
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Another moment of unabashed pragmatism

You know what? You don’t have to post anything.  I mean, if it’s no longer fun, it’s no longer fun.


update:  Of course, it could be fun again in an hour or so.  I’m fractious like that.

69 Replies to “Another moment of unabashed pragmatism”

  1. TallDave says:

    Yeah.  F*ck it.

    Turing: Perhaps.  As in, perhaps you should just say “F*ck it.”

  2. Paul says:

    I hope it’s still fun!

    Or at least, that it will be again, soon….

  3. Hubris says:

    I was thinking about changing the name of my site to “Moribund,” so if I don’t post, I’m covered.

  4. JWebb says:

    Turing: end

  5. Hoodlumman says:

    Well shit.  Jeff, if you do go on hiatus, I want some ad space… for dirt cheap free.

  6. Pete Lafitte says:

    Now that you’ve experienced the power of the electronic media, the written word pales in comparison.  Radio is spontaneous and immediate and there is a certain thrill with having to think quickly on the fly… as opposed to sitting at a keyboard where time is a luxury.

    You’ve been bitten by the bug and now you want that feeling everyday.  Not just one day a week.

    By the way, the only way your radio show will ever meet your high expectations is if you do it everyday.  You can’t get good at it doing it once a week.

    If KOA called with an offer today, this weblog would soon be a distant memory.

  7. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Not going on hiatus per se.  Just gonna take it light for a little bit.  The blogosphere is in full on high school mode over this Schiavo business, and I’m sick of it. 

    Or maybe I’ll just stick to writing about non-controversial things.


    or some such.

  8. Fred says:


    First Allah, now Goldstein.  Where’s a cheap bastard like myself to go now for the free yucks?

  9. Fred says:

    Did I mention that Lileks is pulling the long blog face and threatening light posting for the month too?  Who’s next?  ASV?  INDCJournal?  Power Line?  Geezus, I’m gonna be reduced to only The Corner before too much longer and they just ain’t that funny.  Other than their token Jew, Goldberg.  Must be a tribe thing.*

    *h/t: HundredPercenter.

  10. Alpha Baboon says:

    Every new beginning is just the beginning of the end..

  11. Hubris says:


    You might be onto something.  That’s an oft-ignored niche that’s just begging to be filled.  Still might be too controversial, though.  Maybe toss in something about gay people?

  12. zombyboy says:

    I think it’s fun every time I come here. There’s this babe that keeps telling me how much she wants me–and she’s wearing not too much–and right below her there’s this other really gorgeous woman who probably wants me too but has been far too shy to say so thus far.

    What’s not to love, I ask you?

  13. Or, it’s always darkest before it’s pitch black.

  14. Alpha Baboon says:

    I thought Schiavo died… Isnt it time to move on to something new ? How long can even the Parrotsphere beat that dead horse ?

  15. BLT in CO says:

    Jeff, you and Allah could group-blog…


    Allah: I’M OUTRAGED!



    PW: Well I’m OUTRAGED at how SUCKY those liberals ARE!

    Allah: Your outrage is OUTRAGEOUS!

    And so on.

    But truly, a new picture of Satchel would be mo betta.

  16. Blackjack says:

    Jeff, be honest…are you just saying the blogosphere is getting you down when you really just want to take a couple of days to play Xbox undisturbed?

    Oh wait…sorry, that’s me.  Nevermind.

  17. Allah says:

    I’m outraged at BLT’s suggestion!

  18. harrison says:

    There’s 6 or so billion people on the planet,

    deal with who you want to is my motto.

    That and every day I wake up is a good day.

    And a little Liberal-bashing is good for the constitution.

    And Yes, I will have fries with that.

  19. SarahW says:

    A chronicle of Schiavo fatigue ( not saying whose) without use of dangerous words.

    hmmm mad  oh oh :spongg:  shut eye  oh oh shut eye blank stare long face  long face  long face

  20. Fred says:

    RE: the update, What a blog tease you are.  Bitch.

  21. Spacemonkey says:

    Email michael moore if you’re bored.

  22. Daniel says:

    What if we were to send a couple of hookers over to your place? Would that change your mind?

