
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Remembrances of things past

That is a picture of Scott Jacobs, taken from his Twitter account avatar. I hadn’t realized Jacobs was on Twitter until just recently, when he sent me two consecutive unsolicited Tweets.

Seems Scott will be in town for Blogcon 11 and has decided no trip to Denver is complete without getting in my face.

Should make for an interesting time. Maybe I can hold a panel discussion on very angry guys on Twitter. Because, well, wow.

Anyway, I’ll be at Blogcon Friday late morning through to evening, and then I hope to make the last couple hours on Saturday, after my son’s wrestling meet.

See you all there! I grew a bro-stache just for the occasion.

212 Replies to “Remembrances of things past”

  1. wamk says:

    Maybe he’ll bring Deb Frisch as his date?

  2. Jeff G. says:


  3. happyfeet says:

    cool sunglasses

  4. McGehee says:

    Leave enough of him to identify, as a courtesy to his family.

  5. mojo says:

    #3 truncheon.


  6. Silver Whistle says:

    Henry Waxman’s love child, I swear.

  7. happyfeet says:

    or maybe those are just regular glasses with the lenses that tint when you’re in the sun

    my soon-to-be-old-ones do that but they don’t look cool like those ones when they do it

    for the next ones I won’t get the tinting action

  8. Abe Froman says:

    They look like Gay-Ban Gayfarers, if there was such a thing anyway.

  9. Jeff G. says:

    Let me share some of his last 15-20 or so Tweets NOT directed at me:

    ” I haven’t threatened you, dipshit. Not once. But if you keep talking shit, *I* will keep talking shit, crazy boy.”

    “So here’s the deal – you can go ahead and talk all your bullshit, but know that while no one ELSE will respond, I sure as fuck will”

    ” But that’s not what you want, is it, you sick little fuck. You crave the attention. You NEED it.”

    “Have you considered that, fuckwit? Maybe if you SHUT THE FUCK UP, everyone would just ignore your sad, pathetic self.”

    “@andylevy You just need to get someone to run them for you in exchange for something cheap… Like chances to punch @BillSchulz :)”

    “@Liberty_Chick @SmoosieQ CAPS LOCK IS HOW I FEEL INSIDE RICK”

    “@jamie34dkm I wish you death by bear rape.”

    “@TheArchfiend Keem really is a fuckwit, isn’t he? I follow just to watch what retarded thing he does/says next.”

    But remember, I’m the dangerous angry one.

  10. happyfeet says:

    sometimes cool sunglasses are just cool sunglasses Mr. Abe I don’t know why we have to sexualize everything

    it didn’t use to be this way

  11. McGehee says:

    Well, he’s angry.

  12. Abe Froman says:

    “Death by bear rape” ain’t half bad, but he seems the type for whom bear probably means something different.

  13. Pablo says:

    I have only two words: Get video.

  14. Joe says:

    His he the inspiration for the gay closeted football player on Glee?

  15. Joe says:

    Is he the inspiration…

  16. dicentra says:

    Is this one of the guys who elicited your “death threat” over at Patt’s?

    The one whose ankles you threatened to crack, after you threatened to bring the tree to your own hanging?

    That guy?


    Day-um you better have a good videographer, because that should be some choice footage.

  17. serr8d says:

    Maybe he’ll bring along his ‘mentor’, that executor of bloggy correctness (and lover of Weiner minutia…or is that lover of minute wieners?) Patrick (Don’t You EVER Correct Me if I’m Wrong!) Frey.

  18. McGehee says:

    Jeez, Abe may be onto something. Jeff, Scottie may have totally misinterpreted your threat as a proposition. If he offers you lotion, don’t accept.

  19. McGehee says:

    Though I doubt he will. He looks like he’d prefer it hard and nasty. Just be sure to tell him he’s a bad boy and he’ll be happy.

  20. serr8d says:

    He does look like a blockhead.

    If ‘blockheads’ come in ‘soft’.

  21. bh says:

    I’ll still always picture him like this.

    Towards his tweets, I’d say that as a general rule you’ll seldom miss anything of value if you block someone whose wit extends to adding a “y” to your name.

  22. Crawford says:

    Meh. Ignore him. He’s not worth your time.

  23. LBascom says:

    So, I guess our hero Scott will accompany you to a place where you can settle your differences in private, right? A boxing ring perhaps, a near by dojo?

    I suggest you have an appropriate venue in mind when you meet him, but I suspect the gimp will want a public ass kicking.

    Maybe take a heavy glove to smack him in the face with, and a second.

  24. happyfeet says:

    instead of violence y’all should see if there’s a McDonald’s nearby and have a contest on who can eat the most McRibs

  25. sdferr says:

    Take some madeleines along.

  26. Joe says:

    happyfeet, McDonalds is violence incarnate. I am surprised you did not suggest a muffin eating contest.

  27. leigh says:

    Well. This fella sure likes to say “fuck” a lot. He’s really kind of a little bitch.

  28. mojo says:

    “Maybe take a heavy glove to smack him in the face with, and a second.”

    Don’t they usually come in pairs?


