
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Coming soon to a social engineering petri dish near you: centrally planned neighborhoods

For the fairness!  And the enforced “diversity”.  For our own post-racial good!  CNS News:

To ensure that “every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of,” HUD has published a new fair-housing regulation intended to give people access to better neighborhoods than the ones they currently live in.

The goal is to help communities understand “fair housing barriers” and “establish clear goals” for “improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation.”

“This proposed rule represents a 21st century approach to fair housing, a step forward to ensuring that every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of – where they have a fair shot at reaching their full potential in life,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan.

“For the first time ever,” Donovan added, “HUD will provide data for every neighborhood in the country, detailing the access African American, Latino, Asian, and other communities have to local assets, including schools, jobs, transportation, and other important neighborhood resources that can play a role in helping people move into the middle class.”


According to HUD, long-term solutions include “helping people gain access to different neighborhoods and channeling investments into under-served areas.” The mapping tool may guide development and zoning decisions, for example.

In a July 16 speech to the NAACP, Donovan said the American Dream still isn’t within equal reach of all communities. He lamented the lack of diversity in America’s boardrooms, schools, and the nation’s “strongest neighborhoods.”

“We have got to shape a future where ladders of opportunity are available for all Americans,” Donovan said. “For African Americans, this is critically important.  Historically, for this community, the rungs on these ladders have been too far apart -– making it harder to reach the middle class.”

Donovan said HUD’s new neighborhood mapping tool, which uses Census data, will “expand access to high opportunity neighborhoods and draw attention to investment possibilities in under-served communities.”

“Make no mistake, this is a big deal,” Donovan said. “With the HUD budget alone, we are talking about billions of dollars. And as you know, decades ago, these funds were used to support discrimination. Now, they will be used to expand opportunity and bring communities closer to the American Dream.”

Under the Fair Housing Act, HUD requires grantees, such as cities, that receive federal housing funds to “affirmatively further fair housing.”

Under the proposed rule, the neighborhood data provided by HUD will be used to evaluate patterns of integration and segregation, racial and ethnic concentrations of poverty, and access to “valuable community assets.” HUD wants to know if existing laws and policies — such as zoning, financing, infrastructure planning and transportation — create, perpetuate or alleviate segregation.

Seems some Americans are using their liberty incorrectly, the racist, segregationalist bastards — picking neighborhoods based on, say, safety, access to quality schools, access to public services, or simply by property value, plot size, land available, exclusivity, or a desire for quiet and privacy; rather than picking them based on the breakdown of skin color of residents — and so to correct this unconscionable misuse of freedom and individual choice, the federal government is going to start keeping data on who lives where so that it can “correct” for things like, oh, not enough poor people living in wealthy communities, or some unconsciously racist rural community that doesn’t quite match the inside of a Crayola Crayon box.

Think busing, but on a national logistical scale.

What could go wrong?

Meanwhile, as Mark Levin points out, Martha’s Vineyard will remain unaffected, given that seemingly every few months or so, a Black family arrives to vacation and creates just the kind of diversity that the federal government demands the rest of us embrace.

And before you get all Klansman-like and indignant, don’t even try to pull any of your bullshit about freedom to associate, or capitalism and markets being the prime movers in the way neighborhoods align and form.  Because that’s just a TEA Party-type dog whistle for “you don’t want the darkies or the beaners living in your white bread community, you evil, racist, creepy-ass crackers, and no hiding behind some brittle document like that 100-year-old Constitution you’re always rubbing along your naughty bits is going to change that fact.”

Of course, many cities have programs like this on a smaller scale.  For instance, when I lived in Denver,  the second unit in our duplex ultimately moved to section 8 housing, and we were instantly enriched by the diversity of having a meth lab being run from the garage that sat on the other side of ours — and the cultural adverturism that allowed us to witness bass-laden low-riders and keg parties that lasted until the very early hours of the morning, all while my pregnant wife struggled to sleep.  Broken windows — be they a bedroom window or a car window — provided the gritty, jangling music of the streets, while the blaring of sirens were like the plaintive horns buried inside many Spanish ballads.

But don’t worry. I reminded her of her of white privilege, and eventually she learned to love scattered gun fire — or at least, consider it nothing more than the musical counterpoint to soft mellow contact high we would get from the clouds of pot smoke that hung in the air like an egalitarian cloud, embracing us all, regardless of creed or color.  Or desire to have it embracing us.


