
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024



They only do it because they love the troops that damn much…

It’s tough love, is what it is.  And sometimes, that’s the only kind of love that works—especially when you’re dealing with knuckledragging jarhead killbots produced by serial red state inbreeding.  Bless their li’l mutant hearts.


(h/t Charles Johnson; Allah has more)

100 Replies to “Remember”

  1. Jay says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.  She just couldn’t understand why CAIR would say this. “Even a Marine?” she asked pitifully.

    I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much.  I think my daughter could tell something was wrong.  I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore.  I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

    When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why is CAIR doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me:  I finally fell apart.  She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

    For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet.  Sometimes I just think it’s too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter’s voice helped me to get through.

  2. actus says:

    Why would anyone think anything wrong about ‘Hadji’? and “dirka dirka mohamma jihad,” the use of “little sister” as a human shield and laughing maniacly. Then the “little fuckers”—who knows our sweet Hadji girl—get blown to eternity. What could possibly be offensive about that?

    Its just a lighthearted joke. Just look at his intent. Its full of hearts and minds guys. hearts and minds.

    But is LGF really claiming that its the insurgents that kill the little girl when a marine is using her as a human shield? Nice one. How could the BBC fail to print that it was a marine using a human shield, obviously killed by the attacker firing at the marine behind the shield? those jerks.

  3. Jack Murtha says:

    Right on Actus!  We’ll get those marine bastards yet.  By hook or by crook baby, by hook or by crook.

  4. America Rules! says:

    The Shura Council of Mujihadeen would like to thank the USMC asshats for making that wonderful video.

  5. Patricia says:

    Why don’t we ever hear CAIR protesting jihadi Muslims killing Muslims?  Sticks and stones…

  6. The Ace says:

    How could the BBC fail to print that it was a marine using a human shield, obviously killed by the attacker firing at the marine behind the shield? those jerks.


    Let me guess:

    You did not attend the The Naval War College?!

    No worries however, you’ll still “grace” us with your silly ignorance.

    I’m quite certain of that.

  7. MayBee says:

    and “dirka dirka mohamma jihad,”

    That’s from Team America, actus.

  8. actus says:

    That’s from Team America, actus.

    Damn it. I thought that was the cleverest part. Right next to ‘laughing maniacly.’

    No worries however, you’ll still “grace” us with your silly ignorance.

    In the song I heard, the marine uses the “little sister” as a hostage/human shield. LGF points out that this means that the insurgents killed her, not the marines. Perhaps it would have been better for the BBC to clarify who is responsible for the deaths of human shields—the shooters, or the hostage takers.

  9. And, and, global warming, and the corporations…

    Turing Word: truth, as in, Actus is speaking TRUTH to power!

  10. Mau Mau says:

    CAIRS Redaction of the Lyrics:

    The song’s lyrics include: “I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally. . .I blew those little f**kers to eternity . . .They should have known they were f**king with the Marines.” Members of the audience, not shown in the video, laughed and cheered wildly for these lyrics.

    Actus is still pissed at the ROTC guys who’d laughed at him for taking Interpretive Dance.

  11. MayBee says:

    Look, the ‘laughing maniacly’ is arguably offensive.  The truth is these guys are facing insurgents using innocent people as human shields every single day.

    If they want to engage in dark humor, let them.

    If they really do use a young girl as a human shield, go after them for that.

  12. actus says:

    Turing Word: truth, as in, Actus is speaking TRUTH to power!

    Its a strange form of truth over at LGF land. I mean, sure, the bullets did come from the gun of the insurgents. But they may not want to line up so quick behind the use of a human shield. Who knows what the truth of whats in their mind is?

    Actus is still pissed at the ROTC guys who’d laughed at him for taking Interpretive Dance.

    They would have laughed if they saw me dancing period.

  13. Attila Girl says:

    Oh, for heaven’s sake. Can’t anyone in the world take a fucking joke anymore?

  14. Look, the ‘laughing maniacly’ is arguably offensive.  The truth is these guys are facing insurgents using innocent people as human shields every single day.

    i kinda agree maybee, parts of it may have been in bad taste, but in some situations who doesn’t like a little gallows humor?