  29. Joe says:

    McGehee, okay, a cupcake is a muffin with icing.

  30. happyfeet says:

    that’s a brilliant idea! Me and NG drove by where our new cupcakery is gonna be to see if it was open yet. The OPEN light was on but they were still working. I guess they were testing the OPEN light. It’s called Passions. Yes that’s not cheesy at all. It’s not really new actually it used to be in Sherman Oaks, which is where Jennifer Aniston was born. Here is their website as you can see you may have already seen their old store on the cupcake reality show “Cupcake Wars.”

    It says they also make… gumbo.

    Yes this is definitely a new twist on an old favorite. Passions Cupcakes n Gumbo.

    I can’t tell you how excited I am.

    Excited and scared all at the same time. This is the first time a cupcakery has been basically right on my way home.

    There’s bound to be consequences.

  31. Molon Labe says:

    I get the idea that Friday afternoon and late Saturday, Scott has business to attend to in his hotel room.

  32. Joe says:

    serr8d, imagry I could have done without, but well done.

  33. serr8d says:

    I’ve never ever entered an establishment that could even remotely be called a ‘cupcakery’. However, Sam’s does have boxes of the damned things right there in full view of everybody.

    You’d think they would have ’em in closets or something.

  34. Joe says:

    happy, gumbo and cupcakes? Cornbread muffins and gumbo works. But hey, what ever gets you going. Enjoy the cupacakes and gumbo in moderation.

  35. Joe says:

    This is what comes to mind when I hear the word cupcakery.

  36. MissFixit says:

    uh, isn’t your kid like 7 or something? They already wrestle at that age? We are just now breaking into Boy Scouts, I’m trying to go easy on myself.

    as for this tool on twitter – i agree with Pablo. get video

  37. MissFixit says:

    Joe that has nothing at all to do with cupcakes. That’s bacon bits.

  38. serr8d says:

    Joe that has nothing at all to do with cupcakes. That’s bacon bits.


    Careful, though, around all that overcooked bacon. You might attract crabs that no amount of butter would make more tasty.

  39. Jeff G. says:

    Ooh. I see now Scott is calling me a little girl.

    I guess he used up his allotment of “fuckwits” for the month.

    Recall what I wrote about Scott: not actively looking for him, but if I met him I’d give him a chance to say the same shit to my face he’s said from the safety of his (from the looks of things, greasy, crumb-covered) keyboard. And then I’d beat his ass, because he’d have it coming.

    That was several years ago. Apparently, out of nowhere, for reasons only he knows, Jacobs Tweeted me today with the same little “Jeffy” taunts, noting how happy he’s going to be to meet me in Denver, in order to re-open old sores. I wouldn’t have known him from Adam had at BlogCon, frankly, having never before today even seen a picture of the Flintstonean douche. And I certainly wasn’t seeking him out.

    But so it goes.

    One thing is for sure. He won’t confuse me with a girl for much longer. That I can tell you.

  40. Jeff G. says:

    Incidentally, this seems a good place to mention this for the first time, now that I’m thinking about how a few assholes on the internet said disparaging things about me and my family: my wife is just out of her first trimester; child number two is on the way!

  41. sdferr says:

    Cheers to that!

  42. newrouter says:

    god bless to you and yours

  43. Jeff G. says:

    He’s 7, MissFixit. Turns 8 in Jan.

    This is his second year wrestling, and frankly, I wish I’d have started him earlier. I think 4 is the youngest, but I didn’t know about the club until he was 6.

  44. McGehee says:

    Congrats, Jeff & Mrs. G!

  45. leigh says:

    Congratulations, Jeff and Mrs. G! May the pregnancy be smooth sailing.

  46. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    He looks like he enjoys listening to Roxette and drinking some Seagrams wild berry coolers. I’d be afraid, Jeff. Very afraid.

  47. bh says:

    Wow, great news. Congrats, Jeff.

  48. Darleen says:

    Congratulations Boss and Mrs. Boss!!!

    More babies!! I can’t tell you after getting off my two-weeks’ grandma tour of duty I SO MISS my little guy (4 weeks old this Thursday).

    Extra God Blesses in my nightly prayers your way and, damn, time to get out the crochet hooks again!! :-)

  49. Pablo says:

    THAT is how you take over the world. Congrats! And MWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!

  50. Crawford says:

    Congratulations, Jeff! Enjoy your family. Bask in their love.

    And let the assholes eat their own gullets in envy.

  51. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Congratulations, Jeff. That is fantastic news. Best to your wife.

  52. LBascom says:

    Way to use your wrestling skills for good Jeff, Congratulations!

  53. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Congrats. And thanks for doing your part to keep the future Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid (well, EVERYTHING, really) structural deficit down. Keep it up (IYKWIMAISTYD)!

  54. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, all!

  55. serr8d says:

    Yes, congrats! to you and yours!

  56. LBascom says:

    Speaking of which, what ever happened to Bob Reed?

  57. happyfeet says:

    that is 100% more babies

    congratulations Mr. Jeff

  58. Darleen says:

    and, oh, little Scotty Potty Mouth? Yeah, the bottom heavy face looks SO SCARY!!1!1!!!

