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November 2024


Forty-sixth in a series of real-time empirical observations

In the time it takes you to read this post, a clearly irritated Arianna Huffington will send back her rack of lamb with Eggplant Charlotte and demand that Le’Cirque’s Sirio Maccioni bring her a plate of Armanac-seared foie gras roasted with whole figs, instead—convinced as she is that CINDY! would expect her to fight for what she believes in!—and that having to endure “dry and gamey” lamb, though not quite so bad as losing a son in combat, is still most utterly despicable.*

18 Replies to “Forty-sixth in a series of real-time empirical observations”

  1. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Meanwhile, Sheila Jackson Lee, still high from a press conference where she called for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, refuses to admit to herself that the enormous run in her cheap stockings was clearly visible all throughout the entire length of her presentation.



  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Incidentally, Sheehan told Sheila Jackson Lee that she is “nonpartisan”—a claim that Jackson Lee repeated on “The Big Story w/ John Gibson.” When informed that Sheehan called the President “the world’s greatest terrorist,” Jackson Lee said she “could not speak to that,” as she had heard “no such thing.”

    Which, you’d hope Congresspeople would have all the facts before they started advocating, but I guess when there’re cameras around, information is trumped by exposure and media face time.

  3. 3rd_Bird says:

    This from Arianna:

    <i>The problem arises when, under the pretense of offering both sides, MSM figures regurgitate the GOP attack machine’s most contemptible hits (“she’s a puppet,” “she’s anti-Israel,” “her own family is against her”) as if there are always two legitimate sides to every story.

    I’m confused. MSM a tool of the GOP?

  4. Hoodlumman says:

    Yes, apparently so, 3rd_Bird.  Right of center bloggers dedicate millions of hours collectively documenting, in fact showing, how liberal the media is, along with polls showing that 75+% of journalists vote democrat or further left but all we hear out of shills like Huffington is that they are all right-wing.

    In summary, if a newspaper isn’t running “BUSH LIED” in 72 point font with pictures of dead GIs on page A1 then they’re a bunch of Bush stooges…

    Per the left…

  5. The Warden says:

    I love when leftists accidentally say what they really mean:

    “I wonder if the civil rights protests were happening today, who at the cable shows would feel compelled to give equal time to the John Birch Society?”

    How dare the other side be given a voice in the debate!  They should be silenced in the name of Mother Sheehan!

  6. The Warden says:

    If I thought long and hard enough about the fact that this silly little twit makes a nice living from writing this drivel, I might become very pissed off.

    But that way lies madness.  At the end of the day we all have to live with ourselves, now don’t we?

  7. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Here’s a bunch of video of what Sheehan is actually saying, for those of you who are interested.

    Evidently, Ms Jackson Lee’s staff couldn’t be bothered to find this kind of stuff.

  8. Sean M. says:

    …75+% of journalists vote democrat or further left but all we hear out of shills like Huffington is that they are all right-wing.

    The really funny/sad/scary part about that is that these people actually believe it.

    Oh, and I simply loooooove the way Arianna starts out:

    From our Founding Fathers to abolitionists to suffragettes to labor strikers to civil rights marchers, protesters have repeatedly challenged the status quo and changed our society for the better.


  9. tongueboy says:

    Oh Ah-liffer, I’f burnt ze roast beef again! And I’f infited ze Munroe brotherz for dinner. Ah-liffer, vill you take ze Eshcalade into town, take ze Hooterville Exprezz to Branzon, hire a cahr to Schpringfield, leaze a plane, fly to Kanzaz City, pick up four shteaks from Ruzz Chriz and bring zem back right avay? Zank you, dahling.

    Oh, and bring zome of zat vonderful champaigne, how do you zay it, Christal?

  10. B Moe says:

    Ms Jackson Lee’s staff tried to brief her on those quotes Jeff, unfortuately they didn’t realize they were actually briefing a doorstop until it was too late and her driver was already there.  (One staffer said the unusual acuity of the questions being asked should have tipped them there was a problem.)

  11. gail says:

    Dorkafork has quite a comprehensive Quotable Cindy Sheehan collection.

  12. Flea says:

    I am on the edge of my seat waiting to learn what Arianna is going to sacrifice.

    “Show us you’re willing to make a sacrifice in a time of war, Mr. President—even if that just means cutting your vacation a little short.”

    – Arianna Huffington

  13. JorgXMcKie says:

    I dunno, flea, she’s already given one husband to the effort.

    TW: evidence.  Sheila Jackson Lee shows no evidence of actual brain activity.

  14. SIlk says:

    The Ra-Ra comments were painful. Arianna is as dumb as a bag of hammers. She usually just regurgitates the moonbat line of the week with nothing of substance to add. one bonehead actually compared her to Aristotle. I honestly didn’t read that whole comment because I could feel my head exploding.

  15. McGehee says:

    Silk, I have a bag of hammers on Line 3 that wants to have a word with you…

  16. So far, the only skill I think I’ve seen Huffington demonstrate is to drive one husband to homosexuality.

  17. So, the first line of this post looked just like this:

    In the time it takes you to read this post, a clearly irritated Arianna Huffington will send back her rack

    and just like that, Adrianna’s rack is firmly lodged in my head.  Curse you, Goldstein!

  18. Hubris says:

    I always enjoy the comments at HuffPo:

    I couldn’t agree with you more about this issue. My dad referred to her as a troublemaker. I had to point out that that’s why he fought in WWII–to maintain the right to say what you want in America.

    Posted by: Dan on August 19, 2005 at 12:04PM

    Left out was the father’s response:

    “Thanks son, I never really stopped to think about why I had to fight inch by bloody inch across the fucking Pacific.  Apparently, it was so my yuppie son could explain to me that the First Amendment means that I can’t call anyone a troublemaker because of what they say.  I swear to Christ, sometimes I wonder if the A-bomb fallout addled my sperm somehow, you retard.

    Now shut your fucking hole.”

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