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October 2024


When you care, it’s okay to say “controversial” things… (UPDATED)

… Because, well, sometimes that’s the only way you can get people to listen.  And we all know that the problem with the message of anti-war ideologues isn’t that voters have consistently rejected it (or that, hell, even those who’ve embraced it reject it, when push comes to shove); no, rather it’s that they simply won’t take time out to really, you know, listen to it.  The stupid, stupid, stupid, stupidheads.

But that’s all gonna change, particularly if former intelligence professional Larry Johnson has anything to say about it—he of the al Qaeda isn’t a threat / Rove will definitely be indicted “intelligence” reporting, who just tonight pens this sit-up-and-listen bit about Rove, who it turns out probably won’t be indicted after all:

Karl is a shameless bastard.  Small wonder his mother killed herself.  Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out. It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha.  They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd.

[my emphasis]

Small wonder his mother killed herself.  Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out.”

This, my friends, is the conjoining of conspiracy-minded paleocons with the face of the modern deranged leftwing of the Democratic party—where a former intelligence officer writes publicly that a Republican strategist’s inveterate evil was responsible for his own mother’s suicide, and where even the spokesperson for the last presidential candidate is unhinged enough to suggest, on the record, that Karl Rove should be concerned about getting cornholed in prison.

And yet these people—thanks mostly to their enablers in the press—are often trotted out as serious critics of the administration, and seldom shown for the vile and vicious anti-intellectual thugs that they are.  Whether it’s Howard Dean calling Republicans evil and saying he “hates” them; or John Murtha convicting soldiers of murder in advance of a full investigation; or a low-rent castoffs like Johnson, who the MSM routinely turns to when they need a good anti-war intelligence source, mustering up the guts to say that Karl Rove is responsible for his own mother’s suicide—the bile is there for all to sample, if only the MSM weren’t so good at controlling the information flow.

But the question is, how long will the legacy media be able to keep a lid on this stuff now that the information superhighway has so many toll free lanes?  They’ve shown time and again that they’re willing to insulate their ideological fellow travelers.  Can we count on the American electorate to overcome what one media professional once suggested was good for 5-15% points in the polls?


(h/t topsecretk9 and corvan, via email; see also, STACLU and Sweetness and Light)


update:  Johnson has altered his post somewhat, evidently in an attempt to “soften” its earlier depravity.  It now reads:

Karl is a shameless bastard.  This could explain why his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out.  It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha.  They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd. 

All the following is new:

But Rove, like Josef Goebbels, has used fear and smear as his primary tools to keep George Bush in power.  And to what end?

Let’s start with Karl’s participation in exposing the identity of an undercover CIA officer in order to divert attention from the fact that George Bush, over the repeated protests of the intelligence community, falsely claimed that Iraq was trying to get uranium from Niger.  This was not just a human foible, a mistake.  It was a bold lie used deliberately to incite fear and justify invading Iraq.  They could not afford to admit their lie so they let George Tenet take the blame. 

Rove did not stop there.  Conflating Saddam with Bin Laden was part of his Fear Factor America campaign.  He helped convince most American’s that Saddam was in bed with the man and the group who attacked us on 9-11.  I give him credit for doing masterful deception operations, but I loathe what he did to America and its standing in the world.  The fear of Bin Laden and the fear of nuclear Iraq were the key ingredients for the war fever Rove helped whip up.

Now, if fat Karl had been at the head of the line to enlist in the Army and help lead the invasion, I wouldn’t be so cranky.  But he didn’t, and Cheney didn’t, and Wolfowitz didn’t, and Rummy didn’t and the Bush daughters were busy getting drunk in DC bars.  What is it about Republican chickenhawks who played every angle during the Vietnam War to avoid going to war but have no hesistation to start a war in Iraq and send other peoples children into the fray?

We are now embroiled in a civil war in Iraq where we are busy killing Sunni insurgents while helping Shias with close ties to Iran consolidate power.  Most Sunnis are convinced we want to exterminate them.  As a result we will remain a main target for Sunni terrorism for at least a generation.  Thanks Karl.  At the same time, Karl is helping whip up new war fever against the new enemy in Iran.  If you oppose invading Iran you hate freedom and are selling America’s freedom to an Islamic Adolf Hitler.  At least that’s what Karl wants you to believe.

Karl and the Bush Administration have consistently used the threat of terror, the threat of Saddam, and the war in Iraq as a political club to destroy their opponents and to consolidate their power.  Retired Marine General Mick Trainor, along with Michael Gordon, has chronicled this cynical policy in their book, COBRA II.  This is no longer a matter of opinion, it is a documented record of fact.

When decorated war veterans like John Murtha and John Kerry dare to challenge the incompetence of the Administration in its prosecution of the war in Iraq and its wildly chaotic counter terrorism policy, Karl and many Republicans respond by accusing them of being soft on communism, oops, excuse me, I meant terrorism.  I for one am fed up with these tactics and will fight back.  Karl and his ilk are getting America’s sons and daughters killed in Iraq and in Afghanistan.  He compounds the horror by wrapping himself in their blood and their sacrifice, claiming that only Republicans genuinely care about the troops.  Yeah, the Republicans who sent our troops to Iraq with insufficient forces, with inadequate body armor, and with non-existent planning for the aftermath.  And Rove has the balls to blame Democrats for this debacle?  No dice fat boy. 