  59. DarthLevin says:

    Congratulations! I vote for a girl baby.

    While you’re videoing Douchebag Encounters at Blogcon, maybe work in a shot of yourself bending Scott’s car keys over double.

  60. Jeff G. says:

    I haven’t been bending or tearing since late July. Wrecked my biceps tendon doing sets of vertical lifts and one-hand dead lifts.

  61. dicentra says:

    Boy this Scott Jacobs fellow sure has you over a barrel, Jeff.

    Because I seem to remember that when you initially told him to shut his pie hole or else, you were guilty of MAKING DEATH THREATS!

    So when you see Jacobs and don’t lay a finger on him, then you’re a PUSSY!


  62. dicentra says:

    my wife is just out of her first trimester; child number two is on the way!

    w00t! More Jeff genes in the pool!

  63. Jeff G. says:

    Yeah, that’s his point, dicentra.

    Which is why I made it abundantly clear that he wrote me out of the blue to essentially say he’s looking for me. I’m going to assume with ill intent. And I’ve expressed that — with appropriate evidence for my concern — to over 1K people who follow me.

    Now if he confronts me, he should know that he’ll be doing it having first suggested he was looking for me specifically, and that frees me up to defend myself.

    I said 2 years ago or whenever it was that I wouldn’t go out of my way to seek him out. If he wants to seek me out, I’ll give him a chance to say what he wants to my face.

  64. dicentra says:

    If he wants to seek me out, I’ll give him a chance to say what he wants to my face.

    I told him to have his script ready, with the same taunts as before, to prove that he’d say those nasty things to your face, not just from the safety of a keyboard.

    I’ve never advocated a beatdown before, but I find myself in favor of this one.

    And lots of people would have your back (just not the peeps at Patt’s place, natch). But you WOULD be striking a blow against the cowards who regularly hide behind their pixels to employ the little-sister gambit: taunt until the bigger man blows up, then run to mommy to tattle.

  65. Slartibartfast says:

    Congratulations, Jeff. That is awesome, awesome news.

    Here‘s a better picture of Jacobs.

  66. Jeff G. says:

    Shit. Now I’m going to have to wear a short-sleeve shirt.

    And I was so looking forward to breaking out my fall wardrobe.

  67. Jeff G. says:

    I’ll be changing diapers into my 50s, Slart.

  68. bh says:

    We’re talking about a guy who takes screen caps of rants he posts on XBOX forums so that he can show them elsewhere. For what? Validation? Attention? Daddy?

    Just thought I’d throw that out there for context.

  69. Joe says:

    Congratulations to you and your family Jeff.

  70. serr8d says:

    He’s brought out his girlfriend

  71. Slartibartfast says:

    I’ll be changing diapers into my 50s, Slart.

    Keeps you young, Jeff.

    I know, easy for me to say. I changed my last diaper at age 41 or so.

  72. Jeff G. says:

    What the hell is that, bh? Is he the dude who was banned for being so much better than everybody else? I don’t follow.

  73. Slartibartfast says:


    run away!

  74. MissFixit says:

    publicly announcing on twitter that you sleep with an jackass. You know I am much happier since I left facebook, too.

  75. Slartibartfast says:

    Careful, he’ll wish you death by bear rape. And then where will you be?

    That’s right: dead. After having caught some kind of ursine STD.

  76. congratulations, Jeff and Spouse.

  77. JD says:

    You guys are talking about changing diapers on a baby like it is a bad thing. Better than changing Depends.

  78. bh says:

    No, he’s fisking that better than everyone else guy.

    It’s not that he’s arguing on XBOX forums. It’s that he’s screen capping it like some weird trophy so he can put it up on Twitter.

    That’s the behavior of someone who might do other strange things like suddenly send out of the blue tweets your way saying that he’ll be looking for you in Denver over years old arguments.

    Guy obviously needs people to think he’s super awesome. I suspect a lack of hugs.

  79. serr8d says:

    JD. Heh.

    I’m still thinking grandkids are years away; t’other is too I hope. I’m in Betweens.

  80. Slartibartfast says:

    I think he’s super awesome, if that helps. I mean, totally and completely awesome.

    Probably more awesome than at least half of internet badasses out there, if not two-thirds.

  81. Jeff G. says:

    Okay. Got it, bh.

  82. serr8d says:

    That’s the behavior of someone who might do other strange things like suddenly send out of the blue tweets your way saying that he’ll be looking for you in Denver over years old arguments.

    Ms. Mandy Nagy needs to become Mrs. Jacobs so as to take away the XBOX and forbid the tantrums. I can see it now: from Nagy to naggy, all for one quarter-caret zirconi.

  83. bh says:

    I also think he’s super awesome, Slart. He’s attractive, clever, and probably a tiger in the sack, too.

    Also, I apologize for missing those baseball games when he was a kid.

  84. SDN says:

    Jeff, I’m thinking you’ve found the guy Brad Paisley had in mind for this song.

  85. Jeff G. says:

    Seriously. Why contact me? What was the point? If what he wanted to do was see how I’d react he could have just come up to me there and introduced himself.

