From CNN:
The Supreme Court Monday rejected the appeal of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person publicly charged in the United States in connection with the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The justices announced their decision Monday after meeting privately Friday to discuss the case.
Moussaoui, an admitted member of al Qaeda, the Muslim terrorist group linked to the September 11 attacks, had asked the court to rule on whether his right to a fair trial hinges on obtaining testimony from other al Qaeda detainees who, he believes, would exonerate him.
The trial, originally scheduled for September 2002, has been indefinitely delayed as a dispute over witness access moved through the U.S. courts.
Moussaoui is facing the death penalty in a six-count federal indictment obtained three months after 19 hijackers commandeered four jetliners and crashed them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing 2,973 people, not counting themselves.
Four of the counts are death-eligible conspiracies.
Good. Shame we can’t kill the bastard all four times.
Furthermore, Mr. Moussaoui was given a map leading him the Shit Creek by Justice Antonin Scalia, who then told him “Sorry, we ruled you won’t be getting a paddle.”
Filterword: Why won’t they fry him already?
“Shame we can’t kill the bastard all four times.”
We could draw and quarter him. Would that count?
Well, assuming he was the 20th hijacker, we’d kill him, let’s see, 2973 divided by 20 is . . . how many times?
Let me get this straight; he wants other al queda types to testify FOR him.
Yep, harrison, as if their testimony was credible.
Actually, I think that he wants them to testify that they thought he was too stupid to be a part of the 9/11 conspiracy. Which has something for it.
Well, he wasn’t smart enough to catch his flight.
Can Moussaoui have an attorney act as a go-between for he and the detainees? Lynne Stewart may be available.
I’m thinking that Robert Blake can play him in the movie. He’s looking for work.
When can we pull his feeding tube?
He was apparently wanting to be blown up. Let’s oblige him. In public.
Meaning his esophagus? How barbaric!
Just put him on a plane out of JFK International, and fly him halfway back to Europe.
Turing word “want”, as in “I want all al-Qaeda to be turned into pink mist just as badly as I did that Tuesday morning, 2001.”
I concur with the asessment to draw and quarter him, and then we kill all the quarters and hang his parts most private from a tree in Rutland! Either that or kill him and bury him, Dig him up and hang him again. Repeat. Repeat.
There is precedent for the latter option. Charles II had Oliver Cromwell and some of his buddies exhumed, tried and hung for regicide.
Who says we can’t kill him all 4 times. I’d suggest drowning until clinically dead, revive him, if successfull nurse back to some small semblance of health and do it again ‘til the fourth time when we leave him dead as a doornail. Might not get all 4 but we might get two or three if we’re lucky (and he’s not).