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September 2024


“Demand Congress hold the ‘leakers’ in the Obama administration accountable”

Special Ops Speaks:

Barack Obama’s loose lips took away the vital secrecy Navy SEALS need to continue their undercover missions.

And because he rushed to get in front of the cameras before the SEALS could even analyze the materials they had recovered, he also destroyed any chance for an effective follow-up.

All because Barack Obama wanted to make himself look tough – at the shameless expense of those who actually are.

Now, a year later, we find out that while Obama was out front blowing military secrets, his staff was behind the scenes doing the same.

His Administration’s backroom release of top secret documents to The New York Times has jeopardized covert operations worldwide. All for the cheapest of political purposes.

And it’s time you and I put a stop to it.

That’s why I am asking you now to help SOS expose the full truth about Barack Obama’s war on America’s military – and his administration’s continuing, deliberate release of top secret security documents.

Sign the petition. 

Oh, and while you’re at it, you might want to tell Congressional Republicans that investigations into Muslim Brotherhood access to the government isn’t Islamophobia.  It’s due diligence.  And if they refuse to do it, we’re going to refuse to let them keep their jobs.


27 Replies to ““Demand Congress hold the ‘leakers’ in the Obama administration accountable””

  1. BigBangHunter says:

    – Even Feinstein, about as staunch a Lefty as you’re likely to find, is getting nervous.

  2. B Moe says:

    But… but… but….

    VALERIE PLAME!!!!!!!!!

  3. BigBangHunter says:

    – I’m guessing she’s prodding Waffle ears to throw someone under the bus to head off what could become another big negative in an election year.

  4. William says:

    Slightly OT, but meanwhile the sheer “We’re finally able to talk to ourselves!” beta-maleness at Ace keeps bouncing me away.

    Yeah, guys. Nothing Romney doesn’t seem to be screwing up the Conservative chance of a lifetime too badly. Yay.

  5. William says:

    Freudian slip there, but I can see why I did it.

  6. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The Conservative chance of a lifetime went by the by back in March.

    I’ll leave it to others to decide who screwed it up.

  7. palaeomerus says:

    Accountability is for republicans who are suspected of wrong doing as a default. Duh. Banana republic don’t play law abiding. Laws are for rewarding friends and/or punishing enemies.

  8. BigBangHunter says:

    – OT – From one of the latest articles; Holmes was adopted, and the mom now says she was “afraid he was unstable for some time now and had urged him to seek professional help.”

    – The law suits are begginning to line up. Unfortunately for the racist narrative the first one in the pipeline looks to be by a Black guy whose GF was killed.

    – Police put coverings on his hands to preserve gun powder residue when he was first arrested. Sources say he played with them like they were puppets.

    – Whenever hes moved they put him in a face covering because of all the spitting. Not on any meds so the court thing was probably an act.

  9. dicentra says:

    In other news, the Left again fails to produce a hashtag that cannot be commandeered by the Right to the Left’s detriment, while hilarity ensues: #ThingsMittRomneyHasNeverDone

    Also, never play “I have never” or a variant thereof with people who know what awful/embarrassing things you have done. A lesson everyone else learned by playing “I have never” with their college roommates. (Once is usually enough.)

  10. leigh says:

    BBH, that story is from the Daily Mail in the UK which is to say that they are in London and they invent a lot of “facts”.

  11. BigBangHunter says:

    – Yeh Leigh, and at the rate things are going with that situation it really isn’t neccessary to invent anything, its bazarro enough.

  12. BigBangHunter says:

    – There was another report on Drudge that said ABC had a company wide “staff orientation” where they discussed ways to “improve reporting accuracy” in their news stories.

    – I’m thinking the CEO that conducted it probably felt they’d have better success trying to raise the Titanic.

  13. leigh says:

    I’ve been trying to find an unbiased source for new information on Holmes, but haven’t found any yet. If he is an adopted child, that is a puzzle piece I had wondered about. Several psychiatrists and psychologists are coming to the same conclusion that I have so far: that he was a schizophrenic and experiencing a break with reality. He really ought to be hospitalized for now and get him stablized before he ends up killing himself in his cell.

    As for accuracy in reporting, I’ve given up on that ever since I learned that Uncle Walter Cronkite was a commie bastard years ago.

  14. BigBangHunter says:

    – “James Holmes, the accused gunman in last Friday’s midnight movie massacre in Colorado, mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to a University of Colorado psychiatrist before the attack, but the parcel sat unopened in a mailroom for as long as a week before its discovery Monday, a law enforcement source told”.

    – Which the University seems to be trying to duck by multiple contradictory statements and confuse with another “package” that was mailed about the same time by another sender. They are really trying hard to avoid any responsibility in any of this.

  15. leigh says:

    Well I can’t blame the university for trying to distance themselves. Has there been any information about the doctor it was mailed to? Was he treating Holmes? Shep Smith was making a big deal about the package lying around in the mailroom. Guess what Shep? It’s the middle of July. Most of the staff is taking their vacation. Grad school meets year round but you still have time off between semesters or we did when I went.

