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November 2024


“German Court Makes Circumcision for Religious Reasons a Crime”

Well, on the bright side, at least they didn’t go with ovens this time.

48 Replies to ““German Court Makes Circumcision for Religious Reasons a Crime””

  1. The Monster says:

    Looks like “Nie wieder!” is more like “Irgendwann wieder”.

  2. happyfeet says:

    forcing someone to wait until adulthood for to get circumcised is it’s own special kind of evil I think

  3. TRHein says:

    Lorena Bobbit – unavailable for comment.

  4. geoffb says:

    The kinder, gentler, new age version of “Judenfrei”.

  5. DarthLevin says:

    Don’t Muslims circumcise as well? Oh noes, teh intolerences!!!!!!!

  6. BigBangHunter says:

    – The Hun parliament must have been getting some brutal lobbying from the foreskin lampshade industry.

  7. Physics Geek says:

    So did the court rule that the Jews could get circumcised if they wore yellow stars? Seems like there’s plenty of precedent for the court to fall back on.

  8. palaeomerus says:

    Whatever…it won’t take the angry immigrant Muslims long to overturn this. Oh wait…you meant for MEN only. Oh. That’s different.

  9. palaeomerus says:

    Germany will become the smegma capitol of Europe?

  10. BigBangHunter says:

    Wanted: Bris paramedics for door to door sevice calls. Excellent wage plus tips.

  11. McGehee says:

    BBH, what happens when there’s not enough money for them? Will they be cut?

  12. BigBangHunter says:

    – Whatever happens McGehee, the Rabbi’s always get their slice off the top.

  13. BigBangHunter says:

    – We Jews are the only group that cuts some off before we know how big its going to be.

    – I think they’re called Molhers because they go around making mole hills out of mountains. *rim shot*

    (I’ll be here for two shows on Saturday)

  14. LBascom says:

    “This change contravenes the interests of the child to decide later about his own religious affiliation.”

    Wait, you mean if you’re circumcised you have no choice in your religion? Holy peepee Batman, I better get me one of them beanies…

  15. leigh says:

    I wonder if you can get around this prohibition by claiming you are having your kinder circumcised for hygienic reasons, rather than religious ones. There was a big write up the other day (that I didn’t read) about how a number of African countries are advocating circumcision in their fight against AIDS and venereal disease.

  16. BigBangHunter says:

    – I don’t know leigh. It seems the Germans need an amendment to their constitution that spells out “The seperation of foreskin and stuppenstekker.”

  17. leigh says:

    Heh. I always heard the male member referred to as a schwanzstucker.

  18. HvyMtlHntr says:

    When circumcision is outlawed, only Outlaws will be circumcised.

  19. ThomasD says:

    Leigh I think they’d get you on the manner of the procedure and the personnel involved.

    Although, it might be a niche market opportunity for a physician who also happened to be a Rabbi.

    The German constitution ‘recognizes’ that life begins at conception yet they have basically decriminalized abortion within the first trimester. Strange that they are more protective of a little foreskin than an entire human being.

    But, this is Germany we are talking about.

  20. leigh says:

    …it might be a niche market opportunity for a physician who also happened to be a Rabbi.

    I had thought that, as well ThomasD. Nurses and midwives could be mittel-mensch: “Psst! Need a mohel?”

    Didn’t the city of San Francisco try to outlaw circumcision last year or the year before? There was a hew and cry and they dropped that idea like a hot potato.

  21. BigBangHunter says:

    – Heh, schwanzstucker? …. That’s surprising Leigh, you don’t look Yiddish.

  22. leigh says:

    I fooled you with my Southern accent.

  23. ThomasD says:

    Errata: IIRQ it was via watching Saturday Night Live (and the spoof about the commercial showing a jeweler cutting a diamond in the back of a Town Car) that I learned that circumcision could be a religious rite. Until then I thought it was just a health thing.

  24. Shtetl G says:

    Even though it makes for a good headline, there is an active movement to ban circumcision is this country too. San Francisco was ready to ban circumcisions early this year. There were even anti-semetic cartoons with evil rabbis in support of the ban:

    As much at it is fun to make fun of germans and history repeating itself, this stuff is happening here too and I’ve seen some reliably conservative/libertarians getting on board the pro foreskin movement(Amy Alkon had made an issue of this in recent weeks for some reason).

  25. BigBangHunter says:

    – John Belushi had a Samari mohel skit on SNL that they cut just before airtine, substituting a Chevy Chase commercial for Depemds “to avoid the unsightly embarrassment of pecker tracks”.

    – Apparently the Belusi thing cut a little to close to home.

  26. leigh says:

    I think their response is emotional rather than rational, Shtetl G. I’ve known a number of new mothers who don’t want their little precious to be circumcised because it hurts. Never mind the health benefits of circumcision and the fact that there is a biblical imperative for Jews. I even had one woman (who had no children of her own) thell me that it was “barbaric.” Hardly. Raise your hand if you remember anything that happened when you were 8 days old.

