
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


A reminder, coupled with a disclaimer and an offer, finished with a summary plea (UPDATED YET AGAIN!)

When:  Thursday, 3 PM EST

WhereRightalk Radio

GuestsMichelle Malkin, Jeralyn Merritt

Topics:  Who knows?  Immigration?  Michael Jackson?  Fruit pies?

Toll-free Call-in number: 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)

Disclaimer:  We have no idea what we’re doing.  None.  Just so you know.

Offer:  If you have any questions you’d like me to ask Michelle or Jeralyn, leave them in the comments.  No promises, though.

Summary plea:  Your phone calls could very well save our lives.  Please don’t hesitate to call in.  Please. Please 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)


UPDATE:  If you missed the show during it’s first run and really must listen to it, you can catch it at 5 past the hour every hour for the next 23 hours, then again all weekend.

A very sincere thanks to all of you who tuned in, called in, and/or otherwise participated in getting this thing off the ground.  And while I’m thanking people publically, I’d like once again to thank Michelle Malkin and Jeralyn Merritt for lending us their insights and expertise.  Two better guests we couldn’t have hoped for on our first show.

Weekend Replay Schedule here.

100 Replies to “A reminder, coupled with a disclaimer and an offer, finished with a summary plea (UPDATED YET AGAIN!)”

  1. Beck says:

    Could you please ask Michelle Malkin her stand on the gay porn cock of lies please?  Thank you.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    You’re not helping, Beck.

    Incidentally, I tried to get Gannon to appear on the first show. He declined.  Might have to interview his penis at some point, instead…

  3. CraigC says:

    AHA!  Who’s nervous NOW, Mr. “I’m-in-charge-around-here??” cool smile

  4. Jeff Goldstein says:

    And when I say please call in, I of course me anybody but Craigwink

  5. Alpha Baboon says:

    MMMMMM Gimme some a dat sweet Michelle malkin Pie ..

  6. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I can see already that this thread is going to be ugly.

    Knock Knock.

    Who’s there

    Michelle Malkin

    Michelle Malkin who?

    Michelle Malkin who is probably reading this and thinking, “Christ. What is wrong with these people?”

  7. WindRider95 says:

    The Baboon Savant is right on!!!

    Michelle Malkin is smooooooookin’!!!!

  8. Hoodlumman says:

    Apparently I’m six posts late in suggesting you ask Michelle if she has any equally hot single friends and to give them my email address.

    And shame on you Jeff for assuming regular reader maturity.


    turing word:  michelle’ssleekhotbodyofconservativevalues

  9. And when I say please call in, I of course me anybody but Craig

    Or Baboon. It’s nothing personal, we just don’t want you clogging up phone lines with 8 phone calls in 2 minutes, so you can recite AC/DC lyrics to Malkin.

    And notice, no tongue-in-cheek emocion.

  10. BLT in CO says:

    Q: Why did Malkin cross the road?

    A: To escape Jeff’s contributing audience.


    – Working up a couple of questions since I’m leading a training class and can’t possibly call in.  (Sorry!)


  11. Ana says:

    Ask Michele what made her decide to grow her hair out. I always have trouble deciding about my hair. Y’know?

  12. CraigC says:

    I love you too, Bill.

  13. JWebb says:

    For Michelle: Should illegal immigrants receive social security if they’ve paid into the system, and how will that impact its liquidity?

    For Jeralyn: Can the sycophantic mouthpieces surrounding Jackson be sued for public relations malpractice (if there is such a thing)? And have you thoroughly cleaned your laptop hard drive after getting it back from Jeff?

    Will you have a large staff of call-screeners for the PW readers only?

  14. Jeff Goldstein says:


  15. kelly says:

    I have one for Michelle.

    Boxers or briefs?

    You’re welcome.

  16. me says:

    Michelle, what’s your favorite kind of pie?

  17. JWebb says:

    Actually, if Jeralyn is being retained by the Jackson camp, you probably wouldn’t want to ask that question.

    I may call in to dedicate an Anne Murray song in memory of my dead cat which I flushed down the toilet ruining my leach field (just kidding, Bill). I’ll try to call in.

