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September 2024


It’s October 1st! Is your ObamaCare working? [Darleen Click]

Apparently, as expected.

Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp says he faced a lot of problems when he tried to sign up for an Obamacare exchange early Tuesday morning.

According to Huelskamp’s office, the Kansas Republican attempted to sign up at midnight on Tuesday, the day the exchanges open.

“We have been warned time and time again that ObamaCare is not ready for prime time. Well, it turns out that is right,” Huelskamp said in a statement.

“When I tried to sign up for the exchanges, I was met with error messages, unfinished security forms, and misspelled notices at every click,” he continued. “Seeing how poorly this has been implemented, I am surprised that Harry Reid and Senate Democrats are willing to shut down the government over a law that simply is unworkable, unaffordable, and increasingly unpopular.”

17 Replies to “It’s October 1st! Is your ObamaCare working? [Darleen Click]”

  1. Yackums says:

    Well, sheee-it, a’course it don’t work for no Kansas Republican!

    He ain’t even spossta find out! That’s why we exempted Congress!

  2. happyfeet says:

    i don’t think you actually get the yummy obamacares until next year right? what we’re doing now is just getting signed up so when they turn on the free healthcare faucet we all get our fair share

    or, you know, maybe

    actually I have no idea what the fuck

    this is a busy week already and i really don’t need a bunch of third world food stamp bullshit on top of it

  3. Yackums says:

    I don’t even know who that’s supposed to be.

  4. richard mcenroe says:

    But…but… it’s a LAW! Like immigration law, and the law requiring Congress to pass a budget each year, and…well… uh… it’s SETTLED LAW! So line up and fill out those inoperative forms, peons!

  5. DarthLevin says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the DoJ filed criminal charges against people trying to sign up at for “cyberterrorism” by “unleashing a DDOS attack”.

  6. Blake says:

    President Disaster Hissy Fit will be accusing the right wing and tea party of sabotaging Obamacare web sites. Also known as “wreckers.”

    The names may change, but the totalitarian playbook remains the same.

  7. Shermlaw says:

    Generally with any commodity, there are three possibilities: The commodity can be cheap (or free); it can be unlimited in supply; and it can be state of the art. Normally, one can only ever have two of those things at any given time. If it’s cheap and unlimited, it will be crap. If it’s cheap and state of the art, it will be rationed. If it is unlimited and state of the art, it will be expensive. O-care has managed to create a system where health care is now more expensive than before, rationed and crap.

    It’s a fucking economic miracle, that only an authoritarian government can conjure.

  8. leigh says:

    If it weren’t October, it would be a Christmas Miracle.

  9. DarthLevin says:

    Shorter Shermlaw:

    1. Good
    2. Fast
    3. Cheap

    Pick any two.

  10. Dalekhunter says:

    New York wasn’t working this morning. However I’m making an account now without any problems. So it’s 11:25EST and the exchange is now open and I can make an account. It may just function.

  11. Dalekhunter says:


    NYHBE is down with an error message. so it…kinda works on the first day

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    We have a lot of visitors on our site right now and we’re working to make your experience here better. Please wait here until we send you to the login page. Thanks for your patience!


  13. DarthLevin says:

    Error message 419, dale?

    Greetings noble American health caer user person!

    Please to listen to me for your genoreus time, as it wil benefit you gratley. I am humble Nigerian prince with $1,236,612.31 heatlh care dollars to offer you, and it can al be yours for justa small help form you.

    All you need to do is fill out this form wiht some small presonla informations like:
    Birth Date
    Social Security Number
    Obamaophone Number
    Mothrs virgin Name
    Apple ID Password

    and all these $1,634,334.53 in healthcar moneys can be yors!

    May the God bless you,
    A Nigerian prince person in real life

  14. Slartibartfast says:

    Due to overwhelming interest in the NY State of Health – including 2 million visits in the first 2 hours of the site launch – the health exchange is currently having log in issues. We encourage users who are unable to log in to come back to the site later when these issues will be resolved.

    Great. And I thought I’d be able to obtain a pass word.

  15. dicentra says:

    Shorter Shermlaw:

    1. Good
    2. Fast
    3. Cheap

    Pick any two.

    With gubmint work, you get none of the above.

  16. It’s October 1st…Do You Know Where Your Freedoms Are?

  17. Yackums says:

    Dadgummit, dicentra, you beat me to it. Only I was going to be generous and say that with gubmint work, pick only one.

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