The time has come to say enough.  This is not about Democrat, or Independent, or Republican.  This is a fight for the soul of this nation.  Karl Rove may have cut a deal to stay out of jail and avoid prosecution, but that does not free him to attack the patriotism of Americans who care deeply about their country and its security.  I will guarantee you one thing—Karl’s mom would not be proud.

Personally, I think the addition of a Goebbels comparison really takes away the sting from the earlier draft.

But then, I’ve always been a fan of an artfully-placed Nazi reference.

(h/t Allah)

100 Replies to “When you care, it’s okay to say “controversial” things… (UPDATED)”

  1. Russ says:

    That quote from Johnson is one of the most despicable things I have ever read.

    Now I know why “johnson” is slang for “dick.”

  2. SPQR says:

    There are evidently no adults left in the Democrat party.

  3. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Karl, I’m jealous.  Best I ever managed to get out of a lefty was to leave him standing in the middle of four lanes of traffic screaming that Bush was listening to my phone sex calls. cool smirk

  4. JohnAnnArbor says:

    The left equates disagreement with them on any point to either 1. mental illness, to be mocked or 2. an evil that should be stomped on with no mercy.  Responding with persuasion and/or logic rarely crosses their minds.

    Both reactions are those of a totalitarian mindset.  And we see that all modern totalitarian states dealt with disagreements the same two ways.

    TW: red.  Well, if the color fits……

  5. MarkD says:

    Can we count on the American electorate to overcome what one media professional once suggested was good for 5-15% points in the polls?

    When the left controls the education system in this country?  When they take my money to buy the votes of the ignorant,lazy and criminal?


  6. Natalie says:

    I think I have a much clearer sense of his worth and utility as a professional intelligence officer now.

    If this is what we had connecting the dots…..

  7. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Can’t wait for the “Sadly, No” highlight reel on Mr. Johnson. Should be a doozy…..oh, wait, they

    LOVE Mr. Johnson over at “Sadly, No” and probably would project that he needs to stop bottling up his true feelings, stop mincing his words and just get it all out. You know, SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER and all that.

    And yet, it’s the Rethuglicans that are the haters, right? The tolerant, non-judgemental,

    intellectual, sensitive, progressives would never stoop to using a mother’s suicide to harang a political opponent, cause they’re so superior and all, ya know….

    Keep it up Larry, you put the donkey in Democrat.

  8. B Moe says:

    There are evidently no adults left in the Democrat party.

    I have come to the same conclusion, I feel completely homeless politically.

  9. BoZ says:

    The plinth that goes with that head must be brilliant.

  10. WhoIsPablo says:

    This, my friends, is the face of the modern deranged leftwing of the Democratic party.

    Sadly, No!

    Larry Johnson is, after all, a <a href=\”\”>registered Republican</a> who voted for Bush in 2000 and his poppy in 1988 and 1992. Most CIA agents are pretty conservative: for some reason, though, they don\’t like cowardly snitches.

  11. Major John says:

    Now, now.  I am sure there will be a thunderous denounciation by the Kos commenters about this kind of “hate speech”.


    Hmmm.  I can’t seem to find it yet.

    Disregard last, continue to march.  Out.

  12. Kevin says:

    Wow, Larry Johnson is cruel.  I just showed this post to my puppy, Mr. Scruffy.  And I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on his snout as I just did a moment ago.  He just couldn’t understand why Larry Johnson would make such a hateful statement when so many things are already wrong in this country. “Doesn’t Larry Johnson care about us anymore?” his eyes said, as he whimpered.

  13. David Block says:

    After all of that they call Republicans “haters?” Wow. Put down the bong, guys.


    (Surprised that nobody brought that out yet.)

  14. wishbone says:

    And WhoIsPablo, exactly how many CIA Agents do you know?

    Them being all secrety and stuff…

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Yes, Johnson is a registered Republican with a Kos Platinum Card and a thing for Jane Hamsher.

    One of the Wesley Clark Republicans.

    Which is why I said anti-war ideologues first, but then, because he is in alignment (in fact, he plagiarized from) David Wade, his words represent the nexus of conspiracy-minded paleocons and the face of the leftwing Democrats.

    Sadly, Yes!

  16. corvan says:

    He’s also been very supportive of Jason Leopold as Sweetness and Light points out, and was also very supportive of Mary McCarthy.  Makes you wonder about Jason’s sources.  Did they include Mr. Johnson?  Did they include Mr. Johnson’s friends?  Think Truth Out will tell us on Monday?  Is there something to the theory that rogue CIA agents tried to damage the Bush Administration?  Certainly Mr.  Johnson strikes the tone of a man who would do unsavory things, and he seemed friendly with Ms. McCarthy, of course, that’s no proof at all though.  Time will tell.

  17. Major John says:

    Argh!  Jeff stopping saying Esleyway Arckclay.  My Gawd is that guy a pain… I am trying to forget him as soon as possible.

