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September 2024



ObamaCare SCOTUScare: Rule of Law is dead, Long Live Rule of Philosopher Kings [Darleen Click]

SCOTUS rules that no matter how a law is written, there will always be a judge to decide what is in our own best interest. Chief Justice John Roberts, who was the key vote in 2012, again voted with his liberal colleagues in support of the law. Justice Anthony Kennedy, a dissenter in 2012, was part of the majority on Thursday. “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health

ObamaCare tax forms sent out with errors to 800,000 taxpayers … [Darleen Click]

So what? According the White House, that’s just not a significant amount of sheep people to worry about. The administration’s admission last Friday—it’s always a Friday—that it had sent out 800,000 Obamacare tax forms with mistaken information is merely the latest confirmation that, when it comes to President Obama’s signature health law, the White House and its bureaucratic operatives are in way over their heads. The tax forms, which document

Grubering in the first degree [Darleen Click]

You’ve been forced to pick your ObamaCare plan, now good luck in keeping even that [Darleen Click]

Because PR is much more important than your silly liberty … Here’s a Friday Obamacare news-dump for you: In a 300-page regulatory proposal released late this afternoon, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that it is considering changing Obamacare’s auto-renewal rules so that, within the health law’s exchanges, instead of being automatically renewed into your current health plan, you’d be moved into the lowest cost plan from the

#Grubering — now with SIX videos revealed, Lapdog media is being forced to notice [Darleen Click]

CNN’s Jake Tapper Washington (CNN) — In a 2011 conversation about the Affordable Care Act, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of the law more commonly known as Obamacare, talked about how the bill would get rid of all tax credits for employer-based health insurance through “mislabeling” what the tax is and who it would hit. In recent days, the past comments of Gruber — who in a

Obamacare Architect: American voters are too stupid to know what is in their best interest [Darleen Click]

When Pelosi intoned “You have to pass the law to find out what is in the law” she was sharing what is Democrat SOP — bamboozle the rubes they hold in contempt. Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said that lack of transparency was a major part of getting Obamacare passed because “the stupidity of the American voter” would have killed the law if more people knew what was in it. “This

Hillary & Obamacare: “Her fingerprints are all over that legislation.” [Darleen Click]

And that was said by Tom Harkin in praise of the Red Queen. Harkin praised Clinton’s longtime commitment to health care overhaul, which passed while she served as Obama’s secretary of state. “Her fingerprints are all over that legislation. It would not have happened but for her strenuous advocacy all those years,” he said. Let’s see if the Stupid Party can do anything with that unforced quote.

“Obamacare has destroyed my family” [Darleen Click]

Feature, not bug …

The Freak Show: Our plans, our doctors [Darleen Click]

h/t Smitty

Leftists quietly consider how to tinker with disaster known as ObamaCare [Darleen Click]

Fascism has its issues … Robert Gibbs’ prediction that Obamacare’s employer mandate would — and perhaps should — be jettisoned shocked Democrats back in April. By July, the former aide and longtime confidant of President Barack Obama had a lot more company. More and more liberal activists and policy experts who help shape Democratic thinking on health care have concluded that penalizing businesses if they don’t offer health insurance is