  15. Attila Girl says:

    Gallows humor is an essential tool for surviving encounters with the very darkest parts of human nature.

    Ask your local homicide detective.

  16. Mau Mau says:

    All I can say is that CAIR and elements of the MSM had better hope that this is a long war, because when these guys get back, they’re going to be pissed.


    Strange they don’t highlight video’s like this one – – might provide some context

  17. RTO Trainer says:

    Um.  I’d put the little girl in front of me if I were trying to get her out of the situation.

    I think perhaps people are seeing what they wish to see.

  18. actus says:

    I think perhaps people are seeing what they wish to see.

    And then laughing maniacly

  19. goddessoftheclassroom says:

    uh, guys, it’s “maniacally.”

    Our troops do their best to SAVE and PROTECT civilians.  When they break the law, there is an outcry and they are punished.

    Our enemy USES and TARGETS civilians.  When they break common decency, no one comments.

    We’re the good guys–I guess some people need to be reminded that some things are not relative.

  20. topsecretk9 says:

    Our enemy USES and TARGETS civilians.  When they break common decency, no one comments.

    No one comments? Sure they do…they get hailed as minutemen!

  21. MayBee says:

    maggie, attila girl- I agree.

    Patricia, I agree with your earlier post as well.

    I’m the agreeer.

  22. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If you want something else to get pissed about, 7-11 is carrying the Shock magazine that stole Michael Yon’s picture. 

    If you want to express your appreciation, Contact Info

  23. thelinyguy says:

    What’s the point of CAIR highlighting this video? I have no desire to watch this video, let alone defend it, but shoving this in peoples faces tells me more about their motives than the war in Iraq. So… some marines have a sick sense of humor? Are we supposed to extrapolate this is as the de facto American policy in Iraq? That marines are bad people?

    What I take from this is that it’s just another pin prick designed to sap America’s support for the war and undermine our armed forces. Disgusting all around, in my opinion.

    If CAIR likes to go digging for dirt, they should allow people to go digging in their lawn. They don’t seem to like that, do they?

  24. topsecretk9 says:

    I’m sorry I think it’s fliipin’ great. Period.

  25. Attila Girl says:

    MayBee–my wrath is directed at AP, not you.

    Though I definitely have some left over for 7-11.

  26. actus says:

    I have no desire to watch this video, let alone defend it, but shoving this in peoples faces tells me more about their motives than the war in Iraq.

    CAIR, Malkin, LGF, YouTube. Jerks.

  27. Jack Murtha says:

    You tell’em Actus!!!  If you can’t hate those dirty marine sumbitches who can you hate?  Now if we can just figure a way to piss on the Marine wounded and the Marine dead, too.  Frankly I’m out of ideas, but I know you’ll have something up your sleeve.  Because you care.

  28. Patrick Chester says:

    I guess Haditha et al must really be falling apart if they have to try to use this.

  29. MayBee says:

    Attila girl- ha. I never suspected your wrath was directed at me. grin

    I agree with you about the gallows humor, and the general (faux) inability to take a joke.

    Someone was just jonesin’ for an outrage fix.

  30. SteveG says:

    I’d laugh too… who the f*** shoots their own kid… oh wait, it was just a girl… I forgot those don’t get to go to school and stuff… anyway I’d laugh too.

    I do that in a nervous way and it sounds sorta maniacal because wtf laughs at danger and absolutely totally ****ed up stuff.

    It a normal nervous response. Some people cry, some pray, some laugh.

    Some pee in their pants… (we know who you are)

    Get over it. Al Qaeda isn’t all that Politically Correct…. what if the Marines shouted “God is Great!!” as they killed?

    Geez the terrorists do that when they shoot guys who have their hands tied behind their backs.

    The guy who sang this should have been more PC… it is the way our world is… but really?

    BFD. He was laughing from the stress of trying to rescue a little girl from her own family

  31. I am actus, hear me speak says:

    Whuffo’’d ennyone reckon ennythin’ wrong about ‘Hadji’? an’ “dirka dirka mohamma jihad,” th’ use of “li’l sister” as a hoomin shield an’ laughin’ maniacly. Then th’ “li’l fuckers”—who knows our sweet Hadji gal—git blown t’eternity. Whut in tarnation c’d postibly be offensive about thet?