    Now I had to go back and relive old threads and find old comments, and it’s making me very very angry all over again. And for what? Why? Anybody have any guesses? I mean, why do that?

  86. dicentra says:

    Suddenly I can’t find ablative meatshield in my Mentions feed unless I click one of my own tweets to see the thread.

    Memory hole again?

  87. happyfeet says:

    maybe he needs closure

  88. dicentra says:

    why do that?

    Because he reckons you won’t actually make good on the beatdown, so then he can crow about what a pussy you are in real life.

    Which, the fact it refutes his initial claim that you’re helladangerous to society means he’s refuting all the rotten things Patt said about you, too.

    I vote “didn’t really think it through very well.”

  89. Roddy Boyd says:

    Swear to God I thought that fellow Jacobs was gay. ‘Spose He’s not.

    What a strange fellow. He really NEEDS this, doesn’t he?

    Norman Mailer was always good for this, pre-Internet. if he hadn’t been in the papers in a week or two, he’s get drunk and call some struggling writer shitty, or get really drunk at a book party and proclaim the novel passe, or only rapists make a=good biographers.

    He needed it since it made him brave, dangerous, edgy and relevant.

    Without the slights, he was just a writer, trying to make his way.

  90. dicentra says:

    And to top it all off Joe Frazier has died.

    That portends something.

  91. maybe so he can get a beating without paying for it for once.

  92. happyfeet says:

    racist Obamawhore Donna Donella says don’t vote for the nasty negro conservative

  93. serr8d says:

    He blocked you, di.

    No problemo; you’re better off without his crazy whackadoodlenesses.

    (I’d like to be a fly in the room when Mrs. Liberty_Chick sits him down to ‘splain certain things! )

  94. dicentra says:

    Swear to God I thought that fellow Jacobs was gay. ‘Spose He’s not.

    As evidenced by the girlfriend?

    Speaking as a former beard, twice-over, I can testify it don’t mean a thing if you actually got that swing.

  95. dicentra says:

    He blocked me?


  96. serr8d says:

    Dustin called Scott Jacobs a ‘Deb Frish level bastard“.

  97. cranky-d says:

    I’m a little late to the party, Jeff, but congratulations on the new baby. As I get older, the regret I didn’t follow that path gets stronger. I’m glad good people are bringing more people into the world. It will be a better place for that.

  98. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks. I’m thrilled. It’ll be 8 years apart between kids. So we’ll have a built-in baby sitter and helper.

  99. dicentra says:

    Oh my. Looks like Patt’s involved in another “you threatened me” “I did not” kerfuffle.

    I know exactly nothing about the specifics, but the charges and counter-charges look depressingly familiar.

  100. Jeff G. says:

    Serr8d —

    Who are the “good guys” you supposedly hassle?

  101. Jeff G. says:


    You’re right. It’s always the same. Always. Always. Always the same people. Always. Yet I’m the one who has to pay the price.


  102. dicentra says:

    I didn’t look at the comments. Whoa.

    What. A. Putz.

    (That applies to the lot of them, yonder.)

  103. serr8d says:

    Not sure, unless he means Patrick. But Pat’s not much of a proven ‘good guy’ AFAIC. Anyways, he’s not being hassled by me; he blocked me years ago. )

  104. happyfeet says:

    Mr. P is a good guy I happen to know that for a fact it’s like in that one movie where there’s a guy that’s a good guy but some people what got into an argument with him awhile back don’t think he’s a good guy but he’s still a good guy and by the end of the movie everyone’s like hey we really was a good guy… yay!

  105. dicentra says:

    I have NO idea what this thread means, but it appears to be at the root for the kerfuffle mentioned in my 103.


    Three. Thousand. Seven. Hundred. Sixty. Five.


    In one thread.


  106. serr8d says:

    That Weinergate nonsense makes me tired. The point of it all is so obscure as to be maddening to anyone who is not a hemorrhoidically-anal picker of nits. Which, Patrick fits that bill spectacularly.

  107. happyfeet says:

    it was very convoluted Mr. serr8d – I think cause a lot happened offline that never really made its way online

  108. serr8d says:

    I’m sure he is, Mr. ‘feets. That’s why you must ‘splain it to me so very frequently, often, and every chance you get.

  109. happyfeet says:

    here is a musics Mr. serr8d

    I can’t stop listening to this guy’s stuff he’s very of the moment I think

    not anything in particular just the general feel of his stuff

  110. serr8d says:

    But the point of it all is ? I’ll bet your average stoned and drunk Owwie can explain his complete raison d’idêology (annotated with references and footnotes) better than anyone can eludicate the point of all that WeinergatesocksgateHelm’sgate nonsense.

  111. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Maybe if you and scotty run into each other, you could just shake hands.

    You know, like John Wayne and Victor McLaglen did in the The Quiet Man.

  112. bh says:

    Tomorrow morning I resolve to once again go back ignoring all of those people and places and things. I find it makes the internet a better place.

    If that Jacobs guy tries to taunt you into a fight at that conference, Jeff, I recommend inviting him to a gym that will let you go for a ten minute round with the 6 oz gloves. He’s counting on your rational legal considerations. Take that away from him.

