sacred.

    The lefts claims to the moral highground are sacred as are the Democratic Parties right to receive 90%+ of the black vote.

    The right to have an abortion is sacred as is the right for gay people to get married.

    The ability for left wing nutjobs who have experienced personal tragedy of some kind to fling wild accusations and tell vicious and slanderous lies about people they don’t like without being criticized is sacred.

    And of course the right of brown people the world over to express their disagreement with US foreign policy by murdering innocents using various barbaric and hideous methods is sacred.

    I’m sorry, I digress.  I’ve been reading the major newspapers and lots of op-eds and frankly I’m disgusted.  In any case I seriously doubt it happened because OUR troops are smart enough to know that bringing Zarqawi alive could yield a tremendous amount of priceless intelligence.  I’ll leave you with this one:

    The right of left wing douchebags in the media to whine,bitch and cast unsupported aspersions against our troops everytime the US experiences a minor victory in the war on terror is sacred.

  19. B Moe says:

    In any event, they whouldn’t have beaten him with a beard, would they? They would have beaten him with bag full of marbles…At least, I would have.

    It might have been a dead chihuahua puppy, they look kind of like beards if enough of their little bones have been shattered.

  20. Dear Mr. Wisdom,

    Or should I say, my good friend Protein! Since I have last communicated with you about trying to get the late Idi Amin’s millions out of the accursed bank of Jeddah, I have found some moderate success!!

    Yes, it is true my good friend Protein! A very kindly man who had recently immigrated to Iraq from Jordan was very interested in helping me move the late Idi Amin’s treasure out of the son of a dog’s bank of Joppa. We communicated frequently over the internet and he was about to give me the numbers to his secret Swiss acount. We had even agreed to meet in person so that he could personally give me the code! Curiously, he also wanted me to bring him a sharpening stone, but what did I mind since I was abou to finally taste success. Can you imagine my joy, my good friend Protein?

    It was with some trepidation that I embarked to meet my new found friend in the city of Baqubah. We had scheduled a meeting for Thursday morning. I was so very excited to know that I would finally be able to begin using my new friend’s bank account, er, to get the late Idi Amin’s fortune out of the accursed whore of Satan’s bank in Jeditha.

    Imagine my surprise, my good friend Protein, while approaching the address I had been given, a large explosion occurred! And right on the house I was to visit! I did not know if my tears were out of sorrow or joy, my good friend Protein. As my cab pulled up and I got out, I was immediately accosted by a ‘newsman’ asking me if I had seen the Americans take away a seriously wounded man on a stretcher and replace his body with that of bearded goat. I told him that I had not and asked if this indeed was the address I had on my paper. He informed me that it was and then asked me if I had seen American troops beat a man on a stretcher. I told him that I most certainly had not and if he had ever heard of Idi Amin. Imagine the impertinence of this dog, who ignored my question and asked me if I had seen the Americans shoot a man in a stretcher! At this point, my good friend Protein, I raised my voice and told him I had a meeting with a certain Mr. Z at this place and at this time. Imagine my sorrow to learn that he had been killed in the unfortunate explosion.

    Unfortunately my good friend Protein, this leaves me again without a benefactor to aid me in removing the late Idi Amin’s riches from he damnable bank of Jazithra.

    And that my friend Protein is why I am again writing to you! I have learned that your great broadcasting company, CBS has shown interest in helping me if I will travel to your great city of New York to provide ‘eye-witness’ testimony to the horrible crimes that have occurred in Baqubah.

    This, my good friend Protein, I am only too happy to do. Especially since they offered to pay me handsomely in cash for my ‘anonymous account’ if you will. Unfortunately, after my trip to baqubah I do not have the funds to visit your great country.

    If you could, my good friend Protein, provide me with a ticket to New York, I will be able to pay you back for your kindness, one-thousandfold the cost of the ticket! This is indeed your lucky day my good friend! Let me know and I will instruct you on how to transfer the funds! Peace be upon you my friend!

