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November 2024


Gosh darn, not only is free speech to blame for Muslim riots and murder, but it’s the US soldiers’ fault for getting shot in the back by Afghan troops because … [Darleen Click]

… we aren’t sensitive enough to Islamic “values”.

Afghan security forces, our supposed allies, are slaughtering American troops. Thirty-three soldiers have been killed by “green on blue” attacks this year alone. The situation is so bad that the training of Afghan forces has been temporarily suspended.

How has the Pentagon responded?

By blaming our troops.

Top officials believe culturally offensive behavior is the motivation behind the killings, so it’s stepped up Islamic sensitivity training for our troops. […]

If you don’t want to be shot in the back by your Afghan training partners, the Pentagon advises, don’t offend their religious sensibilities. Don’t kick your feet up on a table, for instance, and never ask to see a picture of their wives and kids. “There’s a percentage [of attacks] which are cultural affronts,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said in a recent interview.

Dempsey echoes the concerns of Gen. Sher Mohammad Karimi, the Afghan National Army’s chief of staff, who earlier this month argued both sides need to do more to “teach” foreign troops Islamic traditions and values to reduce the chance of violent reactions to cultural slights.

Strangely, the American stereotype of illiterate hillbillies shooting at each other over perceived slights has never provoked the response of shaming the city-folk and demanding their re-education to be more sensitive to “hillbilly values.”

h/t Gateway Pundit

18 Replies to “Gosh darn, not only is free speech to blame for Muslim riots and murder, but it’s the US soldiers’ fault for getting shot in the back by Afghan troops because … [Darleen Click]”

  1. StrangernFiction says:

    Nation-building for allah pukes, supported by both parties.

  2. Pablo says:

    That green-on-blue attack this morning

    So, this is how I’m hearing that the attack happened this morning. A sergeant first class and a contractor approached an ANA checkpoint and struck up a conversation with the officer in charge of the outpost. In mid-sentence, the ANA officer shot the contractor and the sergeant first class, who went down returning fire.

    As the sergeant first class was shot, the entire 17-man Afghan unit opened fire on the US convoy which was passing through the checkpoint. Three other soldiers were injured, and one is critical.

  3. sdferr says:

    Yet it’s peculiar we do not hear that every one of those 17 men is dead. Rigor mortis is a highly disciplined condition — a genuine “locked-step” — after all.

  4. Pablo says:

    Then again, we also don’t hear much about Camp Bastion and its squadron of destroyed Harriers either. So goat humping savages destroyed $240 million worth of our aircraft. No big deal. It’s not like they burned a Koran or pissed on a dead guy.

  5. cranky-d says:

    One wonders if our obviously weak foreign-policy stance has caused our ostensible allies to turn on us. That would be consistent with their previous behavior.

    I like the idea of getting out of Afghanistan entirely, with all of our aid afterwards consistent of dropping crates of AK-47s and ammo and letting them sort it out for themselves. Make the place so lousy with weapons that everyone has a chance to get their hands on at least some of them.

  6. newrouter says:

    f&f afghanistan edition is already operating

  7. geoffb says:

    A “Global Intifada

    I’m told that the talk in the Libyan underground is about a “global intifada,” like what the new al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has been preaching for the past five years. But ask U.S. officials about that subject, and you get a “no comment.”

    To be blunt: The administration has a lot invested in the public impression that al-Qaeda was vanquished when Osama bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011. Obama would lose some of that luster if the public examined whether al-Qaeda is adopting a new, Zawahiri-led strategy of interweaving its operations with the unrest sweeping the Arab world. But this discussion is needed, and a responsible president should lead it, even during a presidential campaign.

    h/t “The Morning Jolt”

  8. Slartibartfast says:

    Time to get out of Afghanistan, maybe? Obama needs four more years to do that.

  9. geoffb says:

    A letter from Afghanistan.

  10. cranky-d says:

    If that letter is correct, and I have no reason to believe it isn’t, it’s past time to get out.

  11. sdferr says:

    Mullah Omar agrees: time for the infidel invaders to leave fleeing for their lives.

    And why is it he isn’t a greasy spot on the pavement yet?

  12. DarthLevin says:

    Time to get out of Afghanistan, maybe? Obama needs four more years to do that.

    He’s trying, but that mean nasty George W. Bush won’t let him.

  13. McGehee says:

    And why is it [Mullah Omar] isn’t a greasy spot on the pavement yet?

    He only has one eye, and that means killing him might violate the Terrorists with Disabilities Act.

  14. sdferr says:

    Shoot McG, another day in which I’d hoped to escape the memory of the shade of Edward Moore Kennedy foiled again. Best lain schemes gang aft agley.

  15. palaeomerus says:

    “He only has one eye, and that means killing him might violate the Terrorists with Disabilities Act.”

    The trick is you don’t kill him. You round him up for peace talks and you let the new Toyota pickup that might have a faulty brake that is being driven to the motorpool nearby kill him. Then you bitch toyota out in public and buy bunch more trucks from them and make sure that there are plenty of them on every base. Then you send out a call for more peace talks with whoever is left.

  16. […] it’s the US soldiers’ fault for getting shot in the back by Afghan troops because …” ~Darleen Click […]

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