  113. serr8d says:

    The tents are nice and Occupy, ‘feets.

    This has been playing on the scoreboard soundtrack, halftime, at every Titans home game. Don’t tell anyone, but I actually *like* it… )

  114. happyfeet says:

    hah good choice Mr. s

  115. Jeff G. says:

    Uh oh. Looks like I stumbled into something that I didn’t know I’d stumbled into.

  116. serr8d says:

    Oh, Jeff, an answer to your #104. None of those guys I know anything about, and to my knowledge I’ve never ‘hassled’ any of ’em.

    See what I mean? So confuzzled, this Weiner fishing expedition, that participants think everyone else must be involved too.

  117. serr8d says:

    Yep. You do see what I mean.


  118. serr8d says:

    So, it seems Mr. Scott Jacobs may well be gay after all; Ms. Nagy chose him as a ‘protector’ from the bad guys…a relationship of mutual support. But he’s a loose cannon: he saw you on the Twitter, and couldn’t keep his fool mouth shut. Ms. Nagy must be the one going to the BlogCon, bringing Scott along as a ‘bodyguard’.

    Now, all of that is in disarray.

    Just, wow.

  119. Jeff G. says:

    They both just exploded on me. For what, I have no idea. [redacted]

    Also, I was minding my own business when dickhead Scott decided to show up in my Twitter feed to taunt me about coming to Denver and hoping to meet me. Little girl that I am.

    But of course, this is all my fault. Whatever “this” is.

    I just Tweeted the Mandy person, whom I don’t know, to ask what I could do to help. What do they need me to do. So far, no response.

    If any of you know what’s going on, please do fill me in.

  120. sdferr says:

    Looks like Mandy wants you to learn mind reading, just judging from her reaction to events.

  121. Jeff G. says:

    Apparently they’re in some sort of legal pickle and I’m to help them out. Scott asked me to help this way:

    @proteinwisdom Like I said, now that you know, you won’t do a fucking thing to even TRY to fix it. Because you are a worthless POS.

    @proteinwisdom Like I said, it’s always someone else’s fault, so you never need to take any responsibility for anything. Neat trick.

    @proteinwisdom Because hey, not your deal, man…

    @proteinwisdom And now that you DO know, you’re not going to sweet fuck all, because you are a complete and utter tool.

    @proteinwisdom Yeah, nothing is EVER your fault, Jeff. I mean, yeah, you quoted Ron, but someone ELSE linked to the site…

    Between his girlfriend and him, I’ve gotten nothing but shit all afternoon and evening. Meanwhile, I was minding my fucking business before this colossal dick decided to start trying to taunt me out of the blue. It’s surreal.

  122. dicentra says:

    It’s really quite surreal, your Twitter conversations with those two. They accuse you of doing something awful: posting that link, which I did.

    And I did it only because my curiosity was piqued by Dustin’s tweet, from which I found that link, in a fairly roundabout way.

    Just trying to get a little context for Dustin’s comment, but I see that it was A Bad Idea just to take a peek.


  123. sdferr says:

    “but someone ELSE linked to the site…”

    Called paranoiacs-anonymous, no less! ha!

  124. dicentra says:

    I guess it’s your 105 and my 103 that has them in a dither.

    Who knew?

  125. dicentra says:

    Called paranoiacs-anonymous, no less! ha!

    That was the name of the post, not the site. But still…

  126. Jeff G. says:

    Okay, now I’m just sitting here steaming. I’m fucking pissed. This guy had better stay well clear of me this weekend.

  127. Jeff G. says:

    All of this, every last fucking bit, is because he had to Tweet me. Now I’m being dragged into some new fucking new media soap opera.

    And he wants to pretend it’s somehow my fault? I am fit to be tied right now. So much so that I just actually wrote “fit to be tied.”

    I mean, I’m furious.

  128. dicentra says:

    Something about wrassling with pigs: they enjoy it and you get muddy.

    But what about insane pigs? What do they get out of it?

  129. geoffb says:

    So an “ablative meatshield ” is a bodyguard that takes the punches allowing the client to escape?

  130. sdferr says:

    “What do they get out of it?” Depends on where they bite you.

  131. dicentra says:

    Well, you should be furious. You’ve already put in your time Dealing With The Effing Insane. There’s no upside in the overtime.

  132. dicentra says:

    Maybe call your lawyer and have him rev up the restraining orders.


  133. Jeff G. says:

    I mean, just look at the shit the two of them threw at me. [redacted]


  134. Molon Labe says:

    Apparently their legal/harrassment issue isn’t so dire that Scott can’t sneak out and stir the shit from time to time.

  135. Jeff G. says:

    I guess it’s your 105 and my 103 that has them in a dither.

    Who knew?

    Not me.

  136. dicentra says:

    Reminds me of how I get my leg shredded if I get too close to my cat right after he’s been in a scrap: he’s still pumped and pissy, my leg is Just Standing There, so…

  137. sdferr says:

    Yep, they’re a pair of furious small minded tykes. Life can’t be any fun livin’ thata way.

