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November 2024


Levin: why are you lying, Mr President?

Mark Levin takes on the “Jim Jones Democrats” and the feckless GOP leadership both during last night’s interview on “Hannity”:

Honest to God: a trillion dollars in new taxes, coupled to a 62% spending increase on budget over 10-years? A President who out of one side of his mouth claims we don’t have an immediate deficit problem, while out of the other proclaiming the need for a “balanced approach” to cut the deficit (which consists largely of taking more money out of the private sector through yet even more tax increases) — and the American people as a whole have yet to see through this?

Leftist media professionals and leftist academics everywhere are beaming with pride: they’ve created from thin air a national false consciousness — using the Big Lie and the repetition of completely fabricated “facts” to bring about the conditions for civil and economic collapse upon which they hope to build their new authoritarian, top-down, centrally-planned liberal fascist Utopia.

That is, through a will to power, they’ve mapped a false “reality” atop things as they are — through irony, contingency, and solidarity — and as a result are now ruling over a postmodern, post-structural, post-Enlightenment theoretic disguised as a verifiable set of worldly truths.

This is a faculty lounge administration larded through with radical chic academics playing god and instituting commandments through the administrative state or Executive fiat.

Progressivism is indeed a religion. And as Levin so aptly notes, the lock-step voting and the repetition of falsehoods are suggestive of faith and the mantra that attaches to such faith.

They’ve drunk the Kool-aid.

The only problem is, they aren’t the only ones in this scenario who have to suffer the intake of poison.

6 Replies to “Levin: why are you lying, Mr President?”

  1. Why is he lying? Because he can.

    Is this a trick question?

  2. president threeputt says:



  3. Squid says:

    That is, through a will to power, they’ve mapped a false “reality” atop things as they are…

    “Um, Mister President? I have a call on line two from somebody calling himself ‘Actual Reality.’ He says he’d like to have a word. Oh, and don’t forget that Basic Arithmetic is still holding on line one.”

  4. angstlee says:

    Squid’s comment—-priceless.

  5. beemoe says:

    I am still trying to figure out this “Charm Offensive” thing.

    Which one was he trying to be?

  6. No fair winning the thread on only the third comment!

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