  21. That’s funny. I heard the troops on the scene lit him some cigarettes, applied an exfoliant to those rough patches on his elbows and gave him a foot rub.

    And I hope it hurt.

    T/W: All. As in Dee-buh-dee-buh-dee That’s all folks!


  22. It might have been a dead chihuahua puppy…

    According to my brother, who lives in the dead puppy beating town, the puppy was in a plastic bag.  I’d been kind of wondering how you got a good enough grip on a Chihuahua puppy to beat someone with it.  It’d be like beating someone with a hot dog.

  23. nikkolai says:

    We can all hope that he was crying like a bitch and pleading for his life when he suffered massive cardiac failure. And I for one would be happy knowing the US military personnel were laughing at his sorry, flea-bitten ass.

  24. drjohnk says:

    “Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?”

    This target was too high value for me to even allow myself the chance to entertain that happy possibility.

  25. “Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?”

    I sure hope so.  With scorpions.  In the naughty bits.

  26. dfx says:

    I just want to know more about the process that produced that framed picture at the press conference.  Did they take it to the mall and debate whether to go for glossy or matte finish?  And did they think that the thick, classic gold frame would be the perfect offset for the hint of blood in his nose?

  27. Doctor Bong says:

    I kind of like the idea that he died knowing he was in US captivity.

    Man, two 500 lb. guided bombs can fuck up your whole day.

    A good idea to check w/ the wife before bringing guests home.

  28. Actual mind says:

    Idiocy.  Liberals welcome the death of Al-Zarqawi.

    One trick pony, Jeff. Set up the straw man, knock it down.

  29. Mikey NTH says:

    Sure.  First thing I do when two 500 lb. bombs go off up the road at night is I rush towards a bunch of soldiers to see what’s up.

    CBS – All of the unverified speculation and wild accusations you have come to expect from the Tiffany Network.

  30. Dave C says:

    </i>Italics off.

  31. Dave C says:

    Let’stry this again.

  32. Dave C says:

    </i>I give up. It looks like the filter converts all HTML entered in the comment box to literal text.

  33. Rick says:

    One trick pony, Jeff. Set up the straw man, knock it down.

    Hey, you’re talking about the master, who has Broome Community College’s A#1 blogger’s head mounted over his neozionistcon alter.

    I mean, that’s a trophy worth a dozen Jeff Gannons!


    TW:  Alongside the head, Jeff also has Thersite’s member nailed to the wall.

  34. Darleen says:

    Acutely mindless

    Are you excluding all the “liberals” like Joe Biden and company that were doing the “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Zarqawi is dead …BUT…” dance all over the media?

  35. B Moe says:

    Idiocy.  Liberals welcome the death of Al-Zarqawi.

    One trick pony, Jeff. Set up the straw man, knock it down.

    straw man


    1. A person who is set up as a cover or front for a questionable enterprise.

    2. An argument or opponent set up so as to be easily refuted or defeated.

    3. A bundle of straw made into the likeness of a man and often used as a scarecrow.

    A CBS news article is not a straw man, it is not a front or something invented by its oppponents.  It is what it is and it says what it says.  No one here is attempting to knock it down or defeat it, it is hardly worth serious consideration. No, the goal here is ridicule and derision.

    It is interesting that you consider mocking CBS news as an attack on the liberal establishment, why on earth would you feel that way?

  36. Patrick Chester says:

    B Moe asked “actual mind”:

    It is interesting that you consider mocking CBS news as an attack on the liberal establishment, why on earth would you feel that way?

    Especially since I’ve been assured by many on the Left that the media is really a Right Wing haven and on the side of icky people like me who doesn’t think Iraq is a disaster.

  37. klrfz1 says:

    You people are dopes!

    Zarqawi was frozen. They were beating him to try to warm him up. You know, like when your hand are cold and you clap them together to warm them up.

