
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“The Thing about Tax Cuts” [Darleen Click]

Stop with the smoke and mirrors …

Every Republican tax-reform plan should be rooted in this reality: If you are going to have federal spending that is 21 percent of GDP, then you can have a.) taxes that are 21 percent of GDP; b.) deficits. There is no c.

If, on the other hand, you have a credible program for reducing spending to 17 or 18 percent of GDP, which is where taxes have been coming in, please do share it.

The problem with the Growth Fairy model of balancing budgets is that while economic growth would certainly reduce federal spending as a share of GDP if spending were kept constant, there is zero evidence that the government of these United States has the will or the inclination to enact serious spending controls when times are good (Uncork the champagne!) or when times are bad (Wicked austerity! We must have stimulus!).

In other words — TANSTAAFL

10 Replies to ““The Thing about Tax Cuts” [Darleen Click]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    nicely said but the sub-par growth of obama’s term and his vicious rape of jobs prosperity and productivity can’t be ignored in these discussions either

  2. McGehee says:

    The only reason revenues are as high as “17 or 18” percent of GDP is because of the shrunken economy.

    As for stimulus, it was tried during Obama’s first term and failed. This followed the pattern of the stimulus tried during Herbert Hoover’s presidency, and the many stimuli tried by FDR.

    Maybe this whole “stimulus” thing is a load of hogslop.

  3. Curmudgeon says:

    Next time the Patriots argue to defund Planned Parenthood, how about a provision that the saved money not spent on the baby butchers goes to retiring US government bonds.

    Lather, rinse, repeat with every crappy Commiecrat program they wish to “cut” (or at least reduce the growth of, which is what the “Cuts” usually are)

  4. Curmudgeon says:

    “As for stimulus, it was tried during Obama’s first term and failed. This followed the pattern of the stimulus tried during Herbert Hoover’s presidency, and the many stimuli tried by FDR.”

    Actually, the Obamunist “stimulus” was worse.

    At least Hoover and FDR left behind some really cool hydro dams, roads and bridges.

    The Obamunists succeeded in undoing any welfare reforms that Billy Jeff Clinton signed into law, and extending “unemployment benefits” t0 infinity and beyond.

  5. LBascom says:

    Time to pull out an oldie but goodie:

  6. bgbear says:

    1% a year for 5 years. Is that too simple?

  7. guinspen says:

    And the hits just keep on coming, ahyep.

  8. McGehee says:

    True, Curmudgeon. It turned out the only thing “shovel-ready” about O’s program was the bullshit shovelled out to sell it.

  9. newrouter says:

    “there is zero evidence that the government of these United States has the will or the inclination to enact serious spending controls when times are good ”

    that is why the first order of business of an article v convention of the states is the removal of the ability of 280 clowns in dc to raise the us debt limit and put it to 50 state legislatures. run out of “money”? sell some of your vast holdings effin’ clowns.

  10. newrouter says:

    “The problem with the Growth Fairy model of balancing budgets is that while economic growth would certainly reduce federal spending as a share of GDP if spending were kept constant,”

    nro = gope = cuckservatives

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