  18. BLT in CO says:

    For Jeralyn:

    1) What’s the proper role for blogs during political campaigns?  What’s appropriate for DKos, DU, or TL to say/do/contribute?  For PW, INDC, or LGF?

    2) Do you think the Dems are already too far left, or not enough, at this point?  What issues would win back voters?

    3) Do you feel the right ‘stole’ the last election?  If so, in what way(s)?

    For Michele:

    1) What role should religion play in politics?  Alternate question: Should “In God We Trust” be stricken from US currency?  If not, why not, given the separation of church and state?

    2) What, if any, concessions or political changes should conservatives make to continue winning moderate votes?  To retain ‘classic liberals’ such as Jeff?

    Fairly pedestrian questions… There are far better questions out there, but my puny brain isn’t coming up with them.

  19. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Your brain is bigger than mine.  All I can come up with is “Do you like gum?”

  20. CraigC says:

    For Michelle: What did you think of the loud ranting on certain blogs concerning what you wrote about the cancelled Eminem performance, or were you even aware of it?

    Spamword, “show”

  21. T Marcell says:

    “Michelle, this is a two-part question: how would you describe the GOP’s attitude in not making immigration a larger priority? and, additionally, how would you describe giving a well-oiled, leather-clad Ann Coulter a good spanking? and, please, take as long as you’d like.”

  22. CraigC says:

    Jeff, I think the phrase is, “Got any gum?” But then, I’ve always been a Joe Walsh fan.

  23. kelly says:

    For Michelle:

    Why is there so much inertia on both sides of the political divide over illegal immigration? Is the Hispanic vote that coveted? Why? Aren’t most legal hispanic immigrants against the illegals?

    For Jeralyn:

    Susan Estrich v. Ellis Hennican. Who do you like in a death cage match? How about Al Gore v. Janet Reno? Helen Thomas v. Jeff Gannon?

  24. Alpha Baboon says:

    Bill, I dont want 8 lines.. I just want one line to bloviate on for about half an hour.. is that so wroooong ?

    Baboon Savant

    All kidding aside.. break a leg guys!

  25. kelly says:

    Follow up for Jeralyn:

    Who has had the most recent back-waxing, Helen Thomas or Stone Phillips?

  26. Who does the best Randi Rhodes imitation?

  27. Alpha Baboon says:

    Dang CC.. Their freakin show hasnt even premiered yet and we’ve already been banned.. Whats up with that ? Thats harsh…. just harsh…

    PW is like an extended family.. You guys are like family.. Well at least Jeff is.. Bill, youre more like an in-law or strange neighbor or something.. but still welcome..(no emoticon)

    Anyway.. I certainly wouldnt do anything to screw up your radio debut..

    Oh, and Michelle M.. if you are reading this.. I didnt mean any disrespect with my previous comments.. but dang.. beauty and brains is a powerful combination.. and you have a ton of both..

  28. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I was just having some fun with you, guys.

  29. Scott P says:

    Good luck, guys.  I’ll call in if I can muster something deep to ask you.

  30. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Hang that “something deep” nonsense.  The object is to lob us softball questions.

    Only drawback is if you happen to have pics posted on the net of your GAY PORN COCK OF LIES.  Because the lefties are-a-snoopin’…

  31. Alpha Baboon says:

    Oh, I know it.. and I was just pokin fun at you and pokin Bill with a stick.. like he was pokin me.. =) (<<<emoticon)


  32. gail says:

    For Michelle, Why do you think minority conservatives are especially disliked by the left? What has your experience been, and what have you learned from it?

  33. JWebb says:

    Man, I just went back and listened to your interview on Pundit Review Radio again.

    I’m starting to get tingles of anticipation around my ears and diaphram. Unless it was that almost ironic taco I had for lunch.

  34. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Good question, Gail—and one of the issues we were planning on broaching.

  35. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I fear I’m much more interesting as a guest, JWebb.  But hopefully I can get the hang of hosting after a while.

  36. CraigC says:

    I was just having some fun with you, guys.

    I know, Jeff, but Bill wasn’t.  But, WGAF?

  37. Alpha Baboon says:

    So, Mr Goldstein, how does it feel to be the sole blogger of the best, most sophisticated, most sublime freakin humor blog in the history of the known universe ?

    You mean that kind of loaded softball question?

