
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


The Impeach Bush Coalition

…has a honkin’ new website and a spirited call to arms:

The time has come. It’s time to stay on point. The blogs need to unite around a rallying cry of “IMPEACH BUSH.” As of this post, the term “impeach bush” is the third most popular search term at Technocrati.

President Bush has totally and utterly failed the American people. Almost every day we are presented with further proof why he should not be our president. From 9/11, to WMDs, to Iraq, to Katrina– the reasons are many and obvious. We need to impeach him NOW.

The only point that should be discussed is– “IMPEACH BUSH NOW!” We need to pound this point over and over again. It should be mentioned wherever possible, and it should not stop until the mainstream media and all politicans realize that we, the people, will not stand for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, nor the utter lies, any longer.

The Bulldog Manifesto hereby calls upon every blog, from large to small, from Eschaton to Spontaneous Rising, from Daily Kos to Martian Anthropologist, from Crooks and Liars to Bring it On, from The Rude Pundit to The Talking Dog and EVERY BLOG IN BETWEEN!

The Bulldog Manifesto hereby calls upon every activist, from the national activists to the pissed off mothers, from the local politicians to the military families, from the school teachers to the student, spread the word, it is time to IMPEACH BUSH NOW. Cut and paste this post and email it to friends and family, write letters to your senators and congressperson, start your own impeachment blog, sign the Impeach Bush Petition, just do something! It begins with ALL OF US!

It doesn’t matter whether the House of Representatives consists of a Republican majority, we cannot wait around until 2006 for that to change. We can no longer afford to wait. Impeachment begins NOW, with all of us!

Go leave your suggestions in the comments.  Here’s mine (which will no doubt be disappeared):

Another suggestion: add a rider to the articles of impeachment that would insure that, in addition to getting rid of Bush, Mumia is freed, and the Rosenbergs are retroactively given Medals of Freedom.

Oh yeah. And that everybody who didn’t vote for Bush gets pie.


100 Replies to “The Impeach Bush Coalition”

  1. Bill Faith says:

    Impeach Bush? Hell, yeah! All hail President Cheney!

  2. The Lost Dog says:


    I tried the link and they are gone like a cool breeze. Either it’s a bad link, or you have scared them away.

    While I’m here, just what is it exactly that FEMA and the administration did wrong? I really want to get upset with them, seeing as everybody else seems to be, but I can’t find one single charge that even puts them anywhere near, say, John Wayne Gacy. Anybody who bothers can find out in about ten seconds that the response time was on the very low side (historically speaking), so what’s the beef? This is a serious (at least for me) question. Are there actually any specific charges of turkiness? I certainly haven’t seen them. I would appreciate it if you could clear this up for me. I really want to join the lynch mob, but can find absolutely no reason to. This blood lust looks like fun…

  3. Pappy says:

    Fruit filling? Only if it’s key lime.

    Turing word: dead. Kinda like the impeachment movement, only it don’t know it yet . oh oh

  4. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Link fixed, Lost Dog.

  5. Tman says:

    wait……..are you saying we get PIE????


    Come see the violence inherent in the system!!Don’t hang on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society!!!


    Do these kncukleheads even realize who become president if Bush is impeached?

  6. i think i would just ask what law he’s broken.

  7. My contribution:

    “Apple fucking pie you commie pig.”

    [still upset about nucular being misspelled.]

  8. The Lost Dog says:

    Thanks, Jeff.

    I went back and dropped a steamer over there. I guess this guys blog is not too popular – there’s only four comments and three of them are from here.

  9. Patrick says:

    I couldn’t resist.  It’s either the wine or the joy of dicking with retards.

    Jeff, you ignorant slut.  How could you possibly certify the anti-Bush voters?  Take them on their word?  No, what we need is a good old fashioned government program, which I’m calling Piefare (TM).  Everybody gets one, unless you’re rich or white or work for Haliburton or drive a vehicle that gets less than 45 mpg.  Of course, if you only ride public transportation, you get two.


  10. And that everybody who didn’t vote for Bush gets pie.


  11. Patrick says:

    Bill, honestly, that got a verbal groan.

  12. Sheesh, I want to know where they bought their acid.

  13. Patrick says:

    And don’t forget, kids, visit regularly.  Graphic Buttons coming soon!

    TW taking; as in oxygen thieves.

  14. lex says:

    Ya see? I think that’s funny! I don’t know what it is the cabbage and scurvy lady doesn’t get.

    Tasty filling. Heh.

  15. Wadard says:

    Do these kncukleheads even realize who become president if Bush is impeached?

    Posted by Tman

    I’ll take the devil I don’t know. Who needs a reason? Life’s just not that fair. I reckon impeach Bush just to see him bite at his bottom lip again smile

    i think i would just ask what law he’s broken.

    Posted by maggie katzen

    for being a girlyman in responding to Katrina. if you guya don’t have a law against girlymen responses to emergencies then make one. Fidel Castro is no girlyman C-I-C, unlike u no whu.

    Last September, a Category 5 hurricane battered the small island of Cuba with 160-mile-per-hour winds. More than 1.5 million Cubans were evacuated to higher ground ahead of the storm. Although the hurricane destroyed 20,000 houses, no one died.

    What is Cuban President Fidel Castro’s secret? According to Dr. Nelson Valdes, a sociology professor at the University of New Mexico, and specialist in Latin America, “the whole civil defense is embedded in the community to begin with. People know ahead of time where they are to go.”

    “Cuba’s leaders go on TV and take charge,” said Valdes. Contrast this with George W. Bush’s reaction to Hurricane Katrina. The day after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Bush was playing golf. He waited three days to make a TV appearance and five days before visiting the disaster site. In a scathing editorial on Thursday, the New York Times said, “nothing about the president’s demeanor yesterday – which seemed casual to the point of carelessness – suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis.”

    “Merely sticking people in a stadium is unthinkable” in Cuba, Valdes said. “Shelters all have medical personnel, from the neighborhood. They have family doctors in Cuba, who evacuate together with the neighborhood, and already know, for example, who needs insulin.”