  138. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Doesn’t that rest on whether he’s a dependent or an independent ablative?

  139. Jeff G. says:

    Just to get it recorded. One. Two.

  140. Ernst Schreiber says:

    142 for 133

  141. Jeff G. says:

    Holy fuck am I pissed.

    For whatever reason, Jacobs just gets under my skin in the worst way.

    He should stay far away. Just leave me be. My life is happier when he’s not near it.

  142. dicentra says:

    I don’t remember my Latin beyond knowing that “ablative” is one of the declensions.

    That, and how hilarious it is when you say “hic, haec, hoc, huius, huius, huius” in place of “I must decline.”

  143. dicentra says:

    Jacobs just gets under my skin in the worst way.

    I can’t imagine why. He makes the looter characters in Atlas Shrugged look courageous and forthright.

  144. John Bradley says:

    Twitter: Pissing people off, 140 characters at a time!

  145. Jeff G. says:

    Maybe Scott should take the fact that he seems ALWAYS to be in these kinds of dustups — hell, the whole crew over there does — as a kind of sign that he’s doing the internet wrong.

    I mean, I’ve had some scrapes, but for the most part, it’s been with them. And we know why that is.

    There’s probably a mathematical formula that can bring the point home to them. Something about common variables.

  146. dicentra says:

    Maybe Scott should take the fact that he seems ALWAYS to be in these kinds of dustups — hell, the whole crew over there does — as a kind of sign that he’s doing the internet wrong.

    Wrong for the rest of us, but for some personality types, Stirring It Up is a way of life. It’s how they know they’re alive.

    Unfortunately, they usually have exactly zero insight into what they’re doing and why, and if you try to point it out they just incorporate it into their latest “self-affirming maelstrom.”

    And around it goes…

  147. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Ablative absolute:

    His ass handed to him, Scott slunk away.

    My joke was more along the line of how the hell is he supposed to “protect” this woman in need of protecting if he’s off independently picking fights?

  148. Molon Labe says:

    Do you suppose that a little internet dustup just before their exhalted presence at BlogCon might have motivated this whole thing?

  149. dicentra says:

    Well, yes. A real-life scuffle with Jeff, woman present, could make him Be The Hero, at least in his own feeble mind.

    Or better yet, a real-life confrontation with Jeff, woman present, in which Jeff Does Nothing, after which he can Be The Hero, in his own feeble mind.

    Bam! Winning!

  150. geoffb says:

    Jeff. Sorry you have to deal with this crap. And congratulations on the new addition coming.

  151. Jeff G. says:

    I have no idea. None.

  152. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, geoff.

  153. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I have no idea. None.

    Some people got a great big hole in them that no amount of internet bullying or twitter tuff talk can ever fill.

    Quick. Ask me what he needs!

  154. Jeff G. says:

    What is so fucked up is, this chick I don’t know tells me she’s douche’s girlfriend and she’s upset by some Tweets of douche’s that I copied, because there was some kind of friction between the guy douche was responding to and her, so I took the address and name of the dude douch was responding to out of the comments. To be helpful.

    Of course, now that’s being used to PROVE I knew about the whole big drama. Which I didn’t. Because I frankly don’t much care: I was more pissed off that douch had Tweeted me out of the blue.

    Then the cursing and the accusations started. And I’m just getting more and more angry reliving it.

    Had this douche not Tweeted me, all would be peaceful here right now. Instead, I want to tear a mattress in half with my teeth.

  155. Jeff G. says:

    I mean, did you see how she sent out a blast email to her over 5k followers saying that I’d helped her harasser? That I did the stirring up? WTF is that? Without emailing me. Without taking a step back for a second.

    Christ, am I stewing.

  156. Molon Labe says:

    Had this douche not Tweeted me, all would be peaceful here right now.

    According to Nagy, this formulation makes her a fucking hostage!

    It all makes sense when you come to understand that the internet is all about Nagy.

  157. Ernst Schreiber says:

    illegitimi noli carborundum!

    The worlds full of douches. If you let them all get to you, you’ll wind up sleeping on the floor.

    The guy takes pleasure in your discomfiture. Don’t give him the satisfaction.

  158. THE WIT & WISDOM OF SCOTT JACOBS « Kidkenoma’s Blog says:


  159. Jeff G. says:

    Oh, good. Lookit: once again, Jeff is the bad guy. For what? No idea.

    Apparently for having the temerity to be on Twitter.

  160. Jeff G. says:

    Seriously. Has the world gone totally fucking mental?


  161. sdferr says:

    It isn’t funny, but it does qualify as absurd.

  162. cranky-d says:

    This probably isn’t helpful, because I take even anonymous slanders against my character personally… .

    Eh, you know what I want to say. They aren’t worth your time. Still, if it were me, I would be just as pissed off and ready to bash some skulls. Plus, I doubt anyone could talk me out of it.

    People like that have no honor.

    There’s something my dad and I talked about the last time I visited him, in October. He and I will go out of our way to make sure that we haven’t offended someone by accident. Because, as he said to me, if I want to offend someone, they are damn well going to know I meant it.

