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September 2024


“Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill”

And of course, they aren’t affected by ObamaCare.  Because they’re a special breed, you see, and those who manage us and make us functional economic units in the service of the state deserve rights that the rest of us don’t.  For the trouble of having constantly to police us.  IBT:

Not everyone is exempted from owning military-style assault weapons under new legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law proposed by the California Democrat, which would prohibit the sale, manufacture and importation of 158 specifically named semi-automatic weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Any weapons legally owned before the bill’s enactment would also be exempt, although those firearms would have to be registered in a national database.


Some tea-party affiliated conservatives have alleged the Obama administration is attempting to strip citizens of their weapons in a move that has constantly been compared to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi takeover of Germany. Pro-gun extremists, such as NRA board member Ted Nugent, have recently stated that any additional gun laws are the first step toward all-out confiscation, an event the conservative blogosphere argues could potentially lead to the rise of a totalitarian state. The exemption of government officials and law enforcement from the Feinstein bill may encourage that line of thinking.

Gee, ya think?

The article’s author, Ashley Portero, seems quite concerned that it might — further inflaming “pro-gun extremists” to conclude that a legislative move to disarm private law abiding citizens, when coupled with exemptions for government officials for those same types of weapons, might could possibly be construed as an ingredient in the rise of many totalitarian states.

Which extremist thinking is all extremist and such.  And shows in its very extremism an extremist bent, perhaps means enough, from a mental health perspective, to deny such potentially violent — because armed, you see — extremists from owning unregistered firearms or high capacity magazines.

They’re like a loaded gun, these extremists are.  They may not have gone off yet, but one day they will.  That is, if we allow them to stay loaded.  And extreme.  Which is really not something a compassionate nation does.

Exempting government officials, then, provides a measure of protection against such extremists and their potential violence.  Even though we know that “assault weapons” are rarely used for self-protection.  Until they are.  And if that happens, I think we can all agree that it’s best that those weapons be in the hands of government officials, who by virtue of being government officials are good and moral and righteous and deserving and special.  Not to mention, there to protect us from the pro-gun extremists.  Thank God.

Also, shut up.

(h/t Drudge)


13 Replies to ““Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill””

  1. JHoward says:

    Some tea-party affiliated conservatives have alleged the Obama administration is attempting to strip citizens of their weapons…

    Some? Only the lepers. With under 97 IQ. And only on the fifth Tuesday of every other month.

    The observant disturbed anti-fascism little whackos.

    Counterpoint, The Reverend Louie Farrakhan:

    “This nation has been built on violence,” Farrakhan said in the Jan. 13 sermon. “Uncivilized, uncultivated, brutal, wild…and that’s why the prophet gave America one of those names as a beast — both of the book of Daniel and in the book of Revelations.”

    Because fight false projection with tainted mythology.

  2. Pablo says:

    Exempting government officials, then, provides a measure of protection against such extremists and their potential violence. Even though we know that “assault weapons” are rarely used for self-protection. Until they are.

    No, not “assault weapons.” Personal Defense Weapons, per DHS.

    5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense.

    Wait, select what?

  3. sdferr says:

    “Not everyone is exempted from owning . . . . blahblahblah”

    Does that construction strike anyone else as bizarre?

    I mean, “is exempted from owning?” In what world would the contrary be the case? Would that be the world of mandatory purchase of health-care under the beneficent oversight of Obazma and Company? And when was it ever necessary that everyone should own a firearm, to be “exempted” therefrom?

  4. JHoward says:

    How long have you underdisregarded the Swiss, sdferr?

  5. McGehee says:

    That is, if we allow them to stay loaded.

    They can have my Scotch when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

    I’m-a need a third hand.

  6. happyfeet says:

    Ashley Portero is a fascist nannystater mikey bloomberg whore

    typical manhattan trash

    I swear to god osama scared all respect for individual liberty and human dignity out of those people

    so now we have a whole island of useless cowards who just want to be told what to do

  7. dicentra says:

    Pro-gun extremists, such as NRA board member Ted Nugent,

    Layers and layers of editors and fact-checkers.

  8. cranky-d says:

    I think that they consider anyone who is remotely pro-gun to be an extremist. The whole project is to paint us as loonies that need to be protected from themselves.

  9. cranky-d says:

    themselves -> ourselves

  10. SBP says:

    Good to know that the mailmen will be well equipped when they go postal.

    (just a joke — “going postal” was another overhyped media non-event. Plus my mailman is cool — pushing retirement age, long-haired but not a hippie. I’m guessing Vietnam vet).

  11. McGehee says:

    It’s been months since our mailman tore the door off our mailbox.

  12. happyfeet says:

    i do not have any mailman stories

    since i been here mine have all been asians

    they are very good at cram cram cramming lots of mail into my box until I decide to check it

    I hate checking mail it’s one of those things that seems sort of arbitrary and stupid and that you want to do as little of with your one god-given life as possible

    but this is how I end up at bed bath & beyond without the coupon

  13. LBascom says:

    I mostly get my mail everyday ‘cuz I’m worried an identity thief will steal it. There’s too much information in unsolicited mailings these days, and my shredder needs regular workouts. See, I don’t even trust the trash, much less the mail box at the end of my 200 yard driveway…

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