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October 2024


Israeli Cruel

Cathy Young’s update “on the move by British educators and Canadian public employees to boycott Israeli institutions” highlights some disturbing behavior from the American Association of University Professors, including remarks made by chair of the AAUP Committee on Academic Freedom, Joan C. Scott.

I’d tell you what that disturbing behavior is, but coming from a “Goldstein,” you probably wouldn’t believe me, anyway.  Or at least, you’ll want to wait for corroboration from someone less…Goldsteiny. For, you know, obvious reasons…


Background here, here, and here.

18 Replies to “Israeli Cruel”

  1. a4g says:

    You know, if you ZIONISTS would just live in a hollowed-out tree and make cookies, the world would be a lot better place.

    Unless of course you baked them with baby blood.

  2. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Still waiting to hear about the boycott of Chinese, Cuban, Syrian, Sudanese, Burmese, Saudi and Somialian institutions given the treatment in those countries of political opponents,dissidents and any others that dare to “speak truth to power”.

    I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath.

  3. rls says:

    Well…I believe that “standing mute” on the boycott is tacitly endorsing said boycott.  A loud pronounced NOOOOOOOO! would seem to be in order here.

    I can see Juan Cole now with his face in impassioned grimace, his hard little prick between his thumb and forefinger, moving feverishly while admiring a photo of a naked Arafat abusing a young lad, yelling YES! OH GLORIOUS, YES!!

  4. – Is Araflab still up to his old tricks? I thought he had to give up young-boy flesh meals when he went on his no Oxygen diet…

  5. tomaig says:

    So…any relation to Connecticut’s legendary meteorologist, Dr. Mel Goldstein?

    Pretty much everybody knows who Dr. Mel is…

  6. Matt30 says:

    As I recall, the AAUP came out as strong defenders of Sami al-Arian’s “academic freedom.” I’d suggest we might see a pattern, but I don’t have a PhD, nor do I work at Broome College.

  7. ed says:


    I’d tell you what that disturbing behavior is, but coming from a “Goldstein,” you probably wouldn’t believe me, anyway.  Or at least, you’ll want to wait for corroboration from someone less…Goldsteiny. For, you know, obvious reasons…

    Sorry but I’m drawing a complete blank here.

    Got a hint?


  8. Major John says:


    Hint: “Goldstein” is a common Joooooo! name.  The Anti-Semites wishing to boycott Israel probably wouldn’t be to receptive to Jeff’s points.

    That work?


  9. Shawn says:

    As far as names go, Goldstein is the new Churchill. I fail to understand the mindset of those who embrace murderous hatemongers who belong to a tyrannical, legalistic religion/society. Israel bothers no one–who first does not bother Israel that is. Of course, I personally see biblical intimations in all of this, but it still is beyond understanding.

  10. Paul says:

    ..after the revelation that the conference packet inadvertently included an anti-Semitic article from a Holocaust-denying magazine

    Doh! How did that get in there? big surprise

  11. Sean M. says:

    You’ve got it wrong Major John.  It’s because he’s an Intentionalist.  I hear they control all the money and the media and bake the blood of Post-structuralist children into their bread.

  12. Paul says:

    Goldsteins everywhere

  13. Old Dad says:

    Let’s grant the merits of free association, free speech, and academic freedom–what ever the hell that is.

    But why would a reasonably prudent university professor allow his professional organization to be hijacked for crass political purposes.

    Take Noam Chomsky–please. Some say that he’s a brilliant linguist. I’m not competent to judge, but I’d be inclined to respect his authority in that arena, but why in hell would I care what he thought about Israel? Now we’re asked to take a chorus of bloviating Chomskis seriously? It’s ridiculous, and it reeks of narcissism, and it reminds us why we worry about indoctrination at the university.

    Profs, here’s some free advice. Shut up and teach. You want to worship Che? Knock yourself out, but do it on your own time and not in our classrooms, and reserve your professional group’s activities for issues relevant to–oh, I don’t know–your profession.

    It’s almost as ridiculous as the city council of some piss ant little burg voting to impeach the President.

  14. Hey…. they grow them stuck on stupid in the great NorthWest….. besides they got some face time that way….

  15. Kim du Toit says:

    Sheesh, Jeff… just when I’ve spent hours defending you for being a Stand-Up Kinda Guy, you adopt the Defensive Jewish Posture.

    Not.  wink

    As for those who want to boycott Israeli whatever, I’d call for a parallel boycott of Palestinian whatever, except that the Pals have never produced any actual stuff for us to boycott.

    What they DO have (hatred, anti-Semitism, self-imposed poverty, homicidal rage, martyr complex etc), we already boycott.

  16. BoZ says:

    [The AAUP is] “trying to reconstruct” how the article came to be included in the materials given out to attendees.

    The way I avoid accidentally slipping articles from Holocaust-denial magazines into things I make is by not hating Jews. But I’m simpleminded like that.

    The Rockefeller Foundation, which also supported the conference […]


  17. OT – More BS on Haditha:

    CHILCOTE: Eman’s brother, Abdul Rahman (ph), doesn’t say much. The interviewer asks him to show his wounds.

    Off camera, a voice in the room is heard asking: “He didn’t have a weapon. What danger did he pose?”

    But there is an intriguing variation in Eman’s account the third time she tells it. She says she was expecting the bomb.

    WALID (through translator): I was planning to go to school. I was about to get out of bed. I knew the bomb would explode, so I covered my ears. The bomb exploded. The bomb struck an armored vehicle. I don’t know if it was a Humvee or an armored vehicle. When the bomb exploded, they came straight to our house.

    CHILCOTE: The question is, was her expectation of the explosion a premonition, a fear based on the sound of the passing convoy? Or was it based on some knowledge? The interviewer does not follow up. He says the 9-year-old got confused and got her story mixed up. (yeh right)

    – If they won’t exhume the bodies, (can’t have us see the Russian ammo they were all killed by), then the whole thing should be chalked up to another Jihadist PR scam and scuttled…

  18. What they DO have (hatred, anti-Semitism, self-imposed poverty, homicidal rage, martyr complex etc), we already boycott.

    – Sounds eerily close to discribing the anti-war gaggle.

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