    They also evacuate animals and veterinarians, TV sets and refrigerators, “so that people aren’t reluctant to leave because people might steal their stuff,” Valdes observed.

    tw: herself . GWB herself should be impeached for his/her DIY gender reassignment right when his/her people needing it. Gender Reassignment must be rescheduled to outside emergencies if that’s your trip when you are the head of state. There needs to be a law. Impeach Bush

  16. JorgXMcKie says:

    Wadard: Yes! by God.  Give Bush Castro’s powers.  Block captains.  Elections with only Bush’s name on the ballot.  Lock up political opponents and people with large collections of books that Bush doesn’t like.  Keep it up until people are leaving Florida in leaky boats and inner tube rafts and floating to Haiti.  Bush—El Jefe, Presidente for Life.

    After all, it’s apparently what the left wants.

  17. TallDave says:


  18. TallDave says:

    (that’s the sound of a Cuban committing suicide)

  19. michaelt says:





  20. never mind that we’re talking about a disaster area almost twice the size of cuba. but then i’m sure he could handle it.

  21. Lydia says:


    Did you notice he added you to his ‘coalition’ blogroll?

    Wadard, please stop pimping for commie thugs.

    TW: size, as in, it does matter.

  22. Steve in Houston says:

    Sweet Jesus, I knew this was coming but it’s always something to see it in action.

    Good to see our Castrophile on board. I bet he has a tie-dyed Che T-shirt.

    Thank God I have the Texas-Ohio State game tomorrow night to take my mind of this shit.

  23. Sean M. says:

    It doesn’t matter whether the House of Representatives consists of a Republican majority, we cannot wait around until 2006 for that to change.

    Heh.  Heh heh.  Heheheheheheheh….*snigger* Okay, okay.  I’m okay.


  24. Leftisright! says:

    I can not beleive this. Bush has killed thousands in New Orleans and you hateful people are making a joke. Not even a funny joke, like Margaret Cho. You should read her site.

  25. Sean M. says:

    You’re right.  Margaret Cho is a funny joke.  Perhaps God’s funniest.

  26. Leftisright! says:

    I can not beleive this. Bush has killed thousands in New Orleans and you hateful people are making a joke. Not even a funny joke, like Margaret Cho. You should read her site.

  27. BLT in CO says:

    I love how Wadard keeps posting the grist that Fidel’s propaganda mills turn out.  An incredibly poor island nation which had thousands of homes wiped out in a hurricane and yet nobody died?  Right.  Probably not so much as a stubbed toe.  And Fidel doesn’t imprison and torture his political adversaries either.  I read somewhere that he sets them up with huge mansions and sports cars!  If fact, the whole island is just a big day-long party, 365 days a year.  (Except when everyone has to pack up their refrigerators and walk to higher ground during storms.)

    Cuba: paradise on earth, as long as you don’t mind the grinding poverty, lack of modern medical care, and freedom of speech.  Oh, and travel.  And jobs.  And gasoline.

    But hey, as Wadard keeps pointing out, their propaganda machine and printing presses seem to work perfectly!  Yes!  And thus Wadard is a believer!

    Viva Castro!

  28. Tim P says:


    Don’t you know that;

    It’s not the impeach,

    It’s the emotion!

    With Cheyney as the next in line, I can just see their slogan….

    A Dick in your future and a Bush in your past. Woohoo!

    You sure they’re not Protest Warrior in drag!

  29. “Leftisright” … hmm, you’ve almost got your impression of a completely insane BDS sufferer down.

    But it still needs work.

  30. Steve in Houston says:

    Hah! Jeff, he put you down as a supporting blog.

    The nerve! I never!

  31. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I do support it. It makes these guys look like they’re a few scallions short of a potato skin appetizer.

  32. Sean M. says:

    First pie, now potato skins.  I don’t think we’ll be seeing any more “Atkins hesitations” in the near future.

  33. Why, oh why, do they keep calling him Wadard, when:


    is still available?

    People, do me and Jeff have to do ALL THE FUCKING JOKES?

  34. Steve in Houston says:

    Got it. I see it’s now a ploy to gain hits from people coming over from that place and getting really confused.

    A tangled web you weave. A web of COCK.

  35. mojo says:


    Hey, thet reminds me of an old joke about “Le peach pousse”…

    Stop me if you’ve heard it.

  36. Speaking of COCK, have y’all seen this.

  37. I was going to add something there, but I’m a bit speechless.

  38. so did you look at it? huh? sparkle?

  39. well, maggie, yes, I did. I didn’t believe him for a second.

    I am so freakin niave.

  40. yeah, i didn’t know whether to beleive him or not. but i decided to play it safe.  oh oh

  41. You made a wise decision.

    I may have nightmares.

    shut eye

  42. alex says:

    Aw HELL yeah. No one dies on Castro’s watch unless he FUCKING KILLED THE GUY HIMSELF, BABY.

  43. Patton says:

    I’m particularly fond of the fact his “Articles of Impeachment” envision the impeachment of not only Bush, but Cheney and everyone else in the line of succession.

    Delusional doesn’t even begin to cover this guy’s syndrome.

  44. Sean M. says:

    Yeah, Patton.  Check out the beginning:

    President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H.

    Rumsfeld, and Attorney General John David Ashcroft have committed violations and

    subversions of the Constitution of the United States of America…

    Um, how are we supposed to impeach Ashkkkroft, y’know, seeing as how he hasn’t been the Attorney General now for–what has it been–eight months now?

  45. Jeff Goldstein says:

    He hasn’t? 


    Well, then BURN HIM!

  46. Mark says:

    I’m here for the pie.  WHERE’S THE PIE???

    Seriously, Dubya’s exercise obsession must be unconstitutional and you know he’s got a pie deficiency.  imPEACH him now!!

  47. MayBee says:

    hey maggie and sparkle, you got me to look! 

    I want to look again, but my kid’s in the room.

  48. Beth says:

    Oh, Sparkle, admit it, you loved it.  hehehe

    Turing:  best.  wink

  49. steve miller says:

    So I’m not clear why you didn’t make the obvious connection between IMPEACH and PEACH COBBLER.


