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November 2024


Ted Cruz is filibustering

From Freedom Works alerts:

Right now, Ted Cruz is fighting on the Senate floor to protect you from ObamaCare.

He is leading a filibuster to make sure Harry Reid doesn’t force hard-working Americans pay for a health care disaster they don’t want or need.

But he needs reinforcements on the Senate floor!

The more Senators that join Ted Cruz, the better chance we have at stopping ObamaCare.

Call your Senators right now and demand they Stand with Cruz. Tell them to Defund, Delay, and Dismantle ObamaCare. This is our best opportunity to stop ObamaCare and we don’t have much time!

At the very least, it’ll really stick in John McCain’s craw — and force Karl Rove to scribble nasty epithets on his stupid stupid white board.

Live CSPAN 2 feed here.

99 Replies to “Ted Cruz is filibustering”

  1. scooter says:

    I’d make that call, but my Senator is currently too busy.

    Too busy filibustering!

    Go Ted go. Please tell me I don’t need to call Cornyn.

  2. leigh says:

    One of my senators, Jim Inhofe, sent me an email telling me he’s onboard with Cruz.

    Coburn is MIA. So far.

  3. sdferr says:

    If so leigh, then maybe forward the story (if not the e-mail itself) to the link here, cause Inhofe isn’t listed there yet.

  4. leigh says:

    I’ll do my best.

  5. Car in says:

    Does Cruz even HAVE a crease in his pant-leg?

  6. sdferr says:

    Does Cruz even HAVE a crease in his pant-leg?

    As if he could get a pant-leg over his hairy cloven-hoofed leg?

  7. dicentra says:

    Hatch needs nudging with a cattle prod.



  8. BigBangHunter says:

    – Rand Paul takes the handoff and goes over left tackle.

  9. sdferr says:

    Went off to be busy, just now looked back and see that not only has Sen. Inhofe been added to the whip-list supporting Cruz and Lee, so have Sen. Pat Roberts and Sen. Rand Paul. But no new McConnell allies. Yet.

  10. leigh says:

    I’d like to think I nudged him, but that’s most likely not the case.

  11. newrouter says:

    sen sessions makes a cameo

  12. sdferr says:

    Sounded like Sessions, who had not been committed before, joined the American people’s side to demand defunding take place.

  13. newrouter says:

    here be the rubio

  14. dicentra says:

    Word on the street is that Goldberg, Podhoretz, and Long’s Ricochet podcast is all about hatin’ on Cruz.

    Cripes, I hate it when people balk from boat-rocking.

    ANY boat-rocking, which is badly needed, what with DC having wrapped everything tight around the axles.

  15. newrouter says:

    “please don’t rock the sinking boat”

  16. sdferr says:

    Word on the street is that Goldberg, Podhoretz, and Long’s Ricochet podcast is all about hatin’ on Cruz

    But that is to be expected. Anything the reverse would be a shock, frankly. Wouldn’t it?

  17. Car in says:

    Word on the street is that Goldberg, Podhoretz, and Long’s Ricochet podcast is all about hatin’ on Cruz. –

    That want to insure they keep getting invited to the right parties.

  18. leigh says:

    I’m not happy with Krauthammer, either. He and Tucker Carlson were yucking it up about Cruz being born in Canada (implication: he’s not a citizen. Wrong.) and how he could run for Prime Minister.

    I’m ready to pull the plug on FNS for FBN until Megyn gets back from maternity leave.

  19. sdferr says:

    Will the Americans return to earlier means of dealing with horse thieves where it comes to the IRS?

  20. newrouter says:

    enzi shows up cheney hardest hit

  21. newrouter says:

    inhofe says hi

  22. leigh says:

    So. Two of the old guard have thrown in with the young bucks. I wonder if any others will see safety in numbers and come in at the eleventh hour?

  23. newrouter says:

    effin dick durbin says hi

  24. Pablo says:

    Durbin doesn’t understand what’s going on in the ship he’s a barnacle on.

  25. newrouter says:



  26. leigh says:

    Dick Durbin is acting like a dick.

  27. newrouter says:

    in your face durbin

  28. newrouter says:

    go ted

  29. newrouter says:

    ted be taking the “ruining class” to task

  30. LBascom says:

    I’ve been trying to think of a way to get Feinstein on board, Unfortunately I think it would take an AR-15. With a standard high capacity magazine and a story about Cruz un-inventing them.

    Frankly though, it’s been a long day and the risk/reward calculations just ain’t working out.