    Its jest a lighthearted joke. Jest look at his intent. Its full of hearts an’ minds guys. hearts an’ minds.

  32. tigger2005 says:

    I do have a problem with the human shield part.  Not because the Marine in the song does something pretty logical in the heat of the moment, that is tries to use a member of the family that has ambushed him to escape the trap.  An American would assume that the men of the family would not fire on their sister/daugher or whatever the relationship was … as it turns out the Marine is wrong.

    The problem is that the hostage taking line and the rest of the song is just too easy to turn into propaganda fodder.  No one who’s predisposed to think the worse of America and her troops is going to take the time to analyze it carefully and pick up on what it’s really saying.

    I kinda wish this Marine had just kept his mouth shut, or not videotaped his little composition.

  33. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Yeah. Same with those Mohammed cartoons.  We’ve got to stop giving them reasons to hate us, or they’ll just keep hating us. 

    It’s a vicious cycle.

  34. actus says:

    You tell’em Actus!!!  If you can’t hate those dirty marine sumbitches who can you hate?

    I luvs me some black humor. But LGF aint defending these guys quite right.  I did feel dissapointed to find out that he didn’t write the best line though.

    We’ve got to stop giving them reasons to hate us, or they’ll just keep hating us.

    Being nice by calling them Hajis—pilgrims—doesn’t work. So what else can a guy do? Humor.

  35. Stephen_M says:

    An American would assume that the men of the family would not fire on their sister/daugher or whatever the relationship was … as it turns out the Marine is wrong.

    An American civilian commenting on a blog might assume “little sister” was a minor.

    And that she was not a willing participant in the ambush.

    And that she was not armed.

  36. Jack Murtha says:

    Don’t go wobbly on me now, Actus.  We can’t make the world safe for Islamic Facism if people like you don’t continue to do your part.

  37. Darleen says:


    You had better quit law school right now or promise to confine yourself to looking over the wills of little old ladies with cats

    because you do NOT want to be in criminal law and listen to the black humor talk of police officers and DDA’s.

    You’ll be digging a major wedgie out of your ass on a daily basis.

  38. Darleen says:

    oh… and don’t hang around with doctors, nurses or paramedics either

    scratch those in mortuary science, too …

    ya see, actus, those that find themselves contemplating the darkest, nastist elements of humanity either laugh or go crazy.

  39. The_Real_JeffS says:

    You’ll be digging a major wedgie out of your ass on a daily basis.

    Darleen, given that actus has his head up his ass on a continuous basis, I’m sure he’ll just think it’s some kind of new kind of hat style.

  40. EFG says:

    OK, Actus, you have let us know how you think.  Thank you for taking the time and effort do do so.  Now, if you don’t mind, I have a question for you.

    I am assuming you disaprove of this video.  Fine. Fair enough.  We all have our rights to our opinions.  Now, my question is this:

    Assume you are the Marine Commander, or the Marine Prosecutor (sic?), or the military judge, or General Peter Pace (Current Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff), or the Secretary of Defense, or the President, or God allmighty, or whoever it is that could in someway be in a position to pass judgement on this Marine or Marines, and it was up to you to make what ever decision you felt fit.  Now assuming you are that person, what punishment, if any, would you think would be fair and justified for these Marines?  What punishment, if any, would you impose?

    Very respectfully,


  41. ultraloser says:

    Dirka dirka, mohamma jihad

    On a horse made of crystal he patrolled the land

    With a mason ring and schnauzer and his perfect hands

    Here comes George, in control …

  42. 6Gun says:

    I’ve never seen actus this animated.  Animated means he’s pleased.  The young leftist South American law student living in DC is pleased that reality may have finally fit his warped perception of the evil imperialist planet. 

    It appears that in actus’s mind, evil is hereby and forthwith exemplified not by a million head-sawing psychopaths but by a serviceman with bad taste.

    The evidence is still out but the gloating has begun:  In a war against a crazed non-warrior a half a world away, the Left has it’s maybe, possible, hopefully-villian.

    And all it took was three long years of cowardice and screaming and ranting and making things up out of thin air.  Today is a great moral victory for the politically amoral.