  50. steve miller says:

    I’m wondering if I am ever going to read EVERY SINGLE POST before I post again.


  51. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Oh, please.  I’ve got that beat.  What’s the big deal?  It’s a penis.

    Here.  A pic of my junk from college.



    update: okay, that was long enough.  link is now broken.  you snooze, you lose.

  52. Impressive genitals.  If I were Jeff Gannon I’d be all over you. grin

  53. Sean M. says:

    Or win.  Depends on how you look at it.

    Or, in my case, how you manage to aviod looking at it.

  54. MayBee says:

    I am very sorry to have missed junky.jpg

  55. Wadard says:

    I love how Wadard keeps posting the grist that Fidel’s propaganda mills turn out.  An incredibly poor island nation which had thousands of homes wiped out in a hurricane and yet nobody died?  Right.

    You must have missed the bit where I posed:

    Last September, a Category 5 hurricane battered the small island of Cuba with 160-mile-per-hour winds. More than 1.5 million Cubans were evacuated to higher ground ahead of the storm. Although the hurricane destroyed 20,000 houses, no one died


  56. Wadard says:

    Wadard: Yes! by God.  Give Bush Castro’s powers.  Block captains.  Elections with only Bush’s name on the ballot.  Lock up political opponents and people with large collections of books that Bush doesn’t like.  Keep it up until people are leaving Florida in leaky boats and inner tube rafts and floating to Haiti.  Bush—El Jefe, Presidente for Life.

    After all, it’s apparently what the left wants.

    Posted by JorgXMcKie

    Absolutely not. All I am proposing is thta Bush and/or FEMA should have accepted the help in a timely fashion and 1000’s would have been saved. Not a frikkin communist overthrow. You are such a drama queen! You are in theatre, aren’t you?

    And it didn’t have to be Cuban aid, although it was the most practical; there was water purification gear from Norway, mobile comms from Sweden, victium identificaction experts from Australia with Tsunami triage experience. Only now is some of that coming through

  57. B Moe says:

    Let’s assume the evacuation and hurricane took a week.  What are the odds of no one in a statistical sample of 1.5 million dying in a given week?

  58. jaed says:

    If we impeach Wadard, does gandhi succeed him under the Constitution?

  59. Wadard says:

    The spirit of Free Enterprise is back in NO:

    DVD of me saying “GO **** YOURSELF” to DICK CHENEY:

    Current bid:  US $1,225.00

    Time left:  6 days 14 hours

    7-day listing, Ends Sep-16-05 18:08:16 PDT

    Start time:  Sep-09-05 18:08:16 PDT

    History: 26 bids (US $1.00 starting bid)

  60. Wadard says:

    Let’s assume the evacuation and hurricane took a week.  What are the odds of no one in a statistical sample of 1.5 million dying in a given week?

    Posted by B Moe |

    Check it out for yourself – more Americans died in Ivan than in Cuba even though the fury had been spent by the time it hit America.

    Macareno credited Cuba’s evacuation program for ensuring no one died. He said nearly 1.9 million of the nation’s 11.2 million people — rather than the 1.3 million earlier reported — were evacuated before Ivan struck.

    Evacuations here are widespread and mandatory. Civil defense plans are highly developed, with preparedness education programs for the entire population.

    “The Cuban way could easily be applied to other countries with similar economic conditions, and even in countries with greater resources that do not manage to protect their population as well as Cuba does,” Salvano Briceno, director of the U.N. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, said in Geneva.

    In 1998, only four people died during Hurricane Georges, while 600 died elsewhere. This year, Hurricane Charley killed four people in Cuba, but 27 in Florida.

    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report

    It simply comes down to – in that part of the world the Cubans are the gold standard for Hurricane preparedness in that part of the world. And this was well known, but Bush did not want to know. And people died. Impeach Bush.

  61. Wadard says:

    At least the Mexicans are coming across the border now. That’s good news. That and the fact that Bush’s Brown stain has in effect been removed. Can’t wait to see Jeff try and defend Brown’s record and resume now – this in in effect and admission of incompetance. I like it when you fart into the wind mate.

    Talking about pork, you don’t give out the top job in the nation’s emergency services to someone just because they are a political mate. It shows how much you really care for the people. Impeach Bush now and get a Free Nelson Mandella.

  62. BumperStickerist says:

    FEMA Libre

    Sure, Wadard … Cuba’s approach,

    that’ll work:

    (Reuters) – President Fidel Castro went on live television in the early hours of Wednesday to urge calm and “revolutionary unity’’ from Cuba’s 11 million inhabitants as Hurricane Georges roared toward their island from the east.

    “We have to be ready for any turn of events…(but) nobody will be forgotten,’’ Castro said as he showed the course of the hurricane on a map and outlined emergency precautions undertaken in eastern and central provinces.

    “What has enabled us to survive (previous disasters) is the unity of the revolutionary,’’ he said.

    In a two-hour appearance, Castro added that he had sent his brother Raul Castro, who is also head of the armed forces, to direct operations in the most threatened areas of eastern Cuba.

    Castro, dressed in his trademark olive-green military fatigues, said government and Communist Party authorities throughout Cuba had been preparing for the hurricane for days.

    “In the whole island, the resources are ready and the measures available to face the hurricane,’’ he said.

    In a chatty, sometimes even jovial style, Castro added that army helicopters, emergency supplies, and temporary shelters were on standby in case of storm damage.

    Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in the provinces of Las Tunas and Granma, and thousands of school- children were ordered down from mountain regions where they were helping in the coffee harvest.

    Once we get Jeb installed as Chairman-Joint Chiefs of Staff, burn the Posse Comitatus act, get Republican Party Officials trained in disaster preparedness and such, no problem.

    Then again, good press coverage helps too:

    HAVANA, Sept 23 (1998)Cuban Media Plays Up Castro in Hurricane

    HAVANA, 15 (AP) – Fidel Castro was a constant presence during Hurricane Ivan’s approach to the island nation this week, appearing for hours on state television to assuage Cubans’ fears, underscoring his larger-than-life role in this socialist society. {ed:  Does NPR coun as state television?}

    “Ivan couldn’t go up against Fidel,” read a headline in the Communist Party youth paper Juventud Rebelde on Wednesday. A poem read over state radio Tuesday night said Castro’s “thumb” pushed Ivan away from the island and into the Gulf of Mexico.

