Via PJ Media, whose Iraq Files Project is gaining a good deal of attention worldwide, comes yet another translation of a captured Iraqi document, this time appearing on Ray Robison’s site (with analysis).* This particular document, if the translation is correct, is of a memo that “contains a detailed list of instructions on how Iraqi intelligence personnel should conduct themselves while ‘visiting’ Afghanistan’”.
The memo itself is not too lengthy, and Robison provides a number of translator’s notes that attempt to place it in its proper strategic context.
You can read the full translation of “Iraqi memo: how to be incognito in Afghanistan” here.
“Incognito in Afghanistan”
Frankly that sounds like a book title I’d like to read on the beach.
The U. S. Air Force still has the best way of making terrorists and their enablers unrecognizable.
Jeff is unfamiliar with the concept of ‘provenance’ it seems. Remember, kiddies, if there’s not a video tape of Saddam watching the guy write the memo in the same box, then the document’s authenticity is suspect.
Also, it should be remembered, is that were the Pentagon to be captured and a couple of hundred boxes put out willy-nilly, you’d turn up in-house memos and concept documents relating to the invasion of Canada, targeting minorities for recruiting, and plans for rigging the 2000 election for Bush.
I’ve got a nice Galle vase that I didn’t see Emile personaly make. Yet it has been authenticated by “experts” and I have a provenance for the last 20 years. So…I think I’ll keep it.
Point is that I don’t think the Left is going to argue that these docs are fabricated. It is known where they have originated. Their only option is going to be spinning the translations and moving the goalposts.
I think we all need a safe place to hide. When those heads start exploding, it is going to get messy.
There is absolutely no evidence that Saddam is Osama. (can the goal posts move any farther than that?)
rls sez:
Our Left? The American Left? The Left which is still arguing that 9/11 was fabricated? I’d be shocked to find that they haven’t already decided that. Because of the timing….
FYI, Sammi is the translator, I am just the lame analyst
Lame? Don’t kncok yourself Robert. You folks are doing a great thing – keep it up.
Call me insane.
Please forgive my stupidity, but what is the importance of this document?
It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt Osama wanted nothing to do with the Godless heathen Saddam and Saddam would NEVER help a backwards camel-herder like Bin Laden (peace be unto humps).
Now go back to sleep.
Allah does Malkin
It’s good to be the Creator of Worlds.
tw: Looking good, homeboy!
Witty, Tomb, very witty.
Okay, Charlie, you’re insane.
You’re also a fucking moron, just by the by. You were sleeping with Denise fucking Richards, man! Who could you have possibly been diddling on the side that would be better than Denice fucking Richards?
Charlie are you NUTS!?!?
Denise Richards?!
Drenched in chocolate?!
Holding a strawberry?!
AND with high beams?!!!!
Just before I go to bed?
You’ll pay.
er, just not right now, gotta go.
Mad as a hatter.
As a fine Australian once said, “mad as a meat axe”.
Jeff G
Am Spectator Special Report, just posted in-depth translation of a recently released Iraqi Report…opening:
Also, to my ignorant estimation seems to give understanding to Ray/Sammi’s translated document…
In it, when Osama agrees to meet the Iraqi he does worry his detractors might take him for an Iraqi agent…and then when he goes to Afghanistan they are tracking him down, hence the lay low and no neon signs for Iraqi agents in Afghanistan
Is that a reasonable understanding?
and then when he goes to Afghanistan they are tracking him down, hence the lay low and no neon signs for Iraqi agents in Afghanistan
too fast.
When Osama is expelled from Sudan the document suggests they are tracking down where he went, which ultimately Afghanistan.
Iraqi agents are sent to Afghan to maintain –low key– contacts with Osama.
Bye everyone and that is for the joy of all keep working up your team spirit and clutching with a lot of new comments it is so refreshing