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October 2024


Saturday metablogging:  insert hip pop culture allusion here

So.  Were today not our anniversary, my wife and I would likely be eating frozen Smart Ones™ lunches right now rather than getting ready to head to an Indian buffet for naan and saag and entrees heavy with chick peas and cubed lamb.  But because it is, we are—which has the practical effect of preventing me from thinking too much about Yearly Kos, saving me from a Saturday spent despairing for the future of this country.

Because I have to tell you, when I imagine people paying good money to slip into a pair of Dockers and spend their weekend in the desert sipping white Zinfandel while John Aravosis gives a spirited talk about the importance of using sodomy as a rhetorical tool against Republican wedge issues (yeah, I know:  let that image coalesce and percolate around in your brainpan for a bit), I feel like, you know—punching a nun, or bitch slapping a priest, or pelting a rabbi to within an inch of his life with loose citrus fruits.  Because God is surely dead—and these charlatans, well, they’ve been lying to us!

But, because today is my anniverary—and I’m going to load up on whatever delights the Other has in store for me in those glistening chafing dishes—I don’t have to stay home and dwell on America’s political and spiritual demise.  Which means God has himself a reprieve. 

See?  Ain’t love grand…?

23 Replies to “Saturday metablogging:  insert hip pop culture allusion here”

  1. harrison says:

    Man, god dodged a bullet there, didn’t he?

    And congrats. How many years?

  2. Muslihoon says:

    Happy anniversary! Here’s to many, many more years!

    You can’t go wrong with South Asian cuisine. My mom loves saag. We’re going down to the South Asian part of Chicago soon for groceries and meat and whatnot. And food. Mmmmmmm.

    I like your culinary taste.

  3. Thanks for once again sending me running for mental floss.

    Congratulations on your anniversity, and many more. 

    TW: written

    it is.

  4. Robert says:

    Happiest of anniversaries, O Sage of Denver.

  5. Dr. Angus says:

    Congrats and wishes for many more.

    Is it the one on Arapahoe Rd. near Centennial Airport? I don’t know the name, but that place is the best I’ve had in the big CO.

  6. EFG says:

    Happy Aniversary, dude. grin

    Dockers:  No problem.  Good threads.

    White Zinfandel wine:  No problem.  Not my favorite booze, but then again, with me, it is all about the destination (a good buzz) vs the journey. (booze type) Yeah, I know, how uncultured.  But at least I’m not drinking cough syrup for a buzz…

    a spirited talk about the importance of using sodomy as a rhetorical tool

    Dude, John Aravosis, what the heck?  Have you lost yer mind? (don’t answer that.  It’s a rhetorical question) Why would you want to ruin a good buzz with that sort of blather… Shudder…

    No wonder these guys can’t get their candidates elected.

  7. 6Gun says:

    Congrats, Jeff.  And you enjoy life in CO, where it’s impossible not to.  It’s just not fair.

    …preventing me from thinking too much about Yearly Kos, saving me from a Saturday spent despairing for the future of this country.

    Now that my leftards-are-clinical-melonballs hypothesis has struck dumb half the Democrap blogosphere with it’s obvious wisdom, I’m working on another blinding insight:

    That the other half of the Left is willfully conjuring rightist stereotypes just ‘cause it’s fun.  It’s entertaining, it questions authority for its own sake, and you get to meet other people-like chimps and try on that mutual paranoid/sanctimony/enraged/holier thingie.  Which is also fun—like those goofy Star Trek conventions.

    I’ve yet to find a moonbat who didn’t fit one category or the other.

    tw: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of Leonard Nimoy…

  8. 6Gun says:

    …not that Trekkies are paranoid/sanctimony/enraged/holier or anything.  It’s the convention thing, you know?  Jeez.

    tw:  The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the, ah, alone.

  9. valerian says:

    … , my wife and[I]would likely be …

    Dude, your “I” seems to have slipped (Freudian?) through the crack, so to speak.  cool smile

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. Pablo says:

    Happy anniversary, Goldsteins! I’d request veal.

  11. Scott P says:

    Happy Anniversary, Jeff!  Enjoy the day with the missus.

    BTW, I understand armadilos are partial to aloo gobi and veggie samosas.  Don’t know if they like the mango chutney or not.

  12. Master Tang says:

    A most happy anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein!  Banish the likes of Kos and Company from your mind and enjoy this day.

  13. Happy Anniversary.

    More nice words about Mrs. Goldstein and fewer about the fevered rantings of the Angry Left should be the order of the day.

    Turing Word: enough, as in, well, enough already with the Angry Left as the abyss begins to stare back into you.

  14. MarkD says:

    Happy Anniversary.  May you have many more, each better than the last.

    This will be tough to top, but maybe next year we get OBL, Hillary quits politics and becomes a nun, and Jeff wins the Powerball.

    Dream big, I say.

  15. American Son says:

    ….”On this day of happy celebration, having trevailed the crashing rivers of life for one more year, my loving faithful mate at my side, I looked in the maw of the abyss that is the Left, belched quietly into my hand, lossened my belt a notch or two, and ordered a nice after dinner desert, and apertif’, screw ‘em, screw em’ all.”

    – The maggots of the “delusionally based community” will wait for more Raid spray de-infesting on the morrow.

    – Enjoy….and congrats Goldstein……

  16. mike says:

    Have a good anniversary.

  17. McGehee says:

    Happy anniv’ from Yippee-ki-yay-land too.

  18. BoZ says:

    insert hip pop culture allusion here

    For a post about sodomy, dinner, and rabbi assault, the apropos ref is Ice Cube’s “No Vaseline.”

    Speaking of which, hHappy anniversary.

  19. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Many congratulations to the extremely patient Mrs. Goldstein!  Long may she endure!

  20. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Congrats on the anniversary. May the next one find you, the misses and Satchel firmly esconsed in a large home with a big backyard!

    Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do.

  21. Happy Anniversary!

    okay, i’ve tried to post a comment here three times and it says it can’t accept my comment.

    tw: french, yeah, what’s that abou?

  22. MayBee says:

    Happy Anniversary!

    okay, i’ve tried to post a comment here three times and it says it can’t accept my comment.

    Me too, Maggie.

    Happy Anniversary.  I hope you two lovebirds are just now getting to sleep.

  23. JD says:

    Happy Anniversary, Pieboy!

    On a related note, my beloved and I will be celebrating our 10th next week in Las Vegas.

    It is our intent to remind the denizens of that fine hamlet that “What Happens In Vegas, Stays in Vegas” – except for the urine-smelling, birkenstock-bedecked Kos Konventioneers, who by that time will have hopefully migrated northward toward Tonopah, to the Sixth Annual “Where The Hell Is Art Bell” Festival, with this year’s guest hosts Jonathan Frakes and Wil Wheaton.

    We’ll bring a better class of puke to Las Vegas Boulevard in your name.

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