    On Monday, hours before Ivan struck, Castro traveled to the western province of Pinar del Rio to discuss disaster preparations with authorities. Residents shouted: “Fidel! Fidel!” when his caravan passed.

    One woman in the tobacco-growing region said residents were happy to have their leader close by. “Fidel protects us from all bad things,” 78-year-old Elsa Ramos said Monday.

    Castro appeared live on state television for several consecutive days, discussing weather patterns with the island’s top meteorologist and asking Civil Defense officials about evacuation plans.

    State-run media on Wednesday played up Castro’s role in preparedness plans and applauded local organizations for evacuating nearly 1.9 million of the island’s 11.3 million citizens.

    No deaths or injuries were reported in Cuba after Ivan one of the most powerful storms to strike the Caribbean in the past century swept past Cuba’s western tip Monday before heading toward the United States.

    Hurricane Ivan dominated media coverage for nearly a week leading to its arrival. As Ivan followed a route that initially was expected to bring it straight through Cuba’s capital, Castro attended state television’s nightly “Mesa Redonda” discussion program.

    During the live discussions, Castro chatted with Jose Rubiera, head of Cuba’s National Meteorology Institute, about how hurricanes form, the history of major storms, and Ivan’s likely trajectory.

    Castro also addressed the need to protect schools and farm animals, with program host Randy Alonso frequently nodding in agreement.

    One night when Rubiera, a household name in Cuba, wasn’t present, Castro tracked him down on cell phone and repeated the meteorologist’s answers aloud for the audience.

    “I don’t know if there exists in the world another president who puts aside his other functions to line up alongside his people,” writer Celia Hart wrote in a Juventud Rebelde opinion article.

    When it became clear Ivan would spare Havana, capital residents relaxed. But they still looked to Castro as they worried about friends and family in the west.

    “Fidel hauled us to engaged safety, with his smile and multiple physical expressions,” wrote Hart. “It was as if he was the one who sealed the windows of my house.”

    It’s worth pointing out, Wadard – that it is the Governor of Louisiana who has roughly the same powers as Fidel Castro with regard to emergency preparedness, ordering evacuations, prestaging supplies and the like.

    If you take a look at her disaster declarations in Sept., you can wonder why most of them weren’t done days earlier.

    Your impeachment requests are directed at the wrong person there, Wadard.

  63. TomB says:

    Waddy, could you tell us specifically what Brown and FEMA did or didn’t do that was wrong? Keeping in mind exactly what they are tasked with doing and what they legally can and can’t do.

    Specifics please.

  64. Attila Girl says:

    What the hell is this? The one night in my life I go to bed early, and I miss Goldstein’s STRAIGHT COCK OF TRUTH?

    You should e-mail it to me. After all, you don’t want me on more intimate terms with Harrell than with you, right?

    Okay, okay. Then just send me some fucking pie. Lemon meringue, please.

  65. Wadard says:

    It’s worth pointing out, Wadard – that it is the Governor of Louisiana who has roughly the same powers as Fidel Castro with regard to emergency preparedness, ordering evacuations, prestaging supplies and the like.

    If you take a look at her disaster declarations in Sept., you can wonder why most of them weren’t done days earlier.

    Your impeachment requests are directed at the wrong person there, Wadard.

    ja, if that is the case I agree, but it seems that Brown has been sidelined to Washington and I interpret that as tacit acknowledgement that the fuck-up was Bush’s apointee @ FEMA.

    I don’t care though, impeach the lot of ‘em in a giant toxic impeachment gamba then. On the grounds that they let a tinpot dictator show them up. Come on, how could you be less forgiving?

  66. B Moe says:

    I can read the Cuban press releases, what I am asking is if you take a random sample of 1.5 million people, or better yet 1.9 million, over a given week what are the statistical probabilities of no one dying?  If you have to actually look it up you are a bigger idiot than you already appear. 

    Did Castro allow access by the press to document this world class response?  How selfish of him to deny his comrades to the north the wealth of his genius.

  67. BumperStickerist says:

    Though if Mayor Nagin had been the Republican Party Apparatchik Who Reports to Commandante Bush, the New Orleans emergency plan may have been implemented.

    That’d’ve been a good start:

    City of New Orleans



    The safe evacuation of threatened populations when endangered by a major catastrophic event is one of the principle reasons for developing a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. {gee, ya think?} The thorough identification of at-risk populations, transportation and sheltering resources, evacuation routes and potential bottlenecks and choke points, and the establishment of the management team that will coordinate not only the evacuation but which will monitor and direct the sheltering and return of affected populations, are the primary tasks of evacuation planning. 

    Due to the geography of New Orleans and the varying scales of potential disasters and their resulting emergency evacuations, different plans are in place for small-scale evacuations and for citywide relocations of whole populations.

    Authority to issue evacuations of elements of the population is vested in the Mayor. By Executive Order, the chief elected official, the Mayor of the City of New Orleans, has the authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane.

    Evacuation procedures for special needs persons with either physical or mental handicaps, including registration of disabled persons, is covered in the SOP for Evacuation of Special Needs Persons.

    Major population relocations resulting from an approaching hurricane or similar anticipated disaster, caused the City of New Orleans Office of Emergency Preparedness to develop a specific Hurricane Emergency Evacuation Standard Operating Procedures, which are appended to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.

    The SOP is developed to provide for an orderly and coordinated evacuation intended to minimize the hazardous effects of flooding, wind, and rain on the residents and visitors in New Orleans. The SOP provides for the evacuation of the public from danger areas and the designations of shelters for evacuees.