  163. Silver Whistle says:

    I pride myself on being a keen judge of the loony, Jeff, and that geezer with the face like a skelpit erse is obviously setting you up. Take video, and make sure any contact is among witnesses.

    On a more happy note, congrats to you and the missus.

  164. Abe Froman says:

    Congrats on the future baby Goldstein, Jeff!

    I recognize the name Liberty Chick from the community college think tank over at Big Breitbart. I can’t even follow this stuff without it making my brain hurt, but when you’ve got some dude on Twitter informing you that she’s kind of a big deal, it just makes my head explode. The whole thing feels like high school drama, only in this case an honors student seems to have rubbed a couple of kids from special ed the wrong way when passing them in the hall or something.

  165. Carin says:

    Oh congrats!! Jeff and Mrs! Wonderful :)

    8 years apart – I had all 5 w/in 7 years. Their teenage years are going to be the death of me.

  166. Carin says:

    I can’t follow the logic of the crazy involved here with these twitter folks.

    I barely understand twitter anyway.

  167. ujee0Oot says:

    Jeff G. @ 123: If any of you know what’s going on, please do fill me in.

    I suspect there’s a whole lotta weed involved. Their perceptions seem ‘off’ in just that way.

  168. Way to go on the new addition! That’s great.

  169. Oh, and sorry to see you’ve got pulled in to the Real Housewives of the Internet again. This type of thing is precisely why I pretty much hate and avoid everyone.

  170. Darleen says:

    Good lord, I take the evening to having the grandsons in the kitchen with me to learn the fine art of making delicious meatballs and some twit-folks feel the world revolves around them, taking potty-mouth exception to anyone that doesn’t know it???


  171. MissFixit says:

    Why can’t you just ignore the crazy people? Like when a nutjob suddenly tweets you with a vague threat, just don’t respond. it seems like if you respond at all, they take that as an invitation to barf all of their mental illness on you.

    Mandy and Scott sound like Jersey Shore wannabes. I doubt they’re getting their own show anytime soon, though.

  172. I think these fuckers took down Twitter. I’m trying to send dick jokes to a friend of mine and Ima gettin’ the Fail Whale. OMGWTFNAACPASPCAIWWFVFW! Yo Yo Yo.

  173. McGehee says:

    Look on the bright side, Jeff. Scott Jacobs is a Deb F. you can beat the shit out of.

    Just document everything like you did with her, and give him what they both deserve.

  174. Abe Froman says:

    Why can’t you just ignore the crazy people?

    That’s easier said than done when the nutjob is going to be in the same location as you are in a few days.

  175. Slartibartfast says:

    So much so that I just actually wrote “fit to be tied.”


    when a nutjob suddenly tweets you with a vague threat, just don’t respond

    Let’s not blame the bystander, here.

  176. Mueller says:

    This could one of several ways, but these are the ones I’m counting on for maximum enjoyment.
    He shows up with his girlfriend. Does not try to avoid you. His girlfriend goes atomic on your ass. Scott just stands there like a pussy.
    Scott shows up with two big friends. Tells you to take your best shot and then stands there like a pussy.
    Same scenario, but with his girlfriend as well, talking smack.
    Scott shows up with two big security guards and and points at you screaming,”He tried to hit me.” Like a pussy would do.
    In any case he will act like a pussy.
    He’ll make sure there’s a crowd around.
    More than likely, if you do run into him, he will want to shake hands and say he was foolin around on the internet and please don’t take him seriously. In other words a boring douche.
    Or………………………………..Cowering in corner some where.
    Like a pussy.
    I’d love to be there.

  177. serr8d says:

    From Mrs. Liberty_From_Sanity’s ‘about’ ME!ME!ME! page

    I also performed in all of the school’s music groups and was lucky enough to attend a part-time special school for the Arts two days a week, where I focused on my music. After graduating high school, I went on to study as a classical flutist at Trenton State College in NJ and then privately in NY with a principal member of the New York Philharmonic and Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

    I wonder if she too plays for her cats ?

  178. Abe Froman says:

    Ooooh! A flutist! Well, unlike Yelverton, at least she went to a respectable college, even though its former name of Trenton State University would suggest otherwise.

  179. Squid says:

    First off: big congratulations to you and the lovely bride!

    On the lesser matter at hand: More than likely, if you do run into him, he will want to shake hands and say he was foolin around on the internet and please don’t take him seriously. In other words a boring douche.

    Tell me this isn’t going to happen:

    “So, two years after the fact, you decide to start stirring up shit with me. Why?
    “Oh, you know, just a little drama to liven up the IntarWebs. I’m just fuckin’ with you.”
    “Well, knock it off. I’ve got enough shit to worry about without you adding to it.”
    “Yeah, sorry man. Hey — enjoy the rest of the convention, okay?”
    “Right. Whatever.”

    Twitter ten minutes later: “Just saw @proteinwisdom. Little Jeffy begged me not to hurt him. I thot he was gonna cry. Poor Jeffy!”

  180. Joe says:

    I have a feeling Herman Cain knows how you feel. How do you deal with accusations and attacks that are completely divorced from any reality?

