Garrett: “This doesn’t mean abortions are gonna get more expensive, does it? Because that would seriously fucking blow, man.”*
Garrett: “This doesn’t mean abortions are gonna get more expensive, does it? Because that would seriously fucking blow, man.”*
Off topic, but why is Wonkette a FOXNews panelist? Did the President name Jessica Cutler a Supreme Court nominee and I missed it?
What kind of middle name is “Day” anyway? Were her parents hippies or something? Like, maybe she has a brother named Bill “Afternoon” O’Connor? Or is she just trying to rip off that guy M. “Night” Shamalama-whatever who makes those creepy movies? A Citizen Journalist should be trying to get to the bottom of that. More to the point, I’m pretty sure that abortion is supposed to be safe and rare, not expensive. And it was Roe vs. WADE, not Roe vs. NEIMAN-MARCUS.
Fox recently hired Wesley Clark as an analyst as well. They get hammered all over the world for playing favorites with Bush and conservatives so maybe they’re trying to placate the critics.
Unfortunately, it is neither safe nor rare.
Of course, I think Ann Coulter is hot. So there’s that.
FOX is probably hoping that Wonkette will drop an a$$fuc&ing reference sometime. I mean, Aruba can’t keep the ratings up forever.
Answer to off-topic question: Because she has breasts and you have none.
On-topic observation: Bush picking a Supreme is going to eat up every picosecond of news bandwidth for the next month or more. Aruba girl who? Iraqi what? Florida shark which now? Iranian whatsis?
Gimme 24×7 wall-to-wall Senate eye-gouging free-for-all nastiness over O’Connor’s replacement. That’s what I crave. Argh.
Turing word: “over”. As in, “It’s hardly begun and already it’s the leading story on the whole damn planet. Please wake me when it’s over.”
Off topic, but why is Wonkette a FOXNews panelist?
Steven Shapiro, the American Civil Liberty Union’s legal director, said the ACLU fears Bush will choose a nominee “whose judicial philosophy is hostile to civil liberties.”
Can I sue the ACLU for damages to pay for the Merlot I just spewed all over my keyboard?
blt, when is this going to start, cause i ain’t seein yet.
Gimme 24×7 wall-to-wall Senate eye-gouging free-for-all nastiness over O’Connor’s replacement.
I wanna see McConnell take Byrd’s walker away in the middle of one of his “mah dawg Buddy” speeches.
I wanna see Hatch giving Jay Rockefeller a noogie.
I wanna see somebody give Ted Kennedy an atomic wedgie.
(Okay—that last, maybe not.)
…’Cause, I’d be willing to steal Sheets’ walker, or give Jay Rockefeller a noogie. No ChickenSenator ME!
…but I’ve disavowed the Kennedy wedgie because, well, I wouldn’t want to touch those.
And the last thing I want is to be accused of HYPOCRISY or being a ChickenSenator.