    The Hurricane Emergency Evacuation Standard Operating Procedure is designed to deal with all case scenarios of an evacuation in response to the approach of a major hurricane towards New Orleans. It is designed to deal with the anticipation of a direct hit from a major hurricane. This includes identifying the city’s present population, its projected population, identification of at-risk populations (those living outside levee protection or in storm-surge areas, floodplains, mobile homes, etc.), in order to understand the evacuation requirements.

    It includes identifying the transportation network, especially the carrying-capacity of proposed evacuation routes and existing or potential traffic bottlenecks or blockages, caused either by traffic congestion or natural occurrences such as rising waters.

    Identification of sheltering resources and the establishment of shelters and the training of shelter staff is important, as is the provision for food and other necessities to the sheltered. This preparation function is the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Preparedness.

    Conduct of an actual evacuation will be the responsibility of the Mayor of New Orleans in coordination with the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, and the OEP Shelter Coordinator. {FEMA, not mentioned}

    The SOP, in unison with other elements of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, is designed for use in all hazard situations, including citywide evacuations in response to hurricane situations and addresses three elements of emergency response: warning, evacuation, and sheltering.

    1. Warning: Formulates a comprehensive system for public information, early recognition of impending storms, and dissemination of emergency warning.

    2. Evacuation: Formulates an effective procedure for orderly evacuation of residents and visitors within available warning time.

    3. Sheltering: Formulates a comprehensive system of accessible shelters of adequate size.

    The SOP is limited as it is not designed to address the protection of personal and real property, yet is developed to cover the total New Orleans geographic area. The timely issuance of evacuation orders critically impacts upon the successful evacuation of all citizens from high-risk areas.

    In determining the proper time to issue evacuation orders, there is no substitute for human judgement based upon all known circumstances surrounding local conditions and storm characteristics.

    Information received from the National Hurricane Center concerning the storm’s tract will allow the focusing on either a landfall, paralleling or exiting storm scenario. Information involving local conditions such as pre-hurricane rainfall, tide schedules, and the amount of pre-storm publicity,(?) must be taken into account, as are the various known circumstances that are explained in the information summary portion of the Hurricane Evacuation Plan, in determining when an evacuation order should be issued.

    Any assumption regarding where and how the storm will likely make landfall involves clear and constant communication with the National Hurricane Center, the local office of the National Weather Service, State OEP and various local agencies that are monitoring either the storm’s progress or other elements of the city’s preparedness to weather the storm’s passage.

    The City of New Orleans will utilize all available resources to quickly and safely evacuate threatened areas.

    Those evacuated will be directed to temporary sheltering and feeding facilities as needed. When specific routes of progress are required, evacuees will be directed to those routes. Special arrangements will be made to evacuate persons unable to transport themselves or who require specific life saving assistance.

    Additional personnel will be recruited to assist in evacuation procedures as needed. {note:  that’s recruited, not ‘we’ll send in a requisition for more’}

    Slow developing weather conditions (primarily hurricane) will create increased readiness culminating in an evacuation order 24 hours (12 daylight hours) prior to predicted landfall. Disabled vehicles and debris will be removed from highways so as not to impede evacuation. In local evacuations involving more than fifty (50) families (i.e. 50 single dwelling units), staging areas may be established at the closest available public area outside the threatened area.

    Upon arrival at the staging area, evacuees will be directed to the appropriate shelter facility. Evacuees will be encouraged to stay with friends or relatives in non-threatened areas whenever possible. Security measures will be employed to protect the evacuated area(s) in accordance with established procedures and situations.

    The use of travel-trailers, campers, motorcycles, bicycles, etc., during the evacuation will be allowed so long as the situation permits it. Public information broadcasts will include any prohibitions on their use. Transportation will be provided to those persons requiring public transportation from the area. (See Special Needs Transportation, ESF-1). An orderly return to the evacuated areas will be provided after the Mayor determines the threat to be terminated.

    Transportation back to the evacuated area after threat termination will be provided as available.


    A. Authority

    As established by the City of New Orleans Charter, the government has jurisdiction and responsibility in disaster response. City government shall coordinate its efforts through the Office of Emergency Preparedness

    The authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane is conferred to the Governor by Louisiana Statute.

    The Governor is granted the power to direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from a stricken or threatened area within the State, if he deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery.

    The same power to order an evacuation conferred upon the Governor is also delegated to each political subdivision of the State by Executive Order. This authority empowers the chief elected official of New Orleans, the Mayor of New Orleans, to order the evacuation of the parish residents threatened by an approaching hurricane.

    B. Issuance of Evacuation Orders

    The person responsible for recognition of hurricane related preparation needs and for the issuance of an evacuation order is the Mayor of the City of New Orleans. Concerning preparation needs and the issuance of an evacuation order, The Office of Emergency Preparedness should keep the Mayor advised.


    It must be understood that this Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is an all-hazard response plan, and is applicable to events of all sizes, affecting even the smallest segments of the community. Evacuation procedures for small scale and localized evacuations are conducted per the SOPs of the New Orleans Fire Department and the New Orleans Police Department. However, due to the sheer size and number of persons to be evacuated, should a major tropical weather system or other catastrophic event threaten or impact the area, specifically directed long range planning and coordination of resources and responsibilities efforts must be undertaken.

    A. Evacuation Time Requirements

    Using information developed as part of the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Task Force and other research, the City of New Orleans has established a maximum acceptable hurricane evacuation time standard for a Category 3 storm event of 72 hours. This is based on clearance time or is the time required to clear all vehicles evacuating in response to a hurricane situation from area roadways. Clearance time begins when the first evacuating vehicle enters the road network and ends when the last evacuating vehicle reaches its destination.

    Clearance time also includes the time required by evacuees to secure their homes and prepare to leave (mobilization time); the time spent by evacuees traveling along the road network (travel time); and the time spent by evacuees waiting along the road network due to traffic congestion (delay time). Clearance time does not refer to the time a single vehicle spends traveling on the road network. Evacuation notices or orders will be issued during three stages prior to gale force winds making landfall.

    > Precautionary Evacuation Notice: 72 hours or less

    > Special Needs Evacuation Order: 8-12 hours after Precautionary Evacuation Notice issued

    > General Evacuation Notice: 48 hours or less

    B. Evacuation Zones

    Evacuation (vulnerability) zones provide a base to model traffic movements from one geographic area to another. It is necessary to revise the evacuation zones from time to time due to data generated by new generations of storm-surge modeling .