    If the doctor was treating Holmes and had received the package and not alerted authorities of a possible threat. Psychiatrists and psychologists have a “duty to warn” if the patient is a threat to self or to others.

    I wish the newsies would settle down until they really know something. They are also talking to people in his apartment building who are describing him as a loner. Didn’t he pretty much just move in?

  16. BT says:

    I have a feeling he had break from reality during his oral exams. Just a hunch. Based on tidbits.

  17. BigBangHunter says:

    – Well Foxynews, bless its little heart, emphasis on little, seems to at least try to play it straight, even as they chase the same revenue stream as every other news org. Dudes like Shep and Hannity get a lot carried away with the scoop thing scooping a whole lotta shit more often than not.

    – But at least they’re a few ticks better than the Rosses on the Left side of the media.

  18. BigBangHunter says:

    – Of course the all time King of the shameless sensationalist newsies has to be the entrepid Geraldo.

    – I remember the chair attack incident and something about a broken nose, and the infamouse “250,000 dollar coke bottle” in a Chicago tenement basement, as just a few examples.

    – I haven’t watched Fox cable in years so I don’t know if he’s still with them, but if he is he mist be feeling a bit lonely. He hasn’t had any storm parties to crash or huricane winds to lean into in quite awhile.

  19. dicentra says:

    If the rumor is true that he was doing OK and then got all withdrawn, that certainly lends more credence to the early schizo break theory.

    Which I was resisting because I hadn’t heard that his mom’s “you’ve got the right person” referred to herself, not to the kid. But you know what? Every time I think of this case, the “fact” that she said they’d caught the right person pops up, and I have to consciously disregard it as evidence that he was a bad seed from the off.

    Which shows how persistent first impressions are, even when they’ve been debunked within just a few hours.

    Ratbastages. They know this.

    Also, most people who have a schizo break don’t get violent, because isn’t the disease informed by the person’s original substrate, i.e., if you were not inclined to harm people prior to the schizophrenia settling in, you’ll be harmless after you break?

    Same with the V-Tech shooter: he must have had some antisocial tendencies prior to going nutz, which is why the onset of the disease made him dangerous.

    So that’s why I tend to hold people responsible for their actions even if they be crazy: something nasty inside of them was percolating, and they didn’t take care of it.

  20. leigh says:

    Persons who have schizophrenia can indeed become quite violent or at the least, very combative. Many times people who have a psychic break will say and do things they would never do when they are in their “right” minds, part of the original interpretation of the patient having a “split personality”. That is a layman’s description, but it is suitable shorthand for the patient being of two minds.

    If the patient has begun to be suspicious of others; eg, thinking others are talking about them, picking up verbal cues that aren’t there, misreading body language and that sort of thing, he may start to build resentment. Particularly if there have been stressors in his life.

    Holmes had just moved many miles from his home and had no friends or family in Aurora. He was in a very competative discipline and not adjusting well to campus life. By some accounts he had failed his Orals or they went poorly. He withdrew from school and was a solitary individual with time to ruminate on his failed year at grad school. Perhaps he had also learned that the science he had planned to make a career of has very few job openings and those are overwhelmingly acquired by females.

    He may have started abusing drugs and/or alcohol, as well. Maybe the tripwire explosives started out as a way to “protect” himself from “the others”. I’d like to know more about his apartment and it’s contents.

    Finally, I don’t think he meets the criteria for an insanity plea. I wouldn’t be surprised, if when he receives some psychiatric care and perhaps begins to improve, that he won’t switch his plea to “Guilty” or ask for a non-jury trial.

  21. BigBangHunter says:

    – The one word I havn’t heard as of yet is “bi-polar”, something I have some up close and personal experience with, at least on a laymen basis.

    – A lot of the things he did fits the pattern, unless his issues continue on for an extended period with no letup.

    – The other thing that seems to go against a “sudden onset’ of mental issues is the moms latest comments if they are true.

    – But of course the schitzoid fits as well. The only reason I bring up Bi-polar is that they do tend to go violent in the space of a few seconds, but it usually only lasts for a short time, followed by a few days of deep fatigue and withdrawal.

    – Again he could have a suite of problems intermingled, even a brain tumor is possible. All conjecture for now.

  22. B Moe says:

    Perhaps he had also learned that the science he had planned to make a career of has very few job openings and those are overwhelmingly acquired by females.

    Explain, please?

  23. Crawford says:

    He really ought to be hospitalized for now and get him stablized before he ends up killing himself in his cell.

    Don’t see why it would be a problem, particularly since his suicide would be a longer, more painful experience than any state-sanctioned execution.

  24. Crawford says:

    I have a feeling he had break from reality during his oral exams.

    Yeah, but what guy hasn’t experienced a break from reality during…

    Oh. EXAMS.

    Never mind.

  25. Crawford says:

    Explain, please?

    Gotta fill the quotas. Non-technical management positions go to minorities of color; technical positions go to women (with and without color).

    White men? Oh, there *might* be a position open, somewhere…

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