  38. Ana says:

    Both: Would you favor a law making location devices on convicted sex offenders (like Couey) mandatory?

    In light of Couey having worked in two FL schools, what can be done to keep convicted sex offenders away from schools?

  39. Jeff Goldstein says:

    How dare you call this a “humor” blog.

  40. Alpha Baboon says:

    i meant a serious, intellectual discussion blog.

    Oh, by the way.. Did you invite Hellblazer to call?

  41. Ana says:

    We have all the humors here: blood. phlegm. yellow bile. black bile.

  42. Michelle (and Jerlyn, if she is so inclined) –

    1) The net cost of illegal immigration – plus/minus, and how did you reach that conclusion?

    2) Canada has 2 official languages.  Why doesn’t the U.S. have 1?  And is Canada twice as racist for having 2?

    3) How much would it cost to adequately patrol the U.S./Mexico border?  Compare with #1.

    4) How much of an effect has illegal immigration had on inflation (ie, low inflation)?

    5) How hypocritical is it to claim, on the one hand, that only Mexicans will do job X for low pay, and then complain about the poverty of people doing job X?

    (granted, #5 may be a little biased . . .)

  43. CraigC says:

    Gail, speaking of which, I’ve always been interested in what Michelle’s ethnic heritage actually is.  It’s certainly an exotic mix.  Gee, I wonder why we’re all focusing on Ms. Malkin.  Actually, Jeralynn isn’t exactly chopped liver, either. 

    {In rote voice):  But, that’s not why we’re here.

  44. gail says:

    Webb, just a heads up–don’t rely on that diaphragm, whether it tingles or not. Been known to fail. Trust me.

  45. Scotch-colored-water says:

    “Michelle, I see where you were born in 1970. I was in Olongapo City in ‘69. Excluding St. Patrick’s Day, do you ever feel a little Irish?”

  46. gail says:

    I think she’s Filippina Craig.

  47. Matt says:

    For Jeralyn: After the bloody drubbing you took for denigrating an entire state (Kansas) while guest-posting at Vodkapundit, would you now like to apologize?

    For Michelle: Has running the blog aided the writing of your columns due the the presumed amount of feedback you receive on various topics? Or has it hindered it because you spend too much time reading the feedback?

    Follow-up for Michelle: We don’t get out much, are all Filipino girls as hot as you? I mean, I used to work with this one Filipino girl and she was hot, too. Does that not indicate a trend towards female Filipino hotness?

    Spam word = moral (as if)

  48. CraigC says:

    She may be partly Filipina, but there’s definitely some other Asian, and possibly black genes floating around in there.

    Spamword, “east”

  49. Ana says:

    Condoleeza vs Hildabeast for prez. How likely? Who would win?

  50. Carin says:

    You could ask Michelle why she di-linked ASV.

  51. Carin says:

    Or de- linked, or unlinked. You get the idea.

  52. JWebb says:

    Gail – I think you’re talking about IUDs – you know, those road-side bombs.

  53. Gordon says:

    I am going to consume precious bandwidth at the office for this! I could get fired, so you better be good. All the best.

  54. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Please read our disclaimer, Gordon.

  55. SeanH says:

    For Michelle: Consider Ted Stevens (R AK) wanting to censor cable TV, the MLB steroid hearings, and the Schiavo mess. The Republican party seems to have spent the entire month sucking up to the Religious Right while giving the finger to centrists and the limited-government wing of their own party. Should we expect more of this? Hasn’t the Republican party learned anything from watching Democrats self destruct? (This has been bugging me for a while and I don’t have any bigshot Republicans around to hassle)

  56. Diana says:

    Q. (for both of them):  Given the extent of illegal immigrants already in the US (I believe I’ve seen a figure of 12 million) would either of them consider Bush’s planned “carding”? 

    Alternatively, has the US the capacity to build 12 million go-carts, or would they recommend outsourcing the manufacturing to Chongqing Joyhon ?

  57. Ana says:

    Legalizing and regulating drugs (not any crimes commited while under the influence) would make them inexpensive. Criminals who rob us for drug money could work to feed their habit because they could afford it. Drug taxes would provide a stream of income. Criminals, gangs, and terrorists who make their money from the sale of illegal drugs would be put out of business. Law enforcement would be freed up to focus on hard crime. Jails would have space for real menaces to society. What’s the hold up? (Smell the FREEDOM. Funny. It smells like cannabis.)