  18. KM says:

    I think Larry Johnson’s gonna go to hell.

  19. Scott Free says:

    It’s almost like all the hate, lies, conspiracies and rage on the Left have created a sort of moral black hole, sucking the Democrats into oblivion.

    Facinating, as Spock would say.

  20. corvan says:

    He also fans the civil war falsehood once more.  I’m beginning to wonder how much of the media’s disinformtastion on Wilson, Rove and Iraq has come straight out of his mouth.  Of course I could be jumping to conclusions.  Time will tell.

  21. Patricia says:

    Personally, I think the addition of a Goebbels comparison really lightens things up nicely.

    Well, yeah, but “fat”…unforgivable!  What’s next, “poopyhead”?

  22. topsecretk9 says:

    Yes, Johnson is a registered Republica

    Convenient isn’t it? Wilson always touts his republican bonfides too (and never, ever misses a chance to roll out his medals and letters from Bush’s Dad), but I think THIS typifies his strong and deep conservative views, don’t you?…(warning this is a repeat of the overwhelming and incessant Liberal coverage this received way back when but, you know…)

    • It still amazes me when I still see that drunk Bill Kristol on tv every week still spewing the same nonsense he was spewing 3 years ago

    • When the Democrats take control of congress, their first order of business needs to be crushing the neoconservativers out of power in every foreign policy arena.  Drive a damn stake through the heart of every single one of them, whatever it takes.

    Zalmay Khalilzad?  I’d like to punch him right in the face.  I’ve never seen met him and I’d prefer never to see his face but yeah.  He has never been right about one thing in 20 years. He is simply another neoconservative that has gotten every single thing wrong.

    I agree, I think every single person in this nation should be armed with a gun…………….to protect us from these assholes you keep in power.” I didn’t actually say that….because <smirking> that would have been rude.

    I mean I’m the first to admit that, unlike Ken Mehlman and David Dreier, I really like women. 

    and that is just the short version of the well known GOPer.

  23. OHNOES says:

    Uh, Mr. Goldstein, you already posted that text blurb you quoted in the update.

  24. topsecretk9 says:

    Personally, I think the addition of a Goebbels comparison really takes away the sting from the earlier draft.

    [url=”” target=”_blank”]Shucks</i>..

    <a href=”” target=”_blank”> to Bad…[/url]

    there is little “internets” thing called…

    <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Screen Shot</b>

  25. wishbone says:

    Let’s see,

    When decorated war veterans like John Murtha and John Kerry dare to challenge the incompetence of the Administration in its prosecution of the war in Iraq and its wildly chaotic counter terrorism policy

    –“Let’s leave” is not a strategy.

    –January 20, 2009–noonish EST–Someone check back with me on the whole Bushitler leitmotif.  I think it will take a rather severe hit.  That does not mean that I think certain “decorated war veterans” will do the hitting, mind you.

  26. corvan says:

    Also, this Johnson cat has been pretty close to the Wilsons as well.  I don’t know if all of this is just coincidence, certainly it could be.  But you’d think he merited at least a third of the media attention Karl Rove has received.  Wonder why he hasn’t gotten it?  Does the media give its sources even a cursory look see before they sprint to publish them?

  27. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Wishbone — I knew two, both assholes and dumber than a box of hammers.

  28. topsecretk9 says:

    goofed that up…but screen shots are




    (got to get over that self tag thing on Jeff’s site—it’s almost too easy here)

  29. Mau Mau says:

    Johnson strikes me as a classic crank.

    I wouldn’t get too hung-up on his intelligence background until I knew what he’d actually been responsible for and why he’d left. Maybe he was just dying to become a food label inspector, but judging by his writing it’s likely that there were other forces at work shock

    Ramsey Clark was a US Attorney General you know.

  30. ts says:

    It seems that the Nazi reference is the watermark for the present day Leftist screed.  That’s how you know it’s authentic.

  31. Tom W. says:

    The one indisputable fact that the Iraq war has brought forth is that there are many, many severely mentally ill people in high positions of responsibility in our government.

    Imagine this Larry person actually being a member of the intelligence community. 


  32. SteveG says:

    Is that the same Wesley Clark the unhinged left accused of war crimes in Bosnia?

    There was a railroad bridge that was hit by some smart bomb just as the train rolled up. 14 civilians died and the left claimed Clark tried to cover up the “murder” by…. “speeding the film up”.

    I can see Clark being Democrat… they are not all bad… but if I saw the SOB that said that I was a lying war criminal at the YearlyKos, I’d kick the shit out of him.

  33. billhedrick says:

    Actually they are quite persuasive! I will never vote for Rove or GWB again! What?…. oh….

  34. McKreck says:

    It’s sputtering bile, not once approaching a defensible point.  But I bet he felt good when he said it, given that he has the temperment of a 4-year-old and the intellect of wood. The change is just as horrible, even without the addition of Goebbels (who had two but they were small).  Does the statement become more defensible by changing “small wonder” to “this could”?

    But it fits nicely with this bit of anti-semitic bile at Daily Kos.