    I did sign the petition and sent metaphysical moral support though…

  31. newrouter says:

    ” risk/reward calculations just ain’t working out. ”

    dick durbin got his head handed to him via ted

  32. sdferr says:

    Karen Tumulty shows her contempt for her fellow Americans:

    “Stand on the RIGHT of the Metro escalators. #makedclisten”

  33. newrouter says:

    “Stand on the RIGHT of the Metro escalators. #makedclisten”

    hah dc gov’t

  34. palaeomerus says:

    “I’ve been trying to think of a way to get Feinstein on board, ”

    You’d have to climb the mountain to reach the coldwater salt-lake and swim out to the island and somehow get her soul out of the needle, out of the egg, out of the duck, out of the hare, out of the chest buried at the foot of the oak tree. Then you’d have to re-install her soul. And all the while she’d be trying to codify who is a real journalist and accusing you of being a pro-theocracy, white supremacist, woman hating, anarchist who works for the NRA and the Koch Brothers.

  35. newrouter says:

    mike lee sticks it to mitchey m

  36. sdferr says:

    Sen. Isakson thinks Americans are morons: he will vote with Harry Reid to kill the bill.

  37. newrouter says:

    “stand by your beliefs” = ted c

  38. LBascom says:

    That’s it palaeomerus? Geez, I thought it would be harder than that.

    Wait, re-install her soul? HA! As if!

    You’re a trickster, you are…

  39. newrouter says:

    “poppycock”- conv. wisdom =cruz

  40. newrouter says:

    kaine speaks

  41. Jeff G. says:

    1/2 of 1/3 of government is a lie and always has been. It’s a Rovean bumper sticker.

    Poppycock is probably more collegial than “bullshit”.

  42. leigh says:

    “Existential” healthcare? WTF Kaine?

  43. newrouter says:

    yo kaine “is the fed gov’t” the economy?

  44. newrouter says:

    kaine “burp”

  45. newrouter says:

    kaine reads the mind of 300,000,000 peeps

  46. I’m throughly enjoying this. It’s nice to feel as if Fortune is on your side for a few hours.

  47. newrouter says:

    i luvs the dems showing up

  48. newrouter says:

    O!care=”nightmare” -teamsters-cruz

  49. newrouter says:

    cruz – language

  50. newrouter says:

    yo cruz it is “rocking the sinking boat”

  51. newrouter says:

    good night ted cruz & good luck

  52. Dalekhunter says:

    well now he’s reading Green Eggs & Ham #outlaw

  53. geoffb says:

    Green Eggs & Ham is above the reading comprehension level of the average Democrat in Congress so it’s a kindly bedtime story and a teachable moment.

  54. BigBangHunter says:

    – Status check at 1:30 am DC time, still on Cruz control.

  55. Jeff G. says:

    3:34 EST and he’s still going. I need to go to bed, having read all the naysayers.

    Guys like Cruz have them pissing their pants — the media can’t edit the message nor the explanation for those who bother to watch even a little bit of this.

    We need this.

  56. Patrick Chester says:

    I hope there’s an unedited recording. One personal policy I have at work is I don’t have sound playing since it can distract me from doing my job, so I can’t really let myself listen to this in the background.

  57. palaeomerus says:

    I hope that David Dewhurst is crying right now.

  58. palaeomerus says:

    Blow the bugle one more time.

  59. BigBangHunter says:

    – Coming up on 6 am EST. Expect to hear a lot of snippets on Rush this morning, who happens to be back fron vac today. Good timing.

    – Jeff, you can bet theres a lot of recording going on since we can count on the mediots to try to ignore the whole thing as much as possible.

    – Hopefully this display will shove a stick up the ass of the squishies and they’ll get behind Cruz.

  60. BigBangHunter says:

    – In the mean time, Rouhani continues to ignore Bumblefuck. Hes already all but burried from the Putin/Assad disaster. If he comes home totally shunned he will never recover. Thus the desperate hail mary.

    – If we can pull out a win on derailing OCare by the end of the month he may be fully into lame duck mode.

  61. Car in says:

    He’s still going. I caught the Green Eggs reading last night and LOVED it.

  62. Car in says:

    Rubio is giving him a break.

    Terry Lynn Land is running (in Michigan) for Levin’s spot – and she supports Cruz.

  63. Car in says:

    – In the mean time, Rouhani continues to ignore Bumblefuck. –

    He didn’t have TIME to shake Obummer’s hand. How can you read anything into that? I know how. You’re racist.

  64. Pablo says:

    He’s still going. I caught the Green Eggs reading last night and LOVED it.

    Can you say optics?

  65. serr8d says:

    8:20 ET and he’s still at it. Cruz took the Senate floor at 2:41 PM ET yesterday, going on 18 hours.

    This Senator has spoken more TRUTH about Barack Obama in those hours than Obama’s sympathetic press has breached in 8 years.

  66. Car in says:

    My kids made me turn it off so they could start their homeschooling.

    boo hiss

  67. serr8d says:

    Monica Crowley…bless her heart!

    17 hours and counting….Amazing how time flies when you’re standing on principle. @SenTedCruz #MakeDCListen

  68. BigBangHunter says:

    My kids made me turn it off……

    – In the country I was raised in it would be required homework for the following school day, but that country has been burried under a sea of Lefturd propaganda and media agitprop and lies for the Utopia.

