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October 2024


University of Colorado Ethnic Studies professor and anti-American firebrand Ward Churchill and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack discuss the realities of a politicized academy run by bourgeois bureaucrats out to save their own scalps at the expense of an outspoken (sorta) Native American activist / revolutionary

image “So another ‘council’ of pale faces has decided to play scalp the Indian and recommend my termination, so what?  What did you expect?  The basic situation here is that there was a call by high officials in the state, notably the governor but hardly restricted to the governor, for my termination clear back last February.  Still, this entire investigation into my academic work has been both illegitimate and illegal—just another in a long line of attempts by the guardians of narrative hegemony to silence inconvenient Truths about America’s long history of genocidal behavior.  The very fact that I’ve dared even commit these Truths to paper threatens them.”*
image “Well, to be fair, you mean the fact that somebody else dared commit these Truths to paper threatens them.  Though I’m sure your ‘borrowing’ of those Truths to pass off as your own really helped, y’know, reiterate to those bastards just how illegitimate is their whole eurocentric national identity narrative.  So I take your point.”

33 Replies to “University of Colorado Ethnic Studies professor and anti-American firebrand Ward Churchill and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack discuss the realities of a politicized academy run by bourgeois bureaucrats out to save their own scalps at the expense of an outspoken (sorta) Native American activist / revolutionary”

  1. Nuke 'm Hill says:

    Y’know.  All the time that Billy’s spending with Ward and Cindy has me worried.  He’s got to be feeling a little … dirty.  In an existential sort of way.  I mean, think of being in the presence of those two just once!  And Billy’s been keeping this up for months now.

    I feel sorry for the man.  I hope we don’t read about him going postal on some poor hippy farm.

    TW:  The man needs some purpose in his life.

  2. mojo says:

    Take it over there somewhere, Billy. It’s stinkin’ up the joint, y’know?

  3. SteveG says:

    I’m trying to figure this out.

    Churchill was published and no doubt his work has been cited by some number of candidates for higher degrees.

    Churchills “work” plagiarized the words of others… the claims made by those others in their published/plagiarized work seem to be full of fabrications and outright lies.


    Footnotes mean nothing anymore.

    Cited references mean nothing.

    Bunch of crackpots citing one another and/or stealing from one another with zero truth contain in the body of work… and academics stroke ther goatees and decide to accept the nonsense?


    How did a guy like Churchill even get a job is the question I want answered…. who said “hey, we gotta have this guy before someone else snaps him up?”. Fire them too.

  4. Alan says:

    Que the theme music:

    Go ahead and hate your neighbor

    Go ahead and cheat a friend

    Do it in the name of Heaven

    You can justify it in the end

    There won’t be any trumpets blowing

    Come the judgment day

    On the bloody morning after who…

    One tin soldier rides away

  5. Pablo says:

    Chutch sure talks a lot of trash for a white boy.

    (Pre-emptive memo to the NAAWP, CAIR, and the USMC: I’m kidding. It’s just a joke. And I’m white too. Though maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that. You’re right, I’m awful and I should be silenced.)

  6. EFG says:

    On the basis of Churchill’s plagarism, both as documented in the reports, and his ripping of of paintings and passing them off as his own, it seems to me that he should be fired.

    However, I have never heard of a tenured professor who actually lost his job.  How often does it actually happen?  Has anyone heard of a tenured professor being fired?  Even in this case, which seems to me to be a slam dunk, three out of the 9 think he should be suspended, not fired.  And this investigation has been going on for over a year.  Does it always take this much time and effort to fire someone (who has tenure) for good cause?

    I mean, we make fun of the French for their refusal to amend their laws so that a company that hires someone can have a reasonable chance of laying them off.  What is the difference here?  (And I’m not talking about academic freedom here. He isn’t being investigated for his political views, although they sure did bring him into the spotlight.)

    So has anyone ever heard of a tenured professor ever being fired against his or her will?

  7. I still like what someone called him: Walking Eagle.  Too full of s%#@ to fly, anymore.

  8. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Que the theme music and “revised lyrics”:

    Go ahead and fake your background,

    Go and plagerize,

    Do it the name of “justice”,

    You can always deny your lies,

    There won’t be any job at CU,

    Come the judgement day,

    On the bloody morning after,

    One fake injun rides away.

  9. Horse Dancing says:


    SB: final


  10. uncryingrepublican says:

    Personally, I’ve never heard of a tenured professor being fired. That’s what tenure is for. Originally designed to protect intellectual diversity, it now serves to render irresponsible professors immune from any form of discipline and is actually a form of worker’s union, guaranteeing pay despite what the market will bear. This probably accounts for the socialist attitudes currently popular in academia.

  11. Dana says:

    The esteemed Mr. Churchill said:

    Still, this entire investigation into my academic work has been both illegitimate and illegal .  .  .  .

    I do wonder just how it is either illegitimate or illegal to check into the academic work of a professor employed by the state university system.

    And Mr Goldstein, is that picture of Mr Churchill real or photoshopped?  The idea of someone like him carrying a firearm makes me laugh.  As G Gordon Liddy used to say, he probably doesn’t know which end the round comes out of.

  12. a4g says:

    If only Ward had known <blockquote></blockquote> and “Read the Rest…”, all this could have been avoided.

    TW: citations, required

  13. N. O'Brain says:

    The picture’s real.

    The gun is fake.

  14. BoZ says:

    Originally designed to protect intellectual diversity

    Everyone, stop believing that.

    “[Policy in question] was implemented for [honoroable-sounding purpose] but, through the magic of time passing, sadly became an establishment-entrenching tool of bare power” formulations re: institutional behavior are, at best, sucker talk.

