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November 2024


So, Obama Administration: What’s the capitol of Israel?

Our official answer is this:



Does that answer your question?

While Hot Air examines the nuance of the Administration’s position — it’s a delicate diplomatic matter, you see (made even more so, I would guess, when you’re buddying up to the Muslim Brotherhood and helping re-shape the middle east along the lines of a leftist-Islamist coalition, a consideration not mentioned in the responsibility objective and nuanced Hot Air piece) — Mark Levin gets his Hobbit on and says aloud what should be obvious by now:  Obama hates Israel, and the leftists have fallen lockstop in line with him.

More, Jewish Democrats are either so self-loathing or so desirous of being accepted as some of the “good ones” that they’ll continue to raise money for a man who sat and listened to Reverend Wright spew anti-Semitic bile for 20-years, a man who praised and befriended PLO mouthpiece Khalidi, a man whose seeming embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood puts him in league with the likes of those who at one time here in the US embraced the supremacist dogma of the Nazis.

It’s surreal. It’s sad.  It’s like a particularly bad Philip Roth novel, in fact.

But then, we’re witnessing the final all-out assault by the centrist Good Man pragmatist and his very ordinary and traditional Democrat Party contingency on the American system and American exceptionalism, so nothing should surprise us.

— But beware:  we “thinking” Republicans should react with caution  and care so as not to upset the moderates and independents, who are likely to vote Democrat should they find out such things are going on with the country.  Which is why Michele Bachmann needs to be furiously bitch-slapped.

Shhhhhhh.  Try not to be unhelpful.



14 Replies to “So, Obama Administration: What’s the capitol of Israel?”

  1. motionview says:

    The questioner in that ad is excellent, it’d be nice to get him into the WH press corps.

  2. sdferr says:

    … House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that she believes Republican Jews are “being exploited,” but she was sure to add, “And they’re smart people.”

    At this point, it’s patently obvious that the Jews who have been fooled by the antisemite wouldn’t qualify as smart people. Needy, perhaps, but not smart.

  3. leigh says:

    Some of her best friends are Jewish.

  4. Darleen says:

    “Jews” are just another plantation minority with the Left. What complicates matters is that identifying as “Jewish” has 3 components – ethnic, cultural and religious. Thus you can have ethnic Jews who are atheist. Or even openly hostile to religious and/or cultural Jews (eg Noam Chomsky).

    These “sophisticated” Jews — those who are embarrassed by the conservative religiosity or traditional culture — have clung to being Jewish for the Left while rejecting 2/3 of their heritage.

  5. sdferr says:

    The rest of her best friends are Fascists.

  6. motionview says:

    I’d really like to see a chart like this first one for American Jews.

  7. motionview says:

    BTW I’m seeing the code, not the embedded video

  8. BigBangHunter says:

    – They have ignored the first principle of fad driven success in the manner that obsessives always must.

    – The curtin is coming down on the fad based support of their cult.

    – All that remains is the recording of the depth avd breadth of the suffering they will have caused.

  9. BigBangHunter says:

    – “The president has been to Israel over and over again.”

    – I would imagine by now even the staunchest of Progressive Dems in the Senate wishes there was some way they could bag the Botox-brained bag and send her back to a nice rocking chair overlooking the Golden gate bridge.

  10. sdferr says:

    Linked at Drudge:

    The incident, described by three former senior U.S. intelligence officials, might have been dismissed as just another cloak-and-dagger incident in the world of international espionage, except that the same thing had happened to the previous station chief in Israel.

    So who pushes this stuff? Oh, it wouldn’t be the Obama Administration — of course not.


  11. newrouter says:

    So who pushes this stuff?

    the (clean cut, articulate-biden) bull shitter in chief

  12. sdferr says:

    This morning, apparently, we have the Obama administration claiming it has briefed the Israeli Prime Minister on US plans to strike Iran, and the Israeli government responding to this claim, saying in effect, the report is complete nonsense, the meeting never happened as reported and no such briefing has taken place.

    So, another example of the Obama administration throwing sand in the eyes of Americans? Well, yes, of course it is. What else have they got?

  13. OCBill says:

    Hating Israel is natural for the Progressives. Uber-Progressive George Bernard Shaw get excited at the idea of scientists coming up with a drug or gas that could be used to painlessly kill the unproductive members of society, accompanied by music, etc. One could make a case that Hitler only implemented the Progressive vision. Seeing the Progressive vision in action is what repulsed the world.

    I also enjoyed the part where Shaw said every few years, people should be made to come before a government commssion to justify their continued existence, and if the could not do so, they would be painlessly killed. The pull quote, “You’re life is worth very much to us, so how can it be worth anything to you?” or something very similar.

    If you haven’t watched Glenn Beck’s “The Revolutionary Holocaust”, I highly recommend it. The Progressives hate it because it captures their heroes on film saying the most amazing things.

  14. palaeomerus says:

    “The rest of her best friends are Fascists.”

    And crackheads.

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