
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Odds, Ends

1.  Thanks so much to Tom Wigton for the Shamus and The Chosen DVDs.  Been looking forward to seeing both.  Now if I can only find a copy of The Super Cops

At any rate, there’s no doubt I’ll get plenty of enjoyment out of an Hasidic Robbie Benson and a young sexy Burt Reynolds.  And yes, I hereby give you permission to write your own jokes.

2.  Speaking of films, caught the remake of the Bad News Bears the other night.  As many of you know, the original Michael Ritchie film ranks in my top 5 films of all time.  So a remake struck me as both unnecessary and—frankly—an abomination, an offense against the Lord our God so egregious and profound that words alone could not capture the my depths of my hatred. 

Well, the remake (or “remix,” as they called it) wasn’t awful, but the original is superior in every way—from the pacing to the realism (70s cinematography and film stock are magical) to the poignancy of the humor to the depth of the characters.  The writers (who also wrote Bad Santa for Billy Bob Thornton, who here takes over the Walter Matthau role of Morris Buttermaker), to their credit, kept most of the story in tact.  But it’s a testament to Bill Lancaster’s original script that every change made weakened the new version.

Worth a look, perhaps, but only for the curious.

3.  Tom Elia says Democrats like former Senator William Proxmire, who died today, are “literally a dying breed.”

4.  Donovan McNabb and the head of the Philadelpia chapter of the NAACP discuss the finer points of identity politics.

Somewhere, Rush Limbaugh smiles (h/t Chris Cotner).

5.  Wonkette emails to point me to these posts on the Iraq elections.  And to flirt with me.

The little scamp.

6.  Stephen Meyer passes along this Opinion Journal piece:  “Mightier Than the Pen:  Why I gave up journalism to join the Marines”.  Which, there’s something you don’t see every day.

7.  And finally, this thought:  on a day when Iraqis flock to the polls in record numbers, is it not ironic that all I can think about is how sexy Tatum O’Neal was when she was snapping off curveballs at Vic Morrow’s Yankees?  Or is that the point of having a free society in the first place?


16 Replies to “Odds, Ends”

  1. Major John says:

    Ironic wasn’t the term that came to my mind…

  2. Whohah says:

    That Ana Marie is quite the panda-loving minx.

  3. TomB says:

    Wonkette emails to point me to these posts on the Iraq elections.  And to flirt with me.

    Why am I getting a mental picture of a bright red baboon ass sticking up in the air?

    tw: their. As in “hey, it’s their buisness”.

  4. Stephen_M says:


    Semper Fi.

    You and your Big Brass Balls.


  5. daver says:

    “Odds, Ends” means never having to say “OT”, right?  Oh shit, but I said it didn’t I?

    Anyway, on a “slow news day” (>>**) for the lefties, MoDo is up to her tricks, playing catch-ball with Newsweek about GW the “Bubble-boy”.  She writes about Newsweek writing about some imagery they made up!  Next, Time will write about MoDo writing about… whee this is fun!

    Two deeply insightful comments here:

    1. MoDo needs Kong.  In the worst way.

    2. MoDo’s bubble is better than GW’s.  His is transparent, but hers is silvered – on the inside!

    >>** = nudge, nudge, wink, wink

  6. Tom W. says:

    This is a message for PIATOR…

    You predicted that Iraq would be an Islamic, Iranian-style theocracy within a year, right?  Repressive of women’s rights, anti-American, etc.

    Well, since the Islamics are currently the ones with the most power in the interim government, how do you explain that these followers of Iran have allowed ISRAELIS of Iraqi origin to vote in the December 15th elections?

    Israeli of Iraqi Origin Votes in Amman

    The creation of Israel, the rise of pan-Arabism, the growing of anti-Semitism, the July 17-30, 1968 Ba’th coup collectively helped the complete exodus of the Jews of Iraq to Israel and elsewhere in the world. There no longer are any Jews left in Iraq, but their Iraqiness is something that cannot be taken away unless they choose to abandon it.