  35. topsecretk9 says:

    But it fits nicely with this bit of anti-semitic bile at Daily Kos.

    shhhh. Don’t question their patriotism or their jew love…or their love of the troops. Now. They’ve got a Joe Lieberman race to defeat!!!

  36. lee says:

    Holy Shit! BDS, it seems, is a progressive (if you’ll pardon the pun) disease. Just when you think it’s reached it’s peak, the derangement compounds.

    I imagine soon, these guys are going to start bleeding from their ears, shortly before their heads explode.

    Clinton disgusted me, and I actually despise the man, but I was always able to maintain my grip on reality, you know, a sense of perspective. The lefties of today IMO are quite insane. No, really. Seriously. Nuttier than Planters. I’m not a professional or anything, but it’s not like a fine line has been crossed. It’s more like an indy car blowing past the checkered flag in a tight race.

    TW:I was thinking they couldn’t get much more batshit crazy, but now I believe there is no limit to moonbat depravity.

  37. allahthatjazz says:

    No, no, no. Don’t fall for it. Think for a moment.

    They had him, they were that close. Rove had gone after some one and crossed the line, they were sure. They had him, but some how, some way, he avoided the frog march.

    So what’s the new plan? Get him to attack again, throw him off, make him mad, get personal. When he slips up this time, and they’re sure he will, they’ll finally have him.

    It’s merely a trap, make your opponent mad and he gets sloppy.

  38. CraigC says:

    I’m surprised one of the trolls hasn’t showed up yet bleating, ”We’re haters?? What about Ann Coulter??” Boo hoo.

    Spamword, “french.”

  39. DeepTrope says:

    Mau Mau,

    And Jimma Carter was president.

    If Larry were my son, I’d have to consider a post-natal abortion.

  40. topsecretk9 says:

    I’m surprised one of the trolls hasn’t showed up yet bleating, ”We’re haters?? What about Ann Coulter??” Boo hoo.

    Isn’t great? Shows just what a strong Atcus an Atcus is.

    Hellooo out there? Actus? Actus?….. Anyone? ……….Anyone?………..

  41. Tman says:

    [pushing away a cute girl who wonders why that boy keeps staring at that monitor]

    Sayid Qtub:”BECAUSE OF THOSE DAMN MARINE SNIPERS!!!!…..I mean seriously, did you see those motherfuckers? Them boys don’t play. Insha’Allah ‘n stuff..”

  42. Darleen says:


    they don’t have to say it here, they’re bleating it all over the place

    AND saying “The republicans started it, so we’re just dishing it back”

    Put on the hipwaders and see what passes for “intellect” on du

    Johnson is a shitweasel of the first order.

  43. Pablo says:

    That must have been a good page, Darleen. It’s down the memory hole now.

  44. topsecretk9 says:


    The link didn’t work (shades of me)

    but it gives me a certain sort of you know what for Larry’s stinking mouth to continually muck shit up for the (cue lisp…) sexy rockstar Joe….

    Larry, Joe and Jason…unfortunate line-up/naming, but works.

  45. Darleen says:


    Let’s try this again


    You’ll have to copy and paste it, as it looks like DU doesn’t like links from Jeff’s site.


    Wasn’t the best day for me…and shit like Larry is laying out about death in a family has me wanting to slap him so hard his fillings fall out.

  46. topsecretk9 says:

    Rightfully pissed off DU’er …

    Jigarotta (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:49 PM

    Response to Reply #30

    38. crap.

    I have personal experience with suicide in the extended family, and if you say that the mother I know somehow drove him to it, fuck you.

    she still lives with the (un)guilt of it after decades.

    fercrissakes everything rove has new rules. does it?

    sensitive lefty responses?

    You don’t need to swear at me.

    • Sorry if I offended, but yeah, Karl is a very sore spot with a lot of us, especially those who have been putting up with his bullshit since 1994. I suppose my blind hatred got the better of me….

    • And suicide is a “sore spot” for others you insensitive ninny!

    Oh wait, the “KKKarl” sore-spot takes precedence.

    —(and I thought this was especially pretty, as pacifists go…)—

    • Sir, please stop hitting me in the head with a brick. Pretty please?”

    Fuck that, play dirty. Find pictures of Rove licking Gannon’s ass. There are no rules in war.


  47. topsecretk9 says:


    since a DU’er says…There are no rules in war.…can we take that to mean their “outrage” at say GITMO supposed indignities and suicide are just TOTALLY FUCKING FAKE?

    <b>HELP me Actus<b>

  48. Darleen says:

    choice rancid nuggets from DU before it DOES disappear:

    ismnotwasm 06:48 PM

    Response to Reply #7

    37. Why does his childhood remind me of Ted Bundy?

    Another murderous, sociopathic Republican.

    Eh, I suppose not really similar but ye Gods and

    little Fishes…

    KyuzoGator (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:36 PM

    Response to Reply #13

    19. Fuck Karl Rove with a jackhammer.

    His personal pain brings joy to my heart. And I don’t care how unliberal that sounds.

    sparosnare (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:42 PM

    Response to Reply #20

    30. It might help explain why Karl is a lying sociopath.

    Nothing wrong with pointing it out, maybe he drove her to it. 

