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November 2024


“Conservative” pundits snicker and sneer as Ted Cruz and Mike Lee continue what is becoming an historic filibuster

What’s the lesson here?  Well, to me, it’s that if Cruz, Lee, et al., really are engaging in a “gimmick” in order to milk the dullards in the grass roots of their money — and that in truth they really aren’t terribly hopeful about rallying the GOP establishment behind their cause, and the cause of we, the people — at least they’re doing more work to run their con then those folks who go to sleep in Georgetown after an 8 hour day of snide commentary and juvenile podcasts denigrating the TEA Partiers, smirking naysayers whose contribution to the conservative movement has been to grab the reins of once solid publications and slowly turn them into reliable mouthpieces for the GOP leadership.

In between fundraising cruises.

Call my a dupe and a stooge, but I know which side I’m picking.


11 Replies to ““Conservative” pundits snicker and sneer as Ted Cruz and Mike Lee continue what is becoming an historic filibuster”

  1. John Bradley says:

    So, not siding with the “gormless popinjays” then?

  2. Garym says:

    Jeff you are a dupe and a stooge ………….. and I’m with you.

  3. Physics Geek says:

    I have two thoughts on the filibuster:

    1) It won’t work. And by that, I mean that O-care is going to get funded. But…
    2) This type of resistance is needed. Right now, voters have seen a national GOP whose sole concern appears to be how much and how quickly they accede to the wishes of the Democrats. Giving up quickly, or surrendering even more quickly, as it were. Now, they see that there is at least one Republican who is willing to fight, even when the cause appears lost. Boehner, McCain, Graham et al don’t even try to fight battles that they could easily win. Not surprisingly, the latter course causes conservatives and libertarians to tune out of the electoral process altogether. Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, showing a little moxie might be a way to drive more voters to the polls.

  4. Ouroboros says:

    The Dupe and Stooge Party.. I’m in!

  5. Curmudgeon says:

    Physics Geek: Spot on, except for McAmnestyMcClimateFraudMcCain and LindsayGrahamnesty sold us out long ago.

    John Boehner, I think, is just driven to tears.

  6. Pablo says:

    Someone linked this Paul Rahe piece earlier, but it fits here.

  7. Shermlaw says:

    The “conservative” worthies tell us it’s all about elections and that these sorts of “stunts” are not helpful to that end. They tell us that virtue without power is meaningless. Perhaps that’s true, but there’s been little virtue on display among the GOP recently and power without virtue is what got us here in the first instance.

  8. McGehee says:

    They tell us that virtue without power is meaningless.

    That’s the thing that separates the Mensheviks from the base: the base believes virtue is power, while Mensheviks believe power is virtue.

  9. William says:

    Well said, Jeff. At least I might open a political letter from Ted Cruz.

  10. palaeomerus says:

    It’s awfully sad to see Cahrles Krauthammer proceeding down the same muck mired road that led the once great William Saffire, George Will, and Bill Kristol off into tired obscurity.

    It’s Lowry’s all the way down.

  11. All righty, Jeff: ‘You’re a Dupe and a Stooge’ – it takes one to know one [spread out…nyuk, nyuk].

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