
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2025


July fundraiser begins today. Let’s call this one “the Independence fundraiser” [sticky; new posts below]

The “Independence fundraiser.” I like that. Allows me to wrap myself up in the flag and beg for money. Just like the Founders would have.

For freedom!

38 Replies to “July fundraiser begins today. Let’s call this one “the Independence fundraiser” [sticky; new posts below]”

  1. […] July fundraiser begins today. Let’s call this one “the Independence fundraiser” [s… […]

  2. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Bill Q.

  3. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Bill S!

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, John B!

  5. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, McGehee!

  6. lilida says:

    I guess freedom really isn’t free. Your site looks wonky on my iPad, btw.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Lillian!

  8. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, SW!

  9. lilida, are you seeing the mobile version or the one-column variant of the desktop site?

    On my iPhone the only way to avoid the mobile site is to use the Mercury browser, which ought to be available for iPad too.

  10. lilida says:

    McGehee — I installed Mercury but it made no difference. The site started looking strange a few weeks ago. I can’t post a comment or donate using the iPad (I’m using our ancient PowerBook to post this). I didn’t have this problem before with the iPad. Also, there are these sketchy ads at the bottom of the site that I don’t see here using the PowerBook.

  11. In Mercury: Menu > Functions > User Agent

    Choose a browser that isn’t mobile, and try PW again. Choosing “Chrome” gives me the one-column variant of desktop, and I’m able to log in, whereas I can’t in Safari.

  12. palaeomerus says:

    For novelty’s sake I tried to pay you in blood money Jeff, but Paypal doesn’t have an option for that so…QE fiat money it is. Sorry.

  13. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, palaeomerus!

  14. lilida says:

    Thanks for your help, McGehee! Worked like a charm.

  15. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Terry H!

  16. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, cranky-d!

  17. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, serr8d!

  18. serr8d says:

    Thank you for being bedrock staunch. pw is the only blog I’m actively reading nowadays.

  19. serr8d says:

    I’ve tried Chrome (on this Droid Razr M) but came back to the Opera Classic browser. Problematic with popup ads that I have to chase around to kill. FireFox mobile is a joke. Anyone know of a browser that’ll kill popups on Android?

  20. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, di!

  21. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, geoff B!

  22. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Arthur L!

  23. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Jonah C!

  24. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Douglas E!

  25. William says:

    What, Serr8d, you tired of Ace’s perpetual surprise at the state of things?

    “You guys! I’m starting to think maybe things aren’t getting better?!?”

  26. Blitz says:

    My usual pittance Jeff. You’re worth far more.

  27. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Blitz!

  28. Serr8d, I’m using Adblock Plus on my Android tablet with Firefox. What does a popup ad look like?

  29. serr8d says:

    What does a popup ad look like?

    With the Opera Classic, at least the popup ad has the ‘x’ for closing. After I chase it down.

    With my newly-downloaded FireFox for Android with Adblock Plus installed, the ad is just a formless, gray, unmovable (also can’t be closed) block. That’s also annoying. And it can’t be chased for sport.

    Tough little adbuggers, aren’t they?

  30. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Evan C!

  31. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Pablo!

  32. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, squid!

  33. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, SDN!

  34. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Patrick C!

  35. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, William, for the gift of health!

  36. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Hugh T!

  37. NotquiteunBuckley says:

    Too pedestrian my view being, it falls upon me to change the landscape of those viewing such that their view isn’t fucked.

    I’d say “I’ll say it again” but I just said it on

  38. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, guins!

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