    These same folks who are anti-circumcision are very pro heroic measures for pre-term infants; open heart surgeries, numerous blood transfusions, optic surgery, organ transplant, bone marrow transplant, &c. Many of them also fall in the camp of those who refuse to have their children immunized.

    As to you main point of anti-semetism being on the rise, this is definately true. Vandalism of temples and Jewish cemetaries is up and people make anti semetic remarks in casual conversation, as well. All here in the USA.

  27. BigBangHunter says:

    – Todays word is “busybodys”.

    – Can you say busybodys and use it in a sentence kiddies?

  28. ThomasD says:

    I suspect many would respond, in all sincerity, that they are being rational. They are just placing more value on their own interpretations of what is best for some other person over the valuations of that person’s own parents.

    So, it’s not only anti Semitic, it is also anti-family.

  29. leigh says:


  30. ThomasD says:

    Statists, progressives, fascists, the degree of overlap is almost, if not quite, total.

    Jonah was right, other than aggressive nationalism, wars of conquest, and outright genocide, Europe has never really purged itself of the core impulses.

  31. LBascom says:

    Mine hurt like a bitch!

    OK, I don’t remember the event, but damn, it must have, am I right?

  32. leigh says:

    Probably. But, it beats having it done when you’re 15 or 20 when it’s necessary because you can’t retract your foreskin.

  33. ThomasD says:

    Being born at a teaching hospital, they day afterwards my mother was approached by the nursing staff and asked if her son could be used for the purpose of demonstrating proper circumcision care to student nurses.

    I like to think it was because I’d be visible from a distance…

  34. Jeff G. says:

    When it was happening in San Fran, I attacked that movement right here — and in fact I dealt with the issue before that, when “conservative” Andrew Sullivan was on the foreskin warpath.

    So consider me aboard the pro religious freedom movement (despite not being particularly religious). Because that’s just how I roll.

  35. LBascom says:

    That made me laugh ThomasD.


  36. ThomasD says:

    The conservative argument would be that the Bris represents a long standing cultural practice that should be deserving of deference.

    But that little mid 20th century interlude in Germany kind of made current German Judaism a rather recent addition to the national scene.

    Funny how that works…

  37. ThomasD says:

    Laugh all you want Lee, that’s why I tell the (true) story.

    The real question is whether I’ve ever grown any since…

  38. Dale Price says:


    And from what I read, the case involved a Muslim boy, but obviously it spills over into any religious group that observes the procedure. Some smaller Christian groups have incorporated more Torah observance, including, IIRC, circumcision.

    It is remarkably grating to see the state make these kinds of determinations–Big Brother as in loco parentis is a bad, bad sign. Germany is a particularly bad case (homeschooling is ultra-verboten), but Europe as a whole is infected with it. Given our progressive elites’ love for the Euro model, we can’t but help to see more.

  39. Shtetl G says:

    leigh says June 27, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    I think their response is emotional rather than rational, Shtetl G. I’ve known a number of new mothers who don’t want their little precious to be circumcised because it hurts.

    A lot of the anti circumcision rhetoric in San Francisco has come from Gay men. They are very concerned for the plight of my circumcised penis. Having been circumcised all my life I have no frame of reference to compare but I’ve managed to get along in life. The anti-circumcision movement compares religious circumcision to forced clitorectmies(sp?) on women. A lot of anti-religious people find this argument convincing.

    I’m curious to see how much traction this movement gets here in America. There was a lot of blow back in San Fran when they tried to ban circumcision. As medicine and politics keep co mingling, I fear this will be another front in the erosion of religious freedom in this country.

  40. motionview says:

    When the British Association of University Teachers decided to boycott Israeli academics, I signed a petition demanding to be recognized as an Israeli for academic purposes. I am prepared to repeat that pledge for my penis.

  41. ThomasD says:

    The Plight of My Circumcised Penis would make a great album title.

  42. BigBangHunter says:

    “The real question is whether I’ve ever grown any since…”

    – That should be obvious depending on whether you step on it more or less since then.

  43. Dale Price says:

    OT–I had to explain what “tuchus” meant in a conversation today. I’m just a nebbishy goy from rural Michigan, but I knew what it meant when I was just a little klutz.

    The times, the times.

  44. Dale Price says:

    The Plight of My Circumcised Penis would make a great album title.


    Sounds Tenacious D-y.

  45. ThomasD says:

    …depending on whether you step on it more or less since then.

    Now you are making me laugh.

    The second half of the story is that my mother would always correct me, and note that the nurses specifically said they wanted me because I was so well behaved.

    To which I would reply, you’d be well behaved too if you thought every time you got fussy they’d lop off part of your member.

  46. sdferr says:

    Preempt the prepuce. You won’t be sorry you did.

  47. palaeomerus says:

    Next they won’t let be get a dragon tattooed on my cock for religious reasons either. And then they’ll tell me that I can’t teach my children how every Cyber-morning Robo-Set battles Mecha-Apophis with a plasma sword and photon mace on Ra-Trons solar Barque.

  48. palaeomerus says:

    Or maybe that was a toy commercial I saw once. I forget.

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