    RobertSeattle (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:33 PM

    Response to Original message

    10. Let’s “Coulter excuse” this…

    While I endorse Larry Johnson’s content, I might criticize his style…

    The new, all purpose, excuse anything excuse!

    OrangeCountyDemocrat (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:46 PM

    Response to Original message

    35. The Difference Between repubs & Liberals

    Fine, so we don’t need to stoop to their level.

    But the problem with us libs, is that we’re so fucking “NICE.” Oh, let’s not say anything nasty towards Heir rover. Let’s not celebrate any misfortune in his life.

    Do you think for one second that he would even give 1/2 a shit about any pain a democrat or liberal might feel? Do you think he cares about any pain ANYBODY except one of his chronies feels?

    The man is a sick, twisted, vile excuse for a human being. One step above excrement that you step in and have to scrape off your shoes. I could care less about any misfortune he suffered during his lifetime. He’s making out pretty good right now, and probably could care less whether he had loving parents when he was younger.

    All he cares about is power and wealth. Helping rid the country of people like us on the left. If he could get rid of the entire Democratic party, he would. And I assure you, he wouldn’t care how it was done, or anything which was necessary to make it happen.

    He can go fuck himself, and he deserves every single bit of pain he’s felt during his miserable fuck of a life.

    trumad (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:40 PM

    Response to Reply #17

    28. I would say that I hate Karl Rove.

    Edited on Thu Jun-15-06 06:40 PM by trumad

    The damage that he has inflicted on this country is indescribable.


    hobbit709 (1000+ posts) Thu Jun-15-06 06:58 PM

    Response to Reply #17

    51. Rove was an evil bastard

    long before that happened so I don’t have any sympathy for him at all. Read about what he was like in school before he was even a college student. I know people that worked with him back in the 80’s and he was an unmitigated son of a bitch then.

  49. Cybrludite says:

    Wait, we’re at war with the DUers? This means we can shoot them, right?

  50. topsecretk9 says:


    His personal pain brings joy to my heart. And I don’t care how unliberal that sounds.

  51. Just a guy, you know? says:

    I for one am fed up with these tactics and will fight back.

    Well bravo Mr. Johnson.  Thank goodness that someone has finally decided to stand up and say no Mr. President.  Just no.  Frankly, I was worried that no one was ever going to stand up on the left and try to “fight back”, as it were.


    TW:  there are evil forces at work, like Karl Rove and PNAC.

  52. violet says:

    Nothing wrong with pointing it out, maybe he drove her to it. 

    These people are fucking repugnant. How do you get to the point where saying this kind of thing about someone is okay?

  53. klrfz1 says:

    Wait, we’re at war with the DUers? This means we can shoot them, right?

    No, we want to carefully preserve their stupid little lives so that they can eventually be beheaded by their allies, the jihadis.


  54. BumperStickerist says:

    ~~~~~ Larry Johnson Possible Plagiarism Alert! ~~~

    Why do you suppose Karl Rove’s mother commited suicide? Because she couldn’t live knowing she had created the “evil genius”? Or did little Karl get so sick from living with a suicidal mother? Or was his real father’s rejection of them both the real cause? Any thoughts?

    Posted by Band Dee at August 2, 2005 08:04 PM

    Coulter writes a rather pedestrian description of an event that may be original but isn’t unique, gets accused of plagiarism.  Larry makes a baseless speculation that’s been made before … hey! we’ve got ourselves a ballgame.

    and this from QandO

    Karl Rove’s mother committed suicide. Was she clarivoyant? 

    Written By: Steven Davis

    har-de-fucking-har-har, Steve-o. 

    It’s just as ‘reasonable’ to speculate that she killed herself during

    —- then again —

    Maybe this is a Rovian Hoax of Rovian proportions

    from an actual newspaper:

    There is a substantial amount of misinformation on Karl Rove’s stay in Nevada, some of it a product of his critics extrapolating from the known information to make him look as bad as possible. His mother’s reputed suicide, which has little relevance to present-day events, is frequently mentioned on anti-Rove Web pages, including one Democratic National Committee page. Some bloggers have said she killed herself in Reno, many attributing the information to Rove’s biographers James Moore and Wayne Slater. However, while in their book, Bush’s Brain, the authors note that Reba killed herself, they say nothing about it happening in Nevada. There is no record of her dying in Nevada.

    “If she killed herself, she did it somewhere else,” said one official. Her name disappears from local directories after 1980

    There’s a certain genius to Rove faking his mother’s death back in the 80s, taking the insurance proceeds and secretly funding the campaign of Rethuglicans during the Reagan revolution which got him noticed by Bush back when Bush was a coke-head drunk, brought into the inner circle which, at the time, consisted of watching baseball games from the Owners Box with Bush, photographing Bush in compromising positions, which now gives Rove carte blanche to be as Evil as he wants to be without fear of prosecution or indictment.  You see, Rove may already have the Presidential Pardon signed!

    Or something … travelling in Larry Country leads to fever dreams.

    but a quick check on the fundamental question of ‘Did Rove’s mother kill herself in Nevada in 1981?’ isn’t proven or disproven readily from public records.