  69. Car in says:

    OH, I’ve explained what is going on. But they are too young to listen to it for too long.

  70. BigBangHunter says:

    – Cruzing over the target and the fuckheads are squeeling like stuck pigs, one total pig in particular I’d love to have 5 minutes with in a dark alley.

    – I’d give him a tingle with a rusty shovel he would never forget.

  71. John Bradley says:

    Rand Paul: “We need a rebellion against oppression.”

    Cruz starts talking about the ‘Rebel Alliance’ – someone’s been watching Bill Whittle!

  72. Car in says:

    Awww. Poor Chrissy.

  73. Pablo says:

    “Mike Lee, I am your father.”

    Classic Darth Cruz.

  74. Car in says:

    Ironic that McCarthy was right. DId anyone tell Chrissy that?

  75. Car in says:

    My head is assploding over what they’re saying on Hardball. Did that dude really attack him for being an elitist because he went to an Ivy League school?

  76. Car in says:

    John Feehery is a concern troll.

  77. John Bradley says:

    Now Cruz is quoting Ayn Rand on the floor of the US Senate, something that should happen a lot more often.

  78. BigBangHunter says:

    – Over at HuffNPoop (We brave the horrors of the crystal chamber hive mind so you won’t have too) they are shoveling furiously against the tide, but drowning in their own bullshit anyways. They have as many paid commenters turning out as they can muster, but the numbers show how much the O! enthusiasm has fallen off in the past year.

  79. Blake says:

    John Hinderacker via Instapundit:

    “I am not crazy about Cruz’s plan to block cloture on the House resolution, but I applaud his speech. Obamacare is unpopular, and Republicans should pound away at it non-stop. Within the last few hours, reports have surfaced that House Republicans may attach a one-year delay in Obamacare’s individual mandate to the Senate’s ‘clean’ continuing resolution. Obamacare may also feature in upcoming debates over raising the debt ceiling.”

    Mr. Hinderacker deserves a new name: “Fainting Couch Republican”

  80. BigBangHunter says:

    Mr. Hinderacker deserves a new name: “Fainting Couch Republican”

    – During revolutionary times they called such aholes Copperheads.

  81. BigBangHunter says:

    – Man the mediots are out in full force posting faux rate stories in every venue they can reach to try to pushback. If ever there was a clear example of how far the lamestream media has sold its soul to the Dem/Progs, this Cruz fillibuster is showing it in spades.

    – From this point on any reporter that tries to claim objectrivity shoiuld be laughed out of town.

  82. serr8d says:

    Here ya go BBH. If you had the Twitter, I’d give you a shout-out.

  83. BigBangHunter says:

    – “Objectrivity” – adjective Meaning: Trivial condition of reporter ethic in modern maunstream media.

  84. EBL says:

    Everytime I think of our so called GOP elites (like McConnell, Cornyn, McCain…) I can’t get this song out of my head…

  85. Car in says:

    BBH, they have received their marching orders, and are going to faithfully carry out their duty.

    Or doody.

  86. palaeomerus says:

    Cornyn goes on my “will not vote for” list, even if he survives a primary.

  87. Blake says:

    Beck went public this morning with an anti-Cornyn statement.

  88. Curmudgeon says:

    “I’ve been trying to think of a way to get Feinstein on board, ”

    You’d have to climb the mountain to reach the coldwater salt-lake and swim out to the island and somehow get her soul out of the needle, out of the egg, out of the duck, out of the hare, out of the chest buried at the foot of the oak tree. Then you’d have to re-install her soul. And all the while she’d be trying to codify who is a real journalist and accusing you of being a pro-theocracy, white supremacist, woman hating, anarchist who works for the NRA and the Koch Brothers.

    And believe it or not, she is the more rational and less shrill one of the two California harpies.

  89. leigh says:

    Ted just beat Durbin like a rented mule.

  90. Blake says:

    leigh, that’s not very nice. At least a rented mule has a useful purpose.

  91. Blake says:

    ecurmudgeon, yeah, CA has the trifecta of shrill leftwing harpies: Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer.

  92. angstlee says:

    Go Ted Go. Cornyn is an embarrassment to Texas.

  93. leigh says:

    Whoa! He just basically told Harry Reid to sit down and shut up when he tried to get him to yield 15 minutes for McLame.

    McCoot can’t ask his own permission?

    I heart Ted.

  94. BigBangHunter says:

    – McCain will be gone at the end of this term. Hes busy lining up after party favors, the weasle assed bastard.

  95. Curmudgeon says:

    curmudgeon, yeah, CA has the trifecta of shrill leftwing harpies: Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer.

    Heck, counting the House as well, we also have the following shrill Demicunts:
    –Maxine Waters
    –Lois Wolk

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