    Besides that was just some bum they found and made up to look like Zarqawi. The real Zarqawi is still alive and living in France. “Quel douche la bon chance!”


  38. klrfz1 says:

    You people are dopes!

    How could they have that nicely framed picture of Zarqawi so fast? That, my friends, is the dead giveaway that this operation was planned from the get go. The CIA, man!


  39. American Son says:

    – Hopefully the Military will do a full autopsy on his body, and do it with a group of attending physicians and human rights observers, to determine exactly the cause of death, or we’ll get to hear a torent of the usual idiotic conspiracy theories from the moonbat brigade ad nausea.

    – There were reports of small arms fire from the house, as the local police moved in just ahead of the special forces, so he might have been in a sheltered area of the house, but the 2nd JDAM nailed him enough to finally do him in. Tenacious SOB, something like a damn cockroach.

  40. AST says:

    And I thought they’d be glad he wasn’t taken to Gitmo and tortured.

    There isn’t enough pain imaginable for me to feel sorry for this son of perdition.  CBS is no longer a news organization–it’s a propaganda outlet for the left. But I guess now it can claim to be perky.

  41. Heh.  Even if they do a fully witnessed autopsy, I have a Jackson that says someone will smuggle out some footage a la “Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’” and claim foul play.

    “Roswell, Roswell!!”

  42. McGehee says:

    “Roswell, Roswell!!”

    Iraqi Medical Examiner: “Dammit. Omar, put away that probe. It doesn’t look like we’re going to get away with any practical jokes this time.”

  43. Bill Faith says:

    Linked from


    Abu Musab al Zarqawi Is Still Dead Today Too[/url]. I’d like to think our guys are

    smart enough to have just let the bastard suffer. He’d have had much more fun if

    they’d turned him over to so Shiite cops for "interogation."

  44. Bill Faith says:

    Linked from Abu Musab al Zarqawi Is Still Dead Today Too. I’d like to think our guys are smart enough to have just let the bastard suffer. He’d have had much more fun if they’d turned him over to some Shiite cops for “interogation.”

  45. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Well, if he was alive, I just hope they held off long enough for him to finish his Credo so he died a good Christian…

    And if we’re really lucky, some cracker enlisted Babtist whipped out his canteen and baptised him on the spot…

  46. Don Surber says:

    “Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?”

    I sure as hell hope so

  47. mishu says:

    “Neighbor Of Slain Qaeda Leader Alleges U.S. Troops Beat Man With Beard”

    Now, did U.S. Troops pass around the beard and take turns beating the man or were they using one big, massive beard to beat him?

  48. Now, did U.S. Troops pass around the beard and take turns beating the man or were they using one big, massive beard to beat him?

    maybe one of these?

  49. Ardsgaine says:

    How many new terrorists have we created with our callous rape of Mother Earth and her date-rich benevolence?

    Date rape…

  50. daver says:

    “Neighbor Of Slain Qaeda Leader Alleges U.S. Troops Beat Man With Beard”

    At long last, is this what never-ending imperialist war has done to us… that we would slowly beat a wounded, defenseless man to death with a beard?

    Have the neo-cons considered will happen when these thrill-killers are let loose among innocent society, and are no longer required by the military to shave daily?!!

  51. Dana says:

    We knocked on his door with a 500 lb bomb! Then, to make sure he heard us, we knocked again, with another 500 lb bomb.  Maybe I’ve misinterpreted things, but it doesn’t seem like this was a mission meant to capture Mr al Zarqawi alive.

  52. DanG says:

    Greg Packer was not available for comment so they had to rely on a local source.

  53. forest hunter says:

    Well, when I was Zarq’s age I was as tough as they came, but when you ask was he beaten after the bombs, I put myself in his bared sole for just a moment. Yep, sure as hell, beaten and by the powder invested in me, baleedin’ too. Now I’m forced to admit that that first one left a few more welts than a normal day, but that second coming was a bitch.

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