    Politics needs a “lapsarian fallacy.”

  15. Country Jim says:

    So has anyone ever heard of a tenured professor ever being fired against his or her will?

    If it’s not against his will, it’s called “quitting.” smile

    Seriously, though, it is very, very rare and reserved for grave offenses.  Such as academic misconduct (which this is).  A generation ago, long before this point someone would have taken him aside and suggested early retirement in order to save the reputation of the school and the man.  But fewer would do that anymore, and some boldface their way through it, to hell with the rest of the community.

    And it is still about academic freedom, because the current system allows someone to be fired (albeit after a long process) but makes it very difficult to fire a good professor for political reasons.  And for state-funded schools especially, there can be a real danger of a politician grandstanding and screwing up someone’s life to score short-term points.

    Sure the current system needs to be fixed somehow, but just getting rid of it entirely sounds a lot like saying, “But if we know he’s guilty, why do we have to have a trial?”

  16. JWebb says:

    If Churchill sues CU, all of his legal fees will be paid by the State of Colorado. He has nothing to lose with a circus trial. Disgusting.

  17. Farmer Joe says:

    Personally, I’ve never heard of a tenured professor being fired.

    It happens. Generally speaking, it’s made clear to the professor in question that the hammer is falling. This usually gives him or her enough time to get out in a more “honorable” way (the ever popular “is leaving to persue other intrests” and the like).

    Off the top of my head, I can think of two such cases. One is Mary Daly, and I’m sure a quick search of the web will tell you pretty much all you need to know about her. The other, much less famous one was a professor of Economics with whom my wife worked. He was “allowed to resign” because of alcoholism and sexual harassment of students.

    So yeah, tenured professors get fired. Probably not as many as should, but it happens.

  18. Alan says:

    Ha, much better. smile

  19. Chutch sure talks a lot of trash for a white boy.

    (Pre-emptive memo to the NAAWP, CAIR, and the USMC: I’m kidding. It’s just a joke. And I’m white too. Though maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that. You’re right, I’m awful and I should be silenced.)

    No, it’s cool.  Your name is Hispanic-sounding, so you’re off the hook.  You can claim, a la Churchill, that you’ve rediscovered your Aztlan heritage and you’re SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER!!

  20. TODD says:

    Who needs credentials at CU anyway. I mean from what I’ve read here and elsewhere, Churchill doesn’t have a Phd. So how can he be labeled a “tenured professor”. Sorry Ward, game is over. Now time to return to the commune back at Berkley…And return the plastic indian artifacts to the counter at the gift shop……

  21. TallDave says:

    Sigh.  Another broken treaty. 

    This is like Wounded Knee all over again.  Will the genocide never end?

    [insert crying Indian from 70s commercial here]

  22. dario says:

    I do give props to Churchill for some creativity.  I mean, ghostwrite your own articles then cite those same articles in your writings.  That’s a well planned deception, one that’s been discovered in the investigation but isn’t getting much press.

    In any case the easy logic here is, what would happen to a student at CU that was caught doing just one of these things?  Who should be held to a higher standard?

  23. EFG says:

    Thanks for the name, Farmer Joe.  cool smile

  24. LuckyDog says:

    Here’s the scoop on tenure and diversity of thought in academia. All the tenured profs adhere to the whacked out liberal tropes we all know so well. The university is their private club, and to be admitted (tenured) you must demonstrate fealty to their left wing nuttery. Do this, and it doesn’t matter what your credentials are, it doesn’t matter what your research/publication record is, and it certainly doesn’t matter if you can teach (especially!) But if you are independent in thought, or – horrors – right wing, you’ll never be admitted to the club. I know, it happened to me many years ago, but I’m not angry. Best career move I ever made.

  25. jdm says:

    I would guess you know more about this than me, Lucky Dog, but there are clearly conservative (or perhaps more precisely, non-Moonbat) professors with tenure at major universities. Maybe no more than as exceptions which prove your point, but still…

    Glenn Reynolds would be one.

  26. Dana says:

    N. O’Brain wrote, in answer to my question:

    The picture’s real.

    The gun is fake.

    Well, if that’s the case, it would be pretty much par for the course for Mr Churchill; everything else about him is faked!

  27. Dana says:

    Dario asked:

    In any case the easy logic here is, what would happen to a student at CU that was caught doing just one of these things?  Who should be held to a higher standard?

    That was a rhetorical question, right?

  28. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Most people don’t know that Billy Jack’s last name is “Bauer”… that’s where Jack gets it.

  29. American Son says:

    The picture’s real.

    The gun is fake.

    – Actually the pictures real, the person is a fake….

  30. Wyatt Wingfoot says:

    Hey Ward, go the hell home. The SLA already gave the role of “Tanya” to Patty Hearst, you freakin’ poseur!

  31. Challeron says:

    Well, something sure is fake about the picture (though it does seem that I’ve seen “Churchill as Che” before): Unless he’s left-handed, why would he be holding the gun by the magazine, rather than the grip, with his right hand?

    (Unless the photo’s been flipped….)

    TW: He’s just using the gun to show how hard-ass he is….

  32. Patricia says:


    You are correct, citation now means nothing if it involves race.  I read papers from American Studies students about “white racism” and they are told footnotes, if they would reveal a “victim’s” name are forbidden out of “sensitivity.”

    Since Ward is a “victim” he t/4 does not have to prove anything.  Or he might cry or something–it’s so hard being an Indian!

  33. Patricia says:

    I think we should all send in our CVs with lots of assertions about being related to Geronimo, now that Ward’s $96K/yr is up for grabs.

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