As it’s all the rage these days, allow me to try my hand at the new “compassionate conservative,” GOP establishment “autopsy” game: first, I hereby re-brand John Boehner “Barack Obama Light” — though not for lack of tanning. Second, I hereby re-brand the GOP House leadership, which on three occasions recently caucused with Democrats against its own majority, and has scrapped the Hastert Rule (which I’ve re-branded the “Colin Powell Rule”), “Republicans for a Democratic Party Agenda.”
It’s the ruling class vs. the rest of us, folks, and the gauntlet has been dropped: the GOP establishment is on the side of big government, and their battle with Democrats is merely one over relative positioning at the revenue spigot.
Whereas their battle against the TEA Party and the conservative base is an existential one — and the one they are far more committed at the moment to fighting.
Any questions, Hobbits?
I didn’t think so. Now. Get your asses in line before Rick Moran has to brandish his fiery quill and write something very very pointed about your subpar intelligence and your presuming to meddle into the complex and nuanced affairs of policy and government for which you have not be adequately groomed, and to which your breeding does not intimate even a remote likelihood of success.
Go on. Scoot! Your betters have work to do.
we should go shopping then!
and I’m not talking that groupon shit let’s have fun with it
we deserve it
Debt and bad money are the greatest threat to classical liberalism extant. Which explains why all roads point to single-issuer global currency and the establishment right has its head up its ass to the hips about the subject.
Fortunately the notion the GOP has anything to offer is now debunked. Jump the shark, Rick Moron.
On rebranding.
Once again, the Republican party and its leadership fail to call a spade a spade (Racism!). WE know King Food Stamp is not negotiating in good faith, Boehner knows it, Congress knows it, everybody knows it but for some reason, which I cannot fathom or explain, nobody will fing call him out on it. Then, the low information voter, who thinks maybe Obama may be lying about something, gets Baghdad Jay Carney pointing out this type of thing said by Republican leadership and low information voter goes “Hmm, well if the Republicans trust Obama….” Its embarrassing. Can somebody explain it to me?
In related news: intercourse does not pose an immediate risk of childbirth.
Which explains why all roads point to single-issuer global currency and the establishment right has its head up its ass to the hips about the subject.
They’re DOWN with it.
Matt, Boehner and the Gentry GOP aren’t negotiating in good faith, either. And everybody knows that, too.
Global currency? Right.
Take a look at the Euro sometime. Germany will not prop it up forever.
In the old days they hanged rebranders.
“We do not have an immediate debt crisis”
Do they realize how insane that sounds to anybody with any financial knowledge? An “immediate debt crisis” means that we are Greece and Germany all rolled up into one big ball of pain. An “immediate debt crisis” means the horse has left the fucking barn already! These guys seem to think that leaving the barn door open is no big deal, seeing as how the horses have been so well behaved thus far.
“Oh, sure, we’re doing everything in our power to bring the debt crisis to a head. It’s the cool thing, you know — immanentizing the eschaton and all that — but we haven’t actually achieved the goal yet. We’re still maneuvering the pieces into position. So don’t get all worked up about an immediate debt crisis, because I can assure you that it’s still many, many years down the road.”
Except that, much like Spock describing damage control times, you know that when these guys say “years,” they mean “weeks.”
These assholes will be whistling Dixie long after it’s Too Late. Tar and feathers are too good for them; they should be burnt at the stake.
Or, to put what Squid said into terms an Obama voter can understand,
you’re not really broke until the credit card applications stop coming.
If you only plan is to panic then it all makes perfect sense, Squid.
financial meltdown? what a wonderful crisis not to waste.
Harry Reid should do himself a favor and stay the hell away from any US Marines in the near future.
Euro going down? You say that like it’s a bug.
Domino effect? I fear yes.