  23. Alpha Baboon says:

    Maybe a menage-a-blog with Jeff, Allah & Glenn Reynolds;

    PW: Well I’m OUTRAGED at how SUCKY those liberals ARE!

    Allah: Your outrage is OUTRAGEOUS!

    Glenn: Heh. Indeed

  24. zombyboy says:


    There’s no nudity there, right?

  25. Alpha Baboon says:

    Whatever floats their boats I guess.. Depends on how bored they really are.

  26. Carin says:

    How ‘bout going on a Spring break? I’m tired of thinking, really. I know I need a spring break … some jello shots … a cheap novel to read on the beach …

  27. Allah says:

    I still haven’t gotten Bill Keller’s final e-mail to Jarvis out of my mind.

    One thing we have not discussed about blogs is the extent to which they are a waste of time. The thing that struck me during my week or so of very elementary and intermittent bloggery is that it is very seductive. (It also helps overcome byline withdrawal.) It would be easy to shirk my job and swap thoughts with you and yours, and the time flies by and at the end we’ve generated an exchange that will be skimmed in haste by some number of people, to what end? And the same thing that is true of blogging is true of reading blogs, which I do pretty regularly: you can while away endless hours, skipping over the surface of half-baked thoughts and every so often colliding with something original or unexpected. Or you could play with your kids. Or go to a museum. Or read a good book.

  28. gail says:

    You were having fun with that poem. That was not a poem that some not-having-fun person wrote. Maybe you’re having a problem with your genre identity wink

  29. Allah says:

    By the way, I called April, did I not?

    Messed up the timing of Martha’s parole, though.

  30. Alpha Baboon says:

    Hey Jeff.. I have an idea.. You can become a Bipolar Blogger… you know, like spend a few months doing unusual, upbeat post modern humor… then spend a few months doing really dark, morose, self indulgent pieces.. then back to humor.. and so on, and so forth.. Then every so often, without warning, throw in some really wild & crazy stuff that makes absolutely no sense at all.. just for spice. Hell, under this plan you dont even have to include real news.. you can make up your own as you go it delusion or hallucination or God talking to you, or whatever… As an added bonus, being Bipolar (or having an artistic temperament) adds to your credibility as an artist.. that all bipolars are geniuses goes without saying..

  31. Diana says:

    Genre!  Did I hear someone say GENRE?

  32. BLT in CO says:

    Allah: got game [paddle]?

    Seriously, in the April comment you did get one thing ‘wrong’ from an outsiders POV.  You say you coasted for 7 months.  From the other side, you were on fire up to and including that last Jeter ‘shop.  To crank out that much painstaking and voluminous work was no mortal feat and your “coasting” wasn’t even slightly apparent.

    Glenn must read about a half-million words each day to provide the links he does.  But bloggers like you and Jeff who create original content have to do that much reading and then generate novel and funny material.  It’s superhuman.  It really is.

    Back in April I pooh-poohed your statement about burnout.  I retract that comment now.

    You guys don’t dole out free ice cream, you’re fucking Breyers factories.

    So thanks.  In absentia; in memoriam; in advance; in retropect; thanks.

  33. bbeck says:

    Now, Jeff, don’t be talking like that so soon after so many of us hit the tip jar for your new computer.



  34. kelly says:

    Thanks, Jeff.

    I don’t have to comment.

    There. I feel much better!

    Thanks, again, big guy.

  35. Beck says:

    I got sufficiently tired of feeling like I had an “obligation” to crank out new material that I eventually shifted gears to what I do now–namely crank out a couple dozen posts one week, and spend the next week completely neglecting the site & playing poker in Atlantic City (which turns out to be yet another occupation more profitable than time spent blogging).  Fortunately I have a few other writers at my place who pick up the slack a bit, ut nothing like my old routine.  Regardless, blogging is still fun when the mood takes me, and I enjoy corresponding with other bloggers enough to keep me in the game.

    Cuz I know you were all just now thinking, “Gee, I wonder what Beck’s thoughts are on the whole matter?”

  36. gail says:


    [Just checking to see if this word works as well as PENIS to get Diana to comment.]

    Turing word: maybe, as in maybe it will.

  37. Diana says:

    Well, it is the same length!

  38. gail says:

    What do you guys suppose Beck thinks about all this? Hey, let’s ask Beck.

