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November 2024


“Is Anthony Weiner’s Wife a Muslim Brotherhood Mole? McCain Says No”

But then, to John McCain, R-Maverick, President Obama is a good and decent man whose past is off-limits — while the real enemies are all the Hobbits who presume to try to hold their betters accountable without the first idea How Washington Works™.

— A presumption that would have saved the GOP from caving to Democrat and media (but I repeat myself!) pressures and agreeing to a bi-partisan effort to slash the military while leaving entitlements untouched.

So screw John McCain.  And while we’re at it, screw the rest of the cowardly establishment GOP surrender monkeys who blast away at the TEA Party in order to curry a favor with the left that it will never, ever afford them, except when it’s useful to the left.

Idiots, all.  Who are made use of.

Do the math.

As dicentra — who sent along the link — noted, “Islamophobia” is the new “McCarthyism” to the left and the establishment cowards.  PC poseurs like McCain much prefer the easy grace granted them for being unthinkingly unbigoted (tell me, is being bigoted against the Muslim Brotherhood really that much of a problem, in the postconstitutional States of America) than they do having to perform the unglamorous, unpopular work of being cautious — and of actually believing that there are people inside our system looking to undermine it, to topple it, to crash it, to bring it all down.

So.  Did I say screw John McCain yet?  Because if I did I misspoke.  Fuck John McCain, is what I meant to say.  Hard. With a swordfish.  A frozen one.  Sideways.


18 Replies to ““Is Anthony Weiner’s Wife a Muslim Brotherhood Mole? McCain Says No””

  1. dicentra says:

    This is the letter Michelle Bachmann wrote to Keith Ellison enumerating the reasons why an investigation is entirely called for.

    With footnotes.

    And while we’re freezing sea creatures, you might want to look into freezing one of these, one of these, or one of these. Which would all serve the same purpose as the swordfish, methinks.

    One at a time. Slowly.

  2. dicentra says:

    Oh hey: Huma Abedin is a babe.

    Mystery solved.

  3. Drumwaster says:

    Y U H8 SEAFOOD LIKE DAT? (You’ll have to imagine the image that would normally accompany such meme-based comments, but one does what one can.)

  4. sdferr says:

    “. . . is a babe.”

    Well, no. She’s a big-beaked slackjawed yokel, intellectually invested in a crumbling leftist edifice. A dolt, for all that.

  5. HvyMtlHntr says:

    McCain is way past his expiration date- his piss-poor campain performance gave us the Obamanation and on-going Taqqyia from high offices in government. Time to take out the trash.

  6. leigh says:

    She’s scrawny, too. A female version of Weiner himself.

  7. palaeomerus says:

    Hmmm. I would have thought than kabuki anti-racism gestures and environmentalist zeal were the new twin McCarthyisms.

  8. Pablo says:

    Bachmann responds in a visit with Beck.

    (tell me, is being bigoted against the Muslim Brotherhood really that much of a problem, in the postconstitutional States of America)

    When it comes to bigotry, I tend toward returning the favor. As far as they’re concerned, anything but prejudice would be foolish.

  9. leigh says:

    How is being proactive now construed as bigotry? The fucker who blew up the bus full of Israeli tourists was carrying a Michigan license (now proclaimed as a “fake”) and was from Louisiana (?).

  10. palaeomerus says:

    Hamas, Hezbolla, the Muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Fatah are races now? Who knew!

  11. Silver Whistle says:

    And while we’re at it, screw the rest of the cowardly establishment GOP surrender monkeys who blast away at the TEA Party in order to curry a favor with the left that it will never, ever afford them, except when it’s useful to the left.

    Oh, yes please. Plenty of screwing to be done there. With these.

  12. dicentra says:

    How is being proactive now construed as bigotry?

    It’s politically useful to construe it thus; ergo, it is thus construed.

    Append that to everything the Left does and it all makes terrible sense.

  13. StrangernFiction says:

    And Fuck John Boehner.

  14. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Stranger –

    You wrote – word for word – what I signed in to post.

    The only loyalty these assholes have is to their own governing class.

  15. leigh says:

    Append that to everything the Left does and it all makes terrible sense.

    Amen to that, di.

  16. newrouter says:

    rick santorum for speaker of the house!

  17. newrouter says:

    Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey

    September 1, 1980

    It is fitting that on Labor Day, we meet beside the waters of New York harbor, with the eyes of Miss Liberty on our gathering and in the words of the poet whose lines are inscribed at her feet, “The air bridged harbor that twin cities frame.”

    Through this “Golden Door,” under the gaze of that “Mother of Exiles,” have come millions of men and women, who first stepped foot on American soil right there, on Ellis Island, so close to the Statue of Liberty.

    These families came here to work. They came to build. Others came to America in different ways, from other lands, under different, often harrowing conditions, but this place symbolizes what they all managed to build, no matter where they came from or how they came or how much they suffered.

    They helped to build that magnificent city across the river. They spread across the land building other cities and towns and incredibly productive farms.

    They came to make America work. They didn’t ask what this country could do for them but what they could do to make this refuge the greatest home of freedom in history.

    They brought with them courage, ambition and the values of family, neighborhood, work, peace and freedom. They came from different lands but they shared the same values, the same dream.

    Today a President of the United States would have us believe that dream is over or at least in need of change.

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