    And they feel no shame.

  43. Stephen_M says:

    Well, when I heard this song I saw “little sister” as maybe 15 or 16.

    And reaching for her Makarov.

    I know I can’t get in the songwriter’s head.

    But y’all are welcome to assume you can.

  44. Mau Mau says:

    The embedded link to CAIR’s press release that I’d posted, and the revised lyrics, isn’t resolving properly, but it’s available via ‘full story’ from their home page

  45. thelinyguy says:

    Actus, as usual, care to expand on your rather cryptic 5 words? Communication is meant to inform, not obscure.

    Are you trying to say the motives of LGF, Malkin, CAIR, et al. are equitable? Please, use things like nouns, conjunctions, verbs, etc. They add precision to your intent so that your snark doesn’t fly over our simple little heads.

  46. topsecretk9 says:

    Actus, as usual, care to expand on your rather cryptic 5 words? Communication is meant to inform, not obscure.


  47. topsecretk9 says:


    FYI Actus…that isn’t “black humor” dear….this is self-mocking “redneck” Hiltler Nazi’s kinda thing…DUH!

  48. Sean M. says:

    I swee nobody posted the Obligatory Ignore Actus warning early in the thread, and look what happened.

  49. BoZ says:

    The youtube file is punk, but the version at Allah’s is not.

  50. Sortelli says:

    I swee nobody posted the Obligatory Ignore Actus warning early in the thread, and look what happened.

    It does bring up the question why anyone bothers to say it.  Lord knows I get sick of seeing Actus play certain folk like violins every time the inevitable chain of “OMG INGORE ACTHOLE/RETARDED TELEPHONE POLE LOL!” posts come out.

    Let him have his mean song lyrics, guys, it’s been a bad week.  But even if it turns out that Marines really don’t indiscriminately shoot civilians or use them as human shields, Actus can go to bed with a smirk because someone sang a song about it.

  51. B Moe Hammad says:

    Yeah. Same with those Mohammed cartoons.  We’ve got to stop giving them reasons to hate us, or they’ll just keep hating us.

    It’s a vicious cycle.

    I finally see the light, I am gonna find a Mosque and sign up at lunch.

  52. Hmmmm… so Muslims in the west masturbate furiously to videos of kaffir being beheaded by jihadis, and no one bats an eye, but this gets people into an uproar?

    Excuse me if I don’t give a fuck.

  53. Mikey NTH says:

    Such an atrocity.  Really, such an atrocity.

    “They were insulting, crude, rude, and my feelings were hurt!”

    If this is what they are going for then they really have nothing.

  54. Jake says:

    Now CAIR is coming after me for my pathetic portrayal of a cold-blooded killer in Jarhead.

    Don’t they know me and my sister are on their side in this struggle against the Chimpster and his evil Rovian Bushbots?

  55. The Ace says:

    In the song I heard, the marine uses the “little sister” as a hostage/human shield

    Of course that is in “the song you heard.”

    It is the song you wish to hear.

  56. Pablo says:

    In the song I heard, the marine uses the “little sister” as a hostage/human shield

    And then her father and her brother shot her! Where is the outrage! Is this some new form of honor killing? I demand an investigation!

    Our brave young Marine had not even had a moment to lock and load when the brutal brother and father murdered the young girl in cold blood melody.


    Hajji girl, I love you anyway!

  57. Council for American Islamic Relations says:

    Needs more beheading.

  58. Dan Roll says:

    Stop making fun of my Marines.

    I pay them to do my dirty work (storm beaches, kick in doors, we don’t call them the ‘bullet stoppers’ for no reason) so that the MSN and the moonbats can indulge in all of this nonsense about them being bad people. 

    If you traded unnecessary civillian deaths in Iraq caused by the US military as a commodity vs some of the conflicts ‘supervised’ by the UN in Africa today, you would be bankrupt before you started.

  59. Johnny Quest says:

    Being nice by calling them Hajis

    I think Haji is nice.

  60. actus says:

    because you do NOT want to be in criminal law and listen to the black humor talk of police officers and DDA’s.