  39. ang6666 says:

    Jeff, you have to keep blogging.  You are one of the very few that I don’t agree with, yet still enjoy reading.  Who else would I read to see the wrong side of the road?? smile

  40. gail says:

    Well, it is the same length!

    Doesn’t that depend on the genre? I mean, you have your epic poems and you have your limericks, know what I mean?

  41. Diana says:

    There are the sonnets and haiku.

  42. Diana says:

    I told you before, size doesn’t matter … it’s method and meaning.

  43. Zeb Trout says:

    Schiavo?  That is so LAST week, man.  You folks need to catch up…THIS week it is ALL POPE ALL THE TIME!  24-7, NON-STOP! 

    I mean, he was a great guy and all, and I am not trying to be disrespectful.  He wore both beanies as well as big tall pointy hats, kissed lots of babies, and was no doubt a good and kind Christian man.  I’m just saying I’m already tired of the suffocating, wall-to-wall media coverage and its probably not even going to ease up until Saturday, for crying out loud.

    Turing = “put”, which of course refers to….oh, never mind, I’ve got nothing.

  44. ultraloser says:

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that’s all.’

  45. Diana says:

    gail – Sorta like Jeff’s work.  The simplicity and elegance of his haiku, or the complexity and hysteria of Anna Nicole Smith, or the subtlety of his ode to Martha Stewart.

  46. CraigC says:

    Lesbian prison sex is subtle??

  47. Blackjack says:

    Lesbian prison sex can be subtle.  Just make sure to use soft focus on the camera.  There is a camera, right?

  48. gail says:

    The subtext is subtle, Craig. It’s all about the subtext.

  49. Diana says:

    Let’s just say, he puts meat in the meatloaf (which is really kind of icky, when you think about it).

  50. gail says:

    It could actually be dangerous if it’s just out of the oven. The meatloaf, that is.

  51. Sean M. says:

    Of course, gail.  I think I speak for just about all of us in saying that we tend to keep our meat out of the oven.

  52. gail says:

    As long as you don’t let it loaf.

  53. Hey! I don’t have to comment! Anywhere! On any blog!

    Oh. My. God. This is such a watershed moment in my life.

    I’m free! Freeeeeeeeee!

  54. Matt Moore says:

    Did you notice that Ace has quit? And he delinked you as his penultimate act.

    (Not to worry, folks, that should get Jeff revved up.)

  55. CraigC says:

    I thought he was kidding.

  56. Matt Moore says:

    He may be kidding about quitting, but he wasn’t about the delinking.

  57. TallDave says:

    Chill guys, he’s not doing an Allah and leaving us all lost and wailing, bereft of his wit and any reason to go on living our cruel, cruel lives.  He just doesn’t feel like posting right now.

    Everyone needs to say f*ck it now and then.  Besides, where else is he going to get all that crazy blog money and all those hot-ass blog groupies?

  58. gail says:

    So everybody’s all worried about Ace now. How soon they forget. Don’t worry about Ace. He’s just punking you about going out on the high point of showing a picture with Lauren Bush’s nipple. Get back to worrying about Jeff, which is your job as minions.

  59. gail says:

    Jeff? Boobies over at Ace’s.

  60. Diana says:

    Eh!  They’re all just suffering from (ahem) short “attention” span.

  61. Drumwaster says:

    She said “short”.


    (Waitaminnit…….) ohh

    Turing: types, as in what Jeff does much better than I, and I don’t mean “classifies”.

  62. gail says:

    Jeff just commented over at Ace’s, but WE know he just went for the boobies.

  63. Diana says:


    I can’t do this much longer … these guys are three hours behind me.  They’ll never catch up.  Lag!  Lag!  Lag!

  64. Joshua Scholar says:

    I haven’t seen or heard the word “fractious” since that song by Men at Work, and that was spoken through a vocoder.

  65. Joshua Scholar says:

    hey, it’s truuuue…

  66. Joshua Scholar says:

    …machinery in my pocket

    I even got a docket from you.

  67. yeah well i think you are sad

    update: well i could think your funny in about an hour!

  68. Karol says:

    No, really, don’t go.

  69. commmander0 says:

    You just wanted to use “fractious” in a sentence.

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