    Evacuation zones are designed to meet several functions: (1) In coastal areas they must reflect the areas in each storm scenario which will need to be evacuated due to storm-surge inundation; (2) They should relate as closely as possible to available population data information, such as enumeration districts, census tracts, zip code areas, transportation analysis zones, etc.; and (3) They need to be describable in a manner that persons in the area will be able to understand.

    Evacuation zones will be developed pending further study.

    C. Evacuation Routing and Traffic Control

    New Orleans is surrounded by water. The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway leads to the north, the I-10 twin spans head east, I-10 runs east-west and the Crescent City Connection and the Huey P. Long bridges cross over the Mississippi River. Evacuation presents unique and distinct challenges.

    Principle traffic control is provided by the New Orleans Police Department. The movement of evacuating vehicles during a hurricane evacuation requires specific traffic control efforts to insure the maximum roadway capacity and to expedite safe escape from hurricane hazards.

    1. Bridge closures will be announced as necessary.

    2. NOPD officers will be stationed at critical intersections and roadway segments

    3. All available tow trucks shall be positioned along key roadway segments, and disabled vehicles will be removed from traffic lanes. No repairs will be done to vehicles along the evacuation routes.

    4. Manual direction of traffic will be supplemented by physical barriers that are adequately weighted and which are placed to channel traffic and prevent unnecessary turning and merging conflicts.

    5. The movement of mobile homes and campers along evacuation routes will be banned after a hurricane warning is issued. A disabled mobile home could block the only escape route available. Such vehicles are difficult to handle late in an evacuation due to sporadic wind conditions.

    6. Boat owners must be made aware of time requirements for moving or securing vessels. Optimally, industrial and recreational vessels should be moved to safe harbor during or before a hurricane watch.

    7. Emergency Response to Accidents/Breakdowns – The intensity of traffic during a hurricane evacuation will always be accompanied by a certain number of traffic accidents and breakdowns. Although roadway shoulders are available for vehicles in distress, the movement of such vehicles to these areas is often difficult and disruptive. It is recommended that at least two traffic control personnel be positioned at each key roadway link/intersection so that one can assist disabled vehicles as needed. Two vehicles should also be positioned at each critical link to facilitate the removal of immobilized vehicles, however, as resources (two vehicles) are available.

    8. Safe evacuation is predicated upon the movement of vehicles over critically low points on evacuation routes prior to the occurrence of flooding. Route blockages can happen prior to the arrival of a hurricane. Those roadways that historically experience flooding due to rainfall alone should be monitored for vehicle distress and help. D. Evacuation Clearance Times

    Clearance time is the time required to clear the roadways of all vehicles evacuating in response to a hurricane situation. Clearance time begins when the first evacuating vehicle (as defined by a hurricane evacuation behavioral response curve) enters the road network and ends when the last evacuating vehicle reaches an assumed point of safety. Clearance time includes the time required by evacuees to secure their homes and prepare to leave (referred to as mobilization time). Clearance time DOES NOT RELATE to the time any one vehicle spends traveling on the road network. Clearance time allows for the last vehicle leaving to reach its destination or the parish line, whichever comes first.

    Assumptions – Clearance time is based on a set of assumed conditions and behavioral responses. It is likely that an actual storm will differ from a simulated storm for which clearance times are calculated in this report. Key assumptions guiding the analysis are grouped into five areas: 1. Population Data

    2. Storm Scenarios

    3. Behavioral Characteristic of the Evacuating Population

    4. Roadway Network and Traffic Control Assumptions

    5. Evacuation Zones

    The clearance times facing Orleans Parish for a severe hurricane will necessitate proper traffic control and early evacuating decision making. The evacuation must be completed before the arrival of gale force winds. Evacuation should also start when school is not in session and when there is at least eight (8) hours of daylight included in the evacuation time allowed. Provisions must be made for the removal of disabled vehicles. Flooding of roadways due to rainfall before a hurricane arrives could close off critical evacuation routes rendering evacuation impossible.

    V. TASKS

    A. Mayor

    * Initiate the evacuation.

    * Retain overall control of all evacuation procedures via EOC operations.

    * Authorize return to evacuated areas.

    B. Office of Emergency Preparedness

    * Activate EOC and notify all support agencies to this plan.

    * Coordinate with State OEP on elements of evacuation.

    * Assist in directing the transportation of evacuees to staging areas.

    * Assist ESF-8, Health and Medical, in the evacuation of persons with special needs, nursing home, and hospital patients in accordance with established procedures.

    * Coordinate the release of all public information through ESF-14, Public Information.

    * Use EAS, television, cable and other public broadcast means as needed and in accordance with established procedure.

    * Request additional law enforcement/traffic control (State Police, La. National Guard) from State OEP.

    C. New Orleans Police Department

    * Ensure orderly traffic flow.

    * Assist in removing disabled vehicles from roadways as needed.

    * Direct the management of transportation of seriously injured persons to hospitals as needed.

    * Direct evacuees to proper shelters and/or staging areas once they have departed the threatened area.

    * Release all public information through the ESF-14, Public Information.

    D. Regional Transit Authority

    * Supply transportation as needed in accordance with the current Standard Operating Procedures.

    * Place special vehicles on alert to be utilized if needed.

    * Position supervisors and dispatch evacuation buses.

    * If warranted by scope of evacuation, implement additional service.

    E. Louisiana National Guard

    * Provide assistance as needed in accordance with current State guidelines.

    F. Animal Care and Control

    * Coordinate animal rescue operations with the New Orleans SPCA.

    G. Public Works

    * Make emergency road repairs as needed.

    H. Office of Communications

    * Release all public information relating to the evacuation.


    (See ESF-6, Mass Care)

    Emergency shelter operations are the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Preparedness Shelter Coordinator. Shelters are provided by the Orleans Parish School Board, while manager training and support activities and supplies are provided by the Office of Emergency Preparedness.