20 Replies to “Coming soon to a social engineering petri dish near you: centrally planned neighborhoods”

  1. dicentra says:

    Actually, what they’re saying is that you can’t put too many black folk in one place, or watch out! Gotta dilute them among white folk to make it all safe.

    TOTALLY not the soft bigotry of low expectation.

  2. dicentra says:

    I reminded her of her of white privilege

    All that Asian white privilege, no doubt.

  3. dicentra says:

    Or is it White-Asian?

  4. geoffb says:

    My thought is that this is of a piece with his “regional-equity movement” ideas. Redistribute money, redistribute property, redistribute people, but always, always redistribute because that is where the power resides.

  5. Libby says:

    OK, it’s just frightening that Obama & HUD think it’s their responsibility to micromanage our communities, placing little colored pegs into randoms slots expecting everyone to just magically get along. Will they be overruling local housing and zoning regulations?
    So…DOMA is bad, but HUD telling your community what housing can be built, and whom can occupy it is just fine. Got it.

  6. Libby says:

    Hmmm…maybe they should start with Detroit and see how that goes? I’d like to see who could be moved to build a community containing a variety of housing units (section8 –>McMansion) and the who would dare live in it.

    And there is a large African-American community in Oaks Bluff, Martha’s Vineyard, but it’s a lot of elites. Don’t think they’d be thrilled with the idea of forced section 8 housing, etc.

  7. sdferr says:

    their responsibility to micromanage our communities

    Once the Federal government got into the business of dictating the legality of private opinion in the fictively inventive category “public accommodation”, nothing which follows in the sequel should surprise us.

  8. scooter says:

    I want someone who supports this master social planning bullshit to point to a single instance where it worked as intended. School busing? The CRA? Headstart?

    The only way to get progressive outcomes is tyranny. It’s like the 20th century never fucking happened.

  9. SBP says:

    Barracks with PA systems to get everyone out for calisthenics at 0500, ala North Korea.

    It’s only fair.

  10. palaeomerus says:

    Agenda 21 sez hi from behind the curtains.

  11. Once the Federal government got into the business of dictating the legality of private opinion in the fictively inventive category “public accommodation”, nothing which follows in the sequel should surprise us.


  12. mondamay says:

    He lamented the lack of diversity in America’s boardrooms,

    Am I the only person who read this as bedrooms?

  13. LBascom says:

    Oh, sure, but identifying and relocating illegal aliens? Impossible!

    Sometimes I think they don’t really care about the illegal alien problem…

  14. mondamay says:

    The only problem they see is that they are running out of other people’s money, so they need more people to fuel the Ponzi Scheme that is the Federal government.

  15. Shermlaw says:

    Yet more idiocy. There’s a reason one never saw the TV show Extreme Home Makeover make return visits to see how those they benefited were doing: The vast majority had lost their homes or were back to the position they once were in. You cannot take people with none of the attributes of the Middle Class, give them “Middle Class” things, and expect them to become Middle Class. It’s a cargo cult writ large and the only thing that will happen is middle class neighborhoods will be destroyed via the reverse-leaven of thuggery. And race has precisely nothing to do with it.

  16. bgbear says:

    hey, but easier access to drugs

  17. leigh says:

    Better invest in some wheel-locks if you don’t have a locking garage.

  18. leigh says:

    OT: Anthony Weiner is caught wagging his shortcomings at someone on Twitter. Again.

  19. Curmudgeon says:

    Yet more idiocy. There’s a reason one never saw the TV show Extreme Home Makeover make return visits to see how those they benefited were doing: The vast majority had lost their homes or were back to the position they once were in. You cannot take people with none of the attributes of the Middle Class, give them “Middle Class” things, and expect them to become Middle Class. It’s a cargo cult writ large and the only thing that will happen is middle class neighborhoods will be destroyed via the reverse-leaven of thuggery. And race has precisely nothing to do with it.

    I wouldn’t call it “idiocy”. I would call it thievery. The Demunist Commiecrats want their wards to have a middle class lifestyle without working for it.

    It is the same mentality that led to “nationalizing” certain industries back in the last century. The results will be much the same.

  20. Yackums says:

    It’s like he’s playing SimAmerica 2012!

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