    What is the difference between the prohibition on drugs and the prohibition on alcohol?

  58. Ana says:

    Damn. More than eight lines.

    word soup: big. Yeah yeah yeah.

  59. gail says:

    The Passion of Ana is revealed.

  60. Diana says:

    I thought you were into “back rubs and making chocolate custard cups”.

  61. Diana says:

    Oh, yikes!  That was your hubby!

  62. CraigC says:

    What can we do to get the Republicans in congress to start acting like Republicans, instead of spending money like drunken sailors (how do drunken sailors spend their money, anyway?), letting the Dummocrats run the show in the Senate, and generally acting like a bunch of sniveling weasels?

  63. Joe says:









  64. BLT in CO says:

    Another question for Michele:

    Oliver Willis seems to think your maiden name “Magalang” [sp?] is of some significance.  Why would he think that?  Do you still use it as he claims, and in what context(s)?

  65. Ana says:

    Soccer moms don’t get small.

  66. dang it! I too will not be able to call. But I would ask Michelle how she thinks religious and Southpark conservatives are going to reconcile their differences after this war settles down.

  67. Lloyd says:


    Just out of curiosity, will you be reading the comments section here while you do the show?

  68. BLT in CO says:

    Tough ones for both:

    1) Do you think the UN has any credibility or value after the child-sex scandals, Oil-for-food scandal, and apparent unwillingness to save the black Sudanese from what the US and others have termed “genocide”?  What’s needed to ‘fix’ the UN, in your opinion?  What world body should be the world’s policeman?  Is one even needed?

    2) Does fighting a war on terror necessarily involve sending troops to the Middle East?  How would you fight this ‘war’ if given the chance?  Is Islamic fundamentalism dangerous to humanity and how should it be handled?

  69. Joe says:

    For both Michele and Jeralyn:

    How much hate mail do you get, and which fringe element (left or right) is worse ?

    Have you ever smoked crack with Jeff Gannon and Helen Thomas in the White House press room ? If so, how many times ?

    Do you like the Great Outdoors, or are you a city girl ?

    Since I’m goin’ to the dentist tomorrow, I’ll try to call in before the laughing gas wears off so people think Bill’s funny.

  70. Ana says:

    France just repealed (?) the 35 hour maximum work week because it dropped productivity and increased unemployment. In the light of this, should government be involved in setting maximum hours or minimum wage? Is minimum wage damaging to capitalism?

  71. Ana says:

    Should I shut up now?

  72. Attila Girl says:


    1) Many of us who vote with the GOP and support the War have very mixed feelings about the immigration issue. We see how the porous quality of the borders makes the status quo dangerous, but we see those who support “doing something about it” advocate solutions such as militarizing the borders entirely (which sounds prohibitively expensive) and deporting illegal aliens wholesale, even those who are simply here to work hard and improve their families’ lives (which sounds inhumane). How would you respond to that?

    2) One of the frequent arguments I hear in favor of “tightening up” the border is the issue of “fairness.” I see how your feeelings about your relatives in the Philippines could make this a loaded question for you, but for many of us who were born here, it seems that we are lucky, and life is unfair, and part of that unfairness is that Latin America is closer than the Philippines. Do you have a counter argument?

    3) Another thing that many libertarians and classic liberals within the GOP are having a problem with is the undercurrent of racism associated with the more extreme proponents of immigration reform. If you tune in to a radio talk show when the topic is immigration, you’ll hear a lot of complaining about “the blight of taco stands” and the like. Many of us understand that you are a minority yourself, but are nonetheless deeply uncomfortable about the notion that Latinos are being attacked in this way. (Particularly in the Southwest, where our taco stands are considered a national treasure.) Your thoughts?

    (Jeff, my real name is Joy McCann, in case you need it to make the show sound less blog-centered and Hewitt-like. I admire what you two are doing, and it’s going to be terrific. I have a lunch date tomorrow, so I’ll miss most or all of the show. Please post replay information. Edit/paraphrase my questions at will, if you decide to use them.

