
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

January 2025


Saturday interlude

Remember:  for every anti-war protester you see today marching in opposition to the introduction of democracy into the middle east, there are literally thousands of people who aren’t quite so totally fucking insane.

Enjoy your Saturday, Iraq!

38 Replies to “Saturday interlude”

  1. Robert says:

    About time you hauled your lazy carcass out of bed.

    (Scratches self, looks for clothes.)

  2. Chris says:

    Really, its just a cry for help at this point, don’t you think?

  3. Tim P says:

    They’re just a bunch of baying flat-earthers, who can’t face the reality of being so wrong about so much.

  4. Jay says:

    The proliferation of freedom must be stopped!

  5. Diana says:

    BREAKING!  Ottawa, Canada

    In Ottawa, about 100 protesters, mostly young students, took over a major intersection a block from Parliament Hill to protest the war.

    War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget, said one sign. Dead Iraqis Don’t Vote, said another.

    Cheryl Clark, 19, said she came to support the Iraqis. “We have to show our solidarity with the Iraqi people who are being killed by the occupation,” Clark said.

    Mark Donald, 18, agreed. “We have to show George Bush that the world opposes what he’s doing in Iraq.”

    Protests in Fredericton and Halifax also drew about 100 people each.

  6. Daniel says:

    testing testing

    mic checka 1-2 1-2

  7. Daniel says:


  8. A friend of mine is in San Francisco today, for her sister’s lesbian commitment ceremony.

    She called earlier today to say her sister and partner were doing to an anti-war protest.

    I couldn’t help but ask her to inquire as to whether actual civil rights for women in the middle east might not temper some of their anti-war ardor.

    I’ve not heard back.  Mind you, I’m not holding my breath:  these “anti=war” protests are mostly anti-American, self-hating guilt-fests.  You can’t argue positive outcomes, they’re simply not interested.  In their twisted little minds, American is wrong, America is always wrong, America is the world’s enemy, America deserves to be destroyed.

    What comes after?  They’ve not thought that through.

    In fact, when it comes right down to it, modern liberalism is not about thought.  It’s about the abandonment of thought in favor of feeling.  Emotion instead of rationalism.  Mindless animal existence in place of, well, what we have today.

    If you want to picture the world adter liberals have had their way, think about the “Bring out your dead!” bit in “The Search for the Holy Grail.” But without the fun, or deodorant, or nutritious food, or….civil rights for women.

  9. Carin says:

    I couldn’t help but ask her to inquire as to whether actual civil rights for women in the middle east might not temper some of their anti-war ardor.

    Patrick – not to mention – the civil rights of gays in the ME! I’m sure they have “civil ceremonies” over there – you know, how moderate they are about things.

  10. Diana says:

    Patrick – it was raining in San Fransisco.

  11. Alpha Baboon says:

    You know, watching the America hating leftwings has given me a newfound (though grudging) respect for John Walker, the American Taliban.. I mean, Walker woke up one day and said “ You know what.. America, you suck.. I hate you and everything you stand for.. Your the great Satan !” Now having said that, what did he do? Did he roll over and go back to sleep? Uh-Ugh. Did he roll up some chronic, get high and switch on the XBOX ? Nope. Did he jump in his VW and head over to UC Berkley for an antiwar demonstration ? Hell no.. He packed his gym duffle, flew to Afghanistan, joined the real Taliban, learned to shoot an AK-47 and joined the fray opposite the US Forces.. Now in my estimation that makes him silly and stupid, but the boy showed cajones, and thats a far sight more than most of our homegrown left wing whining weasels do.. Oh ya.. a few have moved to Canada.. whoooopie! Thats like leaving home by moving into the pool house.. Sure you can have babes over and keep beer in the frig, but bottom line, Mommy and Daddy are still footing the rent. I want to see a few more of the libs that hate the US so much pick up their stuff and get out like theyre always threatening to. I dont want to call them disingenuous or anything.. Maybe they just dont know where to start.. I’m thinking that we from the center to the right should help out our well meaning lefty brethren and set up a few transportation hubs around the country where lefty America haters can come, give up their embarrassing US citizenship and receive free transport to the 3rd world utopia of their choice (one way tickets of course).. As a matter of fact we could also set up a program where for every liberal that takes the offer, we can bring in one hard working, industrious 3rd world immigrant that would praise God or Allah or Buddah or Krishna or the Great Ju Ju or whoever just to get a chance here and would consider himself blessed… It just goes to show that the least deserving get all the breaks.

    Turing word: cause

    The AI is on top of things..

  12. CraigC says:

    Truce, Diana?

  13. Diana says:

    Absolutely, CC !!

  14. Chrees says:

    Here’s a prediction: more people will pay to see the execrable “Be Cool” than will participate in antiwar marches.

  15. Ana says:

    Quick. Someone email Jeff and report back that we don’t need to send out a search party or set up a vigil. If he’s been abducted by Polar Bears Citizen Journalists would like to know.

    HEY JEFF! EVERYBODY HUNKY DORY? (what the hell does that mean?)

    spam: bed. Better than ‘hostage’ no?

  16. Diana says:

    He’s gone surfing!

  17. Robert says:

    Jeff is building up liver muscle tone in preparation for the Blogger Bash.  Unfortunately this has paralyzed his other, typing-oriented, muscles.

  18. Alpha Baboon says:

    I’m pretty sure that Jeff is Mossad (reserve component).. He’s probably just spending the weekend in Tel Aviv doing his monthly training.. You know.. playing some poker with the other dark operators. I’m sure that if he’d gone for his 2 week annual active training he’d have arranged a guest blogger or taken his laptop with him.. He’ll no doubt be back tomorrow after he requalifies with his Galil MAR..

