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November 2024


“Romney Takes Nevada, But Obama Takes The Lead”

Here’s your inevitability.

Too bad it’s the kind of inevitability that we tried to warn the GOP about in 2008 (only to see them repeat the error in 2012), not the kind the Party kingmakers have been trying to peddle to us.

— Which, I can’t help but thinking that, if push comes to shove, the ruling elite is happier with Obama than it would be with a real conservative-minded reformer getting anywhere near the levers of federal power.

So I ask: does it even matter if the polls are now being actively gamed to create a particular frontrunner narrative? After all, why is manufactured inevitability more egregious when the left does it, particularly after “our side” tacitly declared it a perfectly legitimate as a tool to push the Party’s pre-chosen candidate on a resistant base?

7 Replies to ““Romney Takes Nevada, But Obama Takes The Lead””

  1. Ernst Schreiber says:

    So the first link is deliberately recursive? A sort of ironic comment on the inescapability of preordained outcomes and all?

  2. Yes, it still matters, Two wrongs don’t make a right, and all that.

  3. geoffb says:

    The Wapo/ABC poll is testing if they can do this without taking on too much damage. They need to keep “adjusting” the samples so as to keep Obama’s head above water. The whiplash that will occur, when just before the election they re-adjust in order to keep credibility going forward, will be astonishing.

  4. Ella says:

    I think I’ve told this before, but my mom was a poll worker in the Republican primaries in Allen, Texas, in 1988. The precinct went for Pat Robertson, apparently pretty handily. The GOP reps were furious, and apparently tore into the poll workers about what an embarrassment it would be for a Texas precinct not to go for Bush Sr. So, the handful over operatives went into a back room and had a recount, where — thank God! — Bush Sr was the victor.

    My mom told me that story in 2010, but it really made the 2008 primaries make a lot more sense. I think of it fondly now as I gaze at Romney.

  5. sdferr says:

    “They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.”
    Old Soviet joke.

    Life is about pretense.
    Get used to it, comrades.

  6. […] Posted on February 6, 2012 12:18 pm by Bill Quick “Romney Takes Nevada, But Obama Takes The Lead” – Which, I can’t help but thinking that, if push comes to shove, the ruling elite is […]

  7. Jeff G. says:

    It wasn’t really an epiphany, Bill Q: I’ve said it a hundred times before. I just like to repeat it as if it’s just dawning on me so to make the people it may just be dawning on feel less than stupid about how long it’s taken to dawn on them.

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