    Bill, just because some of us let it all hang out in Jeff’s comments threads doesn’t mean we don’t know how to behave in other situations. For instance, I’m almost positive that Ana, Gail, Sparkle and myself are not going to call up to remark that we think Jeff’s a hottie, or some such. Almost positive.)

  73. m. jackson says:

    CC, you innocent naif. How do drunken sailors spend their money? Booze, Whores, Tattoos, in approximately that order.

    Of course, any, y’know, actual sailors might be able to enlighten you further.

    But back to the matter at hand.

    Michelle: Who, in your opinion, is the bigger dick, Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman?

  74. kelly says:

    Easy there, AG.

    Don’t be shaming the rest of us into coming out from behind our nom de nets and revealing our true identities.

    Think of the chaos, woman!

  75. Since I’m goin’ to the dentist tomorrow, I’ll try to call in before the laughing gas wears off so people think Bill’s funny.

    I can only aspire to the fine mastery of comedy evident in your comment.

    Bill, just because some of us let it all hang out in Jeff’s comments threads doesn’t mean we don’t know how to behave in other situations.

    Right. This is the fucking padded white room of the blogosphere.

  76. Ana says:


  77. Oh man, I’m still laughing here:

    “Have you ever smoked crack with Jeff Gannon and Helen Thomas in the White House press room ? If so, how many times ? ”

    Where do you get these jokes, Joe?!! I mean, do they just come to you, or can I learn?!


  78. ha ha, calm down Ana, attila girl is just playing with you. we’re all using our real names. smile

    my word was didnt, um is it making up words now? like i did with my nam….i mean, um, like attila girl did with her name?

  79. Ana says:

    Bill, your ass is showing.

  80. Diana says:

    Wow!  I can’t believe the lack of hummer in some of these questions.

  81. Ana says:

    The hummer only gets going later in the night.

  82. Froggy says:


    Just let that inner smart ass out.  Let it frolick around the studio like a little girl at the beach on a hot summer day.  Let it drop trou and make the PORN COCK OF HEBREW THUNDER take control of the studio.  Then grab Michelle by the hair on the back of her head and plunge the PORN COCK OF HEBREW THUNDER into…

    Sorry dude.  Good luck.

  83. CraigC says:

    But you have to start it, first.

    Spamword “paid,” as in, “Hey, I paid for that hummer!!”

  84. CraigC says:

    Any body ever have a woman actually hum?  And you fair ladies…never mind.

  85. yeah, and it getting started can be kinda sketchy, what with ieds and waiting for parts to show up.

  86. WindRider95 says:


    Hum?  Oh yeah.  With altoids too…an Altoid Goddess…oh my.

  87. CraigC says:

    You mean “IUD’s?”

  88. CraigC says:

    Ever tried ice cubes?

    Ha, spamword, “low”

  89. um, no.

    my husband keeps telling me they should try “join the Army, get a hummer” for recruiting.  i wasn’t going to comment, but then my word was:one

    as in an army of one.

  90. Ever tried ice cubes?

    Ha, spamword, “low”

    so, is that good or bad? oh oh

  91. WindRider95 says:

    Ice cubes???

    For the yin or the yang?

    spamword…while…while I’m shivering in anticipation…

  92. Ana says:


  93. Ana –

    Bill, your ass is showing.

    I don’t follow.

  94. WindRider95 says:



  95. WindRider95 says:

    Appropo of nothing, am watching Hannity and Colmes…Sean is being a bigger dick than usual tonight…

  96. I think that was her point, Bill.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  97. Yeah, but I want to here her say it.

  98. Joe says:

    I’ll just join Craig and Alpha over there in the unwelcome commenters corner, then …

  99. CraigC says:

    For the yang, Ana, for the yang, if that’s what the kids are calling it these days.

  100. TalkLeft says:

    Craig C, don’t pay any attention to Jeff, feel free to call in.

    Matt, apologize for my Vodkapundit post on Kansas?  No way. I was reporting.  Bloggers are journalists now, except when they write about Apple.

    JWeb, Jeff was a perfect gentleman with the hard drive—a little surprising considering his fetish with talking to Mcintosh apples.

    Jeff and Bill, I’m looking forward to it, break a leg guys.

Comments are closed.