  55. BumperStickerist says:

    oh, yeah – former NSA, TS-SCI, two tours Korea, 208x4G, equivalent of a current 98G. 

    I get the sense that I acquired and analyzed more actionable intel as a lead op in one eight hour mission than Larry did in his three years.

  56. syn says:

    Just how long can the crushing collective of mush continue to maintain it’s insane hate before it turns itself into the insane asylum, permanently.

  57. Patrick Chester says:

    Some DU’er regarding suicide:

    Nothing wrong with pointing it out, maybe he drove her to it.

    Do these people have souls?!

  58. Yes, Johnson is a registered Republican…

    This is supposed to be important, but we’re supposed to ignore Phelps being a registered Democrat?

    Now, maybe I’m a little slow, but am I right in interpreting the “rules” these people are operating under to consist of “we’re always right; you’re always wrong”?

  59. syn says:

    NYC Mayor Bloomberg had to change from D to R because there were too many Ds running for him to be noticed yet this did not stop Bloomberg from continuing to behave like a blubber-bellied fat-cat nanny socialist his D ideology represents.

  60. moneyrunner says:

    On the way to work this morning I plan to tune in NPR, fully expecting to hear Larry Johnson being asked why, if we got Zarqawi we can’t get Osama. The answer will involve Karl Rove, Goebbels, and the peacefulness of Islam.

  61. Dan Collins says:

    Q: Why did Vince Foster shoot himself in the head?

    A: To get to the other side.

  62. DrSteve says:

    and Rummy didn’t

    Not even true.  Rumsfeld was a Navy pilot.

    Couple of things more about Johnson, for anyone who didn’t know them already:

    * He wasn’t with the CIA for long;

    * He and Mary McCarthy didn’t get along when he worked for her, but when she got in trouble he changed his mind because of the Bush-bashing opportunity it presented;

    * He’s big in VIPS, which is openly encouraging current and former intel pros to leak damaging information to undermine the current administration

    What a peach.

  63. Sherard says:

    My favorite DU quote:

    All he cares about is power and wealth. Helping rid the country of people like us on the left.

    Wow.  If the plan is to rid the country of this vermin, don’t you think they should, you know, START rounding them up or something ? 

    They only have 2.5 years or so left.  They’re running out of time to get rid of these people since they’ve yet to rid of us of even ONE that I’m aware of.  Perhaps the DU folks could point us to the secret prisons where all the lefties are being “disappeared” to. 

    Fucking morons.

  64. Not even true.  Rumsfeld was a Navy pilot.

    You don’t understand. The moment a person declares himself a Republican, his military service is declared null and void. That’s why Bush “dodged the draft” by flying jets while Gore “served his country” by carrying a camera.

    The same is true for all those who served but support the WoT and OIF; if they had the correct opinions, the left would have them leading parades, like they did with the decorated veteran Jesse Macbeth.

  65. actus says:

    The moment a person declares himself a Republican, his military service is declared null and void. That’s why Bush “dodged the draft” by flying jets while Gore “served his country” by carrying a camera.

    High flying. As that commie anti-american, Colin Powell said:

    I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed… managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units…Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to their country.

    He should have also added something about those that carried cameras. Like Daniel Ellsberg.

  66. Slartibartfast says:

    Did actus really just compare Al Gore with Daniel Ellsberg, or did my wife put psilocybin on my pizza again?

    Either way, that Sesame Street song is going through my head.  One of these things just doesn’t belong!

  67. Witheld says:

    …even without the addition of Goebbels (who had two but they were small).

    Um, no.  I think you will find that Goering was the one with two but vary small. The unmutable laws of internal rhyme necessaritate that “Goebbels / had noebbels / at all.” Aslo, Worfowitz.

  68. DrSteve says:

    actus, first, nice ellipses, and excellent innuendo, as always.  Yes, “high.” Very clever.  That is one funny meme in search of a scrap of fucking evidence to support it.

    I’m always puzzled when people like Kerry attack W for not serving in Viet Nam, when their view of service in that conflict was generally so negative.  Wouldn’t bomber interdiction over the Gulf of Mexico have been preferable to all that raping and butchery and Jen-jiss-Khanery?  Are they resentful he didn’t camp out during that dark night of the soul alongside them?

  69. Rusty says:

    OK. Why is the democratic party like NASCAR?

    Because they only make left turns and cover the same ground over and over.

    The lefts dislocation from ‘real’ america is evidenced by the increasing sputtering vileness of their rhetoric. They seem not to have noticed that as of 9/11 the rules changed.

  70. Some Guy in Chicago says:


    Jonah Goldberg had a little mini-tangent going on the Corner yesterday about the various “Jews” of Star Trek…the Ferengi and Cardasians, and he asked someone to show how the Klingons were racist.

    I e-mailed him that since the Klingons, on DS9 at least, engaged in a pre-emptive unilateral, war-for-the-sake-of war against the Cardassians, they’d be Neo-Cons (and, hence, Jews).  I’m glad to see I have witheld backing my play.

