Fact: if I don’t eat this last delicious mini Hostess fruit pie (peach), somebody else certainly will. So, unless one happens to adhere to either an ascetic or a showily magnanimous philosophical worldview—which, blessedly, I don’t—gobbling this puppy down is like, a no-brainer, when you stop to consider it…
p.s. meanwhile, don’t overthink it, dude.
I WANT PIE!!!!!!
The lack of an ‘open thread’ statement forces me to remain strictly on topic. Therefore,
Me likes pie.
May I suggest you warm it and top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?
Fruit pies are fattening. Your wife’s self-esteem probably is related to her weight. Your son’s health certainly depends on him avoiding excessive sugar intake.
You’re not eating a pie. You’re taking a bullet for your family.
Sniff…you’re a god-damn hero in my book.
You don’t get this from the MSM or liberal blogs. Pretty much stuck with HERE to learn the true meaning of life!
Of course that won’t stop the AP from stealing it with no attribution to “Just A Bloggerâ€Â.
Eat Fruit Pies and Beat Terrorism!
Notice that the standard-issue terrorist on the left has recruited Jack Nicholson and Tom Selleck to his cause.
The last time I ate a Hostess Fruit Pie (too long ago), they did indeed have rich, delicious crust, donut-scented and rich in the fats and sugars necessary to the modern diet.
The filling, however, left much to be desired, being mainly flavored syrup, with perhaps one or two flaccid fruit fragments swimming mournfully within.
Would the Flaccid Fruit Fragments be a good name for a rock band?
I can’t believe the usual lefty suspects haven’t whined yet about how that second sentence had 34 words and somewhat complicated punctuation.
Beware the High Fructose Corn Syrup, infidel!
tw: in any amount!
Why are there so many words in that second sentence? And whats the deal with all the crazy hyphens and commas? You wingnuts are crazy with your punctuation.
Oh, and dont think I don’t recognize oppresive capitalist dogma when I see it. More red meat for the ravenous wingnut BushKultist horders who hang here. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Oh my god I just caught the homophobic, patriarchal undertones…..this thing keeps getting worse. Is this what your Isreali/Bushco handlers have you doing now? Sending subliminal hate messages to your lackeys?
Peach?! Well, your pie is safe from me. Now Apple, on the other hand…
You can keep the peach pie. OTOH, if it were homemade cherry pie, I’d be demanding my share. No, let me be honest. I’d be scheming to get my share and somebody else’s share too. Because I grew up as one of nine children, and I’m way overdue for more than my fair share.
I don’t know about a rock band, but you’ve got the Democratic Party pretty well pegged.
OH MY GOD!! I’ve been homophobic!
Gooey Fruit Lumps would be better.
That could be the first album…
Whiny Leftist—Halliburton don’t got no time for no stinkin’ pie! They’re busy insidiously taking control of PEMEX in case the US doesn’t dust off its 1916 plans and invade Vera Cruz again over the new oil strike…
What is my mini Hostess fruit pie doing in your house, beeyatch?
I could have commented an hour or so ago but had to consider all options.
After careful analysis, yes, gobbing that puppy down was the only real choice.
Hell, yeah. If the shoe’s on the other foot it’s not like the little lady won’t eat the last of the chocolate ice cream or some such. Like feeding your niece all of your peanut M&Ms. Dammit.
My wife and I have just one rarely used food rule that’s never broken. If you have plans for something you call dibs and it’s yours; if you don’t call it there’s no whining if it’s gone. Well, there’s one other food rule, but it’s just that I won’t allow tuna-noodle casserole or ‘Nilla Wafers in my house under any circumstances.
I dunno. Gooey Fruit Lumps by the Flaccid Fruit Fragments might be just a little too, uh, fruity.
(And Jeff’s a bad influence, by the way. I had to stop and get a Hostess fruit pie on my way home. Cherry.)
@ Jeff
Is this some sort of backhanded reference to the current illegal alien crisis?
If so, very creative!
Well. You may want to rethink that. It could be rather odd.
sw: I’ll admit that looking at those photos made me a bit green. BTW those are links to one of my favorite sites. Utterly beyond hilarious.
ascetic is a noun! Check that sentence structure, especially when you are trying to “get over” on both your followers and your critics, k?
kisses busy
Uh, Dorita? It can also be an adjective and an adverb. Here, it is used as an adjective to modify “wordview.”
But no worries. Strunk and White are both dead, I think, so no raps on the knuckles with a ruler for you.
Lucky day!
4 entries found for ascetic.
as·cet·ic Audio pronunciation of “ascetic” ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-stk)
A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.
1. Leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual improvement. See Synonyms at severe.
2. Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; self-denying and austere: an ascetic existence.
[Late Greek asktikos, from Greek askts, practitioner, hermit, monk, from askein, to work.]as·ceti·cal·ly adv.
but i thought you believed in growing the pie, so there was more to share. after all, “we ought to make the pie higher.”