    Thank goodness you have the consrevative blogosphere watching your back…

    Hey where is that conservative blogosphere?

  181. Ernst Schreiber says:

    My guess is they never run into each other. Then we get to enjoy spending the next several weeks (months?) reading about whom it was who went out of their way to avoid being seen by whom.

  182. Blake says:

    Jeff, congratulations on the upcoming addition to the family.

    Mr. Jacobs is asking to still be in the hospital when Jeff’s wife delivers.

  183. LTC John says:

    Congratulations on the next Little Wisdom being on the way!

    “Instead, I want to tear a mattress in half with my teeth.”

    If you do decide to do that – please film it. 500,000 hits, easy.

  184. Joe says:

    You are like Gary Cooper in High Noon.

  185. Actually he’s taller and wider. But I think Gary looked better in a hat.

  186. Physics Geek says:

    Death by bear rape

    I’ll bet he doesn’t show up for the hunting, if you catch my drift.

  187. Physics Geek says:

    I was too busy reading about the little dillweed to notice that you and missus are expecting again. Hearty congratulations. Your life is about to get much, much better, and more filled with joy. Good luck to you both.

  188. bh says:

    The picture becomes clearer yet:

    FWIW I quit following meathead after all of his xbox tweets threatening (I assume) kids, I know nothing about the chick.

    That’s not sad or anything.

  189. agile_dog says:

    Congratulations on the new baby, Jeff. I hope she brings you earlier gray hair.

    As for “Mr.” Jacobs, remember the line from Patton: Don’t just piss on his boot. Kick him in the ass.

  190. Jeff G. says:

    have a feeling Herman Cain knows how you feel. How do you deal with accusations and attacks that are completely divorced from any reality?

    Thank goodness you have the consrevative blogosphere watching your back…

    Hey where is that conservative blogosphere?

    I’ve been told they solidly back Ms Liberty.

  191. Mueller says:

    A new replica! Yay!
    I hope it’s a girl, because you don’t have enough to worry about.

  192. Jeff G. says:

    I keep writing Ms Liberty to ask if she’s going to email me with an explanation. So far, no go.

  193. Jeff G. says:

    Oh, I see how it goes. Let’s help solidify the story that I’m the ogre here. With an airbrush.

  194. McGehee says:

    I keep writing Ms Liberty to ask if she’s going to email me with an explanation. So far, no go.

    It’s with the cease & desist letter. Gotta be.

  195. Topsecretk9 says:

    I would be so embarrassed if my boyfriend tweeted unsolicited “Jeffy” threats. What is this guy 10? I sure as heck wouldn’t embarrass my self by defending his nonsense on twitter either.

    I suspect they realized how lame and unwarranted 10yo Jacob’s tweets were and so reflectively looked to anything to deflect attention from them and blame you.

    Sounds like these two – Liberty and Jacobs – need to step away from their computers and like take a walk, go to the movies. Do what boyfriends and girlfriends really do.

  196. Ernst Schreiber says:

    They don’t do anything when one is in Illinois and the other in California.

    That’s just a guess on my part.

  197. Topsecretk9 says:

    They don’t do anything when one is in Illinois and the other in California.

    oooooooohhhhh. OK, I get it.

  198. John Bradley says:

    Y’know, if Herman Cain approached a white woman and offered to be her “ablative meatshield”… well, it would give Karl Rove a political stiffy.

  199. guinspen says:

    Congratulations, Mister Doubledad and the Missus.

  200. Congratulations to you and Mrs. Wisdom.

  201. Mueller says:

    She’s afraid you’ll get her pregnant.

  202. ironpacker says:

    Jeff, congratulations on the new baby. Best wishes to you and your spouse.

  203. Swen says:


  204. Pablo says:

    Oh, I see how it goes. Let’s help solidify the story that I’m the ogre here. With an airbrush.

    Wait, is that like the time Thersites deleted his entire site after you made him look like the blithering idiot he truly is sent a minion over there to say something nasty about his kid?

  205. Swen says:

    Congratulations for the new addition that is, not for getting tangled with the ‘tards. I wouldn’t worry too much about him though. If he pulled that sort of shit in person very often his face wouldn’t be nearly that pretty. Now her…

  206. SDN says:

    Jeff, congratulations on the new addition. The panzer rat won’t know what hit him….

  207. SDN says:

    Oh, and as for these other people: this is why I regularly wish we would bring back dueling. If starting this kind of crap carried the possibility of having an ounce of lead transplanted into their bodies, they might be reluctant to start it.

  208. Jeff G. says:

    Okay, back from blogcon.

    Re: Scott. Let me just say this: I gave him multiple opportunities to say what he wanted to me. He declined. Never was the name “Jeffy” uttered where I could hear it. Never was there any suggestion of a desire for confrontation.

    I approached him each time I saw him.

    I’m going to assume from here on out that Mr Scott has nothing to say to me online that he wouldn’t say to me in person. And given that he didn’t say anything even remotely combative in person, I’m going to assume the tone he takes with me going forward will be quite a bit less dickish.

    There’s something to be said for Denver weather. So nice this weekend I was able to wear short sleeve shirts.

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