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October 2024


Levin welcomes the erstwhile GOP quislings

Albeit tentatively. Because make no mistake: the House leadership has decided reluctantly to go ahead with the defunding of ObamaCare only because they couldn’t find another way out — be it with phony symbolic votes, orchestrated attacks from GOP establishment types (both in office and in the media apparatus they use to constrain the Hobbits), or through dissembling about the legality and even possibility of the defunding plan.

We the people, the “anarchists” and extremists, the grassroots, yes, the TEA Party — equally despised by Obama and Boehner, Reid and McConnell — refused to let the GOP call craven caving “pragmatism” or “realism” so that they can avoid an unpleasant political fight, one they know the media will try to spin in Obama’s favor. As Levin put it, try as they might, they just couldn’t muster the vote for surrender.

So now it begins.

And it’s time to orchestrate a message that will sell to the American people, who already reject ObamaCare.

This would be easy, naturally, if the GOP establishment actually believed in any of its purported Party principles. As they don’t, we might have to teach them what to say and how to say it.

Like training seals, almost. Sure, it’s arduous and unrewarding work — these are dumb animals, after all — but once they can clap on cue and balance that ball on their noses, all will be at least temporarily forgiven.

19 Replies to “Levin welcomes the erstwhile GOP quislings”

  1. Shermlaw says:

    I liked the idea of separate funding bills for each segment of government: Social Security, Debt service, military, etc. Pass a whole bunch of bills and see which ones the Dems senate refuse to consider or which the O decides to veto because of O-Care. Make him say 50 times, I’ll not agree to spend a dime and shut down everything unless I get my way.

  2. cranky-d says:

    I’ll bet the seals are easier to train.

  3. mondamay says:

    I think the “BoehnerCare” barb was what did it. Honestly. That was the op-ed equivalent of a full-armed slap to the GOP leadership’s collective (in every sense of the word) face. It said “We’re the base, and we’re on to you”. I don’t know who came up with that, but it was pure genius.

  4. guinspen says:

    Once a quisling, always a quisling.

    Ipso fatso.

  5. McGehee says:

    It is as I have said before. “Choosing your battles” is a privilege earned only by winning a crapload of battles you didn’t have the luxury of choosing. Boehner has not yet earned the privilege.

  6. John Bradley says:

    Awesome. Now I need a steak…

  7. sdferr says:

    At this point we can see quite clearly what’s up in the establishment Republican ranks: it’s all about Jeb Bush, i.e., it’s all about destroying any possible competition Jeb Bush may have to face a year and a half down the road. Hence the reaction by the National Review, Karl Rove, Dana Perino, Fox News in general, and of course, more than willing to pitch in and do its part, the entire leftist media in train.

  8. sdferr says:

    Mark Levin asked tonight “What is a political party?”.

    Good for him, he’s catching up. We were asking that exact question here three years ago, while Mark was still loyally attached to the Republicans. It’s worth noting that often the most basic and clarifying questions are slow to arrive — being as it’s simply the case that more often than not, there’s just so much shit to wade through before we get to them. Pity.

  9. newrouter says:

    Mark Levin asked tonight “What is a political party?”.

    he was on glenn beck’s show today: link

  10. sdferr says:

    Yeah, I listened to it. Did you? Didn’t think it went that well, all in all.

  11. newrouter says:

    yes. they seemed to be talking past each other.

  12. newrouter says:

    @ 5pm beck show david barton thought levin’s approach is correct and proper.

  13. Blake says:

    I listened to the Levin – Beck conversation and it sounded like two people who were somewhat unsure of each other, but, overall, there was a civil conversation.

    I didn’t think it went badly, just a little strained. It’s hard to immediately put aside all differences after a few years of bad blood.

  14. McGehee says:

    it’s all about Jeb Bush, i.e., it’s all about destroying any possible competition Jeb Bush may have to face a year and a half down the road.

    Just once I’d like to see the Mensheviks display an interest in destroying their Democrat competition.

  15. sdferr says:

    It’s hard to immediately put aside all differences . . .

    They could do it for the children.

  16. sdferr says:

    There’s the rub McG . . . they don’t have Democrat competition, b’in’ in one and the same bag.

  17. newrouter says:

    it stands athwart history, yelling never mind stop

    Lowry: House Will Pass Clean Debt Limit Raise

  18. newrouter says:

    bad html drinking with the armadillo again i see

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