The Incredibles (2004) Directed by Brad Bird. Stars Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Spencer Fox, Sarah Vowell, Wallace Shawn, and Jason Lee.
Five word or less review: “I soooo want an Elastigirl…”
The Incredibles (2004) Directed by Brad Bird. Stars Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Spencer Fox, Sarah Vowell, Wallace Shawn, and Jason Lee.
Five word or less review: “I soooo want an Elastigirl…”
Actually four words and one you just made up.
Wait! A new Dusty girl! She looks pretty limber.
Should have won for best film of the year. Not just animated. Best film. Characters, animation, acting, the way it zipped along–the best.
Too bad Palmer Cash doesn’t advertise here, too. Eyebrows and breasts. Yowza.
But not for a serious relationship, those cartoon types are soooo two-dimensional!
Elastigirl is alright.. but me? I gotta go with Matza Woman over JHC… I mean, dig those smouldering eyes.. I hope she’s a Reform Jew though….because I’m goy.. and if she’s orthodox, it could problematic.
Turing word: again
As in: … again with the Jewish jokes..
Yeah, she’d be great at first, but after the honeymoon was over she’d be smacking you on the head from across the room whenever you said something dumb. You’d never be out of her reach.
Wow.. Matza Woman even reads minds.. You guys have to check this out.. its spooky !
That, Mr. Baboon, is more than a little creepy.
Three times in a row, she was right.
You guys are being sarcastic about the oldest intarweb trick in the book, right?
Matza Woman: Does thris dress make me look fat?
:: smaccckkk!!!::
Me: Owwww! What was that for ?
Matza Woman: I know what you were thinking..
Tword: couldnt
.. at least Elastigirl couldnt read your mind.
Great, so it wasn’t just me who found Helen Parr AKA Elastigirl curiously erotic.
*Great, so it wasn’t just me who found Helen Parr AKA Elastigirl curiously erotic.
Sure until I realized Holly Hunter was doing the voicework. Holly Hunter is one of those Hollywood actresses that inspires flacidity.
Now if say, Angelina Jolie was starring as Elastic Girl… imagine those lips—- elastic !!!
Angelina Jolie is in A Shark Tale, Matt. Lips and all…
Phew. I’m glad to see I’m not the only sicko out there who thought Elastigirl was, you know, kinda hot.
My wife failed to see the humor in my proclamation that Elastigirl was “Superhero MILF”. Odd, that.
Spamword: Oh, the funny sensation I felt in my pants.
*Phew. I’m glad to see I’m not the only sicko out there who thought Elastigirl was, you know, kinda hot.*
Couple of years ago, I was looking back through my old comic book collection- came upon an issue of Fantastic Four and began reliving my childhood. My signficant other came in and asked me what I was doing – I told her “I’m reading the Fantastic Four” she says “who’s that” so I explain to her who the FF were- during my explanation of Reed Richards, her eyes get kinda wide and with a wicked grin she says “You’re lucky guys like that stretch like that don’t exist or I wouldn’t need you”. Sigh.
I was unaware that the luscious Ms. Jolie was in Shark Tale- I must admit, I’m not sure I could be attracted to her aquatic avatar. On a somewhat related note, Angie is the only female with whom my significant other has agreed to engage in threesome activity, should the opportunity ever present itself (on an unrelated note, I got an IM while online a few days ago from some girl- She asks “do you have a girlfriend” I say “yes” she says “Any chance she’s bi ?” I say “well I’ve convinced her to have sex with Angelina Jolie, does that count?” “Honey, every man woman and child wants to have sex with Angelina Jolie so no, it doesn’t count”.
TW: Arms- as in “Oh to have Angelina in my arms for just 2 minutes”
I confess. I do not want to have sex with Angelina Jolie. Sure, physically she’s good looking.
But I’m kinda sworn to reduce my stalker count. And Angelina is pure, unadulterated stalker.
Word is “suddenly”, as in “suddenly I have an urge to see how many of my old stalkers are hiding in the hedge outside”.
You want hot? HERE is hot.
In advance – I do apologize.
Sweet Jesus, I looked and now I have girl cooties.
Gaaagh! I looked, and now I have fugly cooties.
Aaahhhh! I looked and now two words keep repeating in my head: “Murder, Suicide”.
Spamword: Hell if I know. I ripped my own eyes out three posts back.
See, that’s why you have to hover your cursor over these links and look at your status bar. I hovered Kyle’s link and saw “RosieODonnell_300x298.jpg,” and I knew there ain’t no way I’m clicking that.
Although it sounds photoshopped, unless Rosie’s lost weight. Or maybe those measurements are in feet.
Yes, we all want an Elastigirl. But what are the chances really?
A bit of a stretch I’m afraid.
Angelina? I prefer women who haven’t slept with their own brothers.
TW: trying—to visualize her naked nonetheless.
Jeff.. I cant help you with the Elastigirl.. but I was thinkin, you could probably get a Stretch Armstrong.. Paint a little make-up on him and with a little bit of imagination on your part.. you could make do…
Turing word: boy ya, but it doesnt have a peen or anything.. and the pecs kind of look like boobs…kinda.. I mean, put some fancy underwear on him and you wont know the difference.
… at least that was the common wisdom when I was doing a nickel at Pelican Bay…
Maybe you would have an Elastigirl if you were a little more… flexible.
“I loved The Incredibles… And Holly Hunter’s voice is oddly sexy.”—Jeff Jarvis, Nov. 7, 2004.
*I prefer women who haven’t slept with their own brothers.*
Unless, of course, you’re the brother.
TW= dark – Obvious.
why do i find elastigirl so hot?!