Wait, I thought it was we heavy-handed Americans—with our distended beer bellies and our fascistic PATRIOT ACT and our NASCAR-drunk lynch mobs roaming the streets disenfranchising brown-skinned voters—who were supposed to be the intolerant ones…
Man. We bumbling cowboys can’t even do hatred right.
It’s bound to just get worse. Before you know it the Europeans are going to start treating those poor people like Jews or something.
Anti-Muslim bias ‘spreads’ in EU
I mean, I know it’s the BBC and all, but really, why in hell did they put spreads in scare quotes? Is there some sort of competition around the BBC newsroom to see who can sneak the most scare quotes past the editors?
Perhaps a dare was involved.
So.. what?…. Youre saying that a ‘distended beer belly’ is actually an All American Patriotic symbol… ?
Cool.. One more reason to drink some beer.
Stiv, You’re kidding, of course.
In true European fashion, I expect that the EU will determine that anti-Muslim sentiment is clearly the fault Zionist pigs. This will of course lead to Muslims and Europeans killing Jews together in a beautiful expression of multicultural harmony.
Then if everything goes according to plan, the Muslims will wipe out the French.
Man, we can’t do anything right.
We suck.
“The Muslims will wipe out the French.”
It’s all becoming clear now. With no one to surrender to in Europe, the French–overwhelmed by their need to surrender to someone (anyone)–imported Muslims.
Ana, Yes! That’s exactly the idea. Say, didn’t I see you at the Learned Elders of Zion picnic last Summer?
In Germany meanwhile, more than 80% of those surveyed last year associated the world “Islam” with “terrorism” and “oppression of women”
Those awful Europeans and their untrue stereotypes!!
What are those Europeans of European extraction still doing in Europe anyway ? I could swear I read that Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (The Blind Sheik) had issued a ‘Final Solution to the Non-Muslim European question’ a while back. I thought the European-Europeans had all been trained out to camps in Libya and Syria by now.. or was that just the French?
Alan Turing Word: board
As in: All A-A-A-board for Syria, Libya and points south …