  71. Stephen_M says:

    Couple of things more about Johnson, for anyone who didn’t know them already:

    * He wasn’t with the CIA for long;

    * He and Mary McCarthy didn’t get along when he worked for her, but when she got in trouble he changed his mind because of the Bush-bashing opportunity it presented;

    * He’s big in VIPS, which is openly encouraging current and former intel pros to leak damaging information to undermine the current administration

    What a peach.

    From Johnson’s About page:

    From 1985 through September 1989 Mr. Johnson worked for the Central Intelligence Agency.

    I can’t say for sure that being a character-deficient overcompensating mouth-bully is required at CIA.

    But character-deficient overcompensating mouth-bullies certainly orbit and are drawn to CIA.

    Say, what’s the latest on Mr. Frogmarch anyway?

  72. JD says:

    “The time has come to say enough.  This is not about Democrat, or Independent, or Republican.  This is a fight for the soul of this nation.”

    Why is it that anytime I see a quote in this vein, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is from a deranged barking moonbat suffering from severe BDS or RDS ?

  73. Pablo says:

    Sherard sez:

    Perhaps the DU folks could point us to the secret prisons where all the lefties are being “disappeared” to. 

    They’re everywhere, man. You can’t swing a shackled transgendered vegan without hitting one. After all, Bu$Hitler has been locking the left up for 5.5 years now. The thing is, the prisons are disguised to look like your mother’s basement.

    Now, if only they’d take away their internet connections….

  74. billhedrick says:

    I didn’t think the Klingons were Jewish (like most of the other Trek Aliens) until I went to a bris. I know a little Klingon and have the fonts on my ‘puter. I opened the prayer book and looked at the Hebrew and said, “OK that’s the Klingon connection” Bothe the old and new Klingon fonts look Jewish.

  75. JohnAnnArbor says:

    He says:

    Most Sunnis are convinced we want to exterminate them. 

    Huh?  Anyone who thinks that needs to get his head examined.  The Sunnis are pissed because they’re out of power.  And was the left, so worried about the Sunnis now, this worried about the whites of South Africa when they gave up apartheid?  Of course not.  Apparently, a class of oppressive ARABS is just fine with them.

  76. Defense Guy says:

    Wait, we’re at war with the DUers? This means we can shoot them, right?

    Makes you wonder what the DU uniform might look like.  You know, since they would want surely to live up to the Geneva rules.  I’m pretty sure it would involve lace and some form of tights.

    The DUer who said that needs to up his meds.

  77. N. O'Brain says:

    “Whoever battles monsters should take care not to become a monster too, for if you stare long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss stares also into you.”

    —Friedrich Nietzsche

    I can’t describe the revulsion I feel reading this.

    It’s like Satan ripping a hole in the space-time continuum and giving you a glimpse of hell.

  78. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    From 1985 through September 1989 Mr. Johnson worked for the Central Intelligence Agency.

    And those floors were brilliant!

    Question, how bad do you have to screw up not to be able to keep a job with the Federal Government?

  79. actus says:

    Did actus really just compare Al Gore with Daniel Ellsberg, or did my wife put psilocybin on my pizza again?

    Compare? all I know is both carried cameras. Ellsberg got hollered at by some guy that was escorting him. At least according to his memoirs

    actus, first, nice ellipses,

    I googled it.

    That is one funny meme in search of a scrap of fucking evidence to support it.

    Isn’t it common knowledge that he’s cleaned himself up? From what?

    I’m always puzzled when people like Kerry attack W for not serving in Viet Nam, when their view of service in that conflict was generally so negative.

    I think Dubya did the smart thing. People were going to jail, canada, etc… He certainly got a better deal. Though I suppose its a bit reprehensible if it was something more available to the elite. Like how its easier to get an education deferment if you’re not working class. But you can’t blame someone for doing what they can. But we can hold them to what they’ve done.

  80. luke says:

    YEAH MAN!  You tell ‘em Johnson.  You’re not gonna take it any more.  That’ll really show America!  Scream at the top of your lungs!  You’re gonna get nasty and impugn Karl’s mother and you’re gonna scream and you’re gonna pitch a fit!  Yeah, I think that’ll be effective.

    Is it just me? Or does it seem like Mr. Johnson was one of those kids whose parent’s idea of raising a “good little prince” consisted of never setting any limits on his behavior – so they never let him hear the word “no” because it might damage his precious self esteem.  And now that he’s not getting exactly what he wants, he’s utterly incapable of processing the concept.

  81. JD says:

    I was beginning to miss the little act-hole, while all of the sadelyno trolls were running around here.  In retrospect, that whole abscense makes the heart grow stronger thing is complete and total BS.  I still cannot stand him.

  82. actus says:

    I was beginning to miss the little act-hole, while all of the sadelyno trolls were running around here.

    Its world cup time. sorry.

  83. mojo says:

    Despicable and unhinged.

    I heard it’s because he was raped by his step-father’s dog as a child. And liked it.

    But don’t quote me.

  84. Darleen says:


    You still flogging a perception and not the facts.

    GW put IN for a unit that would go to Vietnam while Kerry put IN for a unit that would not.

    The vagaries of military service is that whatever you put in for most times ends up a crapshoot.