    Reassessment of facilities is an on-going process conducted jointly by the School Board, and Emergency Preparedness Division. The shelter activation list is updated yearly, and takes into consideration new school construction, school closings and renovations.

  68. Wadard says:

    Waddy, could you tell us specifically what Brown and FEMA did or didn’t do that was wrong? Keeping in mind exactly what they are tasked with doing and what they legally can and can’t do.

    Specifics please.

    Posted by TomB

    I just think an impeachment would be fun. You have to admit that Katrina was one hell of a blowjob. That’s how you do your impeachments, isn’t it? Worth keeping in mind no one got hurt in Hurricane Monica.

    Here’s some good news: Bush’s rating below 40% for first time

    September 10, 2005 – 5:44PM

    President George W. Bush’s job approval has dipped below 40 per cent for the first time in the AP-Ipsos poll, reflecting widespread doubts about his handling of petrol prices and the response to Hurricane Katrina.

    Nearly four years after Bush’s job approval soared into the 80s after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Bush was at 39 per cent job approval in an AP-Ipsos poll taken this week. That’s the lowest since the poll was started in December 2003.

    The public’s view of the nation’s direction has grown increasingly negative as well, with nearly two-thirds now saying the country is heading down the wrong track.

    “As a nation, we are pretty well stretched,” said Barry Allen, a political independent from Reed City, Michigan. “I approve of some of the things the president has done, and disapprove of others. Overall, I disapprove.”

  69. Moneyrunner says:

    What a strange creature Wadard is.  With an unshakable belief in brother Fidel’s press releases he does not realize the statistical impossiblity of no one dying during a 160 MPH hurricane.  No one died from fallen trees, or blown over buildings, or just being blown off their feet, or dying of heart failure?  My God, the answer to eternal life is to have Fidel Castro give long speeches on TV and telling us where to go, lugging our refrigerators.

    B Moe … good for you.  Wadard, you are really a Retard.

  70. MayBee says:

    I do not want to see a picture of Castro’s junk.  Not even his college junk.

  71. Salt Lick says:

    Given that Wad is probably only 13 years old, you have to wonder at what he imagines a blowjob is.

    Do they have Britney Spears dolls in Australia?

  72. meep bobeep says:

    I’ve got some actuarial exams under my belt. Would you like me to dig up some mortality tables and figure out the expected number of dead in a week in the U.S.?

    I believe Fidel’s stats about mortality as much as I trust his literacy stats. Because there’s no reason (or way) a Communist dictator would =lie=. I mean, it’s only in countries with a free press where the politicians feel free to lie about important stuff, as they’ll never be caught.

  73. TomB says:

    Waddy, you didn’t even attempt to answer the question. Most people with at shred of decency would at least try to cloud the issue with a cut-and-paste from Kos or Atrios (or even the Corner, for that matter). But no, you prentend the question doesn’t even exist.

    How do you expect to impeach Bush, when you can’t even tell us what he did wrong?

    Are you really that transparent? Or are you just mind-numbingly STOOOOPID?

  74. Wadard says:

    Did Castro allow access by the press to document this world class response?  How selfish of him to deny his comrades to the north the wealth of his genius.

    Posted by B Moe

    Well actually, funny you say that; he has made it available to the world for anyone to use, including America, and he lived up to that offer by fully mobilising an army of 1,900 hurricane emergency trained and equipped volunteer doctors. The same ones who kept the death toll to zero during Ivan while moving 1.5 million to safety:

    After Hurricane Ivan, the United Nations International Secretariat for Disaster Reduction cited Cuba as a model for hurricane preparation. ISDR director Salvano Briceno said, “The Cuban way could easily be applied to other countries with similar economic conditions and even in countries with greater resources that do not manage to protect their population as well as Cuba does.”

    [url=”″ target=”_blank”]

    Look, educate yourself[/url] – this is beyond partisan politics, it’s about survival.

  75. TomB says:

    Oh, and by the way Waddy, here are some of the internals to the AP poll you posted:

    of the responders:

    51% Democrat 42% Republican

    Yep, real accurate poll Wadster.

    You can keep winning the polls, we’ll keep winning the elections.

  76. TomB says:

    this is beyond partisan politics, it’s about survival.

    So Waddy, you fully support Bush suspending the Constitution in times of crisis?

  77. B Moe says:

    Since he made the offer after the hurricane hit, this would mean the doctors are capable of resurrection as well as teleportation….

    “ – this is beyond partisan politics”

    …it appears to be beyond physics and biology also.

  78. TomB says:

    Since Waddy believes Castro as much as he does, it isn’t much of a leap to believe in reanimation and teleportation.

  79. BLT in CO says:

    Wadard, you really are quite funny.  You keep regurgitating Fidel’s propaganda—about cadres of highly trained and equipped doctors, zero deaths from Cat 5 hurricanes, and all the rest.  The funny part is that we’ve got more than a million Cuban refugees living here in the US that aren’t exactly mute.  We know how the island works far better than you.  It’s a strict communist military dictatorship with no freedoms and plenty of hard work.

    So sure, let’s play a game.  Let’s pretend that Bush demanded at gunpoint – as the ruling dictator of Amerikkka – that everyone leave the southern US during hurricanes.  Would that save lives?  Possibly.  But the lives LOST as people later fled the US in leaky boats for Mexico and Jamaica to escape living under his dictatorship would certainly outweigh the lives saved.

    If you can somehow believe that Fidel’s iron fist somehow gently protects his people, you aren’t just uninformed, you are willfully deaf and blind.  I mean, really.  You’re not talking to a bunch of budding Marxist/socialists here.

  80. Wadard says:

    How do you expect to impeach Bush, when you can’t even tell us what he did wrong?

    Are you really that transparent? Or are you just mind-numbingly STOOOOPID?

    Posted by TomB

    Oh god, if I must give an answer – it’s because he failed to protect American lives. Simple. Even Fidel rises to the challenge, Bush plays guitar and continues his working holiday.

