
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


“DHS Tells Border Patrol Agents To ‘Run Away’ And ‘Hide’ From Gunmen…”

— Which, I guess that’s pretty good advice.  I hear some of those drug cartels are armed to teeth with some very nice guns.  Right, Mr Holder?

Anyway, before you fringe Hobbits get all bent out of shape over what on closer inspection is simply a set of very sound workplace safety regulations meant to protect our brave men and women in the field — guns, after all, are dangerous, what with the bullets and all, and they make loud noises and leave lead all over the place, which could cause nasty rashes and rape the dirt — do know that, as a last resort, the DHS allows its agents to throw their guns at assailants.

— Which serves two purposes:  it protects the brave men and women in the field from the dangers of firing a gun, and it provides (mostly) illegals working for the cartels the kind of polished, law-enforcement grade firepower that, thanks to that fucker Issa, we can’t just hand to them anymore…

(thanks to geoffB and Mark Levin)



7 Replies to ““DHS Tells Border Patrol Agents To ‘Run Away’ And ‘Hide’ From Gunmen…””

  1. SDN says:

    When even the union for the agents thinks this is nuts…..

  2. sdferr says:

    Simone de Beauvoir would be pleased to learn her teaching has carried the day. Pity she’s dead but her doctrine lives on, insinuated into every outback nook and cranny.

  3. But we will still get to touch the shining coat of the strong horse the caudillo rides through town on, won’t we?

  4. StrangernFiction says:

    Fortunately Mitt will stay focused on the economy. As impractical as it is to discuss the fact that we are no longer free, it is even more unhelpful to discuss that we aren’t the land anymore.

  5. Dave J says:

    The runaway and hide tactic makes perfect sense, why would we shoot at and or arrest inbound democratic voters and the good folks trying to smuggle them into our once great nation?

  6. Swen says:

    Border Patrol officers are being told to ‘call law enforcement’ if they encounter a shooter? Bill Jordan is spinning in his grave as we speak.

  7. LBascom says:

    So, Chachi really did marry Fonzie then?

    Light stands still?

    Falling up is a possibility?

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