    Of course not. I’m staying away from criminal work. I do like some black humor. And I also like LGFs excusal of the video by pointing out that the killers are insurgents killing a marine hostage, not a marine killing a “little sister.” Its just too much.

    ya see, actus, those that find themselves contemplating the darkest, nastist elements of humanity either laugh or go crazy.

    This is a fine defense and explanation of the video. LGF’s ? Kind of backwards.

    Are you trying to say the motives of LGF, Malkin, CAIR, et al. are equitable?

    I’m trying to say they’re all hosting it for you. All putting it into people’s faces.

  61. Pablo says:

    If you traded unnecessary civillian deaths in Iraq caused by the US military as a commodity vs some of the conflicts ‘supervised’ by the UN in Africa today, you would be bankrupt before you started.

    This is true. Of course, the song doesn’t talk about any of that. The only killing the Marine does is of the guys who are shooting at him which is acceptable all day long, by any measure. 

    tw: Fire when ready!

  62. Pablo says:

    All putting it into people’s faces.

    Like you put this in people’s faces, you filthy little cockroach?

    Drop dead, actus.

  63. Witheld says:

    OGM, you dingers!  First this guy is looking at a ARab womyn, affixing her with his male hegemony gaze, which is VERY disrespectful (of culture), then ,also, he calls her Hadgi Girl (enfantalizing her womynity, and racest besides) then her naturally angry family is going to react in a justifably angry way to shoot him, HE PICKS UP A LITTLE GIRL FOR HUMAN SHIELD, and LAUGHS!  Then he kills them all in cold blood.  THEN he writes SONG ABOUT IT!?!??!?!?!

    This is not my America.

  64. M.Scott says:

    Look, I’m no apogolist for He Who Shall Remain Unnamed but his point about pointing to LGF, Malkin, etc. was in direct response to a criticism of CAIR “putting this in front of people’s faces.”

    Having said that, leave it to Actemort to completely miss the point, since, you know, the author’s intent in the relative cases is completely different, and any competent, sane individual would recognize that (a) had CAIR not first used the video as negative propaganda against the Marines, (b) LGF, Malkin, etc. would not have had to respond.  And we wouldn’t have heard a damn thing about it.

    Last note – interestingly, we who have not served in the military are not permitted to support the war (“chickenhawk”).  On the other hand, the moonbats get to crawl up the Marines’ collective ass with a microscope and comdemn accordingly (“chickenshit”).  Logical consistency, as we’ve all come to find out, is not exactly the Left’s strong suit.

  65. actus says:

    Drop dead, actus.

    Sorry if life now is taken over by crassly commercial, rather than patriotic, pablum. Tell it to the corporate man.

  66. Jon says:

    ’Cuz NaaaAAApalm Stick to kids…


    TW: The FEW the Proud the Marines.

  67. Defense Guy says:

    I haven’t read all the comments yet, so if this is already covered, apologies.  It’s a story, in musical format.  Getting upset over this is like getting mad because horton heard a who or someone liked to shout at the devil.  It’s ridiculous, but considering who is getting outraged, that is no surprise.

  68. Major John says:

    affixing her with his male hegemony gaze

    That, my friends, is Art…pure, sweet art.

  69. DrSteve says:

    I know actus’ long history of posting logically empty little scraps of snark has exhausted the goodwill, and CAIR are as loathsome a bunch of race pimps as I’ve ever seen, so let me come at this from a different angle.

    I certainly hope that a guy who would sing about using a child as a human shield, even in an ambush, isn’t actually a US Marine.  I think the Marine Corps statement on the video was completely appropriate. 

    We’re in a war with propagandists as well as terrorists—it’s part of the same mindset.  If I’m going to tell people not to act in a way that undermines our resolve to complete the job, I think I’m equally obligated to condemn people who give the other side any kind of public-affairs victories (remains to be seen what happens with this incident).

    Frankly, given the hoax pictures we’ve seen already I’d hope there was some effort being made to determine whether this clown actually is a Marine.

  70. Mikey NTH says:

    I’m sure Major John could agree that compared to some actual cadences, this is pretty tame.

    Heck, compared to some actual recorded rap songs, this is pretty tame.

    Tempest + Teacup = pre-packaged outrage looking for something, anything, even the lamest event, in which to wax wroth.

    word:sense.  “This is utter nonsense.”