    Here is something that is clearly damning:

    Google Searches reveal Cuba is more prepared for hurricanes:

    Results 1 – 10 of about 73 for “hurricane preparedness IN Louisiana”. (0.59 secon

    Results 1 – 30 of about 229 for “hurricane preparedness IN Florida”. (1.09 seconds)

    Results 1 – 18 of about 103 for “hurricane preparedness IN New Orleans”. (0.07 seconds

    Now check out the links for Cuba:

    Results 1 – 30 of about 127,000 for hurricane preparedness IN Cuba. (0.24 seconds)

    How does that happen? If anyone here is sharp enough to answer?

    BTW I take back my reason for my IMPEACH BUSH stance. You are really shallow if you need a reason, it just feels good when you say those two words over and over to yourself. It then takes over and you can’t help but slip IMPEACH BUSH wherever you are into whatever you are keyboarding on the Internet. And I am not even an American. I just smell blood and have turned up for the party smile

  81. BLT in CO says:

    Oh, and Wadard?  Why don’t we just find some Cuban webpages – maybe even a Blog or two – and ask some actual, you know, Cubans how things work there?  I mean it’s a paradise where nobody ever dies; at least not during hurricanes!

    Oh, that’s right.  You can’t get an Internet connection from paradise without special government permission and monitoring.  Darn.

  82. Fred says:

    You were touching yourself when you wrote that last post, weren’t you Wadtard.  Admit it.

    How was it?

    I’m not sure Jeff wants his bandwidth used to accomodate your one handed web surfing, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

    Just remember, like the rest of the democrats and other leftists, that’s all you’re doing with these ridiculous rants: jerking off.  And like masturbation, the only thing you’ll have at the end is a fist full of goo and a stupid grin on your face.  But if that’s all you’re after, that’s all you’re after.

  83. Wadard says:

    Since he made the offer after the hurricane hit, this would mean the doctors are capable of resurrection as well as teleportation….

    “ – this is beyond partisan politics”

    …it appears to be beyond physics and biology also.

    Posted by B Moe

    He made the offer first on the 28th, then on the third to be in NO on the 4th. He has done hurricane relief for heaps of countries.

  84. BLT in CO says:

    Goody!  Let’s play google games!

    Google ‘hurricane preparedness in cuba’: 127,000 results.

    Google ‘hurricane preparedness in usa’: 846,000 results.

    See?  The USA is almost 8 times more prepared than Cuba, based on Google results!  Yay!

    This is beyond idiotic.

  85. TomB says:

    Oh god, if I must give an answer – it’s because he failed to protect American lives. Simple.

    HOW? You do realize the Federal Government isn’t responsible for “hurricane preparedness” in the country, don’t you?

    And I ask, again:

    So Waddy, you fully support Bush suspending the Constitution in times of crisis?

  86. Wadard says:

    Yes you got me, I’m getting off. How did you know, you must be into that sort of stuff to see it in me. Well, I’ve finished now and you don’t look so attractive now – so CYA Fred. I’ll be back when I’m horny for you again.

  87. Fred says:

    I showed up after you were done, silly.

    I just caught you with a stupid look on your face and a sweat sock around your “puppet”.

    And look, I’m as embarrased about it as you, but lets not inject your latent homosexuality into the mix.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    OK, that’s enough of the solo play imagery for me.  Best of luck with your “IMPEACH BUSH!  Just for the grins!” campaign, Waddy.  I encourage you to press your American Leftist friends to take the same approach.  It’s good for my side.

  88. file closer says:

    If our president behaved anything like Castro, guys like Wadard would freak the fuck out.  At least then the accusations of fascism and calls for impeachment would be justified…

  89. TomB says:

    Googling for fun and profit! (well, at least fun)

    Lemme try:

    Google Cuba and “human rights abuses” Results 1 – 10 of about 418,000

    Google United States and “human rights abuses” Results 1 – 10 of about 184,000 (and all but 2 of those are to amnesty international)

    Hey, this is fun!!!

  90. B Moe says:

    I would still like an expanation of how it can be safer in Cuba during a hurricane than any other time.

    Also are you aware that 1.9 million people is 20% of the population of Cuba?  That Cuba is crushingly poor and almost no one has automobiles?  It would take 40,000 buses to move that many people.  I suspect most of them walked, huh?  Do you know what the response would be if anyone over here suggested the folks in New Orleans walk to safety?

  91. MarkD says:

    His comments don’t appear to be working.  Where do I order my pie?  Is this some kind of joke?  I wanted cherry, will settle for pumpkin.  I’ll vote to impeach Norm Minetta.

    Sorry Wad, my meds are running low too.

  92. Charlie (Colorado) says:

    Are you really that transparent? Or are you just mind-numbingly STOOOOPID?


  93. file closer says:

    TomB, got another:

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 9,960,000 for usa paradise”

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 2,640,000 for cuba paradise”

    These Google results empirically prove that the the USA is more of a paradise than Cuba.  You’re right, this is fun!

  94. TomB says:

    Sorry Wad, my meds are running low too.



    (tw: married. we are awfully married to this bit, aren’t we?)

  95. file closer says:

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 52,500 for cuba “performance art”

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 271,000 for usa “performance art”

    Yay!!! We beat ‘em again!!!

  96. file closer says:

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 76,900 for usa “sperm bank””

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 14,200 for cuba “sperm bank”

    And again!

  97. file closer says:

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 90 for cuba “aaron carter posters””

    “Results 1 – 10 of about 867 for usa “aaron carter posters”

    Anyone else tired of this yet?  Wadard?

  98. Lydia says:

    Retards admiration for commie dictators is quite telling. Admit it, Ret, you’ve got pictures of Fidel’s AND Mugabe’s junk on your puter.

  99. Zsa Zsa says:

    Dream on. George W.Bush is the best thing that has happened to this country in quite awhile!…It would benefit the Liberal Dems to take some time out to try and help our country instead of bicker…We are Americans and we need to be for eachother and STOP PARTISAN POLITICAL BS… Thanks!

  100. TomB says:

    Anyone else tired of this yet?

    One never tires of good, solid research.

    Or a big slice of key lime pie.

Comments are closed.