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Them dang sumsabitches at You Send It.
Click HERE for a usable link.
That last link of yours: the guy second from right kinda looks like a young Russell Crowe. I wonder if that’s his band, “Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts”. (Which, I’m sorry, is not a good name for a rock band.)
By the way, the full saga of Hulk and Hostess vs. the terrorists is here.
Jeff, Hostess Peach fruit pie is damned fine, especially when you wash it down with a shot of Southern Comfort. 9 out of 10 ascetics agree.
Frankly I don’t think that’s Crowe. I certainly hope it’s not Crowe. Well. Not Crowe *sober*.
Ok it could be Crowe but I seriously doubt it because who would really want to be photgraphed with a guy cupping his man-breasts?
Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is bliss. Om padme Ommmmm.
sw: In many ways an expresso enema is a natural way to open the flow. So to speak.
ed, you jerk.
You just cost me a half hour going through those pictures on rockandrollconfidential.com and laughing.
tw: over … is this the end of our adventures in pie?
Let them eat cobbler.
Wait a minute. You ate the pie without first getting a warrant?
Ed, that’s a great site.
Ah, I see we did get a wannabee English teacher in on the thread, after all.
He was relying on his inherent authority as expressed in Article II of the Fruit Pie Convention.
Yeah when I first stumbled over it I was very tempted to mock up a band photo just to get on the site.
Like the typical right-wing, fascistic, ChimpyMcHitlerburton syncophant that JG truly is, his most recent post flagrantly supportng the exclusive gooey goodness of Hostess Fruit Pies has excluded any consideration of the rights and FEELINGS of Ho-Ho’s, Twinkies, Ding-Dong’s, Cupcakes and other oppressed junk foods that just wish to seek a better life, education and health services for their families. Not to mention salted corn snacks such as myself and our special needs that remain unaddressed by the prevailing caucasian overlords.
How dare you, you rascist, xenophobic hate-monger.
Senator, I have never oppressed the creamy chocolate goodness that is Ding-Dong. I will admit that I Water-Boarded them in milk during an intense interrogation.
Hey, did anybody see my peach pie? I left it around here someplace.
Has anyone ever wrapped an Oatmeal Cream Pie around a banana?
While wearing nipple clamps?
71% of the folks in my state don’t like pie…
… which leaves tons o’ pies for me.
gobbing this puppy down is like, a no-brainer, when you stop to consider it…
besides the fact that you meant ‘gobbling’, this is kind of gross when you consider your comments about peanut butter and dogs.
what is it about wingers and bestiality? must be the same thing as wingers and gambling (bill bennet), or wingers and corruption (cunningham), or wingers and lying to cops (libby).
What, no jokes about Oliver Willis guest-blogging? Jeez, that’s some low-hanging fruit pie, right there.
Said prozacula, proudly, innocently. Foolishly.
um, whatever the hell you meant, 6gun, is lost on me.
I am proud, innocent and foolish. right. thanks for pointing that out.
Jeff, you mofo! Now I’ve got to go get some Hostess fruit pies and eat them.
I will be revenged on you for putting that need into my weak psyche.
Hint: Clinton? Berger. Richardson. The other Clinton.
And hundreds more.
[And the lights slowly come on in prozacula-land…]
The adjectival form would be ascetical. Actually, your sentence structure works upon another reading. Too bad you didn’t think of that. It would have crushed me, actually
Jeff, Hostess Peach fruit pie is damned fine, especially when you wash it down with a shot of Southern Comfort. 9 out of 10 ascetics agree.
Clearly, ahem, you don’t know the meaning of the word, which basically was my point. Of course, I could give you the benefit of the doubt. In that case, I would be forced to insult your sense of humor.
later tater
busy tater
Sigh. Okay, one more time—and quoting from the dictionary entry (which I helpfully provided) above: “2. Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; self-denying and austere: an ascetic existence.”
Oh, and the comment you quote? Tongue-in-cheek.
Please, dorita. Your every comment is lowering the real estate value of this place—which is already hurt by inactive armadillos, randy Sea Monkey kings, hop-headed beets, and a dolphin in a pea coat, shrouded in secrecy, wrapped in an enigma…
And of course, actus.
Bad whoopee-cushion, Doritos.
okay—in my narrow survey of blogs, you and ATB are neck and neck in deletes.
You both hate to be wrong, hate to be corrected and hate having it pointed out to you.
However, I will continue to read you both. . . until the hedge gets unruly.
[Do what you want. But it’s not me who keeps changing my name and email address, and making asinine assertions about the uses of “ascetic” as an adjective. If you don’t find what I write amusing, don’t read it. Or do. But I didn’t ask for an editor. So if you have editorial advice, email it to me rather than post it in the comments.
I don’t mind being corrected. I just mind being corrected incorrectly by those who don’t have any idea what they are talking about, and are not shy about making that abundantly apparent -ed]
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