  71. B Moe says:

    Sorry if life now is taken over by crassly commercial, rather than patriotic, pablum. Tell it to the corporate man.

    Have you ever studied the history of the industrial revolution, actus?  Do you know what life was like before?  Do you understand how it came about?  Do you think any of that would have been possible without corporate capatilalism and economic policies?  Do you really think the world would be better know if business corporations would have never happened? 

    Do you know how juvenile you sound to intelligent people when you start that corporate bogey-man bullshit?

  72. Why are people more outraged because a (supposed, as DrSteve reminds us) US Marine is singing a song that suggests using a civilian as shield, than they are over the hundreds of reports of jihadis doing it for real?

    The Palestinians shelter gunmen behind women and kids; the Somalians did it; the jihadis in Iraq do it. Outrage level: nil.

  73. Pablo says:

    We’re in a war with propagandists as well as terrorists—it’s part of the same mindset.

    And in their videos, they behead people. This is comedy, not a freaking policy statement. It is tasteless at worst.

    Dirka dirka.

  74. actus says:

    I certainly hope that a guy who would sing about using a child as a human shield, even in an ambush, isn’t actually a US Marine.  I think the Marine Corps statement on the video was completely appropriate.

    There’s a certaing view of privacy that calls it ‘contextual integrity.’ Ie, it makes sense for this black humor to exist in that particular situation. It doesn’t make sense for it to be taken out of it.

    Anymore, with the proliferation of technology, lots of things you do leave the context in which they’re done.

    But that’s not quite the view of privacy people like to promote these days. Not when shadowy terrorists are lurking everywhere and innocent people are getting shot in london.

  75. Pablo says:

    Wait till your hear what the mean soldiers said they’re going to do to the Colonel’s daughter!

    It’s shocking, I tell you!

  76. Defense Guy says:

    Leave it to actus to trumpet the double standard.  When the jihadists use civilians as human sheilds for real, nary a peep from our boy.  When a marine makes up a story, which contains some gallows humor on the same subject it is further proof of our villiany.

  77. Patrick Chester says:

    Defense Guy:

    It’s that “higher standard” claim, actually. Raised impossibly high for the US military so people can hyperventilate about discomfort or naughty songs, and lowered so low for the terrorists so people can yawn at beheadings and bombings.

  78. DrSteve says:

    And in their videos, they behead people.

    Yes, I understand.  No comparison attempted, no tu quoque attempted.  The “Marine” I’m ashamed for, the Hirabahist I’m happy to see killed.

  79. My gosh not only do the Marines have to fight by our set of rules back here in MTV Land but they must be mindful of the sensibilities of those who are chomping at the bit to murder us. WOW thats a lot of shit to lay at the feet of the Marines.

    Not sure but I don’t think TOJO would have been too happy with this admonition by Halsey to his sailors upon entering Tulagi Harbor.

    KILL JAPS! KILL JAPS! KILL MORE JAPS! You will help to kill the yellow bastards if you do your job well “ Admiral Halsey’s famous billboard at the entrance to the Tulagi Naval Base during WW2.

    Maybe we need to remember that this war isn’t some Cricket Match or a Boxing match being played under the Marquis D Queensbury rules.

  80. thelinyguy says:

    Not when shadowy terrorists are lurking everywhere and innocent people are getting shot in london.

    And blown up.


    I’m trying to say they’re all hosting it for you. All putting it into people’s faces.

    As usual, you completely miss my point. In fact, we had this same problem a couple of weeks ago. I’m beginning to suspect you’re not actually dense, just practicing your future profession. I’ll try to make this very clear and simple for you so you can resist the urge to distort my words. CAIR first pointed this video out to make some point I can’t yet fully understand. They “put it into peoples faces.” LGF, Malkin, et al., in an attempt to defend the marines, put up the video along with their interpretation. Or at least LGF did, I assume Malkin did likewise. There is a vast difference in intent there; so vast, in fact, that I would expect even you to see it. Don’t buy LGF’s interpretation? Fine, that’s not my point. Perhaps Scott said it better afterall.

    Mikey NTH highlights what I was getting at. While I don’t think this video needed to be made, I think the bigger statement here is CAIR’s making an issue of it. This is “pre-packaged outrage” (to use Mikey NTH’s words) that has been “thrown into peoples faces” (to use my words).