    Now, you may disagree with the outcome of GW’s intentions, but if you are discounting them, you’ve been sleeping in Jeff’s classes again.

  85. Slartibartfast says:

    all I know is both carried cameras

    Me, too.  And my wife, Morgan Fairchild.  And probably more than a billion other people.  Oh, and Ellsworth and Gore are both white males!  Ooooooh – there’s just got to be a connection there.

    The dragging-in of Ellsworth could be a prime candidate for a Wikipedia entry on non sequitur.  Actus, I still consider that you might not be an idiot in real life, but you do a wonderful portrayal of one in blog comments.  I mean, no one could actually be this stupid, coult they?

  86. DanG says:

    “But Rove, like Josef Goebbels, has used fear and smear as his primary tools to keep George Bush in power.”

    Uh, Josef Goebbels is trying to keep George Bush in power? Larry isn’t even grammatically coherent.

  87. DrSteve says:

    People were going to jail, canada, etc… He certainly got a better deal.

    Let’s see.  Canada or the cockpit of an F-102A?  I’ll admit there was a taxicab window protecting me, but Brampton ON always seemed a lot safer.

    And it was never as simple as “there’s a waiting list” or “there isn’t.”

  88. DoctorBobKelso says:

    JD: It might very well be a fight for the soul of the nation. Hugh Hewitt has an interesting post on the disaster that will follow if Dems who are led by the Kos have any success. There’s a particularly interesting quote from Mark Steyn.

  89. actus says:

    GW put IN for a unit that would go to Vietnam while Kerry put IN for a unit that would not.

    Really? I rememeber during election season the Kerry campaign was touting some letter he wrote requesting service in vietnam. While there was some other thing where dubya checked some box that he didn’t want service abroad. But maybe the TANG would go to vietnam.

    The vagaries of military service is that whatever you put in for most times ends up a crapshoot.

    Probably. I mean, you join the Maryland national guard, who knows where you might end up.

    Me, too.  And my wife, Morgan Fairchild.  And probably more than a billion other people.

    Not during the vietnam war. Then again, Ellsberg was under fire with his camera. I don’t know about Gore.

  90. BumperStickerist says:

    Also, the phrase “Champagne Unit” had nothing to do with mission of the unit or the dangers involved, it had to do with the background of the volunteers.

    Serving in a “Champagne Unit” is not synonymous with ‘easy duty’.

    Hmmmm…. two more of these explanations and Bill Safire will promote me to “Language Maven, First Class”

    and, to reiterate, there may be a factual dispute regarding the suicide which is at the heart of Johnson’s bilefest.

  91. DrSteve says:

    While there was some other thing where dubya checked some box that he didn’t want service abroad. But maybe the TANG would go to vietnam.

    “Palace Alert.”

  92. M.Scott says:

    But maybe the TANG would go to vietnam.

    I seem to recall my older brother talking about all the great tang he got in Nam.  Guess actus knows what he’s talking about, this time.

  93. actus says:

    “Palace Alert.”

    See, there was a way that TANG people could volunteer for foreign service, perhaps in Vietnam. But not all of them got the opportunity to go abroad, as the program ended about a week after they graduated from flight school.

  94. Pablo says:

    Hey, TANG was going into Space in the 60’s. What’s the big deal about Southeast Asia?

  95. B Moe says:

    I think Dubya did the smart thing. People were going to jail, canada, etc…

    I gotta question for you actus, I graduated high school right at the end of Viet Nam, close enough that I had conversations with my buddies about going to jail on principle or fleeing to Canada, totally buying into the bullshit that Kerry and all his Winter Soldier buddies were spewing.  I would have liked to join a military I could have been proud of, and saved my parents some money by going to school on the bill, but to my present shame fell for the leftist hype. 

    How am I supposed to feel when I get called a chickenhawk, now?

  96. American Son says:

    – Hmmmm….. Sooooooo then has the eeeeeevil RoveRat been impeached yet…. because you know….if not I want my damn money back….

  97. Slartibartfast says:

    Hmmm…”photocopy” implies “carried a camera”?  Well, it’s possible I missed something.  I probably missed where Ellsberg was shot at, too.

    Most likely, though, this is yet another actus abuse of history, where two things that are very, very unlike each other are compared side-by-side.

  98. Slartibartfast says:

    the program ended about a week after they graduated from flight school

    Which was, you know, part of the plan.

  99. American Son says:

    – Johnson is one of the “group of 12” or something like that number, (Wilson, McCarthy, ect ect)….that Liberal “mole” chart someone did a while back…. The usual expected obligatory raving since the latest “GetRoveGate” craped in their Granola’s again…..

  100. N. O'Brain says:

    “I think Dubya did the smart thing. People were going to jail, canada, etc… He certainly got a better deal. Though I suppose its a bit reprehensible if it was something more available to the elite. Like how its easier to get an education deferment if you’re not working class. But you can’t blame someone for doing what they can. But we can hold them to what they’ve done.

    Posted by actus | permalink

    on 06/16 at 09:21 AM”

    So when did you fly the F-102, jokingly known among it’s pilots as a “brick with fins?

    Seriously. When were you in the service and what was your MOS?

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