    Dont bother asking him if he’s Mossad.. those guys never just come out and admit it no matter how obvious it is..

  19. Ana says:

    That was my second guess.

  20. Alpha Baboon says:

    Cooome ooonn … Look at that face.. Is that the face of a deep cover operative or what? Like that phoney beard could fool anyone. ‘Blogger’.. ‘Citizen Journalist’.. ‘Writer’.. Perfect cover.. Fexible hours.. travel.. it all adds up.. He’s probably just subcontracted by The Agency to take care of wet work when they ID Terrorist Cells in the Denver Area.. They have lots of secret military stuff around there, and their own guys arent supposed to be working inside the US.. and the FBI always gets hung up is red tape like ‘constitutional rights’ and ‘illegal search and seizure’ and ‘no assassination laws’ and stuff like that.. The Mossad doesnt sweat that small stuff.

  21. gail says:


    1866, Amer.Eng. (popularized c.1870 by a Christy Minstrel song), perhaps a reduplication of hunkey “all right, satisfactory” (1861), from hunk “in a safe position” (1847) New York City slang, from Du. honk “goal, home,” from M.Du. honc “place of refuge, hiding place.” A theory from 1876, however, traces it to Honcho dori, said to be a street in Yokohama, Japan, where sailors went for diversions of the sort sailors enjoy.

  22. McGehee says:

    A friend of mine is in San Francisco today, for her sister’s lesbian commitment ceremony.

    They commit lesbians in San Francisco? With a ceremony no less?

    But I thought the “not-that-there’s-anything-wrong-with-it” lifestyle had been reclassified as not a mental illness.

  23. JWebb says:

    Know what puts all this bullshit in perspective? I had to say goodbye to my 19+ year old feline friend, Dave, today.

    Hard to type through drunken tears. As extended family, hope you understand. Fuck it.

  24. Alpha Baboon says:

    Gail, I thought Hunky-Dory was derived from that David Bowie album titled Hunky-Dory .. He was around in the late 1800’s I’m pretty sure. That was before The Spiders from Mars though..

  25. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Sorry to hear of your loss, Jwebb.  I lost one of my dogs earlier this year and am just now getting over it.



  26. JWebb says:

    Thanks, Jeff. And I’m sorry to hear of your loss as well. Unconditional love is hard to come by in this world. ‘Nuf said.


  27. – Just to add more cheer to our revelling in the unraveling bretheren of the marxified, brainpan fried, code piglets with the mental acuity of Charles Manson, I briefly attended the “Patriots Picnic” at Balboa park today. The lefties are having trouble mustering enough people to pick up a couch these days. The cops did a great job of keeping the living dead on one side of the street and the human beings on the other. Only a couple of zephur zombies really brought anything to the party. One was an “it” that had her middle finger painted purple who got a little unruly (I’m not sure thats really possible to assertain) but was hussled back to the “turkey herd” with the good guys yelling “Thats right, they did vote in Iraq. Good of you to remind everyone”. Six more years of this and Bush victories, and there won’t be any of them “left” to amuse us….

    word soup: figure – Can science ever figure out how these strange beings got so whacked…

  28. Xoxotl says:

    I’m thinking that we from the center to the right should help out our well meaning lefty brethren and set up a few transportation hubs around the country where lefty America haters can come, give up their embarrassing US citizenship and receive free transport to the 3rd world utopia of their choice

    And, like, ohmygawd.  Then they would have to actually, you know, talk to the dirty brown people.

    Spamword: “Method”.  I knew there was something to this madness.

  29. gail says:

    Sincerely sorry about your kitty JW. I hate the fact that our animals live shorter lives than we do. It’s a design fault, that’s for sure.

  30. gail says:

    And my condolences on your dog Jeff. I’m a dog person–we have three and all of them are getting on in years. We truly dread the day we lose one of them, even though they spend a good part of their time conspiring to tip over the garbage can when we’re out.

  31. Sorry for your loss JW. I have been through it too. It just breaks your heart.

    You always think “I will not get another cat/dog, this is too painful to go through ever again.” But you get one anyway, because they are worth it.

  32. JWebb says:

    Whoa! Sorry for my public Grey Goose primed slobbering last night folks. But thanks for the good thoughts.

    Now, I’ve got a whole basketful of used cat toys, if anyone is interested. The catnip ones will need refilling. Little kittens won’t know the diff. I’ll let the whole lot go for $6.95, postage and handling included. . .

  33. Diana says:

    So sorry, JW.  They become such an integral part of your life.

  34. Ana says:

    What’s a good mourning period without making a little shrine with the cat toys? Rethink, JW, rethink.

  35. Darleen says:


    Please accept my condolescences, too. We lost our 19 y/o feline dowager last Christmas eve.

    I still haven’t brought myself to get another cat.

  36. Darleen says:

    Re: “anti-war” protestors

    I got some fun shots of these intellectual giants in San Diego here, here, and here.

    And you just gotta love the GW as Xtian Bloody Devil guy.

  37. militant sandpiper says:

    they only do this becuase they know the liberal left-wing news media will pay attention to them and we know they dont like getting ignored or riddiculed so lets ignore and riddicule them

  38. Salt Lick says:

    I am sorry about your cat, JWebb. One of our died not long ago at 22 years old. 

    FWIW, we have a young male you are welcome to. His favorite trick is to flop his butt down on the bed, spread his hind legs, pull himself forward with his front legs, and wipe his ass on the bedsheet. Leaves a little tar stain about the size of a cricket.  I’m not making this up.

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