  81. disgusted says:

    HE PICKS UP A LITTLE GIRL FOR HUMAN SHIELD, and LAUGHS!  Then he kills them all in cold blood.  THEN he writes SONG ABOUT IT!?!??!?!?!

    This is not my America.

    Geez, does no one remember that this is not the first time a video has been put forward as something that it’s not? 

    I can’t believe even those of you who ‘support’ the Marines/US Military believe this just because some idiot with a camera, and CAIR, told you to.

  82. Pablo says:

    The “Marine” I’m ashamed for, the Hirabahist I’m happy to see killed.

    Why on earth would you be ashamed at a Marine for singing a song?

    You could quite easily find yourself being ashamed at the entire Marine Corps, the Army, most of the Navy, at least a little of the Air Force in very short order. All it would take is a bit of information that you don’t seem to be privy to.

    If you only knew of the other songs they sing. You’d be ashamed to be protected by them.

  83. Pablo says:

    “Actually, it’s a lot of fun to fight. You know, it’s a hell of a hoot. … It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right upfront with you, I like brawling.”

    “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.”

    USMC Lt. Gen. James Mattis: An embarrasment to America, or just telling it like it is?

  84. Ghost of Osama Bin Laden says:

    Sorry to interrupt.  Jack Murtha said I should come tell Actus thanks.

  85. actus says:

    Do you know how juvenile you sound to intelligent people when you start that corporate bogey-man bullshit?

    That’s why I told Pablo to to take it to the man. If its a problem that patriotic newsreels have been replaced by commercials, thats a problem with corporate capitalism. Go whine to “the man.”

    Of course, if he complains about any one tidbitof crass commercialism, it means that he’s against “any of that” that came from the “industrial revolution.”

    When the jihadists use civilians as human sheilds for real, nary a peep from our boy.  When a marine makes up a story, which contains some gallows humor on the same subject it is further proof of our villiany.

    Not really. Its more that perhaps LGF shouldn’t be fighting the fight the way they are. Its kind of dunderheaded to be pointing out that in fact our beloved marine is using a human shield, not pulling the trigger.

  86. Its kind of dunderheaded to be pointing out that in fact our beloved marine is using a human shield, not pulling the trigger.

    Except he’s not. Can you distinguish fiction from reality?

  87. Pablo says:

    Jeff, it’s really time that this dissembling little cockroach had a vacation.


  88. Ghost of Osama Bin Laden says:

    So, thanks Actus.  Have a nice day Alu Akbar et al.

  89. actus says:

    Except he’s not. Can you distinguish fiction from reality?

    In his song. Nobody’s saying this is a real event he’s narrating.

  90. Slartibartfast says:

    So, I guess it’s all a question of what the meaning of “is using” is.

  91. thelinyguy says:

    In his song. Nobody’s saying this is a real event he’s narrating.

    Which makes me ask once again, why is this news? CAIR picks some pretty strange fights, and seems to shy away from the more important ones.

    Is everything offensive on video now subject to media scrutiny, or just the ones CAIR brings into focus? Or is it just ones that make our troops look bad?

    Lesson learned: If you’re going to make a dirty joke, make sure it’s not being recorded as not to offend those sitting on their asses thousands of miles away.

  92. Ghost of Osma Bin Laden says:


    What do you mean it’s just a freakin’ song?  Jack Murtha said you were a stand-up guy.

  93. Defense Guy says:

    Nobody’s saying this is a real event he’s narrating.

    So you don’t think this marine has a right to sing a song to relieve tension and entertain his fellow marines?  This never should have been released to the wider public.  It wasn’t meant for our consumption anymore than the behind the scenes joking that goes on in a press room is for the public consumption.

    Sometimes it is laugh or cry and honestly I’d rather see these guys laughing.  Why don’t you actus?

  94. actus says:

    Lesson learned: If you’re going to make a dirty joke, make sure it’s not being recorded as not to offend those sitting on their asses thousands of miles away.

    Welcome to the death of contextual integrity. You know what they say about surveillance: “if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.” Things like this show us the problem with such cheap slogans.