    Today in Amman, an Israeli of Iraqi ancestors, Jackie Hoogie took his grandfather’s Iraqi passport to prove that he’s of Iraqi ancestors and voted for the first full-term parliament in Iraq since the fall of the tyrant.

    My dream is to see Iraq become a place where all of us, Kurds and Arabs, Jews and Assyrians, Turkomen and Yezedis, Sunni and Shi’a, Chaldean and Shabak in the diaspora would be welcomed to return if we so choose.

    Scroll down to see the man’s photo.

    I guess the new Iraqi theocracy will be like Iran in all ways, except that it’ll let Jews be citizens and vote in its elections.


    Oh, and here’s another Iraqi Islamofascist, interviewed in Shi’ite Najaf:

    Mr. Ali Hassoon al-Badri said “everyone must realize that electing our representatives is a basic right for everyone and it is not a gift from anyone and that it draws the line between freedom and tyranny…”

    Voting is a basic right, not a gift from anyone.

    That’s how the Iranian mullahs view voting, right?


    Please accept my sincerest condolances that your dream for Iraq will never be fulfilled.

  7. DTLV says:

    Seriously.  What is it about that film stock?  Why don’t movies look like that anymore?

  8. Ric Locke says:

    Seriously.  What is it about that film stock?  Why don’t movies look like that anymore?

    Seriously, but much simplified: the molecules are bigger. That makes it more sensitive, so less light is needed for a satisfactory image, but both the resolution and the contrast are reduced, and the color saturation is a trifle less.

    This is all a response to moviemakers wanting to do away with having to have massive banks of lights even in full sunlight. It’s a pain in the butt, logistically.



  9. triticale says:

    Just one question about the Bad News Bears? Did they keep the “This one’s for Allah” fakeout?

  10. SeanH says:

    “Mightier Than the Pen:  Why I gave up journalism to join the Marines”.  Which, there’s something you don’t see every day.

    My first thought when I saw that title was bless the man, but he might have done more good for the country as a journalist.  I mean, we have a lot of good Marines, but…

  11. CafeAlpha says:

    SeanH, I kept thinking how I’ve changed not only do I find Meyer’s story inspiring, but that I have much more respect for a Marine, any Marine than I have for any journalist.  Even my favorite journalists feel a little sordid to me – these days journalists are like politicians.  They run in packs, they claim to be saving the world while fighting for their own egos and nothing else. Oh, and except for a few really brilliant ones, almost everything they say is trite, shallow and wrong.

    And even the brilliant ones are manipulative, self promoting, spin doctoring, whores – the only difference is that the brilliant journalists are bright and know exactly how sordid they are.

    There’s nothing inspiring about even the best journalist…

    I was listening to Robert Fisk give a speech tonight.  Now I’m sure he thinks he’s a saint, and he has put his life on the line plenty of times, and he’s seen lots of horrible things.

    And he’s understood very little.

    But he just can’t wait to play Jesus and gift us all with his stupid opinion as if was God’s own commandment to repent.

  12. Mikey says:

    Robert Fisk?  He is a piece of filth, right up there with Ramsey Clark.  Fisk supports the most horrid and ghastly tyrants, so long as the tyrant spouts anti-american platitudes He cares not one bit for the people who get ground down by those tyrants.

    Filth is actually too good a description for Fisk.

  13. playah grrl says:

    Eeeeeeeuuuuuuuwww!  Wonkette cooties!  Break out the emergency penicillin!

  14. B Moe says:

    Wonkette’s Forward Operating Base Operative writes in with an update on the Iraqi elections, including a heart-warming scene that makes us think maybe the Lincoln Group was onto something with their Osama bin Moe sitcom idea…

    I would just like to state unequivocally that I bear no relation real or fictional to this character.  My real name is Floyd R. Turbo.

  15. Cardinals Nation says:

    As many of you know, the original Michael Ritchie film ranks in my top 5 films of all time.

    Better than Xanadu?  Really?  I’d never go that far.

  16. rightwingmac says:

    You wanna see an abomnation?

    Check out the Amityville Horror remake.

    It’s been remastered in PCvision.

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