
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“Tell your patriarchal ‘genetics’ to shut up!”

This item in the Weekly Standard’s “Scrapbook” caught my eye:

An international team of 250 scientists, conducting research first reported last Thursday in the British journal Nature, has completed a full map of the X or “female” chromosome which helps determine sex in human beings. The researchers found much greater genetic variation between the sexes than they had expected. All told, as the Los Angeles Times described the team’s conclusions, “men and women may differ by as much as 2 percent of their entire genetic inheritance, greater than the hereditary gap between humankind and its closest relative–the chimpanzee.” Huntington Willard of Duke University, one of the key researchers participating in this latest effort, told the Chicago Tribune that by now “any of us over the age of two realizes there are plenty of differences between males and females that are characteristic of the two sexes.”

Alas, however, scientists have yet to discover an explanation for the inability of Harvard University faculty members to discuss this subject like grownups.

Reached for comment, famed feminist and women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem said something, but I’ll be damned if I could understand it.

16 Replies to ““Tell your patriarchal ‘genetics’ to shut up!””

  1. Beck says:

    Well kick me in the shins and call me ‘Nancy.’

    Women really ARE a different species.  Completely different animal.  Which we males happen to be able to cross-breed with.  Sorta like zebras and horses.

    At least now I don’t have to feel guilty anymore about making more money for less work.

  2. WindRider95 says:

    “men and women may differ by as much as 2 percent of their entire genetic inheritance, greater than the hereditary gap between humankind and its closest relative–the chimpanzee.”

    Uh oh.

    Alpha Baboon is going to have plenty to say about this…

  3. Chrees says:

    I believe Gloria said something along the lines that she had to run from the room, scared she was going to faint or vomit.

  4. gail says:

    Hey, Jeff, all clear, you can go ahead and, uh, deal with the dwarf chimp now.

  5. Carl in N.H. says:

    Perhaps Gloria was requesting a stick so she can dig out some ants.

    “Ms. gotta eat ! “

  6. TomK says:

    Scroll up on the linked page to find this quote from a Lebanese pro-democracy demonstrator:

    Unidentified male: I love the people of America one by one!

    Uhh, any of you guys want to go first?  I think I’ll skip my turn with this guy.

    Turing: directly, which is how he wants to love us.

  7. Without even reading what Steinem wrote, I’ll guess that it was something like “We knew men were apes all along; this just proves it.”

  8. Sean M. says:

    Once again, science proves William S. Burroughs right.

  9. PlutosDad says:

    This is sexist! Lies lies lies!

    To say there are genetic differences between the sexes is the same as Nazism!

    I demand their resignation, all of them!

  10. CraigC says:

    Woman good, man bad.

  11. gail says:

    What if they researched human sexuality and nobody came?

  12. WindRider95 says:

    What if they researched human sexuality and nobody came?

    Then Gail, they’re doing it wrong…

  13. Emily says:

    And that means the next question on the agenda is which (male or female) is genetically closer to the chimpanzee, right? Good grief.

  14. Beck says:

    Nice one Gail.

  15. jon says:


    Women really ARE a different species.  Completely different animal.  Which we males happen to be able to cross-breed with.  Sorta like zebras and horses.

    We can breed with horses?  Shit, to think I could have some centaur kids!  Getting shoes would be expensive and the diapers would weigh a ton, but they’d be the ones giving the horsey rides.

  16. JD says:

    They’d be hung,, too!  Give ole Gannon a run for his GAY PORN COCK money!

    Spam word:  twenty – as in TWENTY INCHES of hard, cut GAY PORN COCK!!!

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