  95. DrSteve says:

    Why on earth would you be ashamed at a Marine for singing a song? You could quite easily find yourself being ashamed at the entire Marine Corps, the Army, most of the Navy, at least a little of the Air Force in very short order.

    Don’t tar them with that brush, please.  The Marine Corps itself said the song didn’t represent their standards. 

    All it would take is a bit of information that you don’t seem to be privy to.  If you only knew of the other songs they sing. You’d be ashamed to be protected by them.

    You’re jumping to unsupported conclusions about me.  I come from a military family—my mother’s brothers, and a number of their sons, were/are Army EOD and Air Force aircraft armaments specialists.  I’ve heard it all, and believe me, I get the principle behind the humor (“if you see me running, try to keep up”), and the only person I’m ashamed for is the “Marine” who thinks there’s a “use of moppets as ablative armor” page in his Field Manual.

    There’s a huge difference between ribald humor/gallows humor/jokes about killing the enemy on the one hand, and a song relating a Marine’s use of a noncombatant child as a human shield on the other.  I saw the latter as an insult to the Marine Corps, but I guess I’m full of it.

  96. The Warden says:

    I got my black shirt on

    I got my black gloves on

    I got my ski mask on

    This shit’s been too long

    I got my twelve gauge sawed off

    I got my headlights turned off

    I’m bout to bust some shots off

    I’m bout to dust some cops off!

    COP KILLER, it’s better you than me

    COP KILLER, fuck police brutality

    COP KILLER, I know your family’s grieving (FUCK EM)

    COP KILLER, but tonight we get even

    I got my brain on hype

    Tonight’ll be your night

    I got this long-assed knife

    And your neck looks just right

    My adrenaline’s pumpin

    Got my stereo bumpin

    I’m bout to kill me somethin

    A pig stopped me for nuthin!

    COP KILLER, it’s better you than me

    COP KILLER, fuck police brutality

    COP KILLER, I know your family’s grieving (FUCK EM)

    COP KILLER, but tonight we get even

    COP KILLER, better you than me.

    COP KILLER, fuck police brutality!

    COP KILLER, I know your momma’s grieving,

    (FUCK HER!)

    COP KILLER, but tonight we get even, yeah!











    COP KILLER, better you than me.

    I’m a COP KILLER, fuck police brutality!

    COP KILLER, I know your family’s grieving, (FUCK ‘EM!)

    COP KILLER, but tonight we get even, ha ha ha ha, yeah!









    Break it down.

    FUCK THE POLICE, yeah!

    FUCK THE POLICE, for Darryl Gates.

    FUCK THE POLICE, for Rodney King.

    FUCK THE POLICE, for my dead homies.

    FUCK THE POLICE, for your freedom.

    FUCK THE POLICE, don’t be a pussy.

    FUCK THE POLICE, have some muthafuckin’ courage.

    FUCK THE POLICE, sing along.





    COP KILLER! Whaddyou wanna be when you grow up?

    COP KILLER! Good choice.

    COP KILLER! I’m a muthafuckin’


    COP KILLER, better you than me.

    COP KILLER, fuck police brutality!

    COP KILLER, I know your momma’s grieving,

    (FUCK HER!)

    COP KILLER, but tonight we get even!

  97. Ghost of Osama Bin Laden says:

    Contextual integrity?  Actus, you are a hideous disappointment.

  98. thelinyguy says:

    Welcome to the death of contextual integrity. You know what they say about surveillance: “if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.” Things like this show us the problem with such cheap slogans.

    Or the death of intellectual integrity. Seems like a problem with the media to me, not “surveillance,” depending on how you’re using the word. Is this an NSA thing, actus? It is, isn’t it?

  99. alppuccino says:

    Why did they leave off the last verse?

    …then I found a hostage head – tossed it in a basket – SWISH

    Then we all sat down and mega-scarfed our favorite Sunni dish.

  100. The Ace says:

    Its kind of dunderheaded to be pointing out that in fact our beloved marine is using a human shield, not pulling the trigger.


    In his song. Nobody’s saying this is a real event he’s narrating.

    You really, really can not parody these morons anymore.

    (Hint: you have spent the entire thread pretending this is and was a real event.)


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